Chapter 1: Retrieval of Baymax

It was quiet one night at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Usually it would be full of students staying late and trying to finish their projects but tonight everyone was told to leave because they had to fix a problem with the lighting and electricity. The school was entirely empty, except for a dark figure walking down the dark halls of the school.

The strange figure wore a black outfit and a mask that covered the figure's entire face. The figure stopped and approached one lab in particular. There was a small sign that read 'Tadashi Hamada'.

This was the lab that the dark shadow needed to get in to. The shadowed figure pulled out what seemed to be some sort of key and the door was opened within the next few seconds. The figure silently let the door close behind it before continuing with the mission objective. In front of the shadowed figure stood a red metal box that kind of looked like a suitcase.

"Ow." The figure muttered.

The small circle in the heart area glowed and the case shrunk, revealing a tall white marshmallow looking robot.

"Hello, I am Baymax, Your personal healthcare companion. I was awoken to the sound of distress." The robot froze when he spotted that the room was dark and empty of any life. "Maybe I am undergoing a malfunction." The robot didn't feel like there was anything wrong but he could have sworn that he heard a sound of distress. "I will ask Tadashi about it when he is present."

The marshmallow robot turned to step back into his charging port but once he turned around, he caught sight of the masked figure. Before Baymax could react, the shadow jumped off of the messy table and tackled the robot. He tried his best to keep his balance but the shadow held on and was able to gain access to his chip port. A single green chip rested inside the chip port.

The figure took an light blue chip and placed it inside next to the green chip. Once it was in, Baymax stood still and let the data from the chip flow inside of him. The shadowed figure watched and waited. Finally, once the information processing was over and done with, the shadow opened up the port and removed the blue chip from its socket. The robot was unmoving.

The shadow quickly exited the building leaving the robot motionless. After a while, Baymax retreated back into his charging case. All the robot could think about during its blackout was the information that the chip had given him.

'Find the hero and recruit them. It is important that the hero be found in time.'

There was a scan present of this hero that didn't match any scans found in his database.

'And remember that the Yokai must be stopped at all cost.'

"Hey Nii-chan, wanna go check out those battle robots at the new store in town?"

Hiro Hamada had wanted to go see those battle bots for some time and he wanted to go with his big brother, Tadashi Hamada, who was currently working on a new robotics project.

"Sorry Otouto, I'm a bit busy right now."

"Well then, I was about to go to the game store and get the new Sunfire game. Wanna play when I get back?"

"I'd love to but I need to get this done."

The older Hamada didn't even turn to look at his Otouto. It was probably a good thing that he couldn't see Hiro's look of disappointment. The young prodigy knew of one thing that would get his brother to acknowledge him.

"Bot fighting, here I come." He tried to say that in the peppiest manner possible. "Boatloads of cash involving betting, betting, and even more betting."

He frowned when he saw that Tadashi didn't even turn to face him.

"Illegal betting I might add."


"And I guess I'll have to take Tadashi's moped to get there."

More silence.

Hiro left the room without another word spoken. He walked out of the garage and up the stairs and into his shared bedroom.

"Nii-chan." Hiro whined. "I'm so bored." He was clearly being over dramatic as he sighed and flopped onto his bed. "Will there ever be any hope for me?" He sighed dramatically.

Just then, he could hear a phone ringing. It was coming over from Tadashi's side so it must be Tadashi's phone. He decided to answer so he went over and picked it up.

"This is the Hamada residence secretary, how may I help you?"

"Is Tadashi there?" The voice sounded female and in distress.

"No, this is Hiro Hamada can I take a message?" The voice on the other end squealed.

"Oh hello Hiro, it's me Aiko, we met the other day at the institute, don't you remember?"

"Yes Aiko, I remember, now what's going on?"

"Oh, uh, Baymax is a little out of control right now. He must be malfunctioning. The students and professors are trying to keep him under control but nothing is working. Do you think that maybe Tadashi could come and see what's wrong with him?"

Hiro thought for a second. He thought about how Tadashi wouldn't even turn to face him and if he brought him the news then he still might not react.

"You know what? Forget Tadashi. I'll come down there myself and figure out what's wrong with him."

"Oh really? Thanks Hiro, you're a life saver."

With the phone hung up, Hiro rushed outside the cafe's front door and he didn't take his brother's moped like he had said he would. well, he didn't know how to drive it and he was only fourteen. The college was a little ways away but soon, Hiro would be there in no time.

Hiro rushed down the institute halls and arrived at his brother's lab. Everything Aiko described had been correct. There were students and professors trying to hold back a giant marshmallow who seemed to be in a drunken state. A drunken state usually indicated a low battery. But this time it was a little bit different.

A light blue color seemed to be surging through Baymax. Hiro had no idea what that meant on thought for a second that maybe Tadashi would be better off... No. Hiro was determined to fix Baymax himself. Once he approached, he could hear more of what the robot was saying.

"I will scan you now. Scan complete. I will scan you now. Scan complete. I will scan..."

He kept saying it over and over again for some strange reason. Hiro came onto the scene.

"Baymax, stop." The robot turned to the source of the voice and waddled toward the child genius. "I will scan you now. Scan complete." After the scan, Baymax froze. He stopped flickering the blue light and just stood still.

He stared at Hiro for about a minute. He turned and looked at the crowed that was gathered to watch. "Hiro, what is going on?" The boy was taken aback. "You mean, you don't remember?"

The robot blinked. Just then, a thought came to mind.

"You know, if Tadashi is too busy to do anything with me, then maybe you could hang out with me. What do you say buddy?"

The robot blinked again. "Tadashi told me about how you get into a lot of trouble sometimes. If I can keep you out of trouble, then, yes, I would like to 'hang out' with you."

Hiro cheered in victory. "Yes! and don't worry buddy, the only trouble you need to worry about is getting beat at the new Sunfire 3 game." Hiro tugged on the robot's arm and pulled him out of the building with a curious crowd watching them as they left.

Later that night, Hiro and Baymax had come home a bit later than they should have. Sneaking an adorable marshmallow robot past Aunt Cass was a bit tricky, but they somehow managed. As soon as they had successfully entered their room without being spotted, he ordered Baymax to go to sleep in his charging case and wait and the robot did.

Hiro snuck down to the garage and saw Tadashi still working on the unnamed robotics project.

"Hey Tadashi, I'm home late, just so you know."


"Long hard day of bot fighting and winning illegal money."

It was like he was some sort of ghost or something.

"I crashed your moped." he stated bluntly.

He still received no response. "Okay look, I was kidding about the bot fights and the moped and I'm sorry for whatever it was I did to make you mad. Just please talk to me."

"Go to bed." That was the only response he received and it didn't sound very polite.

"Alright, I'll just leave." Tadashi had been ignoring Hiro for some reason lately and he had no idea why.

"Oh Nii-chan, if only you could feel my pain. I guess I'll just be hanging out with Baymax from now on, if that's okay with you. But it doesn't matter because you wont tell me what you're okay with. Or anything."

Feeling deflated, Hiro went up to his room and went to sleep. Baymax remembered the instructions from the chip. It told him that he had to find the hero before it was too late. He had been told to scan everyone and find a match for the hero's scan. And he finally found it.

The hero's scan belonged to none other than his creators little brother, the natural born Hiro.