Three extremely late Christmas one-shots. The document got lost and therefore I wasn't gonna post because of how late they were, but my sister and one of my friend's convinced me to. So here ya go.

Sorry guys. I know Christmas is way passed, and I'm really really late, but I still hope you guys enjoy. Sooooo, yeah. Sorry.

A Christmas Story


"There's only 'bout two weeks until Christmas." Luke spoke.

"How can you tell?" Sarah asked.

"Been keeping track of the I can anyway." Luke replied.


"I can't believe it's almost Christmas." Clementine muttered.

"Neither can I." Sarah agreed.

The three sat around chatting for a while before Carlos entered the room.

"It's late, girls."Carlos said. "Time for bed."

"But I'm not tired!"Clementine complained.

"Can't we just stay up a little longer?" Sarah begged.

Carlos was quiet for a moment before speaking up, "Ten minutes."

Sarah beamed. "Thanks dad."

Carlos smiled at his daughter's happiness, before turning and leaving the room.

"Luke..." Clementine called.


"Tell us a story?" Clementine asked, giving him puppy dog eyes..

"What kind of story?" Luke questioned back.

"A Christmas story." Clementine replied as if it were the most obvious answer.

"Alright..." Luke agreed. "Let's see..." He quickly cleared his throat, "It was the night before Christmas and-"

"Borrrrring!" Clementine cut him off.

"But you didn't even let me say anything." Luke protested with a pout.

Clementine only shook her head. "I don't want to hear "that" story."

"What story was it?" Luke quizzed.

"It was the night before Christmas and all through the house,"Clementine recited.

"Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." Sarah happily finished.

"Oh...You really do know it."

"I used to hear it every year." Clementine replied.

"Me too." Sarah agreed.

"So... What kind of story do you want to hear?" Luke asked.

"A Christmas story!" Clementine groaned.

"That was a Christmas story." Luke pointed out.

Clementine huffed, "Not that one."

"It sounds more like a poem anyway." Sarah added.

"Fine." Luke sighed, turning to Sarah. "Sarah, what kind of story do you want to hear?"

"I don't mind hearing any story." Sarah shrugged before grinning, "I liked "The Night Before Christmas"."

"Not that one." Clementine repeated stubbornly.

Luke thought for a moment before speaking, "I don't know what to tell you guys..."

"Oh!" Sarah suddenly exclaimed, jumping up. "One second."

"Where are you going?" Luke asked.

"Just wait here for a minute." Sarah quickly raced from the room, leaving the two.

"What do you think she's doing..." Clementine asked.

Luke only shrugged. Sarah was a puzzle.

"This one!" Sarah plopped herself back down onto the couch. "Here." She shoved the book toward Luke. "Read this one."

Luke looked it over, reading aloud, "A Christmas Carol." He smiled. "I remember this one." He looked at Sarah, "How 'bout you? Read it before?"

"Yeah, I have." Sarah smiled.

"Sure ya wanna hear it again?" He asked.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah."

"Funny...I can remember most of this." Luke admitted.

"Seriously?" Sarah asked in disbelief.

"Yep." Luke said, feeling a bit proud.

"Hey!" Clementine called, suddenly feeling left out.

"What's up Clem?" Luke asked, turning his attention to the child.

A"I thought you were going to tell us a story." Clementine said, playing with her fingers, a bit shyly.

"I am."Luke said.

"Then why are you talking about Christmas carols?" Clementine asked innocently, raising a brow. "Are you going to sing?"

"Naw, Clem." Luke chuckled.

Too bad. She would've like to hear him sing. Biting back her disappointment she asked, "Then what are you guys talking about?"

"You never heard "A Christmas Carol"?"

"Of course I've heard Christmas carols." Clementine said, looking at Luke like he was an idiot. "There's Jingle Bells, and Rudolph," She listed, "And of course, Sileeent niiiigh-"

"Not like that Clem." Sarah said, "It's a story. You know, Ebenezer Scrooge."

"Who?" Clementine asked.

"C'mon Clem." Luke smiled, "Bah! Humbug!"

Clementine gave a small jump, looking around. "What kind of bug?!"

Luke sighed, ruffling the girl's hair. "How 'bout I just read the story...?"

"That would be nice." Clementine agreed.

"Okay." He turned to the little eleven-year old child sitting beside him. "You ain't gonna be scared are you?"

"Scared of what?" Clementine asked.

"The book is about ghost, Clem." Sarah said.

"I ain't afraid of no ghost." The girl replied, puffing her chest.

"Ghost busters?"



With a look of confusion on her face the girl spoke, "You can read it."

"Okay, Clem." With that, Luke began reading, "Marley was dead: to begin with..."

Carlos groaned pushing himself up. He had heard the girls just a few moments ago, so they were obviously still awake. Opening the door the their bedroom and finding it empty, Carlos huffed in frustration. He told them 'ten minutes'. The two girls really loved pushing his limits and sometimes it just irritated him.

"Girls, it's been ten min-" Carlos stopped mid-sentence as he noticed the Clementine was fast asleep beside Sarah. Luke sat across from them and was reading to Sarah, who was dozing off beside her best friend.

"Shh," Luke hush without looking up from the book, he motioned with his hand over toward the girls, who were laid on the couch.

"Shh." Sarah followed Luke's lead, shushing her father, in her half-asleep state. "C-Clementine's sleeping." She mumbled.

"I see." Carlos said.

"She...She couldn't even stay awake. It was really funny." Sarah giggled sleepily, closing her eyes.

Carlos noticed her dozing off and figured she would be more comfortable in her bed. "Sarah, go on to bed."

"Do I have to?" Sarah asked, pouting a little.

"Yes, sweetie."

"What about Clementine?" Sarah questioned lazily.

"I'll send her up to you." Carlos said.

"Okay, dad..." She muttered, not bothering to open her eyes.

He waited for her to move, but the girl never did.

"Sarah," He called.

"Mmmnn..."She groaned.

"Sarah..." He called once more.

"Shhh...Clementine's s-sleeping." Sarah mumbled.

"She must be really tired." Luke said. "For her to fall asleep that fast."

"Yes...She must." Carlos agreed, deciding he shouldn't pester his exhausted daughter, he turned to Clementine. "Clem,"

"Go away." Clementine ordered.

"Clem?" He tried again, giving her shoulder a small shake.

"Go. Away." Clementine repeated, firmer this time.

"Clementine," He started, taking the girl's arm, "Just..."

"Bah! Humbug!" The girl suddenly cried, jerking away from the man.

Carlos stood, struck with confusion as Luke let out a laugh.

Carlos looked down at the two girls, who clearly refused to move, wondering what to do.

"I think you should leave 'em be." Luke laughed, placing the book down.

"What did that mean?" Carlos asked.

"Ebenezer Scrooge." Luke simply said.

Carlos raised a brow.

"Read and find out," Luke replied, motioning towards the book before announcing, "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay."


"Good luck!" Luke called over his shoulder as he exited the room.

With a sigh, he turned his attention back to the girls. Seeing them all cuddled up, Carlos gave a small smile. They looked pretty peaceful.

Realizing the girls weren't moving from their spots, Carlos sat down. He spent a moment eying the book that Luke had placed on the table before unable to help himself, he scooped the book up, inspecting it, he read aloud the title, "A Christmas Carol".