I don't own Dragonball, Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT. They belong to their appropriate owners.
There is violence, some situation related to rape, strong language, and probably lemon in future chapters (if there will be some)
"I couldn't tell him no"
by Channonix
Part I
"cold turquoise eyes"
Vejita punched the Gravity Room wall with all his force. It withstood it, but a dark mark appeared on its shining surface. He punched it again with his left fist, putting all the force he had into the punch. He continued his furious punching, up till the moment his fists were covered in blood from smashing into diamond hard material with the force of a Super Saiya-jin 2.
Still not Super Saiya-jin 3.
Damn, Kakkarotsu had achieved this level over ten years ago. Vejita trained over the last ten years, harder than ever before, and it did nothing. His body could now withstand one thousand times Earth's gravity, but it was useless since he couldn't transform. The frustration was overwhelming. He fueled it in him regularly, along with new amounts of hate towards Kakkarotsu, hoping it would help him like when he had been training to become Super Saiya-jin. But it wasn't helping. He didn't let the thought of Super Saiya-jin 3 being out of his reach sink deeper. He could achieve it, if only he would push himself further.
It had always been like this. Kakkarotsu had turned Super Saiya-jin just because his baka friend had died and because he had trained before at one hundred times Earth's gravity. He himself had trained at 400 G for three years and it still hadn't been enough. Kakkarotsu had become Super Saiya-jin 2 without any difficulty, and even Kakkarotsu's brat had achieved this level before him, prince of them all. He had had to train for seven long years and then sell his spirit to Babidi to turn Super Saiya-jin 2 himself. And it still was his limit. He feared Kakkarotsu would achieve the next level before he would even turn Super Saiya-jin 3.
Kakkarotsu trained hard with that brat, Ubuu. He observed their ki signatures closely, checking every day to see if something changed dramatically. There was no such change. He didn't want to beat Kakkarotsu to have his vengeance any more, he just wanted to show everyone he was the strongest. He had to become the strongest. There had always been someone better than him: Freeza, Kakkarotsu, and Kakkarotsu's brat. He was always the second strongest, having to beat only one more opponent and always failing.
It was driving him insane that some low classed baka could have greater fighting skill than he could. That he trained so much more, yet, couldn't beat him to a pulp and make him beg for his life.
He punched the wall again, not caring if the whole Gravity Room trembled from its base to the roof. Not caring about the blood seeping from his fists and the sweat covering his whole body. He was so strong, trained so hard, and still it wasn't enough.
Still, there was someone who could tread upon his pride and live happily after doing so. Nothing changed since he had been Freeza's pet and whore, when he couldn't do anything to make it stop even though he had been strong even back then. Kakkarotsu wasn't Freeza, he wouldn't use him, but still stomped on his pride on more than one occasion. He just couldn't make him pay. The rage that built in him was incredible. He wanted to be the strongest, if only for a moment. He lived to be the strongest and his life wouldn't make sense if he couldn't achieve his goal. There it was, deep inside him, his power boiling along with his rage and hate. He shoved both his fists into the wall concentrating on his power. It was overwhelming and it was there, only he couldn't reach it. There had to be some reason that he had been born with a power level of 10,000; much greater potential than Kakkarotsu had been. It was possible that Kakkarotsu just used his tiny potential to the max, that all the power that appeared deep inside him was finding its output immediately. What did he have to do to make it possible for himself ? Was the Saiya-jin way the wrong way of getting strong ? Was his way wrong ? How was it possible that even pitiful weaklings like humans were warriors, at least a few of them were ? Their potentials were so little yet they fought and were quite strong, though still no match for him... What was separating him from his power ? What did he have to do to change it ? He growled deep in his throat. Too many unanswered questions. He could ask Kakkarotsu, though the moron was too silly to answer him anyway. He wouldn't do this because he had his pride. He would figure it out himself. Little parts of this power he possessed deep inside could transform him into Super Saiya-jin 3. He decided to pull it out, immediately. He clenched his fists at his sides and gritted his teeth. His power boiled from his frustration and rage.
He let it all go, one more time.
He was thinking about what Freeza had done to him back then; about that
lizard pinning him to the ground with his dead weight, running his cold
hands down his sides and thrusting into him ripping his insides into pieces.
Spilling his seed into him and whispering in his ear that he had destroyed
his kingdom and now he was his master to do with him as he pleased. That
he would never let him go…
Thinking about his first fight with Kakkarotsu, his shame when he had
to flee from that weak planet.
His death at Freeza's hands.
How he had begged Kakkarotsu to avenge him, sinking lower than he had
ever thought he would.
About Kakkarotsu and his own son from the future turning Super Saiya-jin
before him, making him look like a weakling.
About that tin-can girl beating him, about the fight with Cell when
he had been so close to the final victory and let the lizard go, about
his atonement while fighting with Buu when he hadn't succeed once again.
About him not winning even one serious fight in his whole life, always
counting on Kakkarotsu.
The last thought took him over the edge, he screamed in agony at the mental pain that ripped him inside. The whole planet trembled when he finally transformed. He now floated in mid air over the debris that had once been the Gravity Room, with long, golden hair to his knees and lightning sparkling around him.
"Vejita ?" He heard the woman's worried voice from the door of the Capsule general building. He didn't pay any attention to her at all, seeing Kakkarotsu appear suddenly in front of him using that Instant Teleportation technique he wanted to master himself, yet couldn't.
"Congratulations, Vejita." He said, with that goofy grin of his.
Vejita's turquoise eyes looked up at him with hate he didn't expect there. He didn't expect Vejita to burst into laughter. Evil, mocking laughter.
"Enjoying the view, Kakkarotsu ? Get a good look because this will be the last thing you'll see in your life."
"What are talking about, Vejita ? I won't fight with you," said Gokou, turning Super Saiya-jin and changing immediately from smiling guy into the warrior he was as well.
" You won't ? And what if I take advantage of this and turn this fucking dust ball into ashes ? Maybe you'll change your mind then ?" He laughed viciously, preparing an energy ball in his hand. "What about me starting here ?" He released it into the nearby buildings. It never hit them though, stopped in the hands of a young Super Saiya-jin.
"What are you doing, father ?!" asked Trunks, discarding the ki-ball.
Bulma trembled. Again his cold, turquoise eyes looked down at her, not seeing her really. It was ten years ago when he had let Babidi control him and had blown up half the stadium at the Boudokai, nearly killed her. His eyes had been as vicious and as cruel as they were now. She feared him like this; this wasn't the Vejita she had spent her life with, but the monster that had come to destroy her planet years ago.
"Vejita..." she whispered, looking at his beautiful face changed by transformation and grinning with that damned smirk. Why was it repeating again ? One day she had a husband she thought loved her, cared about her, made love to her with such passion and gentleness, had given her two great kids and the next day... She was all alone, a used whore left behind by a vicious killer dreaming only about achieving his mad goals.
Vejita formed another ki-ball. She saw Trunks landing beside her, deciding to defend her against his own father.
"Take it easy, Vejita." Gokou said, still powering up. He was going to stop Vejita by force if he wouldn't listen.
The ki-ball shot in Bulma's direction. She stood there, motionless, looking up at him through tears that filled her eyes. She was looking for any kind of remorse in Vejita's turquoise ones. There was nothing; only rage and hate. She awaited great pain to shoot through her when the ki-blast would hit. She closed her eyes, but it never came. She found herself in Gokou's arms instead.
"What have you done, Vejita ?" asked Gokou, using a terrible, silent voice.
Vejita laughed, looking him straight in the eyes, without any shade of relief in his own. They were just empty, hiding his true feelings well, if there were any...
"Why did you attack her ? Why her ?! One person that really trusted you ?!"
"Stop talking and let's fight. Or else I'll keep on executing your friends until you stop me. Who do you wish to be next ?"
"Ok." Gokou snapped at him. Vejita was serious about killing others as he meant to kill Bulma. He looked down at her limp body he held in his arms. Her big, blue eyes were open but blind, as she was deep in trauma.
"Trunks ! Take care of your mother !" he shouted to her son, who appeared beside him immediately and took her from him.
"You will fight with father ?" he asked.
"He hasn't left me any other choice." Gokou answered, looking at Vejita's widening smirk. He wasn't sure if he would let Bulma and his son go. "Run away from here and don't come back."
He avoided Trunks' last questioning glance as the young warrior left. He turned to face Vejita. He powered up even more and turned Super Saiya-jin 3 as Vejita was at the moment.
"Why do you want to fight ? I thought we were friends."
"Friends ?" Vejita laughed bitterly. "Saiya-jin elite do not have friends, as I've told you before. You made me a loser and expect us to be 'friends' ?"
"What are you talking about ?"
"You can't understand me, Kakkarotsu. You never did. Life was, and always will be, way too easy for you to understand me."
"Whatever you're talking about you've already sacrificed your family for. Bulma won't trust you anymore. Even if she would want to come back to you I'll make sure she won't. She deserves someone better than you. I've lost hope for you, Vejita."
"Don't make me laugh, baka. You won't live past the day. You're not stronger than me anymore. You're going to pay for all the shame you've caused me and, believe me, I know plenty of methods to make one suffer. More than you can even dream of." Vejita laughed again. There was madness in his laughter. Lust for blood filled his eyes with a dark haze.
He blasted toward Gokou, landing a hard punch in his stomach, making him curl from sudden pain. He smirked, bringing his hands together at his side.
"Final Flash !"
The wave of energy hit Gokou hard in his chest. Pushed back by its force, he smashed into the Capsule building's wall. At that very moment, Vejita was there, punching him again. Despite hard hits, from fists covered in blood, Gokou managed to keep conscious. Vejita was stronger than he should be. Harsh training increased his physical strength and endurance to a level he himself could only dream of. Immense rage within him fueled his newly obtained power, making every next punch more painful.
Blood seeped through Gokou's lips and he was at the edge of slipping into unconsciousness. But he couldn't. He couldn't black out. Vejita was determined to kill him and Kami knows what he planned to do next. Just yesterday Vejita had been his friend, but he should have never forgot he could turn into his worst enemy at any moment. That moment was now. Darkness that was once repressed in Vejita was pulling him into damnation once again.
Gokou managed to look up into the prince's cold eyes. He then looked inside himself for his own power and felt a new amount of it, ready for him to use. He landed one good punch in Vejita's face, pushing him aside, and immediately collected all his power in his hands. He was going to end this quickly, unless he still had a chance...
Vejita regained his composure and looked at him cautiously.
The prince prepared his own blast.
"Ha !"
"Flash !"
Two surges of power met between them not going any further. Vejita screamed in rage, freeing some more of his power and pushing it into his blast, smashing Gokou's Kamehameha. He smirked, seeing it going further.
Gokou concentrated for a moment, getting some more of his power and using it as fuel for his blast. Along with his scream, it smashed the Final Flash in a matter of seconds and hit Vejita, hard in his stomach, pushing him to the ground.