Section 1
"Sacks, come on. Back off!" Tony focused on his nemesis as he twisted to pull his arm from the man's grip.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, DiNozzo. I know which I'd prefer." The agent sneered as his colleague took advantage of Tony's focus on Sacks to slam into the NCIS agent forcing him to lean over the desk.
"This is ridiculous, Sacks and you know it. Take these off." Across from the scuffle, Tony could see McGee frantically dialing the phone on his desk while alternating between texting and emailing. "Do something."
"Vance is in a meeting and I can't find Gibbs. I'm trying, Tony."
"Let's go!" Sacks yanked back on Tony's cuffed arms forcing him to stand.
"McGee!" Tim jumped as his name was shouted in stereo.
"Make this damned thing stop." Gibbs threw his cellphone at McGee as he exited the stairwell.
"Gibbs. Thank-god." DiNozzo tried to pull away from the Sacks.
"Boss, we have a problem."
"Ya think?" Gibbs said wryly. "Do you want to tell me what the FBI wants with my agent now, Sacks?"
"He's not FBI anymore, boss." McGee shut up when Gibbs glared at him.
Gibbs turned his glare back to Sacks. "Un-cuff my agent."
Leon Vance descended the staircase from his office shooting a look at McGee. "SecNav was not impressed that you broke into a secure communication. For clarification, I believe that is my agent you are holding, Agent Sacks."
"It's Special Agent Sacks, Director Vance. This is Agent Maison." Sacks pulled his ID and flashed his badge. "Department of Homeland Security. Mr. DiNozzo is being detained pending the outcome of our investigation."
"Investigation in to what?" Gibbs angrily tossed his now empty coffee cup.
"Mr. DiNozzo is being detained as a threat to national security; on suspicion of terrorist involvement."
"This is ridiculous; DiNozzo is not a terrorist threat." Leon reach for another toothpick. "Just a threat to my sanity."
Gibbs had his fill of the whole business. "This has gone far enough. Turn DiNozzo loose."
"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Mr. DiNozzo is being detained." Sacks nodded to Maison who picked up the papers Tony had thrown on his desk and extended them to Gibbs. Without another word, the two officers manhandled Tony into the elevator.
"As you can see by the warrant; the least penalty for Mr. DiNozzo as an illegal alien will mean deportation." As the doors shut, Tony could still be heard protesting that he was an American.
"What the hell do you mean an illegal alien?" Gibbs shoved the papers at Vance who began scanning them. "McGee?"
"Pulling Tony's birth certificate now, boss."
Vance turned to stomp up the stairs. "SecNav now, McGee."
"Yes, boss…boss' boss…Director…"
"Now, Agent McGee." The sentence was punctuated by the slam of the Director's office door.
"McGee, I want everything there is on DiNozzo from the moment he was born until he had breakfast this morning. I'll be in MTAC." It was the second time a statement was punctuated by a slamming door in just as many minutes.
Tim took a deep breath and tried to slow his heart rate. His panicking was not going to help Tony. He needed to focus. He glanced at the display on the phone next to him as it rang. Grabbing his laptop, he headed off to find an empty interrogation room; just because he needed to focus he rationalized. He wasn't deliberating hiding from Abby, he thought as he silenced his cellphone.
Section 2
"Boss." He peered into MTAC and found both Vance and Gibbs in a heated discussion with SecNav and the head of the HSO. At Gibbs nonverbal command, he came to stand to the side of the area waiting.
"With all due respect, Secretary Johnson, Senior Special Agent DiNozzo is a valued member of the NCIS of the MCRT."
"He is also an unregistered alien, Director. As I understand, there have been other irregularities involving the utilization of illegal alien in the staffing of your MCRT going back to your predecessor, Director Shepard. A full review of NCIS personnel should take care of any other outstanding issues. I believe you have other staff whose immigration status who may be in question, including a Dr. Mallard, I believe. In wake of the detainee's trip to areas known to be frequented by terrorists as well as the current terrorist and military actions around the world, I would have expected your full support, Secretary Mabus. Now if you will excuse me, I am expected for a briefing at the White House. Good-day, gentlemen."
Gibbs swore as the one side of the screen went black with the DHS insignia. SecNav winced but took the opportunity to escape before Gibbs could get up a full head of steam. "I'll look into this from my end, Leon. I'm going to call Secretary Hagel. Let me know, if you uncover anything. We will not lose Agent DiNozzo."
Gibbs swore again as the other side of the screen went blue with the Navy emblem. "Leon, this is…"
"My office, now. You and McGee. I want to get to the bottom of this." Leon bit back his own curse as he opened the door to exit MTAC and found himself face-to-face with Abby Scuito.
"They took Tony. Why did they take Tony? We need Tony, director. I need Tony. You're getting him back. I mean, you are going to get him back."
Leon sidestepped leaving Gibbs on the frontline. "Five minutes, my office."
"Gibbs, what's happening? You have to fix this. Fix this now." She stomped her platform boot. "Now."
"Abs, calm down." Gibbs motioned with his head for McGee to go on to Vance's office. "I need you to calm down. SecNav, Vance, McGee and I are on this. We will get Tony back. I need you to stay calm."
"Calm. I can do calm. See this is me…calm."
"Sorry, Gibbs. It's just…it's Tony."
"I know, Abs. But I need you to help Ducky."
"They took Ducky? We need Ducky. We have to…"
"Abs. Stop. We just had a conference call with Secretary Johnson. This looks like a witch hunt. He mentioned Ducky and alluded to Ziva's employment when Director Shepard was in charge."
"But, Ziva's gone…"
"But obviously not forgotten, Abs. I need you to pull a list of any non-US Citizens employed here. I want their current immigration status, any issues that they've ever had, everything you can put your fingers on. I need to know what they are hunting for. Can you do that?"
Abby nodded. "I'm scared, Gibbs."
Gibbs dropped a light kiss on her forehead as he moved past on his way to Vance's office. "So am I, Abs. So am I."
Section 3
Gibbs took the cup of coffee Vance's secretary held out as he stormed past her desk and into Vance's office. "What have we got?"
Vance nodded at McGee who opened his laptop and turned the display around for them. "Well, I pulled Tony's birth certificate and at first glance, it appears to be straight forward. Everything seems to be in order. All his school records, everything."
"We know what's right, McGee. What did you find wrong?"
"Uh, I might have accidently tried to access his file through an unsecure DHS system. I couldn't get a lot of information but I did find reference to Italy and citizenship. I thought it meant Tony has dual citizenship."
"DiNozzo never indicated he had dual citizenship."
"He doesn't. Once I had that info, I started looking into his birth more closely. Tony's mother and father were visiting Senior's family in Italy when Tony's mom went in to labor. He was born there."
"So they want to deport him because he can claim dual citizenship?" Leon could feel his headache grow.
"No, director. It's because technically Tony isn't a US citizen."
"His parents are US citizens, McGee. That makes Tony a US citizen."
"No, boss, it doesn't. See, here is where Tony's parents applied for a passport to bring Tony home. It predates his birth certificate that his parents filed in New York."
"Get to the point, McGee." Gibbs crumpled his empty cup and lobbed it at the trash can.
"In order to establish US citizenship, Tony's parents had to fill out a form requesting citizenship by registering his birth abroad and asking the consulate to validate his citizenship or once they had returned to New York they could have filed the form at the local embassy. It never happened. Therefore, technically, Tony isn't a US citizen."
"How the hell was this not caught before, Agent McGee?" Vance grabbed the bottle of Aspirin™ from his bottom drawer shaking several into his hand before offering the bottle to Gibbs who declined with a shake of his head.
"I could only speculate." At Gibbs glare, McGee hurried to continue. "I believe it's because of his passport. When the embassy in Italy issued the passport, it was marked US citizen in anticipation of the other paperwork. Each time it came up for renewal, they carried the citizenship forward."
"So, we file the form and get the citizenship conferred."
"We can't, boss."
"Why not, McGee?"
"Well, I checked that. It had to be filed by his parents or rather Senior since his mom is deceased but it had to be before he turned 18. Now the only one that can apply is Tony; but since he is now considered an illegal alien…He has to be a citizen to have the rights to file to be a citizen, boss. It's a Catch-22; there's no way around it. Tony's stuck in limbo."
"Ya think, McGee? Want to explain that to DiNozzo?"
McGee's "No, boss" was only a fraction ahead of Leon's "Gibbs."
"Agent McGee, get that information to legal ASAP. I want all our options."
"Yes, director." McGee fumbled as he gathered up his notes and headed for the door. "Gibbs…"
"Go on, McGee. Tell them to call Vance directly."
Leon's one eyebrow raised in surprise as Gibbs deferred the call to him. "Not to you?"
"Nope. Someone's got to tell DiNozzo what's going on."
"Gibbs, don't…" His office door slammed before he could add…"…antagonize them further." With a sigh and wishing for something stronger than Aspirin™, he pushed the intercom button and his secretary responded. "Get me SecNav. Gibbs is about to declare war on the DHS."
"Right away, sir."
Section 4
Vance took a deep breath and stood straight as the elevator doors opened and Gibbs was escorted off by two MPs.
"Friends of yours, Leon?" While Gibbs tone was mild, his eyes displayed his rage.
"At ease, gentleman. That'll be all." When Vance dismissed the two MPs they were quick to evacuate the area. "The DHS is currently holding Agent DiNozzo at an undisclosed location with no access permitted. No confrontations until we know what is going on here. SecNav's orders, Gibbs."
"So in the meantime, we just leave Tony to rot?"
Vance pushed the elevator button and waited silently for it to arrive. As the doors opened, he motioned for Gibbs to precede him in to the elevator. "Your office, this time."
Gibbs barely held his temper until the elevator started to move and then slammed his hand onto the stop button. "This is a setup, Leon, and you know it. Someone dug deep to find this technicality. DiNozzo needs to know he's not alone in this."
"DiNozzo knows we're not going to let this pass, Gibbs. He's be a member of your team for how many years? He knows you're in his corner. We have to play this smart. While you were out for a drive, I had McGee flag all of our personnel files accessed by the DHS. There were just three: Dr. Mallard, Anthony DiNozzo, Jr. and Ziva David."
"They targeting my team. Why, Leon?"
"I don't know. Neither does SecNav."
"She's safe. In order to arrest her, they would have to request extradition and I have it on good authority; the request would not be enforced."
"Everything's in order. When Ducky decided to take the position here at NCIS, he called in a few markers from the CIA over the Afghan incident. They pushed through citizenship but it ended up buried in a highly confidential file. If it had gone missing, it could very well have led to issues for Dr. Mallard. I read Fornell in and he managed to unearth the file and had the information made accessible in several venues."
"No chance of it disappearing."
"So where does that leave us, Leon?"
Vance shook his head. "I don't know, Gibbs."
"This isn't looking good for DiNozzo, is it?" It was more a statement than a question.
"No, Gibbs. It isn't. We have to play this straight. Give SecNav some more time. No playing into their hands."
Gibbs didn't reply. He simply released the elevator and hit the button to return to their floor. As he exited, he said flatly. "Forty-eight hours, Leon. That's it. Then I call in every damn marker I have in this town." He didn't even bother to look for Leon's nod of agreement. "McGee."
"Anything from legal?"
"Not yet, boss."
"Call them. Get the name of the top immigration lawyer in DC."
"But you … lawyers…"
"I know how I feel about lawyers. Just get him on the phone and put him on retainer. Tony needs the best defense we can get."
"I can't put them on retainer, boss."
"Didn't DiNozzo give you a power of attorney or something for emergencies?"
"They froze his accounts, boss. All of them, even his trust fund. For all intents and purposes, Tony's broke."
"Then use my account."
"Now, McGee."
Section 5
"I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Jethro."
"Had a few things to take care of first, Ducky."
"How is Anthony?"
"Didn't get to see him. SecNav had other ideas."
"Ahhh…Mr. Palmer has left for the day. What say you and I have a nice cup of tea?"
"I can't, Ducky."
"Ahh...I understand. No rest until our young Anthony returns."
"Something like that, Duck."
"I…uh…" Ducky looked up at the security cameras before proceeding. "I may heard from some contacts that this situation has been in the works for a good while and that Anthony may have not been the only target."
"You're safe, Duck."
"Of course I am, Jethro. I'm not worried about my situation. I learned long ago not to place my full trust in the Alphabet as it may be called."
Gibbs smiled wryly. "Always on your toes, hey, Duck?"
"Indeed. No it seems this, for lack of a better word, this investigation was originally aimed at Jenny."
"La Grenouille?"
"I can't say for certain; but I believe perhaps a certain young lady who may hold a grudge against Jenny and Anthony."
"Dammit, Ducky. Jeanne Benoit?"
"As I said, I can be certain. However, an old acquaintance may have hinted that she is no longer Ms. Benoit. She has married well, as they say."
"Will that damn situation ever stop haunting us?" Gibbs looked at Ducky who sadly shook his head. "I better give Vance the heads up."
"Jethro, when you see Anthony, please tell him…" Ducky for once seemed at a loss for words.
"I will, Duck. I will."
As Gibbs emerged from the stairway, Vance stepped off the elevator into the bullpen. "Sitrep."
"Your office or mine, Leon?" Gibbs asked drolly. "McGee, with us," he added following Vance to the stairs.
"Hold my calls; unless it SecNav."
"Yes, sir." The secretary automatically held a cup out to Gibbs as he went by.
"She's my secretary and yet she provides you with coffee."
"Must be my charm."
"I'm sure." Leon said dryly. "So, gentlemen, where are we?"
"After you." Gibbs saluted McGee with coffee cup before taking a long sip.
"I've been trying to find Senior. I thought it might help if we had him here; but he's gone."
"Gone where, Agent McGee?"
"I don't know, sir. He flew to France two weeks ago and checked into a hotel in Lourdes. From there, his trail just disappears."
"That's too big of a coincidence. Gibbs?"
"It seems an old acquaintance of Ducky's mentioned certain Ms. Benoit may have married into connections. McGee?"
"Ah, one minute, boss." McGee let his fingers fly over the keyboard. "According to the latest information, after Jeanne Benoit resigned her residency; she moved to Los Angeles. After…"
"Wait, we are tracking Ms. Benoit's movements with no investigation to base it on?"
"Well, yeah, Leon. After the way she tried to frame Tony? Go on, McGee."
"Uh, yeah. She was accepted at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center where she completed her residency. After completing, she moved to Europe."
"Where in Europe, McGee?" Gibbs sat up as his gut twisted.
"Um, she spent several months in Paris before settling in…Gibbs?"
"Where, McGee?"
"Lourdes, France."
"No coincidence, Leon."
"McGee, contact our office in France. I don't care how many rocks they have to turn over. Tell them to find Mr. DiNozzo, Senior and get him back here. Now. I'll be in MTAC briefing SecNav. Gibbs, you're with me."
"Good-work, McGee. Now find them."
"Yes, boss."
By the time, Gibbs entered MTAC; he found Vance arguing with SecNav's secretary.
"I'm sorry, Director Vance. Secretary Mabus has turned off his cellphone. According to his wife, he got a call and left saying he had an urgent meeting. He did not indicate to her where he would be. Unfortunately, I have no way to contact him. I will let him know that you are trying to reach him. Good-night, Director." The feed was then disconnected.
"I don't like this, Leon."
"I don't either but there doesn't seem to be anything we can do at the moment. Send them home, Gibbs. We'll get a fresh start in the morning."
"I don't like having to leave DiNozzo in lockup overnight. Not after what happened before."
"I know, Gibbs." Vance looked at his agent. "Go home, Gibbs. We don't even know where they're holding Agent DiNozzo. Just go home.
"Forty-eight hours, Leon."
"I know, Gibbs. I know." Some days there wasn't enough Aspirin™, Leon thought to himself.
Section 6
"Mr. Vice-President, thank your for seeing me on such short notice."
"I admit, you have me curious, Hagel. I know you have alluded to Secretary Johnson's involvement. I'm sure you are aware that this administration has enough on its plate without having to referee a pissing contest between two of his cabinet members."
"Yes, sir. Trust me, I wouldn't have contacted you, if I had felt it wasn't necessary."
"It makes me wonder why you declined to have Johnson involved in this little pow-wow and what could be so important to you to necessitate this meeting place." The vice-president gestured at back room of a small local restaurant.
"I simply felt a less populated venue was the best option. Given the sensitivity of the situation, I felt it best to err on the side of caution."
"Now I'm really intrigued and concerned; what's this about, Hagel?" The vice-president leaned back in the arm chair.
Hagel took a deep breath. "It involves NCIS, sir."
"Not Gibbs, again. Anything else I can deal with, just tell me this isn't about Gibbs."
"Not exactly. Just indirectly, sir." Hagel sighed and shook his head slightly. "In the interest of full-disclosure, sir, I have been informed by Mabus that Director Vance was…informed by Agent Gibbs…that as of 3 pm this afternoon, Agent Gibbs has given us forty-eight hours to handle this situation without his…assistance."
The vice-president motioned for one of the Secret Service. "Get me a drink. Make it a double." He paused for a moment. "In fact, just bring the bottle and a couple glasses." They waited in silence until the Secret Service Agent returned. Taking a long, slow drink to fortify himself, the vice-president set his glass on the table. "Let's quit beating about the bush. If this 'only indirectly' involves Gibbs, just who does in involve directly?"
"It involves another member of the MCRT."
"Spit it out, Hagel."
"It's Agent DiNozzo, sir."
"DiNozzo? Anthony DiNozzo? The plague DiNozzi? Gibbs' senior agent DiNozzo?" The vice-president's voice raised in volume at each descriptor.
"Yes, sir." Hagel answered reluctantly.
The vice-president emptied his glass and motioned for the Secret Service again. "Call my wife. This could be a long night." Pouring another glass, he glared at the amber liquid for a moment. "Since I am sure that we agree as to our feelings should Agent Gibbs decide to handle this inter-departmental situation on his own, spill it. What the hell is going on?"
This time Hagel busied himself taking a slow drink from his own glass. It might be time for a tour of the foreign bases, he thought before answering, a very, very long tour. "Secretary Mabus contacted me this afternoon after being informed by Director Vance that DiNozzo had been taken into custody while at work. He is currently being detained by DHS, sir."
"On what grounds?"
"Being an illegal alien and possible collusion with terrorists."
"Son of a bitch."
Hagel cringed as the vice-president's glass smashed again the wall. He felt the vice-president's sentence very much in accord with his own opinion.
This time the vice-president didn't even summon a Secret Service Agent to the table. "Get Secretary Mabus here. Now!"
"Yes, Mr. Vice-President."
Section 7
It was unusual for Leon Vance to be in early enough to meet Gibbs in the elevator when it was being used for its real purpose. It was more unusual for Gibbs to let the occasion go by without speaking his mind. Having him silently sipping one of the two cups of the coffee he held was even worse, Vance decided. At least, if Gibbs said something you knew how deep it was piled before it hit the fan. It could however get worse Vance realized as the doors to what should have been an empty bullpen opened and SecNav was standing there.
"Gentlemen, with me." SecNav lead the way up the stairs and into Vance's office where he seated himself behind the desk leaving Vance to join Gibbs in the visitors' chairs. "My wife and I had a lovely evening planned last night to celebrate our anniversary; dinner at our favorite restaurant and a visit to the theatre. Instead, I spent our anniversary with Secretary Hagel and the Vice-President. My wife is…not pleased. Which is definitely an understatement as I'm sure you can imagine."
"Sir…" Vance was silenced as SecNav held his hand up.
"Save it, Leon. I have had way too little sleep, way too little Aspirin™ and way too much bourbon." Without a word, Gibbs pushed his second cup towards SecNav. "I've tried your coffee, Gibbs. My stomach is angry enough already." Mabus declined. "First off, gentlemen. The Vice-President did not appreciate your threat, Gibbs."
"Not a threat, a promise." Gibbs' tone was even.
"You can find out who's bigger later. What's important is how to get out of this situation with minimal damage all around. Those are the Vice-President's words not mine, Gibbs." SecNav closed his eyes for a second. "Once I shared the information that Leon sent me; the Vice-President happened to get a message from a friend of yours in the CIA."
"How's Kort involved in this?" Anger tempered Gibbs' tone.
"He's not." SecNav said flatly. "However, he was able to let Secretary Hagel know that DiNozzo is listed on the next transport to GTMO for interrogation. Don't start, Gibbs! Hagel had him yanked from the manifest. That doesn't mean the DHS cannot move him to another location or have him deported. The administration does not want this turning into another media fiasco with a drawn-out public battle between the DOD and the DHS."
"The Vice-President and Secretary Hagel were quite definite on ending this situation as quickly as possible. To that end, they have outlined a very specific course of action." SecNav reach for one of brown envelopes that he had laid on the desk and handed it to Vance. Leon paused for a second before opening the envelope. After thumbing the first documents, Vance lifted his head and Mabus looked directly at him.
"This is how they want to play this?" Vance asked. There wasn't enough Aspirin™ or bourbon to drown the headache this would cause.
Mabus didn't answer; just leaned back in his chair and stared at Gibbs. "I understand that you and Agent DiNozzo are very close. In fact, he's stayed at your house on many occasions."
"DiNozzo never met a concussion he didn't get." Gibb said dryly. "Or a bullet or the plague. What's that have to do with anything?"
"There have been many occasions where you were observed behaving in a somewhat familiar manner leading to rumors that you favored DiNozzo. I believe former Agent David had expressed concerns over the matter to Director Shepard. There were any rumors that you were more than boss and subordinate."
"That's bullshit and you…"
SecNav cut Gibbs off. "Relationships between personnel don't usually draw the attention of the director as long as it does not interfere in performance of the employees' duties. Since the solve rate for MCRT has risen during DiNozzo's tenure and remained stable even during your…sabbatical; I'm sure Director Vance has documented that there has been no disruption. That being said it would not be any of my or the director's business if there were a relationship. In fact, even before the repeal of don't ask; it still wouldn't be any of our business as no one was serving as a member of the military services. In fact, if whatever wasn't our business, was to be expedited; it would be impossible for DHS to transfer Agent DiNozzo prior to the end of the investigation. Do we understand each other, Director Vance?"
"Crystal, sir."
"No, sir." Gibbs growled. "I don't understand this at all. What the hell are you trying to pull?"
SecNav stood up. "We are trying to pull Agent DiNozzo's ass out of the fire. The DHS has some pretty damning circumstantial evidence, Gibbs. While the citizenship could be waived off as a simple misunderstanding, when coupled with DiNozzo's trip last year…"
"He was tracking down a member of my team."
"A former member. Agent David had already resigned. That aside, they have documentation of meetings between Agent DiNozzo and a known member of Mossad as well as the new head of Mossad. Given the political climate in that area, they are questioning who else Agent DiNozzo has been in contact with…Let me finish, Gibbs." SecNav cut him off as Gibbs stood up. "The Vice-President, Secretary Hagel and I have been up all night trying to iron out a solution. Our priority is to get Agent DiNozzo out of custody and back under our control. We are well aware of the debt that this country owes to Agent DiNozzo and I assure you that we will get to the bottom of this eventually. This will not be swept under the rug. In the interim, we have called in favors and used every bit of power we had. You will not derail this, Agent Gibbs. You will follow my instructions to the letter. Do you understand me, Gibbs?" The two men glared at one another. "I said, do you understand me, Agent?"
"Yes, sir." Gibbs ground out.
"Good." He handed Gibbs the other envelope. "All the licenses and forms you will require are in here. Director Vance will brief you on the pertinent details." Mabus looked at Gibbs. "Go home and change. I expect courtroom attire for both you and DiNozzo. You will be in the judge's office on time, Gibbs. This is not optional. You will follow the instructions or it won't be DiNozzo's ass in the fire. I'll see myself out."
Vance gritted his teeth at the sound of Gibbs' voice. He wished he had a nice bottle of bourbon to drown in or a nice long undercover mission in Greenland. Anything was preferable to the conversation he was about to have with Gibbs.
Section 8
"Boss." Tony's voice reflected his relief as he was escorted into the courthouse. His life had been turned upside down in the last twenty-four hours. After Sacks had drug him out of the office, Tony had been taken to the DHS office, processed and tossed in an enclosed cell. The interrogation that he expected never materialized. They wouldn't even elaborate on why he was being detained.
What was worse for Tony, was that he was in placed in an enclosed cell; no fellow detainees for conversation. After being locked in with no human contact or even a magazine to cure his boredom, Tony was jumping out of his skin. At every sound, he had jumped up certain it was team Gibbs riding to the rescue. It was long after the lights were dimmed in his cell that Tony realized that Gibbs wasn't coming that night. He decided to finally give in to his exhaustion and managed to get a couple hours of sleep. The long hours he had pulled for the case that was just wrapped up helped.
Tony had been woken before sunrise, handcuffed, hustled from his cell, and escorted outside the building. On the street, he was turned over to two agents who he suspected were not from the DHS. The agents escorted him to a nearby office where the handcuffs were removed. Tony was given a set of clothes he recognized from his own closet and instructed to change. They even produced a razor for a quick shave. All in all they had been very accommodating except they wouldn't tell him a thing. No matter how Tony cajoled; the agents stonewalled. He was beginning to think he should get their badge numbers; after all, Gibbs would be looking for a replacement.
A short ride in a dark, nondescript sedan brought them to the courthouse. It puzzled him as it was too early for the courthouse to be open. Rather than waiting to be taken in the normal entrance; the sedan pulled around to a side entrance. A security officer let them in an unmarked door and he was hurried up the stairs to the second floor. It was an immense relief when he saw Gibbs waiting in the hallway. The agents kept a hold of his arms preventing Tony from rushing to his boss. The trio came to a stop in front of him.
"Agent Gibbs?" At his nod, the agent pulled an envelope from inside his coat. "These forms officially release Agent DiNozzo into your custody." Without another word the two agents turned and left.
"Boss, what's going on? No one will tell me a thing. This is a mistake. I'm an American citizen. This is ridiculous. They can't…"
"Not now, DiNozzo." Gibbs looked around the empty populated highway. "We don't have time to get into this now. I'll explain everything later. All I can tell you here is that we are following instructions outlined by those much higher than Vance's pay grade. Just follow my cue and don't…"
"Gibbs? DiNozzo?" The office door opened. "The judge will see you now."
"Judge? Gibbs, what's…?"
"Later, DiNozzo."
With no other choice Tony started to follow Gibbs into the office.
"Gibbs, Gibbs…Wait…"
"Not now." Gibbs groaned under his breath.
"Tony, oh Tony, are you okay?"
Abby made it from the elevator to Tony faster than expected. Before he could anchor himself, hurricane Abby slammed into him knocking into the door frame and wrapping him in a hug. Behind her he could see Ducky and McGee approaching at a more reasonable pace. McFlorist appeared to be fumbling with what appeared to be flowers that Abby must have shoved into his arms.
"Need to breathe…" Tony managed to gasp out.
Gibbs helped pry her off his senior agent. Although if she did suffocate him by accident, Gibbs thought, this ridiculous plan wouldn't be needed. He immediately felt guilty. Tony hadn't done anything to deserve death by Abby; at least not today. "Abs, what are you doing here? How did you get in?"
"Vance called us at home and told us how to get in. It really should have been you who called. Did you think we wouldn't want to be here? And witnesses, you have to have witnesses…and flowers…" Abby snatched the flowers from McGee and shoved them into Tony's chest. "They aren't the best…I mean, Ducky wouldn't stop and I had to take what I could get from a street vendor…Then McGee said that since you're both men, he'd didn't think you would have flowers…but I thought I'd give the flowers to Tony…not because I see him as a female…because it's his first and he's younger…not that you're old…but…"
Helplessly, Gibbs looked over Abby's head to Ducky for assistance. Bravely, he stepped forward taking Abby's arm. "Abigail, perhaps I could explain to Jethro and Anthony while you and Timothy let the judge know we are on are way."
"Right…We need to let him know we're ready..well, they're ready…Come on, McGee…Hurry up, we don't want him to think they've changed their minds."
Ducky waited until they entered. "Director Vance thought it prudent to call us in early. He informed us of the plan and suggested that our presence would add a sense of validity to the auspicious occasion. Of course, I do not believe dear Abigail has fully grasped the implications of the plan."
"Could someone let me in on the plan?" Tony's confusion was coupled with the awkward grasp that he held on the flowers.
Ducky drew in a sharp breath. "Ah. Jethro, you haven't had a chance to explain to Anthony about the upcoming nuptials?"
Gibbs watched in resignation as his senior agent connected the dots. It was a sight he was very familiar with and typically he looked forward to it as it usually it meant the end of another grueling case. Today, Gibbs wished his agent was a little slower.
"I'll…uh…leave you to explain. I'll just tell the judge you're on the way." Ducky escaped gratefully shooting Gibbs a sympathetic look.
"…no…" Tony shook his head rapidly, panic making him breath fast. "Boss, tell me you aren't planning what I think you're planning." Tony looked around frantically for an escape route.
Before his senior agent could take a step, Gibbs grabbed Tony's left arm with one hand and delivered a firm swat to the back of his head with the other. "Get ahold of yourself, DiNozzo."
"Sorry, boss." Tony replied automatically; then pleaded with Gibbs. "Don't tell me I have to get married. I'm too young…Think of all the women…it wouldn't be fair…please, boss, tell me I don't have to get married."
"You don't have to get married." Gibbs watched Tony slump against the door frame in release. He knew his next words would have a different effect. "We," Gibbs stressed, "have to get married." It was a good thing the door frame was there or he might not have got DiNozzo before he hit the ground.
Section 9
"After you," Gibbs gestured for Tony to enter the house first. When Tony didn't make a move, he added, "Do I have to carry you over the threshold?" That question seemed to light a fire under his senior agent's feet.
The door had no sooner closed behind Gibbs when Tony turned to face him. "I'd like to know what idiot thought of this asinine plan."
"That would be me, Agent DiNozzo."
Tony froze when someone other than Gibbs answered him. "Tell me you've been studying ventriloquism, boss."
Gibbs didn't even bother to glare at this agent as he brushed past him and entered the living room. Temporarily ignoring their visitor he took quick look around the living room; noting the glass of His bourbon next to man occupying his favorite chair. "Make yourself at home," he said sarcastically.
"No one answered my knock, so I let myself in. Good bourbon, by the way."
"Maybe no one answered because we weren't home. As I remember, we were at the courthouse on your orders."
"Take it down a notch, Gibbs." SecNav drained his glass. "Quit hovering and get in here, DiNozzo. I think it's time we discuss this, what was it you called it? Asinine plan?"
With Mabus in Gibbs' chair, Gibbs and Tony were forced to sit together on the couch.
"Sorry, sir." Tony kept his tone professional.
Mabus waved his hand dismissing the apology. "I am aware that you had very little time to process the details."
"Try no time…Sir." DiNozzo tacked on belatedly.
After Gibbs' little bomb and DiNozzo's episode, after all DiNozzos don't faint; all Gibbs had time to say was that they were on a very tight timeline. Gibbs said it was vital that the ceremony be finished before the court house opened for the day; that SecNav had called in a big favor to have Judge Rosemal meet them early. His mind still whirling, Tony had let Gibbs drag him before the judge sans flowers that he had hastily shoved back into Abby's hands. Fifteen minutes later they were out of the courthouse, said good-bye to their witnesses and per Vance's urgent text on their way to Gibbs' house. During the ride home, Gibbs gave him only a quick overview of the plan; saying they would talk in depth when they got to the house. He wanted to strangle the person who came up with the plan, but much, much more that that he wanted the last two days to be a dream.
"I wanted to stop by to assure myself that you followed my directives." Reaching inside his jacket, Mabus withdrew an envelope and tossed it on to the coffee table in front of Tony. "That packet contains your temporary green card, a work visa and your NCIS ID. I've taken the liberty of placing your gun in your gun safe."
"My gun safe?"
"The vice-president graciously offered several of his Secret Service and house staff. They took the opportunity to retrieve your belongs from your apartment. Your clothes, gun safe and personal items are upstairs in Gibbs' room. They took the liberty of placing the majority of your electronics and other items in the garage and basement."
"You moved me out of my apartment. Why?" Tony started to rise in anger; but Gibbs' hand on his need stopped him.
"It is customary for spouses to live together, Agent DiNozzo. If you were living separately; it wouldn't appear that you had planned this wedding long before the DHS situation cropped up. You had even invited your colleagues to witness the ceremony long before the DHS got involved." SecNav paused before continuing. "That reminds me. A friend of my will be here in about an hour with some wedding rings. You will wear them when you return to work after your honeymoon."
"There is no need for a honeymoon and I have never worn a wedding ring, Mabus."
"Could be why your marriages failed, boss." Tony didn't even wince from the headslap. "Thank-you, boss."
"Nevertheless, Agent Gibbs, you and DiNozzo will wear rings. That is non-negotiable."
"It seems that there's a lot that is non-negotiable, sir."
"Oh, it was negotiated; by Secretary Hagel, the vice-president and myself." Mabus corrected Tony. "I don't think you appreciate the political effort that this asinine plan required. I'm sure that Gibbs will elaborate on the finer details later; but understand this, DiNozzo. You were 24 hours from being sent to GITMO. The evidence that DHS had would have ended your career permanently. This marriage is the only thing giving us time to deal with the situation and find out who is behind this." SecNav paused a minute. "You have been released into Gibbs' custody, DiNozzo. It's not just your tail on the line."
Rising from his chair, Mabus looked down at the two men. "Keep this in mind, gentlemen. The vice-president, Hagel and I have put ourselves on the firing line for you. There will be no screw-ups. You will sleep in the same house. You will go out and be seen dining like other couples. In other words, you will be a committed married couple! You will not give DHS any reason to suspect this marriage is anything but real. Now, if you'll excuse me; I'll show myself out." Mabus paused at the front door, "Oh and by the way, congratulations on your nuptials."
Section 10
If Tony thought the conversation in the car had been awkward, it was nothing compared to the silence that followed SecNav's parting comment. The two men sat side by side on the couch like many other times but this time there was an uneasiness between them. Tony's mind began to race. This was different. They weren't hanging out after a bad case. Gibbs wasn't doing concussion checks. They were married. He was the fifth Mrs. Gibbs. He'd bet no one had predicted that in the office pool.
"DiNozzo!" It was the smack on the head more than Gibbs' raised voice that yanked Tony out of his thoughts. Satisfied that he had his senior agent's attention. "You need to calm down or you're going to hyperventilate," he said handing him a beer. "It's a bit early but it was this or bourbon."
Tony blinked. He must have really zoned out. He hadn't even noticed Gibbs leaving the room. "Thanks. I'd rather not get in the habit of bourbon before lunchtime. No need to make it easy for the Paddington curse."
Gibbs had settled in to the chair vacated by SecNav so he could look Tony in the eye. "You, okay?"
"Okay? Okay? I'm so far from okay it isn't funny." Tony snapped. "Yesterday morning all I had to worry about was making it to the office before you. Today I'm the fifth Mrs. Gibbs. I'm not even a red head."
Tony acknowledged the warning in Gibbs' voice. "Sorry, boss. I know it's not your fault." That was true he realized. It wasn't Gibbs fault. Or Tony's fault. It was his parents. He wondered which of them had screwed up. For all he knew, his mother had a few too many and left the paperwork in a liquor bottle somewhere. Of course, Senior didn't have a good track record for keeping up with issues relating to family.
"Sorry, boss. Zoned again. Wondered which parent slipped up this time."
"Does it matter?" Gibbs asked rhetorically. "The important thing is that we get this straightened out. Your attorney is investigating the situation."
"My attorney, boss?"
"McGee hired him. Supposed to be the best."
"What happened to rule 13? You know about never involving lawyers."
"New rule. When someone else makes a mess and you're being screwed over by DHS, hire a lawyer." Gibbs answered simply.
"Could they really send me to GITMO? Or deport me?"
"Green Card, remember?" Gibbs gestured to the envelope on the coffee table.
Reluctantly, Tony opened the envelope tipping the contents out. In addition to the objects SecNav had listed, the envelope also contained his personal items confiscated when he was detained. As he busied himself tucking his new permanent residence card into the wallet, he wondered where they had gotten the photo that was used on his card; it was different than his NCIS ID photo. The last object he picked up was his cellphone and no sooner that he turned it on than it began flashing incoming texts.
"Damn." Gibbs sat his beer down and fumbled for his phone. "I told McGee to fix this thing. It wouldn't stop ringing yesterday."
"It's the Bat Signal." Tony said.
Gibbs glared at him as he finally managed to silence his own phone. He didn't have to ask for clarification.
"It's from McGee. It's a signal we worked out, used only in the most important instances like someone sneaking up on you with a gun or Gibbs is out of coffee." Tony's attempt at levity fell flat. "Sorry, boss."
Gibbs just grunted as his phone went off again. "This better be an emergency, McGee."
"I prefer Director Vance, Agent Gibbs."
"What do you want, Leon?" Gibbs watched as Tony answered his own phone.
"You and DiNozzo out of the area." Vance allowed his words to sink in for a minute. "There's been a leak."
"What kind of leak?"
"A picture of you and DiNozzo leaving the courthouse as well as confirmation of your marriage. Press will be all over this. If they can get to you or DiNozzo, they'll have a field day. Two top agents of the MCRT marrying. We do not need this now. Secretary Hagel has ordered you out of town until this blows over."
"How are we supposed to get to the bottom of this if we aren't here to work it?"
"Gibbs, this is not a request, this is an order. You and DiNozzo are to go to ground immediately. McGee is on his way with your go-bags to pick you up. ETA 5 minutes." Vance disconnected to call.
"Boss, that was Abby. We've got problems."
"So Vance said."
"Boss. Tony."
"In here, McGee."
"I've been trying to get ahold of you. Director…"
"Leon brought me up to date." Gibbs interrupted. "DiNozzo, grab your gun."
"What about clothes?" Tony asked sprinting for the stairs.
"Go bags are in the trunk."
Gibbs walked to the wall and lifted a picture off. There was a small wall safe hidden behind it. He removed a small key from the back of the picture and used it to open the safe. He grabbed a small bag and a wallet. Opening the wallet, he checked to be sure it was ready; before slamming the safe shut and returning the picture to the all.
"You know, boss, that's not really safe…" McGee stopped as Gibbs glared. "Not the issue. Tony!"
"I'm right here, McPanic. " Tony followed McGee out the door and noticed that Gibbs stopped and actually locked the door. Deciding not to comment, he followed the other two to the car and climbed in the back of McGee's car while Gibbs commandeered the driver's seat. "So where's our destination? Bahamas? Niagara? Vegas?"
"Stillwater." Gibbs stated definitively then ignored the conversation to focus on driving.
"Vance is making you take us all the way to Stillwater. We could have saved you the trouble and taken Gibbs' car, McChaperon."
"Actually, Director Vance has suggested we use this time to our advantage looking into the situation; so I'll be staying in Stillwater with you." McGee said uncomfortably.
"I never saw that one coming."
"What, Tony? The DHS?"
"No. It's just never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect that when I went on my honeymoon it would be with you." From the backseat, Tony watched as the back of McGee's neck and then his face turned red.
"DiNozzo." Gibbs growled.
With a smirk, Tony leaned back and relaxed. Yep, he still had it.