Hanging By A Moment

Hanging By A Moment

Paring: Callie/Arizona

Rating: M

A/N: This is a re-write of my story Hanging By A Moment. As I was attempting to finish the sequel When You Find Me, I found that I was not 100% happy with how I wrote the story the first time around. So I'm giving it another go. The story will be pretty much the same although some things will change. I hope you'll embark with me in this adventure for a second time.

It was very late in the evening when Callie sneaked into her house. Well, it wasn't her house as much as it was her parents. Since graduating from college Callie had been living on her own in New York City, although she had a habit of coming back home every once in a while when things got too hectic. This was one of those times. After things got crazy in New York , she decided to take a nice vacation in Spain, a vacation that lasted a month. Now she was lost, tired and worst of all: broke. That was why when her father called and suggested that she come back to Miami to work with him for a while her circumstances forced her to oblige.

Callie walked into the kitchen as quietly as she could to make herself a snack. The closer she got to the kitchen the more she heard the sound of some voices. One she made out to belong to Aria, her younger sister but the other one was completely unknown.

"Holy shit, you almost gave me a heart attack." Aria said jumping from her seat when she heard the sound of Callie's feet stepping on the hardwood floors. "Why are you here? You shouldn't be here. Why are you here?"

"Gee Aria, thanks for the warm welcome." Callie said before she noticed the pretty blond sitting on the stool next to Aria. "And who are you?"

"She's Arizona." Aria said to Callie. "This is my stupid sister Callie." Aria said to Arizona.

"Nice to meet you, Arizona." Callie said extending her hand out to Arizona and giving her a toothy smile.

"Likewise." Arizona said gently shaking Callie's hand.

"You have very pretty eyes." Callie said honestly. She didn't take her eyes of off Arizona's bright blue eyes. Even in the dim lighting of the kitchen it was obvious just how big and bright they were. The compliment caused Arizona an embarrassing blush.

"Okay, that's enough." Aria said interrupting the brief trance they seemed to be on. "We're going to bed. And you-" she said pointing a finger to Callie. "You stay away. I know how you operate."

This seemed to take Callie aback. There was no reason for Aria to get her panties all in a bunch; after all she was just paying a compliment to a pretty girl. She didn't mean anything of it. Callie wasn't oblivious to the reputation she had but still she found Aria's remark uncalled for. She wasn't trying anything with Arizona, the girl looked to be barely even seventeen years old. Eight years younger seemed an age gap much too big for Callie's comfort.

"Fine." Callie said deciding to let it go. "Have a nice night."

"You too." Arizona said as Aria practically dragged her out of the kitchen quietly reprimanding her for encouraging her sister's behavior.

After going up to Aria's bedroom they sat up on the bed and started gossiping about their friends' latest shenanigans. Lexie, a freshman, was dating Alex, a senior and one of Arizona's best friends even though Aria didn't necessarily cared for him. And Teddy, well Teddy was a mess as always.

"I swear she dates the male equivalents of my sister." Aria said about Teddy. "And trust me, that's as far away from a compliment as you can get."

"Why? She doesn't seem all that bad." Arizona said smiling at the memory of those pretty brown eyes and that prefect smile.

"Well, she is." Aria said. "She is bad news, Arizona."

"Really?" Arizona said trying her hardest to not push the subject.

"Really." Aria said. "Look, I know you grow weak at the knees every time a pretty girl makes eyes at you. I'm fine with that, I even find it sort of endearing but please, please, please, don't crush on my sister. She's old and it would be really gross for me to hear you fangirl about my sister. So please don't do that. I beg of you."

"Fine, fine." Arizona said knowing it was an empty promise. "I won't."

"Great." Aria said. "Now back to me…"

It wasn't until a few days later that Callie and Arizona saw each other again. It was early in the morning when Callie was coming in from a night out that Aria, Teddy and Arizona were sitting on the front porch.

"Callie!" Teddy said when she saw Callie's car pull in. She ran to Callie to give her an enormous bear hug.

"What's up?" Callie said tightening her embrace around Teddy. "It's been too long."

"I know." Teddy said. "You're like a Jet Setter and I'm just a lowly high school senior."

"You've gotten so big since the last time I saw you." Callie said taking a good look at Teddy.

"You look fantastic as always." Teddy said.

"I know." Callie said with a cocky smirk.

"I can see you're humble as always, too." Teddy said with a chuckle. "Come on." She said taking Callie by the hand. "You need to meet Arizona, she's newish to the group."

"Oh we've met." Callie said walking up to the porch. She sat down next to Aria and in front of Arizona. Teddy opted for sitting on Callie's lap. "How've you been, Arizona?"

"Good, good. I've been good." Arizona said.

"I'm glad." Callie said amused at Arizona's obvious nervousness.

"Where have you been?" Aria asked. "You left hours ago."

"I went to Mark and Addy's, you know how that goes." Callie said dismissively.

"How is Mark?" Teddy asked. "Is he still one hot piece of man candy?"

"He's fine. Being a manwhore. Doing his thing." Callie said. "Anyway, what's up with you people?"

"Ugh you smell like booze." Aria said with disgust. "Seriously, Cal. Go take a shower."

Callie gave Aria an offended look. They never did have the best kind of relationship but lately Aria was more hostile with Callie than what was usual.

"I don't think you smell like booze." Arizona said earning herself a dirty look from Aria.

"You do kinda smell like booze." Teddy said.

"Arizona doesn't mind." Callie said winking at Arizona.

The gesture wasn't lost on anyone. Teddy was amused by it. She knew that Callie was a flirt and that most times she just did it to mess with people. Aria saw the little stunt her sister pulled and, unlike Teddy, she was not amused by it. Arizona on her part melted a little on the inside. She didn't know what was it about Callie. Maybe it was the 8 year age difference, maybe it was the shoulder length hair, maybe it was those deep brown eyes… Arizona suspected it was all about those lips. She wanted to kiss them even though she knew that was probably never going to happen.

"Stop." Aria mouthed to Callie.

"Oh Cal," Teddy said as if she just remembered something. "We need your help with something."

"What's that?" Callie said lightly tickling Teddy's sides.

"We're planning a birthday bash for our girl Arizona." Teddy said. "We need your help finding a venue, also we need your help with the booze. We need you to provide it."

"You have a birthday coming soon?" Callie asked Arizona.

"In a couple of weeks…" Arizona said. "But I already told them that I don't want to make a big deal out of it. "

"We're not planning anything too big," Aria said to Arizona. "We just want to celebrate you." She said giving Arizona's hand a warm squeeze.

"I can get you guys a venue but you'll have to find the alcoholic beverages all by yourselves." Callie said. "I'm not giving a bunch of horny, underage kids liquor."

"Ugh fine." Teddy said. "We'll get the booze."

"Can your brother get it for us?" Aria asked Arizona.

"I don't know… maybe?" Arizona said. "I don't think so."

"Girls, I'll leave you to your planning." Callie said taking Teddy off her lap and standing up.

"You're leaving?" Arizona asked with disappointment apparent in her voice.

"Yeah, long day, longer night." Callie said.

"You're coming to the party, right?" Teddy asked.

Callie took a second to look at Arizona before she answered that question. Without a doubt Arizona was beautiful, gorgeous even. She shook those thoughts from her head. Arizona was young, too young for her. Arizona and Aria where in the same class at school so that meant that Arizona would be turning sixteen in a couple of weeks. That was way too young for Callie to be messing with.

"I don't know." Callie said. "We'll see."

A/N: Like I said, I wasn't completely happy with the way it turned out the first time. I'm making some changes. I really hope you like them.