AN: After a whole months work of thinking and writing (and writers block...) Im finally able to introduce you to my new fanfiction! *Crickets* Uhm, yea...

*The first two chapters is NOT like the third, the first and second was written one month before the third, and my character Bella is a bit out of character in the first two chap's, sorry bout that*

Warnings: Few swear words, and a cooky teenager


"Wake the fuck up, Bella!" A whisper said and a hand took my arm and shook harshly, with a hard grip.

"Noooo, ten more minutes..." I mumble almost unhearable. I really dont want to wake up, it was just too comfortable to just leave my sleep like that, right? "Just leave me alone..." I ripped my arm from the grip, and placed it under my head like my other arm. Not a really comfortable position, but it was beter than lying on something cold and hard.

"Bella! Stop drooling on your desk and pay attention!"

I threw myself straight up in my chair and looked around... Dammit! I had fallen asleep in school, and in class! "Sorry, ma'am." I sounded like I was a kicked pup.

My teacher glared at me standing beside the big whiteboard on the wall. She had written alot of math stuff like 326+105735 and 740x89. She had probably wanted to ask someone about the answers, but saw me.

I got a 'why didnt you listen to me' look from my friend beside me, Carie. It was probably her who shook my arm. Her brown hair hung over her face with her head tilted a bit forward, giving her a serious look.

I gave her a 'Are you serious?' Look, then looked back at the teacher, who looked between me and Carie. Is it something wrong with people and 'looks'? It isnt weird!

She coughed and kept talking about maths. I didnt really pay her much attention though. The only thing that had my attention was the clock, it was just one minute til school was finished for today. I like school, I really do, but sometimes its just a pain in the butt, and teachers often talks about stuff you know, and you know it like the color of your eyes. It was really frustrating when that happened.

I closed my eyes, come on... The clock ticked over to half past three. Why isnt the bell ringing? I raised my hand into the air, and snaps with my fingers a few times to get attention.

"Bella, stop with that!" Wow... I forgot that she is the walking devil when I do that, oops. She turns around from the board and glares at me. I snap my fingers one last time just to be mean to her.

She looks like shes about to rip my face off with her bare hands. She takes some deep breathes and probably counts. I grin, its just too fun to irritate the teachers like this, especially when bored, and your stressed, or irritated, or just a plain ass.

"Yes, Bella?" She asks through her clenched teeth. Ooo, Ive never seen her like this before. Boom! New record! I'm such a nice person.

I take down my hand and coughs, and points at the clock "Why isnt the bell ringing?" I try to sound like an angel, like I'm the most sweetest person in the world, its my speciality.

She sighs and looks at the clock then back to me with a smile spread across her face... Thats just too creepy...

"Because, Bella, that clock does not go right, it should say, 'Bella, the principal wants to see you'" she smiles even wider when I widen my eyes. Why does the principal want to see me? I haven't done anything wrong except making a teacher throw a book out the window, but, that wasnt my fault! I didnt know he had a book! Nor that he was so pissed that he was about to throw the book at me.

I was about to protest when my teacher happily said "Go on, hes waiting." I glare at her, the smile was still glued to her face. I took my backpack, that hung on my chair, and held it over my right shoulder.

But before I closed the door to the classroom, I flipped her off, and swung the door close behind me. I knew she had to have seen that, because I heard her angry calls after me. That was just so worth it! I smiled.

I opened the door to the principals office. "I didnt know he would throw a book out the window." I said quickly.

"No, Bella, it... Wait, 'throw a book out the window'?" He looked at me with confusion, and shock.

"What? Psh! I didnt say that!" Good, the teacher hadn't said anything, yet... Wait, if it wasnt about that... Then what is this about? "Soo... What is this about?" I asked slowly.

The principal picks up some papers and gives it to me. I give him a confused look, and looks down at the paper I now hold in my hands. It says something that I get a few days off, because of me being 'not reachable', and begin more aggressive towards teachers (I dont know what they are talking about!) and that I need to take it calm for a few days.

I smile "Are you kidding with me?" I almost start to jump out of happiness. The principal gives me a half hearted smile "No, Bella, Im not." I almost run forward and hug him... Almost.

"You can go now, Bella." He says kindly, patting my back and leading me to the door. He walks back into his office and closes the door.

That went quick... Ha! The principal is scared of me! I think... Or he just doesnt want a jumpy teenager running on the walls in his office.

Huh, I need to write down that idea and do it to my math teacher sometime.

"Well, well, well, how did the principal take it with the window."

My math teacher stands in the middle of the korridor. Grinning. A smile starts to form across my face when I come up with an idea.

"Oh, he didnt take it well. At. All. He sat the bills to you though, and said he might have a talk with you sometime, for messing up." She stares wide eyed at me, like I just grown a second head.

"But-but I didnt do anything!" She says, fear in her voice.

"Yea, yea, keep telling yourself that." I reply, waving my hand at her in a 'whatever' gesture.

Like I said before, I'm such a nice person.

(at home)

I walk into the kitchen, taking an apple from a bowl I've placed on the table yesterday. I take a big bite of it, and looks out the window, scanning the passing cars. Nothing suspicious there. Now I just need to wait for the night to come, then I can set my mission in place.

I grin evilly as I watched the cars passby.

They have no idea.

Hope you liked it!

R&R Please!
