Under a Canopy of Stars

She sat, alone and cold, in the solitary place she had occupied every single night. The light from her lantern flickered angrily against the wind. My last night in Dale, she thought. My last chance to say goodbye. She did nothing to quell the hot tears welling in her eyes, for tomorrow began her new life; one that would lead her far, far away from her home and family. One that would lead her away from the one she loved.

She continued her vigil, wishing and praying that his lantern would be lit and she would once more feel his presence. But it had been many dark months since she'd seen his light coming from Erebor, and she knew that tonight would be no different. But still, she could not bring herself to stay away, not when there was still hope in her heart. Hope that was quietly dying as the winter wind stung against her cheeks.

He slipped quietly down the hall, being careful to remain unseen. The Great Hall, once so alive with song and music, was deathly silent. The food shortage was taking its toll on everyone; there was no cause for song, no reason for merriment. But he silently prayed that all of that would change come morning. His hand touched the diadem that was hidden inside his coat, come morning, all would know his intentions. Each step brought him a greater sense of urgency. Hurry! Hurry!

He stood solemnly before the door, once opened there would be no turning back, no changing his mind. He closed his eyes and exhaled before pushing down on the latch. Mahal, give me courage. The cold winter air whipped against his face as he made his way up the stairs. Just a few more steps. His heart racing wildly in his chest. He reached the summit at last. His fingers tightened around the small pearl in his hand.

"About time you showed up." A familiar voice caused him to nearly lose his balance. "We've been waiting for you all night."

"What…what are you doing here?" He asked bewildered.

"We're here to help you escape." Kili laughed.

"Exactly how were you planning on getting into Dale tonight?" Tauriel asked as she gripped her husband's hand.

"Quietly. Very quietly." He grinned, relieved to have his brother by his side. "But, how did you know?"

Kili and Tauriel exchanged glances, "We had hope."

In that moment, he knew he was not longer alone in his decision; that his ever faithful brother would always be at his side, no matter the risk or wrath. He choked back against the lump in his throat.

"If we are to go, then we should go now." Kili, sensing his emotions, quickly affirmed.

"The climb down is the easy part. Do you have any ideas on how to get past Thranduil's elves?" He turned towards Tauriel.

"Lucky for you, I still have a few friends about. Friends who might be willing to sneak us into the city." Tauriel grinned. "But I do not know where we are going to find her once we're inside."

He looked towards the city, seeing the familiar warmth of a glowing lantern filled his heart with joy. "Don't worry, I know exactly where she is."

She tried to heat her hands with her breath as she struggled to keep warm. In the distance, a raven cried out against the night. The wind moved through the bare branches of the trees. The reflection of the moon shone brightly in the river.

The silence had become unbearable.

She extinguished the flame inside her lantern. "Good bye, my love." She whispered as she pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders.

"Sigrid?" A voice in the darkness whispered back. She turned around, and to her astonishment, he stood before her.

"Fili?" She gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"Sigrid, please, can I talk to you?" He fumbled over his words, his blue eyes bright in the light of the moon.

"I am leaving for Gondor in the morning." She blurted out louder than intended.

"I know. But I need to tell you something, and it cannot wait until morning." He approached her slowly, nervously. "Sigrid, I have been a fool. I hid myself away in the mountain. I allowed myself to believe that if I tried hard enough, that I could forget you. I stayed away because I believed my presence in your life was causing you harm; that I had nothing to offer you because my duty was to Erebor and my people. I thought that we could not be together because it was impossible. But I was wrong. I am sorry. I am sorry for everything."

She swallowed hard. He continued.

"I know that I might be too late, but I cannot let you leave without telling you all the things I have wanted to say to you, so here it goes. Sigrid, I love you. I have loved you every day since that first morning in Laketown, and I know now that I will continue to love you all the remaining days of my life. I thought that we could never have a future, but it is clear to me that you are my future. I don't care what Thorin will say or do. I don't care about becoming King. All I care about is you." He reached for her hand. She grazed his palm lightly with her fingers before closing her hand into his.

"It is my intention to marry you, if you will have me. Princess Sigrid of Dale, will you share this life with me? Will you be my wife?" He opened his other hand, revealing a small, yet precious, pure white pearl.

She stood stunned, uncertain if she was dreaming. "Yes, yes I'll marry you Fili. I thought you'd never ask!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and his strong arms pulled her closer. He kissed her, tenderly and gently, then pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you, my princess." He cooed in her ear.

"About time, don't you think my love?" Kili grinned at a very pregnant Tauriel.

Their reunion was filled with joy, tears and many warm embraces. "Fili, if we are to marry, it must be tonight. Otherwise, I fear this war between our people will keep us apart."

"Then tonight it is." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "But, we will need someone to do the honors."

"I'd be happy to…" Kili began.

"Sorry Kili, but in order for this marriage to be binding, it must be performed by someone with standing, and of no relation to us. There can be no question of its authenticity." She interjected. "I have an idea, and I need you to trust me. Meet me in the garden, I will be there soon." She kissed him goodbye and tried desperately to settle her nerves.

She crept quietly into her father's bedroom; careful to avoid waking the sleeping occupants.

"King Thranduil," she whispered as she gently nudged the slumbering figure. "I need your help."

"Sigrid, my dear, what troubles you?" King Thranduil awoke with a start.

"Please, can we speak privately?" She asked in a low voice. "It is urgent."

"Is everything alright, my love?" Bard's sleepy voice stirred, his arm wrapped tighter around the Elven King.

"Shh, nin mel, go back to sleep." Thranduil cooed as he tenderly smoothed the hair back from Bard's cheek. The Elven King turned his attention back to her. "Give me a moment to compose myself. I shall meet you in the hallway."

She nodded and turned to leave. She waited patiently, wringing her hands in nervous anticipation, until his statuesque figure emerged.

"What can I do for you, my child?" Thranduil asked as his long silver hair unadorned, cloaking his shoulders.

She took a deep breath. "I want you to officiate my marriage."

A perplexing look came over his face. "That would require me traveling with you to Gondor, I do not know if I can arrange the travel on such short notice."

"I am not going to Gondor. I am getting married tonight." She said firmly.

King Thranduil stood silently for a moment. "I am not sure I understand what you are asking of me."

"Please say nothing of it to anyone else. Head to the garden, I will explain then." She was unwavering in her conviction.

"Very well." Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "I hope you know what you are doing."

"I know exactly what I'm doing." She smiled as she continued down the corridor, pausing before her sister's bedroom.

"Tilda," she whispered. "Tilda, wake up. I have something to tell you."

"Is it morning already? I don't want you to go." Tilda's eyes brimmed with tears.

"I'm not leaving." She whispered as she kissed her sister's forehead.

"You changed your mind?" Tilda quickly sat up. "You're not getting married then?"

"Well, someone else has asked me to marry him, and I said yes." She grinned. "Hurry up and get dressed, I'm getting married right now."

"Right now? In the middle of the night?" Tilda was wide eyed with curiosity. "Is it a secret?"

"Sort of a secret, we just have to be quiet about it for now." She whispered as she helped her sister get dressed.

"Why is it a secret?" Tilda pondered for a moment. "Is it Fili? Are you marrying him?"

She nodded as the young girl stifled a squeal. "That's wonderful! I'm so excited! Does Da know? Does Thorin know? Is that why it's a secret?"

"Hush darling!" She couldn't help but giggle. "No one knows, and we have to keep it a secret just until tomorrow. Come now, put on a coat, it is cold outside."

She approached the entrance to the garden; her heart fluttered with excitement and hint of fear. What if Thranduil alerted the guards? She gripped Tilda's hand tighter. She exhaled, watching her breath fade into the night. They were standing under the great arbor, Fili grinned with joy at her arrival. King Thranduil stood elegantly beside him, appearing that she had caught them in the middle of a conversation.

"Fili tells me that he has come here tonight on his own free will, that his intention is to be married. Tell me, Sigrid, is that also your intention?" King Thranduil's voice, usually loud and commanding, was soft and subdued.

"Yes." She said without hesitation.

"Very well." The Elven King nodded to Fili, and the dwarf walked towards her and took her hand. Together they stood, side by side and hand in hand, in the light of the moon.

"When it comes to the moments in life that prove difficult, some find it prudent to choose the path of least resistance, they do what is easy. But then there are those who choose to do what is hard, sometimes that choice causes them pain and struggles, but they do it anyway, because they know that even the chance at happiness is worth the risk.

Someone very dear to me once asked: is a life without love worth living. I pondered that question for some time now, and I can tell you that love is not always easy; as the path the two of you are taking together will surely bring you both many challenges along the way. There may come a moment where you will doubt your choices, where your resolve will be tested. But I see now that love is the right choice, that even when the world seems against you, love is the hope that sustains us, gives us strength and purpose. That a life without love-real love- is not worth living. That love means embracing both the sweet and the bitter, knowing that your time together is precious." Thranduil paused for a moment as his eyes met hers.

"I understand it is custom for dwarves to present their beloved with a token of their love." Thranduil continued. "Prince Fili, have you a gift to present your bride?"

He carefully removed a parcel from inside his long wooly coat and gently unwrapped the contents, revealing the ruby diadem he had forged so many months ago.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Sigrid, my princess, I created this diadem for the one who would be my wife. This precious stone was always meant to be yours, and no others. Wear this and know that my life, my blood and my love are yours and yours alone."

She lowered her head and he placed the intricate crown upon her head. A small sob caught in his throat as he finally beheld his beloved wearing his jewel. He took her hands into his, and slowly and carefully, they said their marriage vows in unison:

"Until my final breath

Until the stars no longer shine

I will hold you in my heart

You, and no other.

Hear my promise:

I will love you and keep you always,

For I am yours and you are mine."

He pulled her closer, his lips meeting hers for the first time as husband and wife. She giggled and he held her tightly in his arms.

"From this moment on, let it be known that you are married; forever bound to each other. My sincere congratulations to you both and may your days be filled with joy." Thranduil smiled ever so briefly. "Now, if you do not mind, I take my leave to return to bed."

There were many hugs, tears and well-wishes that cold, winter night as two souls became one under a canopy of stars.