Hey guys, gals and non-binary peeps I am sorry for the trash that I am seriously I am so so sooooooo sorry you guys 2 years, god I am lower than the low. To everyone who has supported me, and reviewed, liked, fav'd, followed and even looked in this general direction, you are all so amazing and so damn special to me you have no idea, I cried when I read the reviews, I really hope you enjoy this new chapter and still support me now, I won't make excuses other than I was honestly really scared of ruining this and disappointing everyone whom have asked for this so many times I really hope I don't disappoint coz for all I know I fluked the hell outta that first chapter, sorry for my rambling. I am still un-beta'd and still have zero sense of grammar so any mistakes I'll try to fix.

He wasn't entirely sure where he was, but wherever he may be it was loud very loud, he swore he could hear banshees screaming in his ears, it was dark, that much was the same as usual, but the feeling of weightlessness and the burning in his side was new, and he was sure he hadn't heard anything in what felt like forever apart from the soft calls of his name he occasionally hears when drifting between wakefulness and exhaustion, but this time through all the screaming and the call of destruction below, what broke him from his doze were the feverish murmurs that whispered across his unwashed hair, those whispers spoke of assurance and protection, and so much hope

A feverish murmur 'don't worry Rin' whispered words 'I swear I'll protect you' and so much hope 'It's a promise'

Why do you fill me with this feeling, I don't want to be driven by something false, not again, please god not again but something deep down inside me disagreed one more time, just one

And soon my vision was engulfed in blue.

We were falling, HOLY CRAP WE'RE STILL FALLING! Natsu couldn't help but scream internally as he and, Rin? Barrelled the thousands of feet towards the ground, all he could do was grip the broken body closer to his own and tuck the others head under his chin, he could slightly hear Happy over the wind howling in his ears, his friend was screaming for him reaching desperately as he supported the large sword and the now little black cat, that had once again fainted from exhaustion, and well poofed down a few sizes. It was okay though, Natsu is Natsu and he knows that if one things for sure, it's that he will survive this, badly injured or not. He was more worried about the already heavily injured kid in his arms. He tucked the boy tighter to his body feeling oddly protective and buried his face in the others filthy hair and whispered anything reassuring he could think of

"Don't worry Rin" coz I'll protect you

"I swear I'll protect you" I mean it

"It's a promise" I never break a promise

The fight was long, longer than most of their battles Erza although not worried she has trust in all of her Guild and knows that each and every one of them would fight to the death for each other, no she wasn't worried more perhaps curious as to why no matter the enemies that were downed would always rise again. The cloaked figures would fall and then almost immediately would glow an shining blue and would simply float back to their feet as though nothing had happened, she knew that if the battle was to be dragged out they would eventually lose

Hence why she sent Natsu to deal with the castle and hopefully stop the one behind all this he sure is taking his time though she sighed and cut down another approaching cloak her katana coming back with no blood yet slightly blackened as though it had been burnt, suddenly she felt a presence approach behind her feeling the bandages tighten on her chest as she turned ready to strike the blade stops as it strikes ice Gray

"Whoa Erza I'm a friend jeez!" he shouts exasperated huffing tersely she replies

"Honestly Gray you should know better than to approach anyone competent on the battlefield to know that you never surprise them" he only stared non-reproachfully at her

"Yeah yeah whatever either way, have you noticed, these guys don't go down" she nodded back as the both of them took a back to back stance

"Yes I don't understand it much they will fall but they rise almost immediately much like a phoenix from the ashes"

"Mm I get what you mean" he stops and shoots a pointed ice spear into the chest of a cloak

"But have you seen underneath the cloak" Erza tenses and glances back at the black haired ice mage

"No I haven't" and without further ado she sheaths her sword into the gut of the cloaked individual in front of her not losing momentum until it has fallen to the ground , without ceremony she pulls the sword out and yanks the cloth off of the unmoving body, her eyes widen at the sight

"This is- impossible! It can't be!"

Lucy wasn't having a good day, first she was interrupted from her usual routine of having a hot bath, doing some casual reading actually not having to worry about her rent for once as she had savings and had been planning a nice day off for a while now, no. such. Luck.

Jumping back as another cloaked weirdo got too close she snapped her whip and it cracked across the darkened head followed up by Taurus all but slashing it in half with his labrys, he was acting strange she isn't one to toot her own horn but Taurus hadn't once commented on her body not necessarily a bad thing however it was unexpected and he had been oddly serious the whole fight, protecting her diligently, however he was often seen glancing at the large guild castle in the sky as though he could see something she couldn't

"Taurus! What's wrong, you seem distracted" his ear flicked back in surprise

"Miss Lucy you mean… you cannot see it" she blocked an attack as Taurus finished it off and turned to him confused

"See what?" he looked a little shocked at her, before looking back up at the floating castle

"The castle has a giant gate thing above it; it looks like heads are rolling around inside it" Lucy glanced back to the castle not seeing anything above it

"No I don't see anything but I think we should tell the others what you can see!" she nodded back at him and he stared back at her seriously

"We should go find Erza or Makarov" and without waiting the duo ran back into the fray to find help.

Nothing, the cloak was empty, it felt as though a presence was their but she couldn't see anything, in shock she turned back to Gray who stared back solemnly

"How… how can this be, I can feel the impact when I hit them but they cannot be mere illusions!" Gray nodded along as he covered her, what in the world is happening for a second it had felt as though something had scurried past her but she couldn't see it

"Yeah well I don't know what the hell is goin on, all I know is we are fighting a bunch of flying blankets" He grumbles clearly disgruntled, he's about to continue but is interrupted by a shrill voice

"Heeeeey! Erza, Gray!" its Lucy jogging her way over a little puffed, and backing her up is Taurus who is much quieter than usual, Lucy stops in front of them and takes a few much needed gulps of air

"I have *haah haah* news Taurus can see something above the castle *haah* thing!" she stands back up straight and looks back at Taurus to explain

"It's like a gate but it's a circle with no door and a bunch of floating heads inside it" he seems completely serious and as almost funny as it sounds he wouldn't be lying about this especially not in the middle of a warzone

Erza glares at the area above the castle clear sky until she sees a hint of… something that almost looks like fire however it glows a brilliant blue, and suddenly it flashes brightly above the castle, her eyes widen and she knows she isn't the only one staring as the flames morph into the shape of giant wings and they spread out agitatedly, before dispersing into nothing as though they never existed, but that's not right why the fancy light show for nothing

"Everyone get back!" she hears turning she sees master Makarov race forward steadily growing larger, he leaps at the castle as everyone tears away to find cover, the normally small master clenches his hand into a fist and uppercuts the floating castle, and as it wobbles dangerously tipping backwards a shot of blue flames burst into the sky lighting everything in an eerily destructive light

That would have hit us that would have been enough fire power to level the whole town and the heat, the heat is tremendous even hundreds of feet away from them it is incredibly powerful the force of the blast causes most of the guild member to crumble to their knees and even Erza is having a hard time finding leverage to stand, she glances up towards the buildings and notices how the shingles on rooves are clattering as though it is hurricane weather and the metal of the street lamps bends dangerously drooping in the intense heat

She breathes deeply switching to her Flame Empress armour, she looks back towards master Makarov who is starting to shrink back down, the castle is no longer moving and looks as though it has sustained some damage, its only then she realizes that the flying cloaks have disappeared before she can think on it too much the guild master turns around and demands in a booming voice

"Fairy Tail full retreat! To the Guild Hall!" they all stare a retreat what in the world is happening, not to disobey she snaps out of it and vows to get answers when her Guild Master returns

"You heard him everyone full retreat all citizens have been evacuated or are holed up in the Guild Hall if you see any injured or stragglers take them with us, the rest of you begin barricading Fairy Tail!" as she jogs back to help carry the injured her mind wanders back Natsu where are you?

He feels like he's floating which is definitely an improvement from falling so he won't complain, he can't see anything where is Happy, what happened to the funny looking cat, and what about the boy what was his name again… oh yeah Rin that's right, he can feel himself drifting, but in the dark abyss behind closed eyes he can see a single blue flame sprout to life, its small and it flickers weakly

Na- u-Nats- tsu- Natsu, W-up-Wak-p-Wake UP

"Natsu wake UP!..."

Hey guys thank you for sticking around long enough to even read this far, please let me know if there is anything else you wanna see in future chapters (please help me to help you) I won't guarantee that I'll use everything or anything but any help and support is much appreciated, and as always I appreciate and love comments and constructive criticisms but please no flames thank you very much!

Sorry again for all you long time waiters and I apologize and understand if I really did fluke that first chapter and this one sucked, if you don't wish to stick around I understand, but for what its worth I thank all of you for the support

I hope to write for you again see you as soon as possible in the next chapter!