
They say if you and another tie red string at the end of each pinkies, you are bound together for eternity. Hiro wakes up one day to the shock of the said thread on his pinky. Hesitant, he follows it as it leads him to places that once held important memories to him and to his hero.

Chapter One

Special Day

He remembered it as clear as day.

"Tadashi, no!"

How tightly his fingers were desperately grasping his arm.

"Callaghan's still in there. Someone has to help."

How his head and ears rang from the impact of the explosion.


How his skin and palms were scraped and bloodied from the pavement.


The angry flames of the fire were forever burned into his mind.


He remembered the day he lost his hero.

Fifteen year old Hiro Hamada groaned as he met the bright rays of the sun. He pulled his blanket over his head and began to doze off into dreamland again. Then he recalled it.

He exhaled through his nose and slowly slid out of bed. He reached for his SFIT hoodie and pulled it over his bedhead, oblivious to the thin red string trailing behind him. He stepped into to quaint bathroom and reached for his toothbrush, swiped some minty toothpaste on it, and popped it in his mouth.

His eyes were barely open, heavy from the previous long slumber. He struggled to open his eyes and stared at his disheveled appearance in the mirror.

"Looking good." He mumbled groggily to himself.

His brown eyes popped open as he took long hard glance at his reflection. On his pinky was red thread tied in a ribbon. He spat out his toothpaste and analyzed his finger.

Was this a joke?

He tried to untie it but it wouldn't budge.

"What the…" He mumbled as his fingers fumbled with it. The red string was smooth and silky and seemed to glisten from the sunlight peaking in from the window. He bit the corner of the string and pulled his head and finger as far as he could but failed. The string was here to stay.

Hiro stared as it with furrowed eyebrows. "Did I do this when I was sleeping or something?" He had no idea where it came from. He walked back into his room and sat on his bed.

"Ow." He said. The red metal box which held his dear friend opened and quickly inflated into Baymax.

"Good morning Hiro." He waved his chubby white fingers. "I heard a sound of distress, is everything alright?"
Hiro lifted up his pinky. "This."

Baymax blinked his eyes a few times, scanning it. "That is string, material consisting of threads of cotton, hemp, or other material twisted—"

Hiro groaned. "No Baymax. I know what string is."

"Then what seems to be the problem?"

He ran a hand through his hair. "I just….woke up with it. I have no idea what this is." His lips formed a straight line. On all days to show up, it was on the most important day.

Baymax stared at it, blinking occasionally. "Hiro, there seems to be more string behind you." He pointed his chubby white finger to the ground.

"Huh?" Hiro turned behind him and gasped that there was indeed more string; it went all the way down the stairs. "This has to be a joke." He said in disbelief. Slowly, he walked in the direction of the string.

"Hiro?" Baymax asked. "Are you going to follow the string?"

Hiro placed a hand on the frame of the stairs, ready to descend. "Might as well see where it leads me to."

"Would you like me to follow you in case if anything harms you?" The walking marshmallow offered.

Hiro thought about it for a few moments. Taking account to what today was, he had a feeling he would be safe. "I'll be fine Baymax. I am satisfied with my care." He waved before walking down.

Baymax waved before stepping into his charging station next to Tadashi's empty bed and deflated.

Hiro kept his eyes glued on the strings, as if it was going to pounce away. He maneuvered skillfully through the busy Lucky Cat Café, stepping over Mochi, going around guests, and pushing chairs.

"Hiro?" He heard a familiar voice. He tore his gaze and saw the weary face of his loving Aunt Cass. "You're up early. I didn't think you would get out of bed today."

He gave her a weak smile. "Yeah, I just felt the need to wake up early today, you know."

She nodded, she knew exactly why. "So what are you doing? Is there another bug on the floor?" She had been staring at him since he stepped down the stairs and was extremely confused at his intense expression.

He shook his head. "No, you don't see the red string? On the floor?" He pointed directly at it. She stared at him for a second before shaking her head.

"What are you talking about Hiro?" There was nothing there except for a dust bunny she had missed.

His mouth hung agape. "You mean…you don't see it?" He lifted up his pinky to her. "The string!"

She gently pushed his hand down. "Sweetie, are you sure you're alright? Is it because of what day it is today?" She questioned, concerned. She had seen how distraught Hiro was when her precious nephew sacrificed himself for his mentor. She wouldn't be surprised to see him acting like that again, especially on today.

"Um…I think so." He said with cursory. He scratched the back of his head, a trait he and Tadashi once shared when they were embarrassed. "Today is just getting to my head." He slowly stepped to the door. "I'm just going to go to the university. I have to pick up one of my textbooks for tomorrow assignment." His hand reached for the brass knob.

"Oh all right. Do you want a donut before you leave?" She offered. She baked them fresh every morning but today was different. Today she had baked an extra donut, a donut with white frosting and black icing decorations. It resembled the healthcare companion upstairs. It was a special donut for a special day.

He shook his head with a tight smile. "Nope! I'm fine Aunt Cass." He pulled the door open. "I'll be back soon!" He began to step out of the bustling café. She nodded and extended her arms for a hug. Hiro smiled as he embraced his loving aunt. "Bye!" He cut the hug short and made his way for the exit.

"Hiro! Before you go!"

The fifteen year old stopped in his tracks. "Yeah?"

"Make sure you come home by three. We're going to visit Tadashi today." She said in a gentle tone as her eyes softened. She awkwardly shuffled as she stood.

There was a sudden pain in Hiro's chest as he gave her a weak smile. "Yeah, I'll be back by then." He reached for the door handle. "Bye." The door's metal bell jingled as he walked down the steps.

He was greeted by zephyr winds and the warmth of the sun. Today was a beautiful day. The large star was shining and the sky was a perfect hue of light blue. The pure white cumulus clouds and the colorful fish air balloons seemed to make the sky even lovelier.

Hiro took a quick glance at his finger before following the string down the steep hill. His shoulders slumped as he frowned slightly. Walking down, he released a deep sigh. He kicked a rock and shoved both hands into the hoodie pocket.

Of course he wouldn't forget.

Today marked one year since the passing of Tadashi Hamada.


I hope people don't mind that I started another story even though I have Crescendo ongoing. This was supposed to be a one shot but I kept adding more and more to the plot, so it'll be like…a 4-5 chaptered story?

I usually don't write this little but it was a good place to end the chapter but expect longer chapters next time!

Did anyone catch on that the day was about Tadashi's death?

Anyways, I hope you liked it and please leave a review on your thoughts so far, I would love to read them. :)