My hand and lips are still tingling as I stand here like an idiot wondering if all that just happened. Elsa ran upstairs 10 minutes a go and I haven't moved an inch. I keep running the whole thing through my head. The more I think about it the more shocked I am and horny.

God I'm horny. I could go upstairs and break the door down and rip her pants off and face plant right in her pussy.

I'm getting wetter by the minute. I can't think of anything else right now. My face is burning up and I'm starting to sweat. I have never been with a girl or ever interested. I wouldn't know one thing about how to please Elsa. I would probably just embarrass myself. Elsa is worthy of pleasing and pleasing good.

So for now I decide to ignore my horniness, which is difficult, and make my way upstairs to apologize. I don't know why she took the blame. It was clearly my fault.

Standing in front of her door I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Elsa I know you can hear me but I just wanting to apologize. This was all my fault not yours. Please forgive me Elsa." I pleaded with her.

"Elsa?" I said again.

"Anna I'm fine I just needed to go to bed, I've had a long day." Elsa said sharply.

I squinted and jumped a little hearing her tone.

"Oh okay Elsa. I just wanted to say I'm sorry." I turned to head back to my room and heard say, "Okay."

I flopped on my bed and threw my hands over my face. I still couldn't believe I violated the most gorgeous girl in the world. I mean I groped her with my knee, grabbed her boob and french kissed the hell out of her. This was not me at all. I'm not that daring. I decide to sleep on it.

I didn't see Elsa much the rest of the weekend. The next day of school I was all the talk about the truth or dare event. Guys were giving me winks and whistling and even some girls. I could have been flattered but the only person I want doing that is Elsa. School went by fast with a couple of people asking me out, which I respectfully declined.

Kia was sitting in the car waiting to pick me up when an idea just popped in my head.

"Hey Kia, can we go by Elsa's office? I need to talk to her about something that happened at school today." I lied.

"Yes ma'am if you insist." He nodded his head and got in the driver seat.

I don't know what I'm going to talk about with Elsa. I just want to see her and all her slender. He dropped my off at the front of her building and I ran in. I told him not to worry I'll just ride home with Elsa. She won't have a choice but be stuck with me.

Walking toward the elevator I see a familiar face and he looks pissed off. It was Hans and he looks like he is about to cry. Thank God he didn't see me because I have a smirk on my face. With a new skip in my step after that I made my way on the elevator.


The first person I see is the receptionist. She recognizes me.

"Hey you're Miss Arendale's sister right?"

I just nod my head.

"Well did you know that your sister just broke up with Hans? Can you believe it?" she looked shocked.

"Yes I can he looks like an arrogant ass hole. Elsa is too good for him." I said this proudly.

"Oh I agree completely. Which is why I wanted to ask you if you know Elsa's sexual preference?" she blushed asking this.

"Why do you ask?" I hissed.

"She's just so gorgeous and I've developed this huge crush on her that's been going on for a long while. I don't know if now is the time to finally ask her out or not."

Holding back the biggest bitch slapping this world has ever seen I just walk off shaking my head. I am furious but I look up and can see Elsa in her office straight ahead. She is dressed in all black today and it's very intimidating. She's wearing a black pencil skirt with a slit up the side and a black silk low cut blouse.

Oh God she is killing me

I burst through her office door and say loudly, "Elsa we need to talk about our kiss the other night."

Elsa looks up shocked at me not knowing I was there, and then looks down at her phone.

"Everyone I'm going to have to call you all back." Elsa hits a button to end her conference call.

"Anna what are you doing here?" she asked sternly.

"Are you avoiding me Elsa? I haven't seen you all weekend." I acted hurt.

"Anna, can we talk about this at home? I'm having a really bad day."
Elsa pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Please have Kia take you home."

"Weeelll…'s the thing…I kind of sent him away and told him I would ride with you." I hunched waiting for her to snap at me but it never came.

"I guess you need to make yourself comfortable then." Elsa turned and sat back at her desk.

Elsa's POV

Now how am I supposed to work with Anna in my office? I have at least a couple more hours left to get this schematic together. Glancing up I see Anna flopping down on my couch and grabbing one of her school books for her backpack. Maybe this won't be too awkward.

End of the day rolls around and my receptionist walks in my office and hands me a folder.

"Miss Arendale here is your schedule for this week." For some reason she seems flustered.

"Thank you, what would I do without you?" I say kindly.

She blushes and I glance in Anna's direction and she has on the most furious face I think I have ever seen on a person. My receptionist giggles and tucks and strand of hair behind her ear.

Is she seriously flirting with me? In front of Anna?

"Well Miss Arendale you don't have to be without me. In fact I would like to see more of you." This time she is biting her lip.

"Oh I don't know what to say. This is unexpected to be honest. I just broke up with Hans and don't want to jump in a relationship right after the fact. I need time to think if that's okay?"

"Yes Miss Arendale that's completely fine. I understand. Just keep me in mind." She turned and left my office.

I couldn't even look at Anna after that. Well not until I heard my door slam closed.

"Elsa! What the hell? You can't be considering her." Anna is staring daggers through me. It sends a shiver down my spine.

"Why not?" I ask. "Are you jealous Anna?" I giggled.

"It's not funny Elsa. And what if I am?" Anna is so mad she has tears in her eyes.

I feel terrible now. I had no clue how bad this was affecting her. I stood up and went to the couch and sat next to her and placed a hand on her back.

"Anna I'm sorry." I said tenderly.

Anna looks up at me with a look I can't quite decipher. It was a look of sad and longing and something else. Her eyes are getting darker the more I stare and another shiver goes down my spine.

Anna places one of her hands on my thigh and leans toward me. I suck in my breath not knowing what's about to happen. Her hand squeezes and her nails start to scratch. Now she is inches from my face and I can feel her breath on me.

"Elsa I don't like to share." She whispers in my face.

"Anna what's going on here?" my breath airy.

Usually I am the last to leave the office and by now I'm the only one left here. My office is all glass walls and I'm nervous someone can see us. No one knows I'm bi and I don't plan on announcing it any time soon either. Out of the corner of my eye I glance at the offices to see if anyone is left up here. All the offices are empty and I can safely say it's just us up here.

I won't deny I am curious where Anna is going with this. Anna is very attractive and has stolen away my heart. Right now she has me in a trance and is sucking me in.

"I think you know Elsa." And she leans in and starts kissing me.

Her lips taste so sweet and her tongue forces its way in my mouth. I grant it and use my tongue to wrestle with hers. Anna notices I'm not fighting and it only steers her more. She gets up and pushes me down on the couch and climbs on top of me. She is kissing my neck and working her way down my low cut shirt to in-between my breast.

Anna grabs both of my breasts and smashes her face between them and I moan. She slides her body back up to my face and whispers.

"Elsa I want you." There is want in her eyes and I feel weak.

We can't do this, at least not in my office.

God Anna where is this coming from.

Sorry I didn't have time to spell check. I just wanted to update and not leave you hanging too long. I'm hoping you all are still enjoying the story. Oh and sorry to end here. :/