Two years had passed. Brie and John were still happily married. Brie still worked for Impact Wrestling. She loved the fans and the friends she'd made but she missed the WWE. She would miss John especially when they were both on the road. She and John hadn't seen each other in three weeks. Not much had changed between Brie and Nikki. Nikki would only speak to Brie at family gatherings. Even then she would only say a few words to her. Brie was in Texas. She had just gotten back to the hotel from doing a show. She was going to call John, who was on the road in Washington, then she was going to bed. She got on the elevator. The doors were closing.
"Can you hold that?" Brie heard a familiar voice say. Brie pressed the button to hold the door. On stepped her co-worker and best friend Taryn. The doors closed. "Hi."
"That was a fun show tonight."
"Yeah I had a blast."
"Have any plans for tonight?" "Wait." "I know." "You're gonna go to your room and call John."
"I know you miss him."
"I do." "A lot."
"Well tomorrow you get to see him."
"I know." "I can't wait."
"From what you've told me, all that waiting makes for some pretty steamy nights in the bedroom."
"Yeah." Brie said smiling. The elevator dinged. Taryn's floor was one before Brie's.
"Well you and John have fun."
"We will."
"See ya."
Brie went to her room and dialed John's number.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hi baby."
"Is this one of my wives?" He said jokingly.
"One of your wives how many do you have?"
"I don't know four, five I lost count." "It's hard to keep track."
"Yeah but you know out of all my wives you're my favorite."
"I better be."
"I miss you."
"I miss you to."
"What's it's been three years?"
"Three weeks honey."
"It feels like three years."
"I know what you mean."
"I've been thinking about you."
"You have?"
"What have you been thinking about?"
"Holding you and kissing you."
"Do any of your thoughts about us involve our bed?"
"They might."
"They do for me."
"Tomorrow night to hurry up and get here."
"I know." "I'm gonna go to bed."
"I love you." "Goodnight."
"I love you too." "Goodnight."
The next evening Brie's flight was delayed due to fog. She got home three hours late. By the time she got there it was eleven o' clock. She went through the front door.
"John I'm home." She said. "Sorry I'm late." She went into the living room. John was sitting on the couch sleeping with his head back. "John." "Honey." He opened his eyes and looked up.
"Come here." He pulled her into his lap. She was straddling him. They hugged and kissed. "I'm glad the fog lifted."
"Me to." "I wasn't gonna wake you up."
"You were sleeping."
"I was waiting for you." "You know what?"
"You have way to many clothes on."
"Here." She took off her shirt. "Is that better?"
"It's getting there." They kissed. Within seconds it was filled with passion. John felt Brie's hands going for the end of his shirt. They broke the kiss for a second so she could take off his shirt. A few seconds later she broke it and stood up pulling John with her. They started going upstairs. When they got to the top John turned her around. They kissed. Brie felt her back hit the wall. John took off her bra. Breaking from her lips and starting at the center of her neck he kissed her slowly down her body. "Ohhhh." She moaned when he stopped at the center of her chest. As he was doing that he reached down and undid her jeans. They kissed when he came back up to her mouth. She undid his jeans. He picked her up by her thighs and lifted her off the ground. Her legs wrapped around his waist. She felt him slip inside her. He moved inside her. "Ohhh John." She moaned. "Do you know how long...They kissed. I've been waiting to hear that?" John said. He lifted her off the wall and started walking towards the bedroom. "Baby again." She said as she kissed him. "Do it again, please." "Like this?" He mumbled against her lips. He did it again. "Mmmm yes." She moaned against his lips. "John more." He did it three times in a row. "Ohhh god." He laid her down on the bed. He was on top of her. He looked at her. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you too." They kissed. He slipped back inside her and started to move slowly. "I've thought about this every single night." He mumbled against her lips. "Me to." It had been going on for about three hours. "Baby harder." She moaned. He started moving faster. "Uhnnn." He groaned. "Ohhhhh." She moaned. They kissed. "My god, that feels so good." "So do you." John groaned. "John, ohhh, yes, baby, John." She moaned giving in. "Brie." He groaned giving in.
Afterwards he was holding her.
"Wow." John said. "I think that's just what we needed." "I feel so much better."
"Me to." She smiled.
"I'm just glad we're together." "I've really missed this."
"Me to." He kissed her. "I love you Brie."
"I love you too John."
Two days later they were at the airport. Brie had to leave for a flight. John's wasn't leaving for an hour.
"I hate this part." Brie said.
"I hate it to."
"I wish I could come back to the WWE so we didn't have to do this anymore."
"I know." "Me to."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Three nights later Brie was changing for her match. Her cell phone started to ring.
"Hello?" She said. "Yes." "What?! She said shocked. "Oh my god." "I'll be there as soon as I can."
Brie changed back into her street clothes. John had been in a car accident. Lucky for her she only about three hours away from where he was. She made the trip in about two and half hours. She went into the hospital and up to the floor they said John was on. The doctor came out.
"Mrs. Cena?" She said.
"Yes." "Is my husband alright?"
"He's going to be fine." "He has a few cuts and bruises and a mild concussion but he's fine otherwise."
"Thank god." "What happened?"
"Someone swerved into his lane suddenly, he swerved to miss them and hit a telephone pole." "I'd like to keep him overnight for observation."
"Ok." "Can I see him?"
"He still hasn't woken up yet but sure." "He's right through there." She said pointing to a door.
Brie went through the door. She looked at John. After about five minutes he opened his eyes.
"Brie?" He said confused. "What's going on?" "Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital." "You were in a car accident."
"A car accident?"
"Yeah." "It's ok honey you're gonna be fine."
"Why did you just call me honey?" "I don't think Daniel would like that very much."
"Yeah." "Daniel, your husband."
"My husband?" Brie said starting to get scared.
"Brie are you ok?"
"Yeah but I don't think you are."
"Where's Nikki?"
"Nikki, my girlfriend." "Your sister." "Where is she I wanna see her."
"Oh god, you don't remember." Brie said with tears in her eyes.
"Remember what?"
I hope you liked the first chapter. Please review.