
Chapter Sixteen

She let out a deep sigh.

Each breath she exhaled quivered from heartbreak. She hadn't wanted to leave her sister. Elsa finally let her true feelings show for Anna and now she was stuck being away from her for several months.

She was pulled over off the side of the highway. The feeling of loss and separation had become too much to her and she had started crying earlier. She thought it best to stop so she wouldn't cause an accident. Her cheeks were still wet with tears and her eyes were still red and puffy.

I guess there's Thanksgiving to look forward to? That's so far away though. I just want her in my arms right here, right now. I miss my Anna so much and it hasn't even been a day yet. Then there's Ariel! Oh, God, Ariel what have I done? Elsa let her forehead fall to the steering wheel. Of all people to cheat on how could I cheat on the one girl who truly loved me? I'm just a horrible person. Elsa balled her fist and slammed it hard against the dashboard.

Would I have even dated Ariel if she didn't have red hair? Did I subconsciously put my feelings about Anna towards my feelings for Ariel? Did I ever love Ariel? The thought of possibly never loving Ariel hit Elsa hard. She felt a sharp pain in her chest. I want to be with Anna, but I don't want to have to break Ariel's heart to do it. She started thinking of some of the great times she and Ariel shared over the last two years.

[. . .]

"Ariel," Elsa whined, "wait up."

The red head continued to run. "Come on, Elsa," she shouted, "don't be a slowpoke!"

"I'm not a Pokemon," Elsa chuckled to herself. She took in a deep breath and started jogging forward until she caught up to Ariel. She grabbed the red head's arm. Ariel slowed to a walk as Elsa panted to better catch her breath. "I should start working out more often."

Ariel smiled at Elsa. "You look fine, Elsa. Your body is amazing." She bit her lower lip and gave the blonde a sly wink, "Trust me, I should know."

Elsa blushed. She widened her eyes and nudged Ariel, "Not here," she whispered loudly, "there are kids around."

"I know," Ariel grinned, "that's what makes it more exciting."

Elsa's cheeks filled with crimson. She waved her free hand at her face like a fan trying to subdue her flushed state. "Sometimes I think you're too much."

"That seems to be the general consensus in the bedroom," Ariel teased.

Elsa's cheeks were red again. "I'm never going anywhere with you again that involves children," Elsa deadpanned.

Ariel laughed and wrapped her arms around Elsa's shoulders. The red head was now walking behind the blonde cuddling her as they continued onwards. "Oh, come on," Ariel said resting her chin on Elsa's shoulder, "you know you like my teasing."

Elsa rolled her eyes knowing it to be true. She grinned not wanting to waiver. She crossed her arms over her chest, stuck her chin out and continued walking in silence.

"Oh, now you're giving me the cold shoulder? Well," Ariel said lifting her chin from Elsa's shoulder and removing her arms from around her girlfriend, "you should know that we, redheads, are a fiery bunch. And as all fires eventually do, I'm going to burn out." Ariel removed her arms from around Elsa, turned the opposite way and started to walk away. "I guess I'll go home?"

Elsa hadn't intended her actions to evoke that response. She wanted Ariel to keep teasing her. She stopped. "Wait," she shouted as she turned around, "don't go! Please? I don't want you to leave. I want us to hang out at the museum today."

They were on a date. Elsa loved going to the museum. She liked learning about the past and she especially the dinosaur exhibit. Ariel loved going anywhere with Elsa as long as they were together.

Ariel stopped and smiled. She turned back towards Elsa and tackled her with a hug. "I knew you wanted me to stay," she purred.

Elsa nuzzled her cheek against Ariel's smooth, warm cheek as she embraced the red head. "I like it when you tease me," she admitted. "I just sometimes get uncomfortable when the teasing has sexual connotations and we're around children."

"How do they know what we're talking about," Ariel whispered seductively in Elsa's ear. She ran her hands down the blonde's back and rested them on her rear. She gave her girlfriend a soft squeeze. Elsa tensed up and thrust her body in to Ariel's. "Oh," she cooed, "now you want to grind me? Now who's being the tease?"

Elsa felt a flush rise from her neck. She let it settle and quickly became putty in Ariel's arms. "I love you," she grinned while purring in a whisper.

"I love you, too," Ariel whispered in reply.

They gave each other a kiss. There was a young boy watching them. His eyes were wide and his jaw hung slack. His father was with him. He, too, stared at Ariel and Elsa. The girls pulled away from their kiss and noticed the two individuals staring at them. They both grew red in the face with embarrassment. "Uh," Elsa wasn't sure what to say, "hi?"

"We're girlfriends," Ariel added with a smile.

The father and son both giggled stupidly.

[. . .]

Elsa chuckled at the memory as her forehead still rested upon the steering wheel. A tear ran from her eye and down the bridge of her nose. It stopped at the tip and hung there for a moment before dripping down to her lap. How could I do this to you, Ariel? She thought of another memory she had shared with Ariel.

It was the night before Elsa was to return home for summer break. Ariel and Elsa were out with Kristoff and his girlfriend. They had just gone to dinner to spend time with each other. Everyone except Kristoff was leaving to go home for the summer. The four of them sat down at the table of a very nice Italian restaurant.

[. . .]

"How long has it been," Kristoff asked.

"Almost two years," Ariel replied on behalf of her girlfriend. "She hasn't seen her family since she's come to school. Luckily, I'm an awesome girlfriend and I've finally convinced her to see them." Ariel smiled running her hand through Elsa's long, straight hair.

"I just," Elsa sighed, "I'm just not looking forward to going home. Can't I just stay here with Kristoff?"

"No," Ariel said with a stern voice, "your family deserves to see you. What's the big deal about it anyways?"

Elsa pondered the thought. Being with Ariel for so long she had managed to suppress her feelings toward her sister and forget about them. "I don't know," Elsa sighed lowering her head. "I just know there was a reason I never went back home."

Ariel brought a hand under Elsa's chin and softly turned her head so the blonde was looking at her. Ariel leaned her forehead against Elsa's and whispered confidently, "You'll be okay. You'll make it through the summer just fine and we'll come back in August and be with each other again." She pouted her lips. Elsa did the same and they kissed.

"Thank you," Elsa said softly. "You always know how to make me feel better." Her lips curved up in a smile.

Ariel brought her lips to Elsa's ear. "I'm going to make you feel really good tonight," she moaned just enough for only Elsa to hear.

Elsa's cheeks became hot with a blush. Her breathing became shallow as her heart rate quickened. The raw, sexual intensity gathered in her core as she absorbed her girlfriend's words. She had the sudden urge to take Ariel right there in the restaurant. She waited, though, as her libido desperately wanted the red head.

Kristoff's girlfriend laughed. "You two are too cute together!" She gave Kristoff a peck on the cheek. "Why can't we have that kind of relationship?"

"We do have that kind of relationship," Kristoff stated, "we just keep in the bedroom."

"I know but look at Elsa's face." Elsa and Ariel turned to Kristoff's girlfriend. Elsa had a goofy smile strewn across her lips. Ariel just grinned. "I never look like that outside of the bedroom."

"What do you want me to say," Kristoff replied.

"I don't know," she whined, "something sexy?"

"I want to eat macaroni and cheese off your boobs," he admitted with a serious face.

His girlfriend's face went straight. She dropped her shoulders. "That's not sexy."

Kristoff smiled as he let out a chuckle, "But I like mac and cheese and I like your boobs. It sounds sexy to me."

She put her hand on his face and shoved him away, "Shut up you big lug."

"So," Kristoff lingered on the word for a moment, "does that mean it's okay?"

She put her index finger in his face and warned him, "If you put macaroni and cheese on my boobs I will pour hot sauce on your penis the next time you want a handjob, and not just any hot sauce - habanero hot sauce!"

Kristoff winced.

"Elsa's drizzled chocolate on my breasts before," Ariel admitted. "She seemed to really enjo-"

"Ariel," Elsa shouted with wide eyes. Her face was as red as a tomato.

Ariel turned to Elsa and laughed at her girlfriend's embarrassment. She turned back to Kristoff and his girlfriend, "She liked it," she mouthed silently to them.

Elsa dropped her head in her hands. Ariel hugged her for comfort. "You're so beautiful when you're embarrassed," she giggled.

Elsa shook her head in her hands not looking up at anyone. The waiter came to the table. He greeted them and gave his name. He looked down at Elsa who was still hiding her face. "Is she all right?"

Ariel looked up at the waiter while still hugging Elsa. "She's okay. She's just a little... excited for tonight." She grinned mischievously.

"Ah, well, I'm sure you all have a very lovely evening planned," he replied completely obvious to what Ariel was implying.

"That we do," the red head said. She kissed Elsa on the back of her neck and sat back up in her seat. The waiter took their orders and Elsa managed to mumble her order from her hands. He wrote everything down and walked away.

Elsa brought her head out of her hands slowly. Her cheeks were no longer red and she didn't feel quite as embarrassed. "Welcome back to the party," Kristoff said.

Elsa gave him half a smile and nodded. Ariel put her arm around Elsa's neck and rested her head on her shoulder. Her red hair fell over her face and down Elsa's back. Elsa brought her hand up to Ariel's cheek and gently massaged it. Ariel cooed. "God," said Kristoff's girlfriend, "they're too damn cute."

Kristoff put his arm around his girlfriend. "Yeah, they are quite adorable."

[. . .]

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Elsa was brought out of her memory by the sound of tapping on her window. She lifted her head from the steering wheel and looked out the driver's side window. There was a police officer standing next to her car knocking on the glass. He was tall and scrawny. Elsa put her hand on the window crank and rolled the glass down. She gave the officer a confused look with her puffy, red eyes.

"Ma'am," said the officer, tipping his hat to her, "is everything okay? Do you need help with anything?"

Elsa swallowed the lump in her throat. "I-I'm fine," she nodded her head.

"This section of the highway is usually used for people who have a car that's broken down. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." His voice was deep, Elsa noticed.

"Oh," Elsa said, "okay, I-I'll move to an exit. I'm just having a rough day," she sniffled, "and I didn't want to drive and cry." She chuckled amidst her tears, "I didn't want to cause an accident."

The officer pursed his lips. He put his hands on his knees and bent over getting a better look at Elsa. He had a look of concern on his face. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

Elsa chuckled again wiping her nose. "Yes... well, no. I'm going back to college and I wasn't ready to leave home. On top of that, I ch-ch-ch-" she couldn't bring herself to say it. I cheated on my girlfriend. She felt like crying again. Why did I have to ignore Ariel? Why did I have to leave Anna? Why can't I be with both of them? Her jaw trembled as she hugged herself. She sniffled.

The police officer nodded his head sympathetically. "I'll tell you what, I'll stay parked behind you with my lights on until you're ready to move."

Elsa sniffled again. "Thank you, but I think I'm good." Elsa wiped her eyes and her nose.

"Are you sure?" asked the officer.

Elsa put on a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for your help, officer."

The officer nodded at Elsa. "Be safe driving home."

Home... Elsa felt tears well up in her eyes again. She wiped them and then thanked the officer. She inhaled a deep breath. It's nice to know that not everyone in the world is an asshole. She immediately thought back to the times she ignored Ariel to be with Anna. Her head fell forward without tears. Too bad the same can't be said for me. She turned the ignition and started her car. She suppressed her want to cry once more and got back on the highway.

The Lumina stopped in a parking space of a restaurant. Elsa turned off the car and took the key out of the ignition. She climbed out of her car and walked to the main entrance of the restaurant. She walked in and was welcomed by soft music playing from the restaurant's sound system. It was soothing and calming. There weren't a lot people in the restaurant. Then again it was about four thirty in the afternoon. Business typically doesn't pick up until after six for dinner.

Elsa was greeted by the host. "Hi," he said with a smile on his face, "will it be for one today?"

"Actually," Elsa replied, "I was wondering if I could talk to Kristoff?"

The host scratched his head. "Uh, one second," he told Elsa. He went to the back.

Elsa stood at the entrance of the restaurant and looked around. It was divided in to two dining sections. One section to her right was more for a casual setting. It was more spacious and housed a lot more tables and booths. Plants hung from the corners of the ceilings and the walls were painted sea green. It was very relaxing.

The other side of the restaurant was a lot smaller. Its tables and booths were more crammed together. It was for a more formal setting. The lights were dimmed and the walls were a shade of yellow. No plants were housed in that section of the restaurant.

The host came back. He smiled widely at Elsa and told her to follow him. He led her to a booth near the back of the restaurant. It sat away from the other tables and was more private. A fake palm tree sat next to the booth. "Kristoff will be right with you." He motioned for Elsa to sit down and walked away leaving her all alone.

Well, this is weird. I've never been to this part of the restaurant. Maybe it's where employees take their breaks? But, that's just dumb. Why wouldn't they sit amongst the other people? She reached out and felt one of the leaves from the fake palm tree. And why is there a palm tree in here? Maybe it goes with the sea green paint job in the dining area?

Elsa pulled out her phone. She checked it. There were no new messages. I should probably text Ariel and let her know I'm close to being home. I need to tell her today. It'll be hard but she deserves to know. Elsa let out a sigh. I can't believe I let myself cheat on her. I'm a disgusting person. I cheated on my girlfriend with my sister all so I could fulfill some fantasy? She dropped her head in her hands. Oh, but it was all for love, huh? Yeah, try telling Ariel that!

Elsa envisioned a scenario in her head about telling Ariel how she cheated.

I'd be in my apartment waiting for Ariel. I'd be nervous fiddling my thumbs at my waist most likely. There'd come a knock.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I would open the door and standing on the opposite side would be my soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. The thought of Elsa and Ariel breaking up brought tears to her eyes. It's what I wanted, right? I told Anna all I need is her. I told her I want to be with her forever. I never even considered Ariel's feelings or how she may take the news. Why? Because I'm an asshole. Because I'm a bitch. Her breathing started to shake. She went back to her thought on telling Ariel.

Ariel's face would light up with excitement. She would reach forward and pull me in for a tight, loving hug. "Oh, Elsa, I love you! I've missed you so much!"

I would just stand there. Would I even return the hug? Who the hell knows? If I hadn't cheated on her I'm sure I would, but now... I just don't know. I would invite Ariel in and tell her to sit down and because I'm a strong, confident woman I would straight up tell her. As if! Strong? Cheating doesn't make you strong. It makes you a fucking coward. You can't even come to grips with your true feelings and tell the person you're cheating on that you would rather be with someone else.

Elsa kept her head buried in her hands as she continued on with her reveal.

"Ariel," I would say, Elsa took in a deep breath, "I cheated on you."

Ideally, in a perfect world, she would get up, shake my hand and tell me to be happy with whomever it was I cheated on her with. Or, she could stand and admit, "Elsa, I cheated on you as well." That would actually make me feel better. I can't get mad if that were the case. I cheated, she cheated, now we can move on. Of course, life doesn't work like that. She was most likely... well, I should say I know she was loyal to our relationship.

She'd probably stand up and stab me! Could I blame her? No. Let me fall to the ground and bleed to death. Then again, Ariel isn't crazy. The only thing she's crazy for is me. Elsa's jaw trembled as tears started to leak from her eyes. She loves me and I betrayed that trust of love. I did it all so I could be with Anna - the one person I tried to escape and I let myself get caught. Of course, none of this would have happened had Ariel not convinced me to go home.

Elsa lifted her head from her hands. Her breathing quickened as her brows furrowed. Her nostrils flared. NO! This isn't Ariel's fault! How dare I try to put the blame on her! She was being a good girlfriend and telling me I needed to see my family! She was doing what was right! I'm the one who fucked up! I'm the one who gave in to my own personal desires! I'm the one who tried to fuck my sister! None of this is Ariel's fault. I can't put any of the blame on her. Elsa dropped her head in her hands again and began crying.

"Shut up," a familiar voice shouted from the back of the restaurant.

Elsa sniffled and lifted her head. It was Kristoff's voice. She quickly rubbed her eyes to dry them and wiped the snot from her nose. She pulled a napkin from the napkin dispenser at the table and wiped her hands clean. She pulled another napkin and wiped the rest of her face clean. Kristoff came out from the back. He was wearing a white hat and a white apron with his work uniform underneath. He held a plate with a single pancake on it and a glass of water. Elsa forced a smile at her friend. "Hi," she said with a low voice.

Kristoff sat the plate on the table and put the glass of water in front of Elsa. "Hi," he replied cheerfully. "These are for you."

Another voice from the back came forward, "Woo-woo!" Another young man came out from the back and patted Kristoff on the back. Elsa hadn't recognized him. He, too, was wearing a white hat and a white apron. He was tall with black hair that poked out from under his hat. His skin was dark and his teeth were exceptionally white. He had a very muscular physique. His voice was a bit high, though. "So, is this the lucky lady?"

Kristoff cocked an eyebrow. "No," he said bluntly. "This is my friend, Elsa." He motioned to Elsa. "Elsa," Kristoff motioned to his friend, "this is Steve. He's black."

Steve stood back and dropped his jaw. "Yeah, and you're white; and, blonde. How's it feel to know you could be part of Hitler's Arian race?" Steve sat down in the booth next to Elsa. He extended a hand to her. "Hi, I'm Steve."

Elsa giggled under her breath. She shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Elsa." She motioned between Kristoff and herself, "We're not a thing. Actually, I'm a bit gay and when I say a bit I mean a lot. I really like girls."

Steve leaned back and shouted boisterously, "Hey!" He brought his voice back down to a personal, speaking voice. "We have something in common! I like girls, too. We should go out some time. I mean, I know you don't know me and all, but I'm a nice guy. Think of me as Denzel Washington. Not the Denzel from Training Day because that guy was an asshole," he stopped himself. "Oh, I should ask, do you have a problem with swearing? I am really sorry. I should have thought of my words first."

"No, no, no," Elsa said, "I don't have a problem with swearing. I swear sometimes."

"Steve," Kristoff said showing a bit of annoyance in his voice, "get up. Go back to work."

Steve pursed his lips and shook his head. "You're lucky I like your friend." He nudged Elsa. "I'm just teasing. I wouldn't do anything to Kristoff. We're best buddies. Anyways," he extended a hand to Elsa, "it was nice to meet you."

Elsa shook his hand again. "It was nice meeting you, too."

Steve got up and went to the back of the kitchen. "It's all right guys," he shouted, "she's not Kristoff's girlfriend."

Kristoff smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand as he sighed. "I told them over and over my girlfriend is a brunette. You're clearly not a brunette." He sat down in the booth.

"How was your summer," Elsa asked. Her eyes fell to the table.

Kristoff noticed. "My summer was great. I enjoyed having the whole summer to myself. Amber came back on Sunday. She spent the night at my place and on Monday I stayed at her place."

"Sounds like you've been busy," Elsa teased, bringing her eyes up from the table to meet Kristoff. She grinned.

"If by busy you mean having sex, then yes. The hand can only accomplish so much." He brought his right hand up from under the table and waved it at Elsa.

"That's gross," she said. Her face contorted to show displeasure.

"I'm sure you masturbated over summer break what with being away from Ariel for so long."

Elsa suddenly felt like shutting down. She lowered her head and sighed slowly. Her shoulders dropped and she felt a lot of regret and sadness wash over her. She didn't answer the question.

"Whoa," Kristoff said. "Did I say something wrong?" He reached across the table and gripped Elsa's shoulder, squeezing it.

Elsa just shook her head. She opened her mouth and readied herself to speak but no words came out. I cheated on Ariel!

"Elsa?" Kristoff was concerned. "Is everything okay?"

"I cheated on Ariel," she murmured. Her eyes welled up with tears.

"Do what? I can't hear you."

"I ch-ch-cheated on Ariel," she said as her voice got a little louder.

Kristoff furrowed his brow. He leaned in a little closer. "One more time?"

Elsa raised her head. Her eyes were leaking tears. Her breathing was erratic and her voice was quivering. "I-I ch-cheated on A-A-Ariel." Her jaw trembled. Her elbows sat on the table with her arms sticking up. Her head fell in to her hands. She started crying.

Kristoff's eyes went wide in disbelief. He didn't know how to process what was told to him. "Uh... wh-what?"

Elsa continued to cry. She didn't answer.

"What do you mean you cheated on Ariel? You had relations with another girl?"

Elsa nodded her head in her hands and kept crying.

Kristoff leaned back in the booth. "Elsa... I thought you loved her?"

Elsa's arms collapsed on the table and her head went down on top of them. "I do," she cried. "But this other girl," Elsa thought about Anna and leaving her and it made her cry harder, "I love her, too."

Kristoff crossed her arms over his chest. He simply said what needed to be said. "You have to tell Ariel. She deserves to know."

Elsa didn't bring her head up. She kept crying in her arms knowing Kristoff's words were true.

"She's been there for you through everything. You can't lie to her. You need to be honest with her, Elsa. She deserves-"

"-to know," Elsa finished amidst her crying fit. "I know."

Kristoff got up and moved to Elsa's side of the table. He sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her. She put her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. He patted her on the back. "I'm here for you," he whispered calmly. "I've got you."

Elsa let more tears flow. Her back heaved up and down as she cried in Kristoff's chest. "I-I'm s-such an ass-asshole," she stammered.

Kristoff continued patting her on the back. He didn't reply, though. Even Kristoff thinks I'm an asshole. Way to go, Elsa!

"Hey," Kristoff said softly, "I'm going to tell my boss that I'm going to go on break. I'm technically supposed to be working right now, but I think this takes presentence over work." He managed his way out of Elsa's arms and stood up. He looked down at her as she stared up at him. He began laughing.

Elsa sniffled and wiped her eyes. "What?"

He pointed at her face. "You buried your face in my apron and now you have pancake powder on your face!"

"What?!" She wiped her face with her hands. They were covered in tears, snot and white pancake powder. "Great! Just what I need for today, to look uglier." She grabbed a napkin and wiped her face with it.

Kristoff continued laughing. "I'll be back, Elsa." He walked to the back of the restaurant.

Elsa wiped every place on her face. She suddenly remembered her phone. She picked it up and used her camera as a mirror. She looked at herself. Her eyes were still red and puffy. Her nose was red. Her face was flushed, but she didn't see any white powder on her face. She sat the phone down and took a drink of water from the glass Kristoff had brought her. The pancake was still sitting on the plate. It looked appetizing. The last thing she ate was the bowl of Coca Pebbles with Anna earlier in the day. The memory of Anna brought tears to her eyes again. She squeezed them shut and forced herself not to cry. I've cried enough today! I'm not going to have any tears left when I finally tell the truth to Ariel if I keep crying and let's face it, I know I'm going to break down when I tell her.

Kristoff came back with another plate. It was a smaller plate. He sat it down in front of Elsa. It was a little pastry that was folded over on itself with chocolate drizzled over it. She eyed it with uncertainty. "What's that," she asked.

"It's a crepe. Well, it's a strawberry-filled crepe with chocolate. I brought it for you. I know you like chocolate and all and I'm aware of the healing and feel-good factors of chocolate so I brought you a strawberry-chocolate crepe to eat." He paused and eyeballed Elsa. "Now eat!"

She leaned over the table and hugged her friend. "What would I do without you, Kristoff," she whispered.

"You'd probably be wallowing in your own self-loathing which is why I brought you chocolate. Now eat," he reiterated.

Elsa chuckled under her breath. She sat back in her seat and looked around at the table. "I don't have a fork."

Kristoff bit down on his tongue as he looked around at the table. "I'm dumb," he muttered to himself. He got up and headed for the kitchen. "I'll be back!"

Upon saying those words Elsa thought back to the police officer and his Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions. It made her chuckle a little louder. She was happy she could find a little bit of solace in this otherwise miserable day.

Kristoff came back with a rolled up napkin. He gave it to Elsa. She unwrapped it and pulled out the fork. She cut in to the crepe and jabbed it with her fork. She stuck it in her mouth and the blend of strawberry mixed with chocolate and fried dough exploded on her taste buds. She leaned back against the cushioned seat and let out a moan as her lips curved up in a smile.

"It's good isn't it," Kristoff grinned. "Steve made it. He's a good guy and a good cook."

Elsa listened but didn't reply. She took another bite of the crepe. Again, the dessert exploded with deliciousness all over her tongue. "This is so good," she said swallowing her food. "How have I never had a crepe before?"

"Well, you don't exactly come here all that often," Kristoff admitted. "You and Ariel had that one date here when you-" he stopped himself from continuing on. Elsa held her fork with a piece of crepe jabbed to it. It hung in the air as she held the fork next to her lips. "I'm sorry," Kristoff apologized.

Elsa looked down in disappointment. She was disappointed in herself, not at the fact that Kristoff mentioned Ariel. "It's okay," she said softly. "You're right. I need to tell her. She does deserve to know." She set the fork down on the plate. "I don't know how I could manage to screw up this bad? I mean, prior to summer break Ariel meant everything to me. Hell, I wanted to go home with her rather than my parents. Then I got home and everything was all right for a while. Ariel and I talked and texted. We had a date night on Skype and then everything changed."

Kristoff leaned forward. "Wh-what happened? Did the date not go well?"

Elsa shook her head. "The date went wonderfully well. All I wanted to do during that date was reach through my computer so I could kiss and hold Ariel again. It was cut short, though, when my sist-" Elsa stopped herself. She wanted to get this off her chest, but she didn't need to expose who Anna was in relation to her in order to tell the story. No one needed to know that Anna was her sister. She kept going with her story. "It was cut short when my friend was nearly assaulted by her now ex-boyfriend. She was picked up by the cops and she asked to come to me. So they dropped her off at my house and I started comforting her.

"We started hanging out more and we slowly became closer and closer as the summer went on. It wasn't long until I started to choose time with Anna over time with Ariel. Then, I just started ignoring Ariel almost completely and I fell for Anna. She fell for me." Elsa clenched her fist and furrowed her brow. She wrinkled her nose in frustration. She slammed her fist hard on the table. Kristoff didn't flinch. "I let myself cheat on Ariel. I made the first move. I kissed Anna. We slept together and I," Elsa tried to swallow the lump in her throat, "I fingered her in my sleep. As if that weren't bad enough I nearly had sex with her today just before I left." Elsa lowered her head in shame. "And I liked every minute of it," she admitted.

"We all make mistakes, Elsa," he said softly. "Sometimes they're little mistakes like leaving the milk out all night and having it spoil and sometimes they're big mistakes like believing we're in love with someone else when we know we're really n-"

"I am in love with Anna," she interjected. She raised her head and looked Kristoff directly in his eyes. She didn't waiver and look away. She was completely serious. "I do love Anna."

Kristoff pursed his lips. "Then it's time to break things off with Ariel," he said simply. He shrugged his shoulders. "If you don't love Ariel anymore, then you need to let her move on so she can be happy with someone who is equally just as happy being with her."

Elsa's breathing started to quiver again. "That's the thing, Kristoff." She managed to swallow the lump in her throat. "I think I'm still in love with Ariel, too? I just know now that I also love Anna."

"Well," Kristoff shifted his eyes, "does this Anna girl know about Ariel?"

She nodded her head. "I think she's a bit jealous of her, actually, but she told me I should keep seeing Ariel. She said it wasn't fair to her because Ariel was one who won my heart in the first place."

"Wow," Kristoff mouthed to himself. "This Anna girl sounds like a real winner," he said with sarcasm.

"Come on, don't be mean to her," Elsa said, defending her sister.

"Don't b-" Kristoff sighed exasperatedly. "Don't be mean to her? Look, I'm sorry she had a fucked up boyfriend who felt the only way to get laid was through force, but the fact is you cheated on the one girl who only ever, and I mean ever, loved you for this Anna girl."

"Kristoff, don't-"

"No," Kristoff said raising his voice, "I watched you two the first night in my apartment on my couch. I mean, not literally watched you because I'm not a creeper like that, but I caught a glance of you two. You can't tell me that that wasn't passion. Now, you let yourself throw all of that away for this one girl who you saw for one summer?" Kristoff's face was getting red with anger.

Elsa started breathing heavier. All she wanted to do was crawl away and escape life. It'd be easier for you to understand, Kristoff, if you knew she was my sister and I've had feelings for her for a very long time! Elsa let that thought run in circles in her head for a few moments. No, actually it wouldn't. Every sane person would tell me I shouldn't have these feelings for my sister. Every sane person would be correct to tell me that, too. Elsa buried her head in her hands again. But, I do have these feelings, she thought as she whimpered to herself, and they're genuine and I miss my Anna!

Kristoff breathed. He calmed himself and let the anger fade from him. He stared at Elsa who was whimpering in her hands. He felt the need to comfort Elsa wash over him. He stood up and sat on her side of the table again. He took her in his embrace. "I'm-I'm sorry," he apologized softly. "I shouldn't have gone off on you like that."

Elsa shook her head as she hugged Kristoff. "You had every right to," she whimpered quietly. "I'm the asshole in this situation. I'm the only one to blame."

Kristoff rubbed his hand along Elsa's back. He could feel the vertebrae in her spine where his hand ran over. Comfortingly, he said, "You're not an asshole. You're just conflicted. I mean, I don't know why you're conflicted? Ariel's been here for you for damn near two years. I'm not trying to make you feel worse; I'm just stating the truth."

"I know," Elsa breathed, "The Anna situation is complicated. I've known her for a long time and I've had feelings for her since before college, I just never acted on them. She was the reason I never wanted to come back home. I suppressed all of those feelings when I got with Ariel and I forgot about her. When I got home, though, and I saw her everything just came screaming back to me!"

Kristoff furrowed his brow, "Wait, she was waiting for you at your house?"

Elsa's eyes went wide. Don't reveal Anna is your sister! She hugged Kristoff tighter so he wouldn't be able to pull away and see her face. "No," she lied. "I just happened to run in to her the first day I got home."

"She already had the boyfriend, at the time, right?"

"Yeah," Elsa said, "that's why everything between Ariel and I was going well at first."

Kristoff just nodded. He pulled away from the hug. Elsa had rid the lie from her face. "I feel so bad," she admitted. "I know she's going to br-" Elsa didn't want to finish the sentence. Breaking up with Ariel was in a way good in that it left her open to Anna. Of course, she realized driving back to college that she still does have feelings for her girlfriend and she doesn't want to lose her. I can fight for her like I said I'd fight for Anna. After all, Anna said we should keep up appearances even if she doesn't like it. I don't want to live in a relationship of lies with Ariel, though. She didn't deserve to be cheated on and she certainly doesn't deserve to be in a relationship where I'm secretly still seeing my sister. She sighed deeply. "I'm fucked," she whispered.

Kristoff pursed his lips. He didn't like seeing his best friend in so much pain, but he couldn't do much to alleviate it. This was a personal pain and a personal struggle only Elsa and Ariel could work out. The best Kristoff would be able to do would be to lend his support. "Hey," he smiled softly, "you still have half your crepe left and you never touched your pancake."

Elsa picked up her fork as it still had the piece of crepe jabbed to it. She slowly raised it to her mouth and ate it. It tasted just as delicious as before, but somehow the taste was also less settling. Even the chocolate couldn't rinse away the shame Elsa felt. She gave Kristoff half a smile and finished the pastry for his sake. When she took her last bite she sat back and stared forward letting her feelings wash over her. In an almost dead state she asked, "Do you have my apartment key?"

Kristoff dug in to his pocket and pulled the key out. He put it in Elsa's hand. "My parents supplied you with a couch, a chair, a TV that doesn't unfortunately support high definition so your PS three may look a little cruddy on it, a two-person bed and a pack of toilet paper. They say toilet paper is always something to have in the house."

Her expression didn't falter. "Thanks," she replied showing no emotion. "Thank you for the food, too. I guess it's time to seal my fate with Ariel."

Kristoff got out of the booth and stood next to the fake palm tree. Elsa scooted her way out and stood up. She closed her eyes. "I want this all to be a bad dream," she whispered.

Kristoff embraced her. "I'm sorry this happened, Elsa, but you're a strong woman. You'll manage and you'll pull through. If you need anything just call me or text me. I'm just on the other side of the apartment complex." She thanked him once more and turned to leave. "Oh," Kristoff shouted. Elsa stopped and turned around with saddened eyes. "Don't worry about paying for any of this. It's all on me. I'll use my employee meal discount to pay for it."

She gave her friend an honest smile. You're too kind. "Thank you," she mouthed to him.

He waved good bye to her as she turned and left the restaurant. She got in her car and sat there for a few minutes before starting it. She got out her cell phone and inhaled a deep breath. Let's get this over with. She pulled up Ariel's name and made a text out to her. 'I'll be home in the next ten to fifteen minutes.' She wasn't sure what else to say so she just hit Send.

Elsa started the car. Her phone almost immediately buzzed in her lap. She checked it. 'I'll be over when I get out of the shower. I want to look good for tonight!' She sent a smiley face with her text. Elsa furrowed her brow. Tonight? What are we suppose to do tonight? She thought about it for a moment. She remembered their dinner date they planned Sunday morning when they were suppose to Skype each other that night. Shit! I'm just going to ruin her whole day! Elsa's jaw trembled, but no tears came to her eyes. She put the car in drive and drove off to her new home.

Elsa walked up to her apartment door carrying both suitcases. She sat them down and slid the key in to the lock. It clicked and she turned the doorknob to open the door. As soon as she stepped in there was a closet to her right. She opened the door. It was spacious and deep, though empty. She brought her suitcases in and closed the apartment door, locking it.

She gave herself a tour of the apartment. The front door opened to the living room. It was quite large. A yellow, leather, three-cushion couch sat along the east wall of the living room. It had red stripes that ran down between each cushion. Elsa cocked an eyebrow. No wonder Kristoff's parents gave it to me. That thing is hideous. There was a recliner that sat diagonally from the couch in the middle of the living room. It nearly matched the couch: leather and yellow though it lacked the red stripes. There was a large, bulky TV that sat on the floor near the corner of the north and west walls of the living room. She had a glass, patio door on the north wall. The walls were an off-white color and bare.

There was a long hallway that ran off the west wall. Connected to the hallway and the living room was the kitchen. Elsa walked in and observed. The sink was built in to the counter and the counter ran to the oven. Next to the oven was the refrigerator. It was a fairly small kitchen.

She left the kitchen. She continued down the hall. The next door to her left was a linen closet. Next to the linen closet was the bathroom. Elsa turned on the light and walked in and looked around. There was a whole case of toilet paper sitting on the sink. There was a roll already on the toilet paper dispenser next to the toilet. Elsa turned off the light and went through the door across the hallway.

She stepped in to the one bedroom of the apartment. It was quite spacious. Second to the living room it was the largest room in the apartment. To her right was a two-person bed. It sat along the walls that connected to the living room and the hallway. There were even bed sheets to go along with the bed. On the opposite side of the bedroom was another closet. It ran the full length of the wall. Elsa opened the door and stepped in. It, like the other closet, was empty. I could put a dresser in here that way it's out of the way and it'll give me more room for my bedroom.

Elsa walked out of her bedroom and went back to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator door. She was surprised to see it had contents in it. There was a full case of bottled water sitting on the lower shelf. Attached to it was a piece of paper. She picked it up and unfolded it.


I figured you would need some things to get you started so I bought a few grocery items. I got you a case of water, a half gallon of milk, a carton of eggs (there's a skillet in the cupboard above the counter), hotdogs, bread (also in the counter above the cupboard) and lest I forget ketchup. It's in the door. I hope you enjoy your new place. May you enjoy your new apartment.


"You're too sweet, Kristoff," she said to herself. She folded up the note and left it on the kitchen counter. She pulled out her phone and pulled up Kristoff's name. 'Thank you for the grocery items. I really appreciate it. Also, tell your parents I say thank you for the furniture and the bed.' Elsa went to the living room and plopped down in the couch. It nearly swallowed her whole, but it was comfortable nonetheless. Oh, it's ugly but it's comfy! She immediately thought of Anna. I should let her know I'm home! She pulled up Anna's name in her phone. 'I'm home.' She hit Send.

Her phone buzzed. It was Kristoff. 'Not a problem. Glad we could help. Good luck with tonight. Remember, if you need me I'm just on the other end of the complex. Don't hesitate to come over.' Elsa pursed her lips as she read the message. Her shoulders sunk as she let out a sigh. Yeah... she let her thoughts linger.

Elsa's phone buzzed again. This time it was from Anna. 'Home is with me in your bedroom. I miss you, Elsa. I want to hold you again.' Oh, Anna, I miss you, too! The message nearly brought a tear to her eye. I wish you could be here with me.

'I miss you, too, Anna. I want to hold you and cuddle you and kiss you.' Elsa hit Send.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Elsa looked at the front door. Here comes the pain. That's got to be Ariel. Oh God, I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for this. I am not ready for this! Elsa pulled herself out of the couch and stood to her feet. She took in a deep breath and collected her courage. Her heart rate suddenly quickened. She began to sweat. She tried to swallow the lump that was rapidly growing in her throat. Her breathing was now picking up. Calm down, Elsa. This is how anxiety attacks start. Just be calm. I can do this!

Elsa approached the door. She received another text. It was from Ariel. 'I'm here!' She followed the text with a smiley face. Elsa tried to be calm, but her breathing wouldn't slow. Her heart kept beating faster and stronger in her chest. She could hear it in her head. She tried swallowing the lump in her throat again but without success. She reached for the doorknob, unlocked it and opened the door.

Standing on the other side of the door was Ariel. Her face was flawless with just the tiniest bit of makeup around her eyes and over her cheeks. Her lips were stretched wide with a smile. They were as red as a cherry. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean and sparkled like stars glimmering over the ocean water. Her red hair flowed like silk down over her shoulders and over her breasts, outlining her face perfectly. She wore a tight, blue shirt that matched her eyes and clung to her breasts perfectly. The neckline came down to just below her collarbone. It was tucked in to her skirt that ran down passed her knees. It was yellow with blue stripes that ran vertically all around the piece of fabric. Elsa looked at her from head to toe and then from toe to head. My God, she's beautiful!

Ariel stepped in and let out a gasp. Her eyes filled with tears and she wrapped her arms around Elsa. "Elsa," she said happily with a quiver in her voice. "I've missed you so much!"

Elsa stood there unable to hug Ariel back. The red head's hair covered the blonde's face. She took in her scent. Ocean breeze, Ariel's shampoo. She smells so wonderful. Elsa felt her emotions get to her. Tell her you cheated on her. Tell her! Elsa suppressed the thoughts and wrapped her arms tightly around Ariel not wanting to let her go. Oh, God, what have I done?! Her eyes filled with tears. She clenched them shut as she held Ariel in her embrace. Please, don't leave me. Please, don't leave me. Please, don't leave me!

Ariel's voice quivered as she giggled, "I just got here. Why would I leave you?"

Elsa gasped as her watery eyes opened. Tears spilled out of them. I said it out loud. She held her girlfriend even tighter to her body. "I love you, Ariel," Elsa whimpered with hurt spilling out in her words. "I love you, so much!"

Ariel rubbed her girlfriend's back. "I love you, too," she whispered. "It's nice to have you back in my arms."

Elsa's jaw trembled. Her teeth clattered. Her eyes kept the tears rolling. She wasn't audibly crying, at least not yet. She knew it was coming though. "Can I hold you here forever," she asked as she sniffled.

"You can hold me anywhere," Ariel replied, "as long we're together."

Elsa brought her hand up from Ariel's back and to her lips. She let out a loud cry as she sniffled more. I'm just an asshole. I'm worthless. I don't deserve Ariel. She started crying audibly. "A-Ariel, I l-l-love you. Please, don't leave me, I'm sorry."

"Hey," Ariel moaned, "I'm right here, Elsa. I'm not going anywhere." She continued to rub her back. She took in Elsa's scent and chuckled, "There's that lavender smell I've been missing all summer."

Elsa couldn't bring herself to do anything other than cry as she held on to Ariel. "I love you," she whispered. She repeated it again and again and again. Her shame had gotten the best of her. She could feel the self-loathing sinking in. I hate myself. I did this. There's no one to blame but me. It only made her cry harder.

Ariel turned her head and kissed Elsa's neck. "I promise, I won't leave again," she whispered in her girlfriend's ear. "Next break I'm going wherever you're going. We won't be apart ever again."

I want that to be so true, but you're going to hate me after I tell you the truth. I ch-ch- she couldn't finish the thought in her head.

"What do you say we sit down on your god-awful, ugly couch," Ariel giggled.

Elsa managed a giggle through her crying and tears. She just nodded her head. Ariel broke up the hug and held Elsa's hand. She led her to the couch and they sat down together. Elsa wasted no time and brought her feet up in the cushion and cuddled Ariel. She tried desperately to merge her body with Ariel's but with no luck. I just want to be as close to you as possible.

Ariel accepted Elsa's intense cuddling and wrapped her arms around the blonde. "I've got you," she whispered reassuringly.

Elsa nuzzled her cheek against Ariel's breast. She could feel a nipple hardening against her cheek, but she wasn't in the mood to play around. She felt no pleasure in her core. She felt no excitement or embarrassment. She just wanted to be close to her girlfriend for as long as possible because she knew once the truth came out that she would be alone again. And, right now, she doesn't want to be alone. She wants Ariel!

Ariel placed her hand on the blonde's head. She ran her finger nails along her scalp and down her long, blonde locks. She always knew how to comfort Elsa. She always knew what to say and what to do in all times of stress. She's so perfect and here I am... just worthless. Another tear left her eye and ran down her cheek until it wetted her girlfriend's shirt. "Want me to sing you something," Ariel asked lovingly.

All I want is to go back in time and never cheat on you. I love my Anna, but I love you, too, and you don't deserve this. I want to go back in time and never ignore you. I want to answer every text you send and Skype with you every night. I want to dream of you and curl up with my pillow pretending it's you. I want to never get angry with you for texting me even if Anna's around. I want to go back in time and be faithful to you! What I wouldn't give for a reset button or a TARDIS right now. But the past is in the past, and I can't do any of that.

Elsa nodded her head as she buried her face between Ariel's breasts.

"What do you want me to sing," the red head inquired with a soft, calm voice.

Elsa kept her face buried between Ariel's breasts. She shrugged her shoulders.

"How about I sing the reprise version of Part of Your World?"

"Okay," Elsa mumbled from her cuddled up state.

Ariel continued to run her hand through her girlfriend's hair slowly. She smiled down at her and kissed her on the top of her head. She sang the song softly not minding the fact that some parts of the song required vibrato and extensive use of the diaphragm to carry on to other words.

What would I give

To live where you are?

What would I pay

To stay here beside you?

Elsa clenched her eyes shut. Nope. I change my mind. Not the song for right now. It's going to make me feel even worse!

What would I do to see you

Smiling at me?

I hope you'll forgive me. I don't want to be without you, Ariel!

Where would we walk?

Where would we run?

If we could stay all day in the sun?

I'll go anywhere with you, Ariel! Just please don't leave me. Elsa clenched her fists tightly as she held on to Ariel's shirt. She started whimpering softly.

Just you and me

And I could be

Part of your world.

Elsa removed Ariel's hand from her head and placed it around her body. You are part of my world. I don't want to ever give you up. I don't want to ever ignore you again. I'm so sorry!

I don't know when

I don't know how

But I know something's starting right now

Elsa cried loudly as her face was jammed in Ariel's chest. She didn't let her finish the song. "I love you," she shouted as she brought her head up and planted her lips on to Ariel's. She pulled away, took in a breath and said it again, "I love you," before kissing the red head again. She let go of her shirt and cupped her soft, warm cheeks in her hands.

Elsa sat up with both legs on either side of the red head and she straddled her body. I love you. I love you! She kept her thin lips pressed tightly against Ariel's plump, warm, red lips. She savored the feeling her girlfriend gave her with each kiss. Each time she pulled away to take a breath she said, "I love you."

Ariel giggled with each kiss Elsa delivered to her lips. She wrapped her arms around the blonde's back and sat up in the couch holding Elsa. She gently laid her back on the couch and crawled on top of her. "You've been nothing but lovey-dovey to me and a crying mess since I've been here," she said softly. She ran the back of her fingers along Elsa's wet, red cheek. "Have you missed me that much?"

Elsa nodded her head with sorrowful eyes. I cheated on you, Ariel. I just don't have the heart to tell you because I don't want to be without you. She felt even more ashamed now. I'm being selfish.

Ariel lowered her body on top of Elsa's and she gently pressed her lips to her girlfriend's. She took her right hand and interlocked her fingers with Elsa's left hand. She ran her left hand up Elsa's body starting at her thigh. She ran it past the waistband on her pants and tucked her fingers up under the blonde's shirt. Upon the skin-to-skin contact of Ariel's hand to Elsa's torso, Elsa gasped mid-kiss. She felt a tingling sensation through her body. It caused her nipples to slowly harden as the feeling settled in her core. I can't have sex with Ariel knowing I cheated on her and didn't tell her. I can't stoop that low!

Elsa squirmed her way out from under Ariel and pushed her hand out of her shirt. She collected her breath and pulled herself up from the couch. "Ariel," Elsa started. She took in several more breaths and felt her heart pounded hard in her chest. She could once again hear it in her head. I'm not ready for this. I need to tell you, but I can't! I'm so conflicted. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Ariel," she said again trying to show more confidence. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Ariel sat up in the couch and looked at Elsa confusedly. "Wh-what is it, Elsa?"

Every time Elsa tried to speak she only exhaled air. She couldn't form words.

"A-are you okay, Elsa?" Ariel was genuinely concerned. She stood up from the couch and wrapped her arms around Elsa. "I'm here," she whispered comfortingly.

Elsa lowered her head with shame. Her chin came down and rested on the red head's shoulder. Her red hair covered Elsa's face. The scent of ocean breeze filled her nostrils again. This is so hard.

"Do you want to go to dinner," Ariel asked calmly. "We can go on our date."

Elsa wrapped her arms around Ariel tightly. I'll go anywhere with you, Ariel. "Yes," the blonde whimpered.

Ariel pulled away from the hug and ran her hands down Elsa's smooth arms until they were holding hands. "I love you, Elsa," she said softly and lovingly. She gave her girlfriend a soft smile.

"I love you, too, Ariel," Elsa replied with the same loving softness her girlfriend's voice had carried.

Ariel nudged her head towards the door. "Come on, let's go get dinner." She smiled and led Elsa to the door still holding one hand together. Elsa didn't hesitate. She followed Ariel closely not wanting to leave her.

They arrived at a restaurant. Ariel and Elsa walked in and were greeted by the host. He led them to a booth and told the girls that their waiter would be with them shortly. Ariel settled in to her seat and smiled wonderfully at Elsa. "Do you recognize this restaurant?"

Elsa looked around. It was dimly lit with soft music playing the background. Each table had a red table cloth covering the surface with an electronic candle sitting in the center. It was meant to represent the romanticism of the restaurant. The walls were made of thick stone and from the walls hung pictures of paintings Elsa didn't quite recognize. In the center of the dining area hung a large chandelier made of crystal that gave the area its dim lighting and tranquil mood.

"Yeah," Elsa replied. "It's the same restaurant we came to the day before we went home for summer break."

Ariel bit her lower lip and nodded her head. "And, you remember what happened when we got home?"

Elsa thought back to that night.

Ariel kissed Elsa as they stumbled their way through Elsa's door to her dorm. Her roommate was already gone so she had the room to herself. Ariel forced her lips on to Elsa's as she ran her hands down to Elsa's rear. She groped Elsa and she thrust her body hard in to Ariel's. Ariel leaned away from Elsa long enough to catch her breath and to close and lock the dorm door.

Elsa pushed Ariel up against the locked door and pushed her lips against Ariel's once more. Elsa snaked her hands up Ariel's shirt and attacked her breasts. She wasted no time. She was ready for the red head. She squeezed Ariel's breasts through her bra until her erect nipples poked through. Elsa slid a thumb up under the cups and pushed the bra over her breasts exposing them. Ariel threw her head back and gasped as Elsa rubbed and pinched her pink, hard nipples.

"You naughty girl," Ariel moaned. She reached down and removed her own shirt. Elsa attacked Ariel's breasts with her mouth and sucked on her right nipple. She ran her wet, warm tongue over the erect flesh and continued to knead the other nipple between her fingers. She pulled her face away from Ariel's breast to wet her fingers. She went back to playing with both nipples: one with her tongue and the other with her wet fingers.

Ariel moaned and stroked Elsa's long, blonde braid. Elsa mashed Ariel's breasts together and planted kisses on each nipple. She turned the red head around swiftly and undid her bra. It fell to the floor. Elsa grabbed Ariel's long, red, silky hair and parted it from her shoulders. She started kissing the red head's shoulders and slowly began moving down her back. Elsa dropped to her knees as she reached Ariel's lower back.

She reached around and undid Ariel's pants. She took the waistband of her pants and bit down on it. She tugged on them with her teeth until they fell from around her hips. When they got mid-way down her thighs Elsa yanked them down to around her ankles with her hands. Ariel stepped out of her pants and looked over her shoulder to grin slyly at the blonde. Elsa looked up at her with seduction in her eyes and slowly licked her lips.

Elsa started planting tiny kissing behind her knee on her right leg. She ran her fingernails slowly up and down Ariel's left leg sending tickling sensations all up and down her leg. She moved her kisses slowly up Ariel's leg until she reached her thigh. She began kissing her thigh with more passion, sucking on the skin as she kissed. As she inched closer and closer to Ariel's hot and noticeably wet core, her knees started to shake as her breathing started to pick up. Elsa ran her fingers up the red head's outer thighs and to her hips. She curled her fingers between the waistband of Ariel's panties and was ready to remove them.

"Wait," Ariel moaned. "Wait!" She quickly turned and ran to the tiny refrigerator that was in Elsa's dorm room. She opened the door and pulled something out. She grinned devilishly as she showed Elsa the contents in her hand. It was a bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup. "There's still half a bottle left. It would be a shame to let it go to waste," she teased.

Elsa licked her lips again. She stood up and grinned seductively to her girlfriend. She took the bottle and kissed Ariel again. She pushed her to her bed and Ariel grinned with a giggle as she fell on the mattress. Elsa opened the cap and walked towards Ariel. She hung the bottle over the red head's breasts and watched pleasingly as the chocolate syrup slowly drizzled over Ariel's breasts. "Sex and chocolate," Elsa said with a breathy voice, "my two favorite things in that order." She threw the bottle on the bed, removed her own shirt and crawled in to bed with Ariel. She lowered her face to Ariel's breasts and started licking up the chocolate syrup from around her nipples.

Elsa came back to the present. "I remember exactly what happened when we got home."

Ariel blushed and giggled softly. "We went through the rest of that bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup." She sighed pleasurably at the thought. "That was so much fun."

Elsa chuckled beneath her breath. I can't have sex with her without telling her the truth. I cannot do it! Elsa nodded her head. "Yeah," she agreed not wanting to think anymore of that night. "It was fun."

A waiter greeted them and gave his name. Elsa and Ariel both cocked their heads. "Aren't you the same waiter that waited on us the last time we were here," Ariel asked.

He shifted his eyes confusedly at both girls. "I don't honestly know, I see a lot of people each night and I can't keep track of everyone's faces."

Ariel shrugged. She and Elsa placed their orders and continued to talk afterwards. Elsa kept up with conversation while struggling to tell Ariel the truth. She knew she didn't want to do it in public. She didn't want to make a scene out of it.

The waiter returned with their food and they thanked him. They ate in silence and once they were finished they continued talking. Ariel fell serious, "I really did miss you over the summer break, Elsa. I'm glad you got to enjoy your family again. How was your summer?"

Elsa swallowed the lump in her throat. It was amazing. I got to spend time with Anna and I let her know how I feel about her and she reciprocated the feelings. I love Anna, Elsa felt on the verge of crying again, but I love you, too. I don't know what to do. I want you both. I don't want to have to sacrifice one to have the other. I want both of you to love me together and I want to love both of you together. I wan- "Hello," Ariel was waving her hand in front of Elsa's eyes. She shook her head from her thoughts. "Are you in there," Ariel giggled biting her lower lip.

"Y-yeah," Elsa stammered, "I-I'm here."

"Well, how was your summer?"

"It was-" she paused for a moment, wonderful? Amazing? "It was good."

Ariel smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed your summer. I'm glad you got to see your family. My family on the other hand," she puffed air from her lips, "they did not like the fact that I came out. They wouldn't even acknowledge you by name."

Elsa lowered her head with defeat. She stood up for me and battled her parents while I cheated on her with my own sister.

"Don't be sad, Elsa," Ariel said reassuringly, "they don't have to know your name to know that I love you. Like I told my mother and my father, I'll go to Hell for you if it means living a life of true love with you."

Elsa's jaw began to tremble again. Her eyes glazed over with tears. She inhaled a deep, shaky breath and let out a whimper. One whimper led to two whimpers and eventually she started crying. She covered her face with her hands to muffle her cries. "I'm sorry," Elsa mumbled.

Ariel's eyes widened. She raced to the other side of the table and hugged her girlfriend. "Elsa, Elsa," she said trying to calm the blonde down, "I'm here. I'm right here. You don't have to cry." She stroked her hand through her long, blonde hair against and pressed her head in to her chest. "Shh," she whispered, "I've got you, Elsa. I'm right here."

Elsa turned her head burying it in her girlfriend's chest again. She wrapped her fingers around her arms and brought Ariel's arms around her back. She wanted Ariel to hold her and hug her. All of this shame and it's tearing my apart. I just need to tell her and let my life fall apart so I can pick it up in pieces, alone. I don't deserve Ariel's love. She can do so much better than me!

The waiter came back to the table with the check. He sat it down and he watched as Elsa cried in Ariel's chest. He pointed to her, "Is she going to be all right?"

Ariel shrugged. "We just got back from summer break. We spent the last two and a half months apart and ever since we got back together today she's been all over the place. She has cried to me, cuddled me, hugged me, kissed me and cried some more. I keep telling her I'm not going anywhere but she continues to cry."

The waiter pursed his lips not saying a word. He walked away not wanting to get any more involved with their situation. Ariel picked up the check and read the total. Elsa stopped crying long enough to snatch the check from Ariel's hand. She sniffled. "You're n-not paying f-for this. I am!"

"No, Elsa," Ariel replied, "I brought you here. I'm paying!"

Ariel reached for the check but Elsa moved it away from her wanting hand. "No, you're not paying for our dinner. I'm paying!" Elsa felt guilty. She wanted to at least pay for dinner. She didn't want her girlfriend to pay for someone who couldn't keep her trust.

"Elsa," Ariel said sternly, "give me the check."

"No," Elsa shouted. "You're not paying for me!" Her eyes dried themselves at her frustration. Her cheeks were still wet and she was still sniffling, but she managed to keep Ariel from paying. She gave the check and her debit card to the waiter. "I'm sorry for shouting," Elsa mumbled apologetically.

"I just wanted to take you out for dinner," Ariel said, her voice quivering.

"You did," Elsa reassured, "I just didn't want you paying. That's all." She reached her hand across the table and grabbed Ariel's.

"I love you," Ariel whispered, raising her eyes to meet Elsa's icy blues.

Elsa looked away. "I love you, too," she murmured.

The waiter returned with Elsa's card. She left a tip and signed the receipt. The waiter thanked her and together the couple left the restaurant.

They went back to Elsa's apartment. Elsa just wanted to go to bed and forget about everything, but she knew she had to tell Ariel and it had to be tonight. When they walked in Elsa dragged her feet along the floor and kept her head down. She slipped her shoes off near the closet that sat next to the front door and went straight to her room. She flipped a switch and the ceiling light came on. Ariel followed her. "I think I'll crash here tonight if you don't mind?"

Elsa closed her eyes as she sat down on the edge of her bed. She didn't open them. "I don't mind," he said beneath her breath, "but I don't know if you'll want to?"

Ariel chuckled as she sat down on Elsa's bed. "Why not? It's been two months since I've enjoyed your touch."

Elsa, keeping her eyes shut, propped her elbows on her knees and dropped her head in to her hands. It's now. I have to tell her. No more beating around the bush. No more waiting. I have to tell her, now! "Ariel," Elsa felt a huge lump growing in her throat, "I need to tell you something."

Ariel got off the bed and dropped to her knees beside Elsa. She placed a hand comfortingly on her leg and tried to position her face between Elsa's arms so she could look at her face. "What is it," she asked. She stroked her girlfriend's leg.

Elsa took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She remained silent. Stop being such a fucking pussy! Tell her!

Ariel bit her lower lip. "Would it be easier if I told you I was wearing your favorite bra?" Elsa's eyes shot open. From between Elsa's legs and arms, Ariel managed to flash her eyelashes at the blonde as she smiled seductively. Ariel slid the collar of her shirt down her shoulder a bit to reveal the strap of her bra. It was blue and made of lace.

Oh, God. I've got to tell her before that shirt comes off! Ariel bit her lower lip and sat back on her knees. She grabbed the shirt and slowly pulled it out of her skirt. She started sliding it up her torso. No. No. No! Her belly button was exposed. No! No! NO! It came up to just below her breasts and before Ariel could expose her bra, Elsa shouted, "I cheated on you!"

Ariel stopped pulling at her shirt. She shifted her eyes and cocked an eyebrow at Elsa. "W-wh-what," she mumbled.

Elsa's jaw trembled for the final time this day. She dropped her head and cried. "I cheated on you," she admitted through tears of anguish.

Ariel fell silent. She looked down and brought her hands together in her lap. She started fiddling her thumbs slowly.

Elsa covered her face with her hands and fell back in her bed. She rolled up in the fetus position to try and cover as much of herself as she possibly could. She just wanted to die. Instead, she continued to cry. "I'm sorry," she mumbled incoherently. "I'm sorry, Ariel, I'm sorry."

Ariel stood up silently. Elsa could see her through the cracks between her fingers and through the tears in her eyes. Ariel kept her head lowered not looking at her girlfriend. Her long, red hair covered her face. She stumbled out of the room. "Ariel," Elsa cried. "Ariel, I love you! Ariel, I love you!" Elsa picked up her pillow and put it over her face as she cried into it. "I love you, Ariel!"

She continued to cry to herself. Even being muffled, her cries were still loud. Her breathing was erratic as she bawled. She knew she was alone and she knew this was the end of her relationship. Two years wasted all because she gave in to her own emotions that she worked so hard to suppress.

"I loved you..." Ariel's voice quavered. Without even seeing her, Elsa knew Ariel was crying. "I loved you and I trusted you," she screamed.

Elsa brought her wet face from her hands. "Ariel, I love you! I'm sor-"

"No! You don't get to say 'I'm sorry' and think that's enough!"

"I don't think it's enough! I'll do anythin-"

Ariel's hand went hard across Elsa's face. The CRACK of skin-on-skin as Ariel slapped Elsa echoed in the bedroom. It knocked Elsa down to her bed. "I loved you!" Ariel screamed.

Elsa held her face. Not once had Ariel ever raised a hand to Elsa and not once had she ever slapped Elsa. As she stared up at her girlfriend, she could see the pain in her face, in her heart. Ariel's jaw trembled. Tears flooded from her eyes. "I loved you," she whispered. And, then she let out a shriek followed by her crying. She covered her mouth and ran out of Elsa's room.

"Ariel," Elsa cried. "Ariel, wait!"

Ariel grabbed her things as she wept and quickly left Elsa's apartment. Elsa ran to the door and followed Ariel. What she had done was worthy of Ariel's actions. What she had done was worthy of Ariel never speaking to her again. She didn't want it to end like this, though. For all of the love she felt towards Anna, she still felt love for Ariel.

Elsa ran outside following her girlfriend. "I love you!" Elsa screamed. "Ariel, I love you!"

Ariel got in her car and started it. She backed out and idled, crying as she watched Elsa plead for the redhead to return to her.

"Don't go," Elsa whimpered. She reached out as if she could touch Ariel. "Please, don't go. I love you. I do love you."

Ariel took off and Elsa fell to her knees. She crumpled up feeling her life dissolve before her. She wept in the dark, outside. She wanted Ariel to return. She wanted Anna beside her. She wanted both girls to be with her. But, they weren't. Anna was back home and Ariel was sure to never return.

Elsa wept in the dark.

She wept alone.