Disclaimer: I still don't own Kimi ni Todoke.
Main pairing: AyanexPin!
Summary: Pin and Ayane decided to spend the whole weekend together. This is the first part of those three nights and two days alone...
Ayane Returns
Chapter 8: Weekend with You Part I.
When Ayane was done with the preparations for her weekend with Pin, she decided to call Chizuru. She wanted to know how things went with Ryuu, since he came back from University last night.
The young woman stuttered in the phone and sounded pretty embarrassed by the question. Ayane asked her if something good happened, which made Chizuru panick.
"I-I don't see what you're talking about." Chizuru replied nervously, probably blushing.
Her friend smiled to herself. Something definitively happened, and now it could finally be her turn to tease Chizuru.
"Come on Chizu, tell me already." Ayane said with a smile. "How did he like your dress?" She asked.
"Oh... H-he liked it..." Chizuru trailed off, surely blushing like mad.
"Did he compliment you?" Ayane asked.
"Hmm... w-well he did... yes..." She replied shyly.
"That's good then!" Ayane exclaimed, happy for her friend. "And what else did he say?"
"Well he... he said he'd missed me..." Chizuru whispered the last words, feeling her cheeks burn.
"Ryuu's really sweet to you..." Ayane said. "I hope you told him the same."
"W-why would I?!" Chizuru exclaimed.
"I'm sure you did, you big crybaby." Ayane said teasingly.
"I didn't cry!" Chizuru exclaimed, completely red.
"I know you Chizuru, I'm sure you cried like crazy when you saw him."
The silence on the other side of the line confirmed Ayane's thoughts.
"I'm glad." She said after a few seconds. "I'm really glad you had him back."
"Me too..." Chizuru finally admitted. "And what about your dinner with Pin?" She asked in curiosity.
"Oh it... it went very well..." Ayane said with a major blush. She couldn't talk about that wonderful hot kiss they shared on the living room couch before her mother arrived.
And talking about her mother...
"Minus the fact Mom made fun of me all through dinner." Ayane added with a drop on the back of her head.
Chizuru laughed on the other side of the line. She could perfectly imagine how things went with Mrs Yano. She'd heard of how Ayane's mother pushed her daughter to Pin over the phone once, and Ayane already told her friend that she made fun of her since they started their relationship.
"And don't try to avoid the topic." Ayane said teasingly. "I want you to tell me everything."
"How can you ask these kind of things?!" Chizuru shouted in embarassment.
"I'm only curious!" Ayane explained.
"We only kissed!" Chizuru replied. " A-and I stayed over! But that's all!" She added quickly.
"You stayed over?" Ayane asked. "But didn't his father come back home?"
"Y-yes he did." Chizuru replied. "But I stayed in Ryuu's room."
"You slept together?" Ayane asked, surprised.
"We just slept in the same bed!" Chizuru quickly explained. "We didn't do anything!"
"So you just... slept?"
"Well..." Chizuru replied. "We talked for a very long time before."
"With Ryuu?" Ayane asked, surprised the quiet boy spent the night talking, even to his girlfriend and childhood friend.
"We had a lot of things to talk about." Chizuru replied, blushing.
"About what you two will do from now on?" Ayane asked.
"Yeah." Chizuru said.
Her friends already knew she wanted to become Ryuu's wife in High School and work with him in his father's restaurant. And even that they were planning to marry once he came back from University.
But Ayane didn't want to bother Chizuru more than this. She surely was happy to be with Ryuu again and wanted to spend more time with him.
"I'll leave you alone now." Ayane said. "I need to make lunch."
"Oh, okay." Chizuru replied. "Thank you for calling me Aya-chi."
"It's nothing Chizu." Ayane said, smiling.
"Well see you later."
"See you Chizu, say hello to Ryuu for me."
"Alright." Chizuru chuckled."And hit Pin if he doesn't take care of you."
"Hey!" Ayane exclaimed. "He's really sweet you know!"
"You're defending him again..." Chizuru pouted.
"He's my boyfriend now Chizu." Her friend replied.
"Eww..." Chizuru made a face. "When you say boyfriend, it feels so weird."
"Get over it." Ayane chuckled. "Besides, get used to me defending him, because it's really serious between us."
"Eh?! What do you mean by that?!" Chizuru exclaimed.
"I'll tell you another day." Ayane laughed. "Bye Chizu."
"No Aya-chi! Tell me what you meant! Aya-chi!"
"How could she hang up?!" Chizuru shouted to her phone.
"What happened?" A deep voice made her turn to Ryuu's bedroom door.
Her boyfriend and childhood friend was there, dressed in sports pants and jersey jacket, a baseball cap on his head. He was panting slightly and was sweating.
"Ryuu..." Chizuru whispered. "You finished your jogging?"
"Yeah." The tall young man replied with a small smile. "I'm going to take a shower now."
"Oh okay." Chizuru said with a blush, still shy about their physical contacts from last night.
It's true that nothing really big happened, but they kissed for a very long time, with them touching each other in a more intimate ways that they ever did. Ryuu smiled as he looked at Chizuru blushing. He knew exactly what was going on in that little head of hers.
"You're still thinking about yesterday?" He said in a low voice, his eyes burning into hers.
Chizuru immediately blushed and shook her head from left to right.
"N-not at all!"
"You're a very bad liar..." Ryuu whispered as he bent over her and kissed her lips softly.
Chizuru's heart screamed for more contact but it was over as soon as it started. Ryuu chuckled as her expression turned obviously sulky.
"I'll be back right after I shower." He said. "Wait for me." He added, pecking her lips one last time before walking out of his room.
Chizuru stayed still, looking at the door he just left by. She touched her lips with her fingers, savoring the taste of him that she'd missed so much. The young woman desesperatly wanted more now, and she thought back of her conversation with Ayane the day before, at the mall. She said she wasn't ready to do anything more adventurous than kissing, but as soon as she'd seen Ryuu last night, as soon as he touched her, her thoughts had been filled with the desire to be held by his tall and strong body.
She blushed at the idea of their first time coming closer and quickly shook her head.
"It's his fault for becoming so handsome..." She whispered.
It was true after all.
He was so tall, with his short black hair that suited him so much, his slented dark brown eyes that bore holes into her when he looked her way, his straight nose and strong jaw. His slightly tanned skin, his long fingers, big hands, body and his deep low voice...
Chizuru rolled around on his bed, squeezing his pillow against her burning face.
Hurry and come back! She shouted in her mind.
Ryuu sneezed in his shower.
"That baka." He chuckled, washing his short hair.
The next day, during afternoon, Ayane was ready to go to Pin's with her big sports bag. Her mother wouldn't be there before she was already gone, so she left a note on the living room table.
She then took a look of her attire in the mirror. She had freed her long light brown hair and wore a white long sleeved top with a V neck and a leather patch on each elbow. With that she wore slim black jeans and boots, and her military jacket with a grey scarf.
At the same moment, someone rang the doorbell. Ayane went to the door and was surprised to discover Pin on the other side. He was still wearing his jersey jacket, a scarf and had his hair up. The tall man smirked at his girlfriend.
"Yo." He said smugly.
"Pin? What are you doing here?" Ayane asked, happy to see him, but still surprised he came.
"I went out early so I could come and get you." He said, happy with himself.
"Really?" Ayane asked, touched by the attention.
"Yeah." Pin nodded. "I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't take care of my lady properly, right?"
Ayane blushed at his words. That was so sweet...
Pin then noticed her luggage in the hallway and took it on his shoulder.
"No you're not forced to-" Ayane protested.
Pin smirked at her.
"Let me carry it." He said and held his free hand out to her.
She blushed slightly and took his hand.
"Let's go home now." He said.
Ayane blushed again at the mention, he made it sound like it was hers too. She then locked the door and they took the alley to the main street.
"I cleaned up very nicely." Pin said as they walked hand in hand in the snow. "And I even bought some cakes for you."
"Thank you Pin." She said, smiling sweetly at him.
He made a face and she chuckled.
"Sorry, I meant Kazuichi." She whispered in his ear, tiptoeing.
Pin blushed slightly and stole a kiss from her lips.
"Take this." He said childishly and bumped against her shoulder.
He smirked and Ayane laughed before she wrapped her arm around his, her cheeks red and eyes sparkling. She was so happy to spend time with him, all alone. And she was glad he seemed as happy to be with her.
They made their way inside his appartement and Pin closed the door behind him.
"I'm home." He said as he put Ayane's bag down and took off his snickers.
Ayane took off her high heels and left them neatly beside Pin's snickers. The young man then took her coat from her shoulders and hang it by the door.
"Thank you." She said.
"You're here in your home, feel free to do whatever you want." Pin said with a big smile.
Ayane chuckled and quickly grabbed the front of his jacket to kiss him passionately. When she released his lips, Pin was all red and frozen in place.
"I wanted to do just that." She said with a chuckle.
"Well, we can start by that if you want." He said, wriggling his eyebrow while pluckering his lips.
"Huh huh." Ayane shook her head from left to right and unzipped his jacket. "We have a lot of time ahead of us, so let's start with putting my clothes somewhere, okay?"
Pin sulked and looked away with a frown as Ayane took off his jacket to hang it up.
"In my room, I made some space in the closet if you want." He said, pouting.
Ayane chuckled and stole a kiss from him before running to his bedroom. Pin looked at the way she disppeared and sighed. He wanted to kiss her a lot first...
She re-appeared a minute later and frowned at him as he put his jacket beside her coat. She was holding a magazine with her fingertips, like it was something dirt-Crap I forgot it!
"Whaaa!" Pin exclaimed, running to her and taking the offensive magazine away from her hands to wrinkle it in a tight ball. "I-it's not what you think!"
"Oh really?" Ayane said more than asked as Pin disappeared outside the appartement for several minutes.
He came back quickly and looked at Ayane in shame.
"I'm sorry, it's the only one..." He said.
Ayane walked to him and slowly lifted her hands to his face. She suddenly gripped both his cheeks and pinched them hard.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Pin shouted and felt tears at the corners of his eyes.
It hurt!
"I hope I'll never find a porn magazine in your house ever again, or you'll hear about it." Ayane said before releasing him.
"It was not porn." Pin protested softly as he rubbed his sore cheeks. "It was a swimsuits magazine..."
"I don't care!" She exclaimed. "I don't want you to look at other girls!"
Ayane huffed and returned to his bedroom to finish putting her clothes in the drawers. The young man stayed in the middle of the corridor, thinking that his girlfriend was really cute when she got jealous.
"Kid..." He whispered with pink cheeks.
Pin then walked inside his bedroom and watched her from the door. Ayane was putting her now empty bag in his closet before closing it. She turned around and gasped in surprise as she saw him.
"At least say something." Ayane said. He scared me.
"I'm sorry." Pin apologized and walked to Ayane's side.
He crouched down and lifted his hand to caress her long hair.
"Don't be angry." He said softly. "I promise you'll never find something like this again."
"No, it's not your fault..." Ayane said. "I overreacted..."
"Were you jealous?" Pin asked smugly.
"No." Ayane quickly replied, blushing.
"I'm sure you were." He chuckled lowly.
"Not at all." Ayane said, looking away. "Why would I be jealous of pictures?"
"Well, if you were hipothetically jealous" Pin said "I must say that you're much more beautiful than any girl in a swimsuit, Ayane."
She chuckled at his words. It was by far the most awkward compliment she ever received, but she found it adorable.
"That was... very cute." Ayane whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Don't call me cute..." Pin whispered while his eyes bored into hers. "A man isn't someone you can call that way..."
Ayane's cheeks got warm at the husky tone of his voice. Pin bought his face closer to hers and she could feel his warm breath against her lips. He parted his, still staring intently into her eyes.
Pin got closer until his lips caressed hers but without pressing against them. Ayane's cheeks burnt as she thought he wanted her to kiss him first. But she really wanted it and didn't hesitate to bring her face closer. But Pin quickly pulled away from her, enough to stop her attempted kiss but still touching her lips slightly.
Ayane flushed red, noticing his smirk.
"What are you doing?" She asked, frowning at his action.
"Come on..." He whispered huskily. "Kiss me..."
Ayane frowned and tried to do it again, but Pin evaded her each time. After a few more failed attempts, she pushed him away in irritation.
"Stupid Pin!" She shouted with a red face. "It's not even funny!"
Pin tilted his head to the side, looking at her with a proud expression.
"I find it pretty funny." He said, crossing his arms on his chest and smirking at her with that annoying face.
Ayane pushed him with more strength and he lost his footing, falling on this bottom.
"Hey that hurts!" Pin shouted.
"Well, I find it pretty funny too." Ayane said, crossing her arms against her chest with a smirk.
Pin growled and stood up quickly, pouncing on her.
"Kyaaa!" Ayane screamed and ran away from him.
"Come here you baka!" Pin shouted, running after her.
"Go away!" She shouted.
"Once I got my hands on you Yano!"
"Don't call me Yano!"
"Yano Yano Yano Yano!"
"Y-you kid!"
"Shut up!"
The two ran around the appartement while fighting childishly. Ayane ended up cornered against a wall and turned around to find Pin right on her heels. She held her hand up to stop him and a big smirk made its way to Pin's lips.
"Stay right where you are." Ayane told him, panting from her crazy running.
Pin's smirk widened and he put both hands on his head to ruffle his hair. Ayane gasped when he looked back at her with his long red bangs falling on his forhead and temples. She blushed and he chuckled, proud of the effect this haircut had on her.
"D-don't come near me." She managed to stutter out.
"Why?" Pin asked huskily.
"B-because!" She shouted, pressing her back into the wall behind her.
"Do I make you nervous?" He asked, taking a step forwards.
"I'm not nervous." Ayane quickly replied, her face getting redder.
"Really?" Pin asked, stepping closer. "Then why do you look so... panicked?"
"I'm not even panicking!" Ayane shouted. "I'm perfectly fine!"
"Tsk tsk tsk." Pin shook his head from left to right as he kept walking to her. "It's bad to tell lies." He said with a smirk, stopping right in front of Ayane.
She held her breath and looked up at his much taller and muscular body. His eyes were dark with desire and she could see an amused glint into them. She gulped when Pin bent down and brought his face very close to hers.
"I should punish you for that..." He whispered huskily and pressed his hands against the wall, on each side of her head.
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ayane's internally screamed at his actions.
He was so hot with his hair down and those eyes and that face and this tone and this scent and...
"Aw come on kiss me already!" Ayane finally shouted with a blushing face.
"No." Pin said, standing straight again and looking away.
Ayane gaped at him and he started to laugh mockingly.
"Grrrrrrrrrr!" Ayane exploded and she started to hit him with both hands. "Stupid Pin! Baka! I can't believe you!"
"You really have no humour!" Pin laughed as she kept hiting him.
"You did it! I'm going back home!" She shouted and ran away from the room.
Pin quickly went after her and easily grabbed her by the waist. She started to trash in his arms, frustrated by his actions.
"No! I'm going home!" She shouted, trying to prey his arms from her.
But he was a strong man and he held her tighter against him.
"Don't be like that Ayane." He said, still chuckling. "It's just so much fun to tease you."
"You're not funny at all!" She shouted back with a red face. "And here I wanted to kiss you so bad!"
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes." She replied with a deep blush.
"Hmmm..." Pin thought for a second before letting go of her.
Ayane quickly turned to him and gripped the fabric of his long sleeved top. She looked up at him with almost teary eyes and Pin smiled gently at her. He caressed her red cheek with his long fingers and she closed her eyes.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked.
"Hm." Ayane nodded, tiptoeing.
Pin's eyes softened and he slowly held her face in both hands. He pressed his lips gently to Ayane's and she felt her whole body shiver in anticipation. They kissed softly, slowly moving their lips together. Then Ayane opened her mouth and Pin quickly deepened their kiss.
Their tongues sensually caressed each other and they pressed their bodies closer, leaving no distance between them as they kept kissing sensually.
The young woman let her boyfriend gently pick her up and moaned softly when he tilted his head to the side and changed the angle of their kiss. He was so good at it... Ayane thought as she melted in his arms.
When Pin finally released her lips after long long minutes of passionate contact, Ayane realized she was laying with her back on his bed and he was hovering above her. She stared with a dazed expression and red cheeks into his brown orbs.
Pin chuckled at the face she made and he kissed her again, purring against her lips like a cat. Ayane let a small moan escape her throat which got Pin more aroused. He deepened their kiss again and laid down slowly on her body. Ayane moaned again as Pin moved one hand to her hair and fisted the long bangs to push her head back. Her hands gripped his shoulders and Pin's lips left hers to press into her neck.
"P-Pin..." She whispered, closing her eyes in delight as he kissed her throat slowly.
Then he slid his free hand under her top, caressing the soft skin of her belly. Ayane held her breath when she felt his hot palm and fingers touch her bare skin.
She buried her fingers into his red bangs and held his head against her as Pin kept caressing her skin under her top and pressed his lips against her neck. Ayane could only feel him touch and kiss her slowly with her face burning and her body getting hot.
Pin bought his hand higher and softly pressed it onto one round breast.
"Pin-" Ayane gasped in surprise and opened wide eyes to look at him.
She shivered at the look he gave her.
His eyes were almost black and he was staring back at her with his lips still kissing her skin. His hand pressed more into her breast and she bit her lip at the sensation. It was like a current of electricity traveling from the tip of her breast to the rest of her body. She felt a whimper at the back of her throat but held it in.
Pin still stared intently at her and he pulled her top up until her chest covered with a beautiful lacy bra, was offered to his view.
"Ayane..." He whispered huskily with his eyes sliding from her breasts to her face.
The young woman closed her eyes and turned her face away in shame.
"Look at me." Pin said, his eyes looking up.
Ayane felt pleasant chills down her spine at his tone and she slowly turned her face back and opened her eyes to look at him. Pin was staring at her with those dark eyes of his and she felt so warm at his expression of pure desire for her and those long red bangs falling on his face.
"K-Kazuichi..." She whispered and gently caressed his face.
Her hands were trembling slightly and Pin's expression softened.
He pulled her top down and wrapped his arms around her body. He rested his cheek on her chest and hugged her. Pin sighed in contempt and stayed in this position, happy just to hold her close and breath in her delicious scent.
Ayane looked down at him and stared at his laying form in desbelief. He stopped?...
"W-why?..." She asked softly, almost sad.
"We have time." He said, rubbing his cheek against her breasts. "You don't need to rush things. Let's sleep a little like this."
"Don't worry Ayane. If you just hug me back I'll be very happy." Pin whispered, his eyes closed and his ears listening to her fast beating heart.
Ayane blushed and slowly wrapped her arms around his head, her hands caressing his red hair gently. He wanted to wait for her, she thought with teary eyes. He really was the kindest man she ever met.
"I love you Ayane." Pin whispered sleepily, his breathing slowing down.
Ayane looked down with a blushing face, realizing he'd just fallen asleep.
"Baka..." She softly whispered, her eyes softening at the sight of his peaceful face. He was so hot earlier and now, he looked utterly cute.
"You're a real mystery Arai Kazuichi..." She whispered with a smile on her lips. "But that's what makes you so charming..." She added before closing her eyes. Kazuichi...
I love you...
To be continued...
Uwaaah! I can't believe I wrote something like that, I'm even blushing!
But I hope you liked it, and that the wait wasn't too long this time. I really wanted to write about Ryuu and Chizuru sweet moments, so maybe I will put more details in next chapters... I'll try to not forget Sawako and Kazehaya.
Thank you very much to those who reviewed the previous chapters!
Mizzymystery1: Kyaaaa thank you! lol I'm happy you liked it, I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter too!
haylo4ever: Hey! Hello again! I'm glad you didn't ^^ but I'm angry at myself, time sure flies by very fast! I tried to make a faster update than the last chapter... *looking to the side*
Elias Ainsworth: Don't say that Elias! You're worth it! And your review too thank you very much!
genericfollower: You came back too! Thank you! You got the first part of their weekend I hope you're happy! Well, I know I'm quite happy I could update faster than last time ^^
OnlyAnonymous: lol sadssad? I didn't get it but... thank you! I'm glad you liked this story ^^
Margaux477: Awww thank you so much! It's true, I think he is (from the manga already!)
And thank you very much to those who read this story and added it in favorites and alerts, I'm really happy!
I wish you all very nice holidays and take good care of your family! We only have one!
Have a very nice day too!
Peace and Love!