Hello readers, this is a reader insert that I wrote a while ago, but I haven't had the chance to post it on here. I have, however, posted this on my Wattpad, under the Pen name BBFridaythe13. However, I thought it would be awesome to post it on here as well. I hope you enjoy.

Copyright: I do not own the Kagerou Project, and therefore, I don't own Kuroha. I also do not own you, Kuroha owns you. I do own the story though.

Two piercing yellow eyes stared into the darkness towards the house in front of them. Through the window, a figure was curled up in a ball. The blanket that was covering the figure moved up and down in a steady fashion alerting Kuroha that he wasn't in danger of being found, which was good for him. He didn't want to have to kill you just yet. He didn't want to feel that god awful sting in his chest even if it only appeared for a split second. The sting made him feel weak, and he hated feeling any weakness of any kind. He was supposed to be an invinicible and heartless killer. One that should have no problem with killing you. However even after ending your life multiple times, it never did get any easier on him, and he didn't know why. You, a mere human, were the only one that made Kuroha feel something.

Lights flickered on as Kuroha sunk further into the darkness. He continued to watch as you stumbled out of bed then towards the door leading into your private bathroom. Once inside, you shut the door causing you to disappear from sight completely. Kuroha let out a slight growl. He didn't like that he could no longer see you since you were human. Humans were weak and easily died in his mind. If something happened to you then he wouldn't be able to know. His grip on the tree branch tightened as he told himself that everything was fine. You would be perfectly fine. However, that didn't ease him in the lease.

"Come out (y/n)." Kuroha whispered.

He waited for nearly a good half hour before the door opened. (Y/n) stretched before collapsing back onto the bed. The lights flickered off causing Kuroha to sigh in relief. He shut his eyes for a moment before opening them to find two (e/c) eyes staring out the window towards him. Flinching, he decided that it was time that he left. He would come back later when he knew what you wouldn't notice.

{Inside (Y/n)'s House}

You watched as the figure in the trees jumped down before disappearing into the darkness of the night. You had known that someone had been watching you for the last couple hours. It had been the thing that woke you up since the sensation frightened you. Of course, you had to escape from it for half an hour in the bathroom just hoping that whoever was watching you was gone. When you came out, the sensation was still there. It frightened you, and it was unbearable. The reason that you couldn't sleep. So, you finally worked up the courage to look out your window to find out who is watching you. To be honest, you didn't think that you would find anyone. You thought it was probably an owl or something. To see someone running away the moment you looked out your window made you jump. There was no way that you were going to get any sleep now. Not when you knew that there was someone that had been watching you for the last god knows how many hours. Your heart hammered in your chest. Hopefully, whoever it was, wasn't coming back anytime soon.