This is Berk. Things have really been looking up! It has been over a year and a half since the whole "Drago Bludvist taking over the world" incident, and a lot has happened. It is three days to the greatest celebration in Berk history! Everyone is incredibly excited. But… Astrid is furious. Why? Well, how about we just start from the beginning.

CHAPTER 1 – The Royal Guests

It was a crisp, cool, August morning on the dragon-infested Isle of Berk.

Astrid was walking back briskly from her daily axe-throwing montage in the forest, smiling happily to herself. In three short days, she was officially going to become Mrs. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, and she could hardly contain herself. Ever since Hiccup had formally become Chief of Berk, Astrid knew it was only a matter of time before he got up the courage to take their relationship to the next level.

Due to all the "post-ice-catastrophe" clean up, neither of them had had a moment to spare to steal chaste kisses in deserted corners. It became clear that it would be better for both of them (and the whole disgruntled village) if they just gave up and made it official. So he had proposed to her a year later, and in six months, they had planned the wedding. They were to be wed on *Freya's day (Friday) of the third week of the month, in the early afternoon. There would be a great big beautiful weeklong reception, with feasts every day. It was to be quite an affair!

*Freya: Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility; marriages are held on her day to honor her.

Currently Hiccup and his Nightfury, Toothless, were away on The Hunt, along with nearly all the other men of the village (and their dragons). For seven days, they were to hunt in the forest and neighboring small islands for meat for the wedding banquet. Astrid had had to deal with the smirking younger girls and "enlightening" older women of the town all by herself this past week. Apparently, the females of the town had some fascination with humiliating newlyweds, engaged couples, and the like. Even now, as Astrid strode down the street, minding her own business, a local woman selling flowers gave her a rather obvious wink.

I hope Hiccup is getting as much grief from the guys on The Hunt as I am here, thought Astrid, trotting up her front stoop, and swinging open the door to her home. She was greeted by a rather unusual sight.

"Astrid, honey!" cried her mother, standing up quickly from her chair at the kitchen table. Sitting directly across from her was two women. They looked quite out of place in the homely kitchen. The younger woman had short dark hair and beautiful green eyes, and wore a pretty but thin dress. She shivered from the brisk wind that entered with Astrid. The older woman seemed to be her mother, due to their unmistakable similarities. She surveyed the new arrival with gentle, kind eyes.

"This is, uh, Queen Primrose of Corona, and her daughter Princess Rapunzel," Astrid's mother said nervously, trying to keep a straight face in the presence of royalty, "They landed on Berk today to tell you something, Astrid." Eyebrows raised, the one addressed delicately leaned her axe against the wall, and pulled up a chair.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you," said the Queen, extending a soft white hand. Unsure whether she was meant to kiss it or what, Astrid warily grasped it and shook it quickly. The four women sat smiling at each other awkwardly. Then the princess, Rapunzel, cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "Ah. Yes," said the Queen, shifting in her seat, glancing briefly at her daughter, "I should probably tell you what we are here for." Astrid shrugged. Her mother coughed pointedly. "I mean, yes," Astrid remarked.

Queen Primrose smiled politely. Then she straightened, clearly to prepare for some important announcement.

"We are here to inform you," she declared, "that you are cordially invited to attend the Kingdom of Corona's University for Young Women of High Stature." With memorized confidence, she continued. "With our facility finally completed after five years, we are delighted to display our hard work. Our main purpose is to unite our allies by providing a free school where high-ranking young women can learn how to be proper ladies. We will provide them with valuable political knowledge and etiquette techniques, to help them endure their futures as powerful matriarchs alongside their husbands. We wish to create close bonds and friendships between these women, so they can uphold the treaties that have been organized amongst our allies. Lastly, we will teach them how to handle the difficulty and responsibility of being a woman in a man's world," she finished, her eyes twinkling.

"Okay, well," said Astrid, not convinced, trying to be polite, "When is this supposed to happen? I can't just get up and go attend some school in your country, I'm about to get married in three days."

Princess Rapunzel giggled. Speaking up for the first time, "Oh don't worry," she said, "It starts at the beginning of September, so you'll still be able to stay for the wedding festivities…and your honeymoon." Against her better judgment, Astrid blushed, rapidly tucking a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"How long does she have to stay at the University?" her mother asked.

"Oh, it depends on how fast she progressing in her studies," the Queen replied.

Astrid shook her head, "That's another thing," she added, giving a pointed look at her mother, "I'm a warrior, not some dainty princess. I don't need to learn manners for here on Berk."

"Perhaps, but what if you and your fiancée get invited to an Allies Meeting or something? You'll need to know how to behave," Princess Rapunzel reasoned.

Astrid frowned, thinking the whole thing was ridiculous. Also, she felt somewhat offended at the princess' suggestion about her behavior, as if she was some barbarian. "I can't just leave Hiccup two weeks after our marriage! He needs me…" she blinked quickly, "to, uh, help run the village. That's what I'm going to have to do from now on anyway."

The Queen nodded, "That's exactly the kind of thing we'll show you how to do at the University. All the girls attending are either princesses or something along those lines, so they will need to know how to run things in the future, whether in a small village or an entire country. Anyway, you will only have to stay with us for, oh, a year or so, so as soon as you finish and earn your graduation certificate, you are free to return to Berk!"

Astrid's mother accepted that with a short grunt. Her daughter began to get frustrated with the whole thing. She just had to say something. "I have to stay there for a whole year? Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds?" Astrid took a deep breath, preparing for a speech. "People like us, on Berk; we're strong, hard, tough people. But death and war and starvation and illness and anything else you can think of is always looming over our heads. And unlike some, we don't have the luxury of taking years of our lives out for educational purposes!" She could have said a lot more on the subject, but was interrupted.

"Unfortunately, you don't have much of a choice," mumbled Princess Rapunzel, biting her lip anxiously, glancing quickly between her mother and the furious female. "Unless you wish our kingdom to revoke the peace contract with your tribe, you are required to come and represent your people," the Queen explained.

"Are you threatening me?" Astrid asked, putting one hand on the table, ready to spring into action.

"No, I'm simple stating the facts of our agreement."

"What agreement? I didn't agree to anything!"

"I'm referring to the settlement the chief signed, permitting your presence at our University."

"Hiccup didn't sign anything."

"We were informed that the real chief was away on a hunt, so we were deferred to his next-in-command. His mother, Valka."

Astrid stood up from her seat abruptly, balling her fists. Just as she was about to retort something she would surely regret, her mother rose as well. "Honey, can I speak to you outside for a moment?" Her daughter whirled around. "No, unless you can keep up with me. I'm going to Valka's. We have something to discuss."