PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO || In a Hundred Years (I'll Still Love You) || PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO

Title: In a Hundred Years (I'll Still Love You) – This Life and Any Life Following

Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: shounen-ai, fluff, character death and rebirth, rebirth-fic, genderbed, threesome, hetero

Main Pairing: Nico/Percy

Side Pairings: Reyn/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel/Leo, Jamie/Gwen, Tom/Cal/Eli, Sander/Donny (mentioned)

Percy Jackson Characters: Perseus Jackson (reborn as Perseus Jackson Raser), Nico di Angelo (reborn as Nicolay Iliov), Annabeth Chase (reborn as Annalene Raser), Leo Valdez (reborn as Leo Alduino), Hazel Levesque (reborn as Duncan Bishop), Frank Zhang (reborn as Frankie Yumi), Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano (reborn as Regina Gatti), Chuck Hedge, Festus

Own Characters of the Next Generations: Bianca Maria di Angelo, Hades Poseidon di Angelo, Theseus Paul di Angelo, James Charles di Angelo, Laura Silena di Angelo, Jackson Tyson di Angelo, Calogero di Angelo, Tomazius Grace, Samuel Elijah James Raser IV, Samuel Elijah James Raser V, Arwen Yates, Samuel Elijah James Ignatius Raser

Own Pegasi: Tsunami, Twister

Summary: Percy lived to celebrate his hundredth birthday and in the circle of his children, he takes his last breath without regrets, because he knows that Nico is waiting for him in their next lives.

A year after his death, his great-great-grandson is born and to honor the great hero, the boy with the remarkable sea-green eyes is named Perseus Jackson. Or PJ, for short. PJ lives a happy and content life until he turns fourteen and gets the quest to bring a Russian demigod son of Pluto to camp.

This one is for my most dedicated fans only, because if you haven't read at the very least "Chasing Fireflies" and "Prom Queen", this one will confuse the Hades out of you.

In a Hundred Years (I'll Still Love You)

This Life and Any Life Following

Chapter 1: The Rebirth of Percy Jackson

/August 2093\

Perseus di Angelo had lived to an exceptional age, especially considering he was a demigod.

When he was a child, he had always feared dying young, never getting to grow old. But he had gotten it all. The love of his life, the job of his dreams, the children and grandchildren. Even great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren – granted there were only two of the latter so far and they were still very small. The blessing of having given birth early.

But somehow it had always slipped his mind what growing old meant. He had watched so many friends and loved ones die and fade. Great names like Jason Grace were only notes in history books anymore, even his son Hercules Grace had died years ago now.

It had only been in the last two years that Percy had gotten ready to let go, because two years ago he had buried the love of his life. He saw it in the eyes of his grandchildren when they visited that they too knew that with Nico di Angelo's death, Percy too had lost the will to keep going.

They were all doing fine, they didn't need him anymore. His children were over sixty themselves by now, all grandparents themselves. Donny even a great-grandparent already.

Losing his mother had weighted hard on him. Losing Annabeth had taken its toll on him. So many more of his friends followed. He had outlived two of his own children, the thoughts of his daughters Sally Persephone and Hazel Pandora made his heart heavy for a long moment.

It had still come as a bit of a surprise to the other children of Percy when the oldest of them, Donny, had called them to alert them that Percy's time had come and that it was time to say goodbye. The children of Percy and Nico di Angelo gathered as fast as they could, in such a haste that they couldn't even bring their own children and grandchildren with them. But in a way, the family had already said their goodbyes two days ago on the big birthday party to honor Percy's hundredth birthday. Today was only the small circle of Percy's children.

The only one still a young and beautiful teenager was Bianca Maria. Still sixteen, dressed in her silvery-gray huntress-gown as she had excused herself from Lady Artemis' last hunt to bid her final goodbye to her mother. When Percy looked at her, he felt himself flashing back to the day he had first met his beloved Nico and Nico's sister Bianca. The thought made Percy smile faintly.

Donny di Angelo sat at his mother's bed, a soft smile on his lips as he held one of his mother's hands. The skin was leathery from years of being out in the sun, the face, once one that charmed many to fall for him, now wrinkled with lines that showed the life he had lived. Sea-green eyes that shone so bright all those years ago now only held a dull glow.

Thess Chase stood next to his older brother, eyes filled with sadness and yet also with pride. He was seventy-five himself and he never had thought he'd have his mother around for as long as he got. His branch of the family had moved to Italy permanently after his twin-sister had died during a quest so many years ago. He had never gotten over the loss and needed the distance. He knew that losing his mother now would make his heart even heavier, but he also knew that his own children and grandchildren would await him back home in Venice to consult him.

Jimmy and Silly Ellen were standing more in the background, eyes sad as they watched their mother. Silent tears were gathered in Silly's eyes and even though she was already seventy, she still held that grace and beauty she used to as a young girl. Her pinky was linked with Jimmy and both of them wished their husband would have been here too, but not everyone lived such a long life and fate had taken Basty from them too early. All they had left was each other.

Jack Hood had his face buried in Percy's chest, crying loudly and thoroughly. Even being sixty-six did not stop him from feeling like a little boy, because nothing had ever been able to replace his mother in his life, not his husbands, children or grandchildren. His mom was his mom and losing him was the most horrible thing Jack could picture. Percy's fingers carded slowly through Jack's silvery-gray hair, trying to sooth his child even at this stage of life.

"It's alright", whispered Percy, his voice hoarse and only a shadow of itself. "It will be alright. I'll get to see your father again. My Nick... my Ghost King..."

Those were the last words falling from his lips before his soul left his body. For a few minutes, the only sound that could be heard in the room was Jack's sobbing. Donny smiled pained.

"But... didn't you say papá chose rebirth?", asked Silly after the longest time, sounding unsure.

"He did. I... I visited him in Elysium after he died", replied her twin-brother Jimmy.

"H—How... will mamma find him then?", inquired Silly, her voice tight.

"He will", answered Donny firmly, mustering the smallest smile. "Mamma and papá always find each other, even when eighty years separated them, papá found mamma. Even through memory-loss and Tartarus they found each other. Not even rebirth will keep them apart."

"Are you sure?", whispered Thess softly, frowning a little.

"Absolutely", confirmed Bianca Maria certainly.

"I... I hope so", sniffed Jack, looking up at his older brothers.


Calogero di Angelo was exhausted and upset. But he had felt that way ever since his grandmother's funeral. It hadn't come as a surprise when Percy di Angelo had died at the age of hundred and Cal himself was a grandfather by now, but that didn't make the loss any less painful.

"How do you feel, Cally?", asked his husband Tom Grace softly.

The formerly blonde grandson of Jason Grace had rather sophisticated, gray hair already, after all he was short of sixty himself. And still Tom looked as handsome as ever to Cal and Eli.

"If you're not ready yet, we can still cancel the babysitting", offered Eli Raser concerned.

The three of them had gotten married so many years ago and were still as deeply in love as they had as teenagers. Eli and Tom sat down on either side of Cal, taking his hands to squeeze.

"That's not a good idea, Eli", declined Cal and shook his head. "I just lost my grandma. It makes me want to spend even more time with my own grandchildren."

"That's true, Annalene is growing up so fast. Last time I saw her, she could barely stand on her own and now she's already running around like a hyperactive bunny", laughed Tom delighted.

The threesome of Tom, Cal and Eli ever had only one child – the biological son of Cal and Eli. Samuel Elijah James Raser the Fifth. Family tradition of the Rasers, the name of the first born son. And just like his grandfather the Third who went by 'Sam' and his mother the Fourth who went by 'Eli', the Fifth went by 'Jamie'. Jamie was his parents' pride and joy; their only child.

Jamie had grown up to become the head of the Roman division of the Demigod Protective Service. He was well-respected and had found love in a daughter of Venus by the name of Arwen. The couple had two young children and were more than grateful to hand the little ones over to the grandparents every now and again to get some time to themselves too.

As if on cue did the doorbell ring. Eli smiled and placed a kiss on Cal's cheek before getting up and opening the door. Jamie and Arwen were on the other side of the door, together with their kids.

"Grandpa, nonno, daideó!", yelled the barely one-and-half years old girl.

Annalene was the cutest, strawberry-blonde toddler. Eli made faces to make the little girl giggle as he took her from her mother. Arwen was grateful for all the help Tom, Cal and Eli offered with the children. Granted, Arwen had been skeptical at first – a demigod daughter of Venus who had been raised in the mortal world, for her it had been a surprise to meet Jamie Raser, a son of three men. Apparently, things were different in the godly world. It had taken her some time, but her three fathers-in-law were nice and accepting of her so it came easy to her to accept them. Especially when Arwen and Jamie had gotten married. And then came their firstborn child and she had barely been twenty, completely in over her head if she was being honest.

Samuel Elijah James Ignatius Raser was her little prince – and wasn't that a mouth full, but Arwen found herself obeying her husband's family-traditions. Apparently, the Raser-family was an old Irish family with tradition. The firstborn son had been named Samuel for five generations, then the name Elijah had been added, five generations later it had become Samuel Elijah James and now that Arwen's husband was the fifth generation again, their son got another name added to the list. Who was Arwen to argue with a tradition that went back all the way to the Round Table? After all, she herself had Gaelic roots too. Apparently, the name 'Igantius' too meant something to her husband's family. Arwen was happy about it, that her husband had this large family with all those branches and traditions. After all, being a demigod meant she only had one side of the family – the other being godly. Jamie all the while had three sides of family.

Thanks to those three sides, the children had picked different names for all their grandfathers. The Irish Eli got called 'daideó'. The Italian Cal got called 'nonno'. And Tom just went by 'grandpa'.

"Hello, daideó, where's grandpa and nonno?", asked Samuel Elijah James Ignatius timidly.

Due to the length of his name, he was mostly referred to by his initials – Seji. Seji was four years old and he adored all three of his grandfathers. Arwen smiled as she ruffled the boy's hair and leaned in to kiss Eli's cheeks left and right in silent thanks before leaving. Now Eli found himself alone with Seji and Annalene, the little boy staring up at him adoringly and the little girl babbling incoherent things, talking too fast to really be understood. It wasn't that she couldn't speak, if anything she could speak too well for her age and wanted to communicate too much, thus swallowing half the words on the way out. Eli smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Hello, kids", greeted Cal with a smile of his own as Eli led the two rascals into the living room.

Cal loved his grandchildren, but sometimes he felt as though they were fate's revenge for how often Cal, Tom and Eli had dumped little Jamie with either Donny and Sander di Angelo, or Herc and Thea Grace, or Trend, Derek and Sam Raser. Grandparents were a wonderful way for parents to have some time with each other, instead of always changing diapers and cleaning messes up.

"Where's gra-gra-grandma gone to?", asked Annalene with large, curious eyes.

Annalene climbed up onto the couch to sit between Cal and Tom, staring at him and demanding an answer. Of course they had met their great-great-grandmother too, even if they may not have spend too much time with Percy. But how do you explain to a toddler what death was?

"Great-great-grandma is... with your great-great-grandpa now", whispered Cal tightly.

"Why did he leave?", asked Annalene innocently yet confused.

"Because he missed your great-great-grandpa so much", replied Tom with a small smile.

"Oh. Like when mommy is gone too long and daddy calls her phone?", asked Annalene.

"Kinda", agreed Cal, ruffling her hair. "But calling wasn't enough, so he... joined him."

"Do we see them again?", wanted Seji to know, frowning.

"Maybe one day, baby", whispered Eli, kissing the top of Seji's head.

"Okay", nodded Annalene obediently.

/May 2094\

Annalene was only a young, little girl, but she understood more than most people gave her credit for. They called her 'too clever for a legacy of Venus'. Just because she was pretty like mommy and could charmspeak candy out of her grandparents didn't mean she had to be dumb.

So she picked up on the mood-change. When only weeks after her great-great-grandma Percy had passed, her mother told them that she was pregnant, she had seen the way great-grandma Donny had looked. It was a weird mix of sad and happy and like he knew something no one else knew.

Now, nine months later, mommy had finally given the baby-sibling free. Annalene knew that babies had to stay inside of mommies' bellies to get ready, just like the food daddy made when mommy wasn't there had to stay in the microwave for a time before it was ready. But finally, the baby was there. Finally Annalene wasn't the youngest anymore! Seji was great, but he kept acting like he was so-so much cleverer than her just because he was three years older. Silly big brother.

Now Annalene got to be the older sister. Now she got to be cleverer and teach the little one.

"Come here, Annalene. Let's meet your new baby-brother", whispered her daddy, lifting her up.

Jamie Raser was proud as he entered the hospital room together with the little ones. Seji right away climbed onto the chair next to his mommy's bed, staring at her concerned (for him, going to the hospital meant being sick, so he was worried for mommy). Annalene's eyes grew larger and larger as Jamie carried her toward the bed. Her mouth formed an 'o' when she saw the little pink worm in her mommy's arms. The little thing was wrapped into a blue blanket.

"It's not much", frowned Annalene disappointed.

"It's a 'he', Annalene", corrected Jamie amused. "Your little brother. Say 'hello'."

"Hello, little brother", repeated Annalene, waving a little.

Seji tilted his head and reached out to touch the baby. It really didn't look very impressive, Annalene was right with that. He doubted it would do much, or be a lot of fun to be around.

/June 2109\

Perseus Jackson Raser hated his name. Like Perseus alone wouldn't be bad enough, but out of some reason, his great-grandpa Donny had convinced his father to give him that silly middle-name. Now everyone at school was always like 'Woah, your parents named you after Percy Jackson, he was like the greatest hero ever!'. And he would just duck his head and swallow the reply.

Others would probably try to brag about being the great-great-grandson of the Percy Jackson, but PJ – as he preferred to be called – wasn't such a sucker for fame. He didn't need a big name, he didn't need to be the center of attention. He loved his family and his friends and that was all he needed.

PJ was better than being called Perseus Jackson Raser, or even Percy. He didn't need to be the camp's big hero or anything; they had a powerful praetor and son of Mars for that.

All PJ wanted was to spend time with his parents and friends and swim. Just like his father Jamie, his nonno Cal and his great-grandma Donny, he was a legacy of Poseidon. He loved horses and the ocean and he could swim all day long and talk to fishes. That was all he needed to be content, really.

But of course he didn't get that. They lived in New Rome after all and the schools in New Rome and New Athens taught about the ancient heroes as well as the modern heroes. The heroes of the Titan War and the Giant War. It didn't help that he looked 'an awful lot' like Percy Jackson.

Sun-kissed skin, his father's sea-green eyes – a trade that had been carried down from legacy of Poseidon to legacy of Poseidon – and the messiest, black hair. He was slender and small for his age. His hair was nearly shoulder-length, because he always forgot to cut it.

"What in the world are you dreaming about again? Gods, you are such a kelp-brain, PJ!"

PJ jumped a little where he was sitting at the shore of the lake. His big, fussing sister came stomping toward him. Annalene was beautiful, with the curves on all the right places – and wasn't that an annoying thing? What teenager wanted all his friends to talk about his sister's curves? Urgh. She had the same sun-kissed skin as him because the siblings spend most their time outside and together. Her long, strawberry-blonde curls swayed behind her as she walked up to him.

"Oh, shut up, genius-gal", teased PJ and stuck his tongue out at his big sister.

Their bickering always made great-grandma Donny smile in that bittersweet way. Sometimes, PJ didn't understand Donny di Angelo. Like his great-grandmother knew something no one else did. Then again, his great-grandmother was already really old, he sometimes called Annalene 'Annabeth' too, so that was probably just old-age or something.

"Why do you always, always, always have your head in the clouds?", sighed Annalene.

"What?", asked PJ confused and tilted his head.

"You know that Coach Hedge came all the way from Camp Half-Blood to consult with our praetors today", huffed Annalene and elbowed her brother. "I thought you were curious too!"

"Oh. Oh, that was today!", exclaimed PJ wide-eyed and jumped up.

"Yes, kelp-brain, that was today!", snorted Annalene and rolled her eyes.

The strawberry-blonde whistled loudly. Annalene wasn't a legacy of Poseidon, but a legacy of Venus and her charmspeak was strong enough to call out to their pegasi too. PJ grinned charmingly and placed an apologetic kiss on Annalene's cheek. He knew how much his big sister hated being late to any such meetings. After all, she was the centurion of the Fifth Cohort. Within a few minutes did two beautiful and mighty pegasi land in front of them. Twister was a black stallion and PJ's companion, while Annalene's Tsunami was a gray mare.

"Hey, bro!", greeted Twister and pushed his head against PJ's.

"Hey", grinned PJ and ran his fingers through the black mane. "Bring us to the meeting?"

"Late as always", sighed Tsunami and shook her head. "You always get milady into trouble."

"Annalene isn't a lady", disagreed PJ and wiggled his nose.

"Perseus Jackson, do not argue with me!", yelped Annalene with a glare. "Get going!"

"Don't call me that!", complained PJ and stuck his tongue out.

Tsunami and Twister snickered as they ascended into the air and made their way to the center of Camp Jupiter. PJ didn't feel too motivated when he saw Chuck Hedge stomping up and down the plaza. The old goat was working with the Greek Demigod Protective Services, those responsible for tracking down demigods and bringing them to camp. Even his father, Gleeson Hedge, had been responsible for bringing demigods to the safety of Camp Half-Blood already, back in the days before New Athens had been build or the DPS had taken care of those missions. PJ couldn't picture a world like that. Where had Greek demigods lived before New Athens? Such a strange thing.

"I'm too old for this shit!", grunted Chuck with a glare, running his fingers through his goatee.

"You're not that old. In like human-years you're younger than our dad", countered PJ as they landed.

"Even someone in their mid-twenties would be too old for your shit, Perseus", stated Chuck.

"Don't call me that", whined PJ and made a face.

"What are you doing here, Coach Hedge?", asked Annalene, elbowing her brother.

"You'd know that if you would have been on time, Miss Raser", chided Chuck with a frown. "Your praetor was rather disappointed at the lack of your presence."

"Which one?", asked Annalene wide-eyed.

PJ snickered a little, but found himself more interested in the matter at hand than his sister's love-drama. "Can you tell us why you're here now, or did you just come to chat?"

"You know the DPS normally takes it upon its agents to retrieve claimed demigods and bring them to their respective new homes", answered Chuck slowly.

"Duh, every little kid knows that", replied PJ and rolled his eyes.

"You're a sassy, little shit, Perseus", said Chuck and lowered a glare at PJ.

"Been called that before, coach", chimed PJ with a broad grin.

"There's a demigod that keeps... slipping away from us", sighed Chuck, exhausted from talking to the Raser-siblings. "Chiron and Lupa discussed it and we decided to go old-fashioned. Maybe he will stop running away if someone his own age will track him down. We think it may be the fear of having adults he doesn't know chasing him, probably suspecting our agents to be monsters."

"Okay. That's new", said Annalene curiously and intrigued. "And you're here because he's Roman?"

"But why is this demigod so good at getting away?", asked PJ confused.

"Because he can shadow-travel", muttered Chuck darkly. "He's a son of Pluto."

"Wow", gasped PJ wide-eyed. "There hadn't been a child of one of the Big Three in like over hundred years or something! I thought they didn't want to, uh, make any more?"

"So did we", sighed Chuck and shook his head. "With Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo and Hazel Levesque we had some of the greatest heroes of modern times, but two of those had been conceived after the oath of the brothers. With the four of them, or rather with their legacies, we thought it would... last a while. But apparently they had some secret meeting, just the three brothers. Apparently they think that their legacy had been mixed with too many others by now and if things get serious, you legacies won't be enough to stand strong against danger. They agreed that, since the last generation of their children had all turned out to be useful, the oath was outdated. Long discussions short, there's a son of Pluto out there who keeps getting away from us."

"Cool", whispered PJ in awe, earning glares from Annalene and Chuck. "What? I think it's cool. I mean, a real son of Pluto, not some legacy-trice-removed. That is awesome."

"You're such a weirdo", sighed Annalene and shook her head. "Okay, so, did Regina and Duncan decide on who to send onto this quest? Or are they going themselves?"

Regina and Duncan were their praetors – a daughter of Trivia and a son of Mars. Chuck shook his head and looked at the siblings like they were a bit slow on the intake. Annalene's eyes widened.

"Oh no. Really?", gasped Annalene, gaping at the satyr.

"What?", asked PJ confused, looking from Chuck to Annalene and back. "Who is it?"

"Your sister is right, you are a kelp-brain", snorted Chuck and gave him a pointed look.

"Why? Don't always insult me", complained PJ and glared.

"It's us, kelp-brain!", exclaimed Annalene, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Us!"

"Us? Us-us?", gasped PJ and stared. "No. I mean, it's been like... a century since there was last a quest like this. And we are supposed to go? W—Why? Why us?"

"You are the descendants of Percy Jackson, that still weights a lot on Olympus – at least with most Olympians. That aside, you are the last legacy of one of the Big Three that we have to offer at either camp, Perseus. To catch a kid of the Big Three, we figured a legacy of the Big Three would be the best choice", replied Chuck. "And what with your tendency of storming into situations sword-first without thinking, Praetor Regina thought it wise to send the brains-half of this sibling-situation along too. The third member of your quest is your own choice, her words."

"Wow", whispered PJ, totally dumbfounded. "Oh. Oh, I know who we should take!"

"No", groaned Annalene and made a pained face.

"Yes!", countered PJ with a brilliant smile. "Come on, it'll be fun! And he can be handy!"

"I don't know how a hyperactive trickster is useful", muttered Annalene.

"Ah, shut up!", huffed PJ and grabbed his sister by the arm. "Leo! Leo, Leo, Leo!"

Chuck shook his head some more as he watched the siblings run off. He knew they'd come back. After all, they had no idea who they were looking for and where they were supposed to look for him. He was glad they had agreed on sending Annalene with her brother, because on his own, Perseus Jackson would most likely travel through the whole US before thinking of asking where he was supposed to look to begin with. Perhaps Chuck was giving him too little credit now, but the boy's naivety and impulsive nature had already led to some disasters in the past.


PJ was fifteen years old and for the majority of his life, he hadn't had any friends. Well, not counting his sister because his sister was his sister. He was content being coddled by his mom and dad, or following his big brother Seji around like a lost puppy. Mostly it had been due to bullies that he hadn't made many friends. He had always been rather small and back as a child also a little scrawny, so other demigods and legacies had thought he didn't 'deserve' to be a descendant of Percy Jackson, the greatest modern hero. It was either the envy that led to bullies, or in other cases it was that PJ's family tree intimidated people too much to dare and try befriending him.

Great-great-grandson of legendary names like Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, honorary Jason Grace, Reyna Ramírez-Arellano, Annabeth Chase and Piper McLean. Great-grandson of big heroes like Chrysander Rodriguez, Hades Poseidon di Angelo and Samuel Raser the Third. Granted, things – and his bloodline – had calmed down after them. More settled. The wars had been over and the rippling waves that had made Sander, Donny and Sam rise to become heroes had evened out.

They lived in peaceful times, so PJ wondered if new children of the Big Three meant that new prophecies and dangers lurked in the darkness. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't as much of a kelp-brain as Annalene liked to make everyone think.

Now, he may not have had friends most time, but then Festus had brought Leonardo Alduino to Camp Jupiter. The giant metal dragon that had served as head-figure of the Argo II had been collecting rust for decades now, but something had sparked it back to life. It just left Camp Jupiter about ten years ago and returned three years later with a back then young boy with dark curls, olive-skin and almond eyes. The little boy had been Italian and didn't know a lick of English, so Lupa had assigned PJ to help him around, seeing as PJ was fluent in both Italian and English. Leonardo, named after the greatest genius Italy had ever brought forth, was a son of Mercury. His elvish, mischievous features underlined that. He had been the big commotion for a few weeks, after all he had been the first demigod to be brought to camp by a giant metal-dragon.

During Elementary School, Leo had been PJ's only friend. Nowadays there were others too. Like their beautiful, if not a little cold praetor Regina (who Annalene was totally semi-secretly dating – PJ had read her diary, he knew!), or their other praetor Duncan and their augur Frankie, who were a happy couple. And that was all PJ needed. Those were enough friends for him, he didn't need anything more. He had his friends and his family and he'd do anything to protect them.

"Leo, Leo, Leo!", screamed PJ at the top of his lunges as he burst into Bunker 9.2.

Leo may not have been a son of Vulcan, but he was an artist, very much like his namesake. He enjoyed designing fascinating – and mostly dangerous – constructions to help him and his half-siblings with pranks. The elvish boy crawled out from beneath one of his inventions. PJ smiled brightly when he saw Leo. Leo was the most adorable thing PJ had ever seen, with his large eyes and elvish features and wild, dark and messy curls. He often reminded PJ of a puppy, a cockerspaniel more precisely, just like now as he cocked his head curiously.

"Si?", grunted Leo and blinked.

"Quest. You, me, Annie", stated PJ excitedly.

"Really?", asked Leo surprised. "What... quest? Where to?"

PJ blinked in slow-motion. Annalene smirked amused as she saw the wheels turn behind those sea-green eyes. Patting him on the back, she gave him one of her patented looks. He grinned sheepishly.

"I'll go and get the details from Regina and Chuck", offered Annalene amused.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks, sis", grinned PJ delighted. "What do we do while she's gone?"

"I have to get Festus ready then. We're so taking him. And you make lunch", offered Leo.

"Why do I always end up taking care of food?", pouted PJ as he was being pushed out of the bunker. "I mean, okay, you always blow up the kitchen and Annie can give you food poisoning..."

"And there you have your answer", laughed Leo amused.


"What are you getting so excited about, Perseus?", asked Jamie concerned.

He pushed his glasses up as he watched his son work in the kitchen. Jamie Raser still remembered rather vividly how his great-grandmother Percy had passed away and in the following weeks, when his wife Arwen had fallen pregnant, he remembered the look on his grandmother's face. Jamie didn't have the legacy of Hades like his grandma, but Donny's eyes had sparkled in that special way. When Donny had insisted that the sea-green eyed baby boy should bear the name Perseus Jackson, Jamie knew what was going on. It had worried Jamie a little, because he knew that often, rebirths tended to lead similar lives, show similar character trades. It worried him that his youngest may have to live through the hardships he had read about in the history books.

"Quest", replied PJ slowly, finishing up some sandwiches with hard cheese and bacon.

"More details?", requested Jamie, half-amused as he continued observing.

"Me, my idiot brother and Leo of all people are supposed to track down a demigod."

"Annalene, you know you're not supposed to call your brother an idiot", chided Jamie.

Annalene entered the kitchen and offered her dad the large, innocent eyes that always worked because she was daddy's princess. PJ huffed as he wrapped the last sandwich. Annalene looked rather serious as she left to pack her and her brother's stuff. She knew he tended to forget things.

"Oh. That's... good for you", nodded Jamie concerned, shifting some. "Will you be alright?"

"Sure. It'll be fun", grinned PJ brightly, not minding that it was potentially dangerous.

"I'm glad you're taking Annalene with you", said Jamie beneath his breath.

"We all are, dad", chimed Annalene with a bright smile.

Author's note: So, I'm writing a rebirth fic. Because this is my hundredth Nicercy fic (only counting those where Nicercy was the main pairing, not those where they were only a side-pairing). So it had to go into my headcanon timeline and it had to be something... else for a change.

I know I previously already stated how I dislike when the names of characters are changed, but rebirth-fics don't leave much choice, so I tried to stick with close names! Here a short list with an explanation (even though I'm not gonna introduce them all at once to make it easier on you guys anyway);

Percy Jackson = Perseus Jackson Raser, named after himself since Donny knew he was the rebirth

Nico di Angelo = Nicolay Iliov, so his name is still Nico (and he still gets an European accent). Iliov means "of the sea"

Annabeth Chase = Annalene Raser, I hope Annalene is close enough to Annabeth for you guys. Also, she now fits into the Raser-name-scheme of girls' names ending with -lene

Leo Valdez = Leonardo Alduino, still goes by Leo. But being a son of Mercury fits to him, in my eyes. Alduino means "strong friend"

Hazel Levesque = Duncan Bishop, Hazel and Duncan both mean brown and Levesque means "bishop". She's praetor now and a son of Mars, because at one point, things had to differ from their last lives

Frank Zhang = Frankie Yumi, still Frank, but as a girl. Zhang and Yumi both mean "bow", but instead of Chinese, Frank's now Japanese. And a daughter of Apollo, because his archery fits that

Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano = Regina Gatti, Reyna and Regina both mean "queen" (the last name is rather random, but I always picture Reyna with the grace of a cat, so yeah). I made her a daughter of Trivia to get some difference in this life again

To help against confusion, their family tree can be found on my DeviantArt account (link to that in my profile)!