Lovlies! hey there, so quick warning this story will not be for everyone, it's a CM2 story, its been literally driving my crazy so I jotted it down and hope that some of you will like it, if not oh well, its down and done now :)

They didn't know when, or how it happened, but they knew the moment that they didn't want anything to change.

Charlie, Miles and Bass had been spending more and more time away from the rest of their group, sometimes Miles and Charlie would go off on a scout mission, or Miles and Bass would disappear for a few days to do a supply run, there were also times when Charlie and Bass would be gone for a day or two hunting and trapping. But every time they came home, they knew something was missing, that things were never quite the way they were supposed to be.

Miles and Rachel had ended their toxic relationship over a year before anything had come to light, Conner had rejoined the group but was still distant from his dad and friends. Charlie as far as anyone knew was just Charlie, nothing had changed much except for her tolerance for stupid questions and secret keeping. She'd become quite good at hiding things from those around her.

Everything changed the day that Miles and Bass had gotten back from a six month long stint doing some recon. There was a group that had grown steadily more suspicious so Bass and Miles left to find out if there was anything they really did need to worry about.

The thing that gave them away was a kiss, usually something that was no big deal depending on the people or circumstances it's given, this particular one how ever was shared between two people that normally wouldn't ever share a passionate kiss.

Miles walked through the town gates looking dirty and tired, Bass following just behind also dirty and tired, a group of people were gathered at the gates to welcome them home. Among those people were Conner, Charlie, Rachel, Gene and Aaron.

Miles' eyes scanned the crowed looking for the one face he'd missed the most, landing on the baby-blues he saw her face light up at seeing him, Charlie pushed through the crowed and ran at him throwing her arms around his neck.

"God I missed you so much." He whispered into her hair.

"You're not aloud to leave for that long ever again." She whispered back.

He buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent, she smelled like home, like something he never wanted to forget again. Tangling his fingers in her hair he pulled her back just enough to kiss her fiercely, they both forgot in that moment they were together that they had an audience. Charlie finally broke off the kiss when she remembered that Bass was with him to, leaning back in Miles' arms she reached out a hand to Bass who smiled at her and took the three steps until he was standing with them.

"You're not aloud to leave for that long again either." She pulled on the collar of his coat bringing him in for chaste kiss. "If you guys do leave again, you have to promise to take me with you, this was to hard being away from you."

Bass smirked at her. "I'm sure you were able to fill your time with something while we were gone."

Charlie glared at him. "There's only you two and you know it." She said leaning back into Miles' arms.

None of them noticed that various faces of shock and mild amusement that surrounded them. Conner casually made his way to the trio making googly eyes at each other and tapped Miles on the shoulder.

"What?" He asked turning his head away from the other two.

"Well." Conner said smirking at him and shoving his hands in his pockets. "I don't know if you guys were intending to break the news about your." He waved one of his hands casually at them. "Relationship, to everyone this way, but I think Rachel's head is going to explode, and as funny as that would be to watch you guys might want to cut the lovey dovey stuff until you're a little less surrounded."

Charlie's face fell and stepped away from Miles. "Crap, I didn't think I'm sorry." She whispered at them.

"That's okay." Miles comforted brushing his hand along her cheek. "I'm the one who kissed you." He smiled down at her.

"Shall we?" Bass asked looking out at the crowed before them.
Charlie stepped behind Bass and held his hand. "Given the look on Rachel's face I think we're screwed." She said trying not to giggle.

Bass shot her a smile over his shoulder. "I wouldn't worry to much, there isn't a whole lot she can do to make me want to stay away from you."

"Me neither." Miles said leaning in and kissing her temple.

"Charlotte Matheson get over here right now." Rachel's voice floated angrily at them.

Charlie shot both men a worried look, "I think I'm in for it now." She said trying to keep a straight face, she leaned into Bass getting him to start moving.

"We're here, we won't let her freak out at you." Bass squeezed her hand reassuringly.

Charlie rolled her eyes and smiled faintly. "You're both the reason she want's me over there."

Miles, Charlie and Bass slowly made their way into the now dispersing crowed, most left after the inital 'Welcome Back' moment, some lingered trying to see what was going to happen. "Charlie, sweetheart." Rachel started sweetly. "Can I ask what that was?" She waved her hand a little towards where they were standing a moment ago.

"Can we not do this here?" Charlie asked looking around at the people still trying to catch a peek.

Rachel crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "I didn't think you had a problem with public displays."

"She's right, let's do this not in the middle of the street." Miles hiked his backpack higher and gave Rachel a look that dared her to argue.

"Fine." Rachel turned and walked down the street towards her fathers house.

The three shared looks of mild worry and amusement before they followed her. Conner, Aaron and Gene followed behind all curious and not willing to miss this newest piece of drama.

They had all barely stepped through the door when Rachel turned and glared at Conner, Gene and Aaron. "Would you mind giving us some privacy please." She crossed her arms and waited until the three had filed up the stairs.

Conner stopped in the hall above and very slowly and quietly made his way back down so he could hear but not be seen. "What are you doing?" Aaron whispered from the top of the stairs.

"If you think I'm going to miss this your insane." Conner grinned back.

Gene rolled his eyes and made his way down the stairs until he was hovering just behind Conner. "You too? Seriously?" Aaron asked exasperated.

"For once it's not directed at one of us, you think I'm gonna pass that up?" Gene smiled wickedly.

Aaron sighed in defeat and sat down on the step just above Gene. "Alright, but if we get yelled at I tried to stop you both."

Gene and Conner both raised a thumb and leaned into the stairs.

Rachel looked at the three in her living room. "Can I ask what the hell is going on with you." Her voice was angry but calm.

"Umm..." Charlie looked up at Miles and smirked. "We're together?" She answered it more like a question.

"What kind of together?" Rachel asked now glaring at Miles.

"What kind do you think?" Miles asked rolling his eyes, he suddenly felt like a teenager that just got caught sneaking out to see his girlfriend.

"She's your niece Miles." Rachel's arms fell to her sides her hands curling into fists.

Miles shrugged. "Not really. I mean yes DNA wise yes, we are uncle and niece but relationship wise not really, I didn't even know who she was until two years ago. The last time I saw her before that she was what, four, hardly makes me family. Besides, what makes you think I started this?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked at her.

"You should have stopped it, you're the adult." Rachel practically yelled.

"And she's not?" Bass pipped up for the first time.

Rachel looked at Bass like she was seeing him for the first time, her eyes fell to his hand that was holding Charlies. "And what do you have to do with this?"

"We're together?" Charlie tried again smirking and leaning into his arm.

"What the hell does that mean?" She was getting more and more unnerved.

Miles rolled his eyes again. "Seriously are you being dense on purpose? The three of us, we are all together, me with him, us with her, her with us." He waved his hand helplessly around at the three of them. "Honestly it's been a year I'm surprised you haven't noticed." He shrugged.

"Wait, how did this happen?" She asked looking between Miles and Charlie.

~One Year Before~

Miles was sitting in the town bar a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other, the glass was empty he was drinking right from the bottle, the glass was mostly for show, when Charlie walked in and sat next to him.

"You look cheery." Charlie said taking the glass from his hand.

"You would be to if you found out the woman you convinced yourself you were in love with was batshit crazy." He poured some of the whiskey in his bottle into her new glass.

"You just figured this out?" She asked quirking and eyebrow and giving him a smirk as she drank.

Miles sighed and thunked his head on the table. "No." He mumbled into the wooden surface. "I know she's crazy."

Leaning into the table Charlie layed her head down on the table as she looked at the top of his head. "Miles what happened?"

Leaning back in his chair he looked down at Charlie, "had a fight, big fight. She was bringing up shit about Bass again and I couldn't take it anymore. Told her I was done picking sides and fighting with her about the past."

Charlie reached out a hand and placed it over his. "I'm sorry Miles."

He shrugged. "It's alright, I kind of always knew it was never going to work." He took another swig from his bottle. "What about you, why are you here?" He set the bottle down with a thunk.

"Also had a fight." She ran a hand over her face and took a swig from her glass.

"Oh?" His interest piqued

"I'm sure it's such a mystery whom I had this fight with. There was something about spending to much time around Monroe, and something about acting like a child and needing to get myself settled. Apparently going out and scouting to make sure we're safe, and the hunting is just to much for my mother to handle. I had Gene breathing down my neck this time to."

Miles groaned and hung his head off the back of his chair. "We both live with them what are we going to do?"
"I've already packed my shit. Monroe said I could stay with him for awhile, My stuff is already over there." She said, "I have a very strong feeling that he wouldn't mind if you came back with me." She smirked over the top of her glass.

"Oh that will go over well, does your mother know that you've moved in with her sworn enemy?" Miles laughed.

"Not yet, she probably will figure it out when we leave the house together. Let her think what she wants, I'm not to concerned." She shrugged.

Three more hours of drinking and story telling later Charlie and Miles had moved closer and closer together, they were bonding over the fact that they both had lost Rachel and bonding over the fact that the reason they had lost her was over the one man they both had in common.

"You know." Miles said looking down at the girl who was leaning against his arm. "That day you were shot I thought I lost you, I thought I was never going to get you back."

Charlie looked up at him, her nose bumping his. "You will never lose me Miles, I'm here for keeps." Her eyes we're closed and the smell of the whiskey coming off her breath was brushing over his face giving him a warm glow.

"Come on let's go get my stuff." He said quietly.

The both reluctantly and slowly got up, Charlie stumbled as she got up, Miles reached over and slipped her hand into his and pulled her close as they left.

They stepped out into the cold air and she slid closer to the warm body next to her. "Another day I think about a lot is the day the rebel base was bombed, that tower collapsed and all I could think about was getting out to get to you." She explained quietly. "I thought that I was going to die in that pile of rubble and I was never going to see you again."

Miles stopped and stepped in front of her."You never have to worry about not seeing me, I will always look for you." He slid his fingers across her cheek, her eyes closed as her face leaned into his hand. "I don't think you realize how much you mean to me." He whispered leaning closer to her.

"I might have an idea." She smiled softly at him, leaning up she brought her face closer to his, reading his reaction, her eyes searched his and his searched hers. "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you." She whispered.

"I think I might love you to." He closed the gap and kissed her, he started off soft and slow, but when she threw her arms around his neck pulling him tight against her the heat rose and so did their kiss.

Charlie pulled back and looked at Miles. "This is such a bad idea."

"Yah, but I really don't care." He laughed brushing hair out of her face. "Let's go, I need to get my shit before we go to Bass'"

They walked towards their new life with his arm around her shoulders and her tucked firmly into his side, sly smiles on both their faces.

It took another month and another bottle of whiskey before Bass joined their duo. They started much the same way Charlie and Miles fell together, this time though they were in the safety and privacy of their own home. Charlie and Miles never ended up moving out, but it took that month before Bass found out what was going on with them.

They were sitting in Bass' living room each with a glass in their hands, Bass sitting in an armchair across from the couch that Miles and Charlie occupied. Charlie was leaned with her back against Miles' shoulder. "So I just have to ask." Bass started. "how long have you guys been sleeping together?" He watched as Charlie inhaled her drink and Miles nearly spit his drink all over the coffee table.

Miles coughed while Charlie gasped for breath, he turned and patted her back. "What are you talking about?" Miles asked looking over at his brother.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me, do you know how many times I've come out here for a drink in the middle of the night and you're not on the couch. But the sounds coming from her room are not the sounds of someone in a deep sleep." Bass smirked as Charlie's face lit up in bright red embarrassment. "How dumb do you guys think I am?"

"Why haven't you said anything before now?" Charlie asked almost angrily.

"I wanted to see if one of you would slip up in some major way, but clearly you're both a little more sneaky then I thought." He laughed as Charlie rolled her eyes.

She looked at Bass with confusion. "So what? You going to rat us out? Tell us how dumb this is? We're both aware."

"Oh no, I'm not going to say a damn thing. But." He said taking a sip from his drink. "I am a little surprised." He said looking Charlie in the eye.

"Why is that?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"We'll considering our history I always figured we'd give something a shot when the time is right, but you guys seem pretty attached and doesn't look like there's any room for me anymore."

Charlie looked over at Miles who nodded at her with a small smile. "I wouldn't say that." Charlie said smirking.

Bass' looked at her with surprise. "What's that mean?" He set down his glass and leaned back into his chair

Charlie crawled off the couch and made her way to Bass, she perched herself on his lap. "This was actually something we talked about, turns out there was a little history between you two I recently became aware of, and you both already know how I feel about you." She said running her fingers through his curls. "Now personally I've never been one to tie myself down to one man, I've made a recent exception for Miles, considering everything."

Bass couldn't take his eyes off the girl in his lap, he sat with his hands on the armrests, he was itching to touch her but he wanted to hear were this was going. "I'm listening." He said enjoying the feel of her hands on him.

"Tell me how you feel about us, tell me what you want." She whispered close to his ear but loud enough that Miles could still hear.

Bass' eyes shot over to Miles who sat watching them, he looked back to Charlie and ran a hand along her thigh, and his nose along her cheek stopping when his lips were inches from hers. "I want you." He said hoarsely, she leaned in touching her lips to his ever so slightly before pulling back and giving him a sly grin. "And him?" She asked through hooded eyes.

Bass looked over her shoulder as he kissed her neck and ran his hands over her sides. "I want him too." He said watching Miles' reaction.

"Good." Charlie purred leaning into his kisses. Charlie looked over her shoulder at Miles. "He wants you to."

Miles was sitting intensely watching Charlie and Bass a small smile on his face. "Here's the deal." He said looking at them both. "If this is something we all want, we have to keep this to ourselves, if anyone finds out we'll have to leave, and I don't want to separate Charlie from her family.

Charlie nodded, she wanted them both and she was ready to do what ever was needed to have them both.

"Done." Bass said before be buried his face in the crook of her neck.

~Present Day~

Rachel stared at them. "This has been going on for a full year, and we had no idea about it?" She was almost to stunned to express the anger she was feeling.

"Well, Conner knew." Charlie said speaking up. "Dude needs to learn to knock."

Bass tried to keep a snicker to himself. "Kid was lucky he didn't see much, but there was no doubt about what he saw."

Conner looked up at Aaron and Gene who both gave him a questioning look, he shrugged back. "I'll never enter a room without knocking that's for damn sure."

"How long have you known?" Gene asked.

"Since just before Miles and Bass left." He shrugged again as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

Aaron looked down at him confused. "You we're okay with this? You never said anything to anyone."

Conner looked a little sheepish. "It wasn't my place to tell anyone, believe it or not I'm not that terrible a person. Besides when those two we're gone I tried to offer her a little creature comfort, apparently she really loves them, and it seems like it's mutual I wasn't going to ruin that for them."

Rachel paced from one end of the room to the other. "Is there anyway that I can convince you of how fucked up this is?"

"Can't convince us of something we already know. And really the only fucked up part is me and Charlie." Miles said reaching for one of the bottles on the hutch. "And you wanna know the most fucked up part?"

"Honestly it gets worse?" Rachel sighed sitting down.

"From the moment that girl walked into my bar in Chicago, I knew she was going to be the end of me and I was completely okay with it." He smiled at the girl in question.

"I felt the same when I saw her stare down that gun that Strausser had in her face. Granted I was pretty convinced if anyone was going to kill me it was going to be her, but this downfall is pretty good to." He smiled down at Charlie, who leaned into his side.

Rachel leaned forward into her hands sighing. "So what? What's your plan now." She asked sounding defeated.

Charlie shrugged. "Dunno now, we always had plans of leaving if anyone found out, we knew people wouldn't understand but we weren't really willing to split up because of it."

"I'm never going to be okay with this you know."

"Not really your problem or choice so doesn't matter to much to us." Miles said from his spot leaning against the wall. "Guys we know you're listening get your butts in here."

Conner, Gene and Aaron filed into the room. "Sorry." Conner said once again looking sheepish.

"So, what's your take." Miles asked looking between them.

"I'm not overly surprised." Gene said looking at his granddaughter. "I always suspected something was going on between Bass and Charlie, and you two have always been closer then anyone else here, it really should have been predicted."

"I think I'm a little to stunned to think at the moment." Aaron said shifting himself around. "But if it came down to losing Charlie and her being happy here with her family, I say do what you want kiddo, I'll be here no matter what."

Charlie smiled at Aaron and Gene. "Thanks."

"You already know what I think." Conner said accepting a drink from Miles. "I don't want you to leave, but if you do, I want to come with."

Bass smirked at his son. "Glad to hear it."

"I think that's that then." Miles said smirking. "We're not going to go anywhere unless you decide you're going to make this very difficult for us." He said looking over at Rachel.

"Clearly I'm not going to break what ever this is. So go do what ever you want, but for now can all of you just get out." She sounded like a cross between exhausted and frustrated. Everyone looked around at each other and slowly filed out of the house.

"could have gone a lot worse." Charlie said almost laughing.

"I expected more screaming and name calling to be honest." Bass said releasing Charlie's hand as she moved to stand with Miles.

Miles raised an arm pulling Charlie close, he kissed the top of her head and smiled. "Let's hope that's all there is. Now, it has been a long goddamn day and all I want to do is go home, clean up and take a goddamn nap."

"I second that." Bass said suddenly looking as exhausted as he felt. "Come on, let's go home." He hitched his backpack over his shoulders and brushed a hand over Charlie's head. "We'll let you guys know what is up with that wandering tribe later." He said looking around at the other three men.

Conner nodded and clapped his had on the shoulder. "Welcome home old man, drinks later?"

Bass nodded and moved the other two towards their apartment. Gene and Aaron just watched at the trio walked away. "Huh." Aaron said watching them leave.

"What?" Gene asked looking at Aaron.

"They just look actually good together that's all, the more I see them together the more it makes sense." He said looking towards Gene.

Gene smiled shaking his head, this was the start to something crazy in his life and he was strangely okay with is./pre

So was it as bad as we all thought? gimmie some feed back. it's a one shot so if you want more sorry but that's all there is :) as always love you all and see you next time :)