Lily Marie Potter nee Evans had always known she was different. That she was special. At age 11 her knowledge was proven true when she was informed about the magical word and how she was a witch. Her long time friend Severus Snape had confirmed it years ago by telling her the same thing.

But even as she boarded the train that would take her to her new school Lily knew that still she was different than her fellow classmates. Her beauty, even at the tender age of 11, was obvious, her kindness exemplary, her intelligence much higher than average, yet the young witch knew that something else about her was truly extraordinary.

This extraordinary witch spent most of her free time in the library searching for an answer about what made her so special. At the end of her first year she was still no closer to the answers she sought.

In fact it wasn't until her fifth year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry that she found the thing that made her so unique. Lily Evans had a gift. A very special and yet outlawed gift that most wouldn't understand. She practiced this gift endlessly but kept it secret in fear of the legal reprisals.

Until she finally said yes to James Potter for a trip to Hogsmeade on a date. It turned out that James Potter also had a very special gift eerily similar to hers.

You see young Lily Evans and James Potter were what the wizarding world called channelers. People who could absorb and weave ambient magic into complicated rituals or spells. It was the oldest practice recorded amongst the magical race and the strongest. A channeler also had the ability to call upon Gods, Goddesses, and other deities for protection and blessings.

The practice was outlawed because of the wizarding world's fear of summoning something so much stronger than them that they couldn't control.

The Ancient and Noble house of Potter have been a long line of channelers for generations. Each heir and child was taught the art from a young age and taught to keep it secret. It was this very power that made the family so renowned and feared in their society though none knew that it was specifically from channeling.

It was also this gift that saved their son on the night that Peter Pettigrew betrayed them and Voldemort appeared at their doorstep. James Potter had known that he was no match against the Dark Lord as his magic had already been depleted by a ritual earlier in the day. But he knew that he could buy his beautiful wife some time in order for her to cast the agreed upon protection on their son.

As the green light energy of the Killing Curse collided with his chest James Potter's last thought was a prayer to his patron God. The God of lies, of mischief, and of magic itself.

'God of Magic, please lend your aid to my wife as she tries to protect our son.' And then James Potter knew no more.

As James fought the evil maniac in the living room Lily Potter hurriedly placed her son in his crib. Pulling the ambient magic in from the very air and earth surrounding their house she focused on a protective barrier around the crib.

'Loki, God of Magic, I call on you, our Patron God, to protect our son from the darkness that threatens him. Thor, God of Thunder and Lightning, I call on you to bless this rune of protection and help keep my son safe.' Lily called out in her mind as she carefully cut her arm and drew a lightning bolt, the Norse rune of protection, onto her son's forehead with her own blood. She stood there watching the rune helplessly as she felt her bond to James suddenly disappear. In her heart she knew that her love was dead and that she was soon to follow him.

Tears of relief formed in her eyes when the rune on her son's forehead glowed briefly green and then gold before it was absorbed into her son's skin. The two Gods had answered her plea and would protect her son.

Fearlessly she turned to face the Dark Lord as he finally stepped into the room. "I am here for your son. Step aside and you may live to see another day." Voldemort ordered but she steadfastly refused and instead pleaded with him to just take her instead.

As the green light of death headed in her direction Lily Potter turned her head and smiled down at her little boy. She had saved her son and that was all that mattered. Then Lily Potter joined her husband in death reuniting with him in the afterworld.

On Asgard two brothers stood at the gate to the Bifrost and watched as the young Potter family was torn apart. It had been a long time since a magic user from Midgard had called on them for something so pure and they had sadly granted the desperate request from the two Channelers.

Thor and Loki watched as their two worshippers passed into the afterlife and both stiffened in anger and glee as the Midgardian magic user turned on the young child. They watched with morbid fascination as the so-called Dark Lord's spell rebounded off of their protections and vanquished him from his body. As Voldemort's spirit fled the house Thor and Loki noticed a bleeding cut on the young child's forehead in the shape of the rune Lily had drawn short minutes earlier.

"Now what brother?" Thor demanded as the child shakily pulled itself to a standing position and stared down at the mother's prone form.

"Nothing brother. There is nothing more we can do for the child now. Father's law forbids us from interfering any further. All we can do is watch." Loki answered as the infant called out for his mother. Slowly Loki turned away and pulled his brother behind him out of the gatekeeper's domain.

Heimdall watched from the shadows as the two Princes' sadly left the hall and he walked over to the spot they had previously occupied. He took up position and looked down on the child with Loki and Thor's personal protection on him until he was set on the doorstep of his relative's home. As gatekeeper Heimdall saw more than most about the occupants of the other realms. He saw that, just like his parents, Harry Potter would be just as special.