When I was writing 'Hard Feelings,' I worried that Roman's appearance in Chapter 1 was a little too convenient. What was he doing there? So I came up with an explanation that satisfied me even though I didn't end up including it in the story. From that line of thinking, though, this idea wormed itself into my head pretty much fully-formed. So, I wrote it down and ended up with this: 'Hard Feelings Version 2.0 - Bad Timing.'
Warning: This won't make much sense if you haven't read 'Hard Feelings' first.
Roman swore quietly to himself as he walked down one of the long hallways of WWE Headquarters. He had forgotten to call home on time. . . again. His wife was going to kill him. Well, if he was going to be read the riot act, he would rather it be in private. Looking around, he saw what appeared to be an empty conference room. "Good enough," he thought as he ducked inside. "Let's get this over with."
Seth's sobs had finally quieted as he heard the door to the conference room open. He quickly wiped his face with the sleeve of his hoodie and slid silently along the wall. Now partially concealed by a large potted plant, Seth looked up trying to identify the intruder. Roman! Seth quietly attempted to slide even farther behind the plant, but Roman never even glanced his way. Instead, he closed the door, sat down heavily in one of the rolling chairs that surrounded the long table, and pulled out his phone.
Seth watched as Roman sighed and dialed home. "Hey, baby girl. How are. . . yeah, I know, it's late. . . Sorry, I just. . .Yes, I know she's already in bed. . .I'm sorry. I'll call first thing in the morning. . . No, I won't forget. . . Of course you're important to me, baby. It's just that I've got a lot going on here. . . No, of course, I know that you've got a lot going on too. . . Baby, I know it's not easy for you to raise our daughter by yourself most of the time. . . Yes. . . No. . . Yes. . . Okay. . . I love you. . . I'll call you in the morning. . . Okay. . . Love you. 'Bye." Roman placed the phone back in his pocket and lowered his head onto to the table.
"Wow. She did not sound happy," Seth commented, emerging from his hiding place, arrogant smirk firmly in place.
Roman nearly jumped from his chair in shock. "Seth? What the hell? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I just wanted a quiet place to collect my thoughts," Seth replied casually as he sauntered toward the door. Seth reached for the door knob then turned back toward his former friend. "Roman?" he added.
"What?" Roman growled.
"You're already on your wife's shit list. Don't forget your anniversary tomorrow."
"What are you talking about? Our anniversary is in April."
"Not your wedding anniversary, dumbass. The anniversary of your first date. You know she likes you to remember that kind of thing. Remember when you forgot last time?"
Roman closed his eyes, thinking hard. Damn it. Seth was right. It was tomorrow. Crap.
"Oh, and Roman?" Seth continued. "If you call that florist close to your house first thing in the morning-what is it called? Bella's Flowers and Gifts?-you could probably arrange to have flowers sent. I suggest tulips. They're still her favorite, right?"
Roman watched as Seth opened the door and left the room. "What the hell just happened?" Roman thought dazedly as he retrieved his phone and searched for florists.
Dean stared a little longer at the photos of former champions hanging on one of the walls of WWE Headquarters. "I am definitely getting on that wall," he promised himself as he resumed his exploration. He opened a door and looked inside. "Just another conference room," he thought and continued on his way.
The End