Blessed of the Valar
A/N: This is the last chapter of this story. There will be a happy ending I promise.
Chapter 9 – The Happy Ending
The next morning Belle sits on a piece of fallen stone and pulls something out of her vest, Thorin sees her holding something and grows curious as to what it could be that she treasure's so much.
"What is that?"
"It's nothing. You'll think it's silly…"
"Show me Little One…please?"
Belle holds out her hand to show him a large acorn and he gives her a curious look, clearly not understanding where it came from.
"I picked it up, in Beorn's garden."
"You've carried it all this way…"
"I'm going to plant it in my garden…in Bag End…or wherever I end up."
"A poor prize to take back to the Shire."
"One day it'll grow, and every time I look at it I'll remember…remember everything that happened, the good, the bad…and how lucky I am that I made it home."
Dwalin interrupts them to tell them the survivors from Lake Town are almost there and Belle knows they need to get moving to help them all.
"Thorin…the survivors, from Lake Town…they're streaming into Dale. There's hundred's of them."
"Call everyone to the gates. Now!"
Once they reach the gates Bard is already making his way towards them on a single horse. He stops a short way form the gate and looks up to speak to them.
"Hail, Thorin Oakenshield, King under the Mountain. I am glad to see you and your companions are alive beyond all hope."
"Why do you come to my gates with an armed host behind you, Bard the Dragon Slayer?"
"I apologize My Lord, the armed host was not called by me. Thranduil has come because he wants something inside your mountain. I seek only shelter for my people and perhaps a small sum after winter is over to help us rebuild Dale and get everyone back on their feet."
"Are you willing to leave the Elves in order to do so? I will not allow them anywhere near my mountain for any reason."
"I am willing to meet your terms. May I bring my people here then?"
"Go and bring them. We have rooms and supplies set aside for everyone thanks to Belle here. Your people may shelter here in the mountain for the winter, and come Spring my people will begin arriving and we will help rebuild Dale so that the old alliance may prosper once more."
"Thank you, King Thorin."
As Bard rode back to Dale to speak with Thranduil, Thorin sent a raven out to his cousin. He knew that Thranduil would not stand down and so he needed to be prepared to defend his home. The dwarves soon ended up in the old armory, dusting off armor and weapons that hadn't seen use in a very long time. As Belle came to join them Thorin held out a glittering Shirt-vest to her, calling her to his side softly and gently pulling it over her head.
"Belle…come here."
"You're going to need this if you plan to join us when Thranduil inevitably attacks. This vest is made of silver steel, 'Mithril' it was called by my forbears. No blade can pierce it."
Belle finally gets it on and turns to look at the rest of the company, decked out in such fine armor and looking like the Dwarven warriors of old, and then down at herself with an amused snort.
Bilbo: "I look absurd. I'm not a warrior, I'm a Hobbit."
"It is a gift, a token of our friendship and my love."
Belle watched the company march past her and followed them quickly. During the night, once the others had gone to sleep, Belle creeped up onto the top of the gate and tried to find a way down only to have Bofur, who was on watch, startle her so badly she almost fell.
"You should be inside, out of the wind."
"I uh…needed some air…place still stinks of dragon."
"The elves have been moving their archers into position. The battle will be over by tomorrow's eve, though I doubt we will live to see it."
"These are…dark days."
"Dark days indeed. No one could blame a soul for wishing themselves elsewhere. Must be near midnight…Bombur's got the next watch…it'll take a bit to wake him…"
"Bofur…I will see you…in the morning."
"Goodbye Belle, stay safe my dear."
Belle can see by the look on Bofur's face that he thinks she should leave and not come back…that she'll be somehow safer away from the mountain. Belle finds a rope tied to a stone pillar and tests it before hurling it over the side of the gate and carefully climbing down it, though she nearly slipped a couple of times. As soon as she's on the bottom she makes for Dale as quietly as possible. She came upon Gandalf and Bard having a small disagreement about Thranduil's war and decides to speak up.
"It will not come to that…this is a fight they cannot win."
"That won't stop them. You think the dwarves will surrender? They won't…they will fight to the death to defend their own."
Gandalf looks over to her with a soft smile and then she returns it until Thranduil opens his big mouth and reminds her why she doesn't like him.
"Belle Baggins."
"If I am not mistaken…this is the Halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards…"
"…yesh…sorry about that…actually…no…I'm not sorry at all. I am not a Halfling…I am not half of anything and I find it highly insulting that you would dare call me such a thing. You are the most arrogant, selfish, childish, stubborn, rude…I could probably come up with words all night but I haven't got enough time for that…call off your warriors and go back to your forests…sulk and hide like the child you are…but leave my dwarves alone.
Gandalf seems highly amused by her angry outburst and Bard can't fight the smirk that curls his lips at Thraduil's shocked face at being scolded like a child by a female who barely comes up above his knees.
"I know that dwarves can be obstinate…and pig-headed…and difficult. They're suspicious, and secretive…with the worst manners you can possibly imagine…but they are also brave…and kind…and loyal to a fault. I've grown very fond of them, and I would save them if I can. Now, please…leave us alone. Bard, please lead your people up to the mountain now so you can take shelter…if you come with this elf Thorin will not allow you to come inside I promise you that."
Bard inclined his head and left to gather his people before leading them to the mountain, where Bombur was finally on watch and immediately called for Thorin to come. Thorin agreed to let them in as they were making a clear separation from Thranduil, though he wondered where Belle was. Belle and Gandalf went to join the people leaving but Belle felt a thin, yet surprisingly strong, hand grab her and pull her back.
"This one is not going anywhere. Oakenshield clearly favors her and, as he refuses to listen to reason…I will use her as leverage."
"Thranduil…let her go. She is not yours to do with as you please. Release her."
"I will do no such thing. Restrain her until I am ready to deal with this matter."
An elf came and took Belle away from Gandalf, who was being ushered in the opposite direction by armed elf guards. The elf that had a hold of her placed irons around her wrists and chained her to a stone pillar so she could not escape, though he was kind enough to cover her with a blanket so she would not freeze during the rest of the night. Gandalf stayed outside of the mountain, unwilling to face Thorin and tell him what had happened. The next morning Thranduil pulled the chained Hobbit onto the front of his giant Elk and rode to the gates of Erebor. Thorin looked down and fired an arrow at the Elk's feet, growling as he saw who was in front of the elf.
"I've come to tell you that payment of your debt has been offered…and accepted."
"What payment? I gave you nothing…you have nothing."
"I have this. From what I've seen you seem to care for her safety…if you give me what I want I will release her back to you unharmed."
Thorin looked at Belle, shaking in front of the elf king though she tried to look brave, and then to the hills before he began pacing the length of the wall in agitation. He wanted Belle back safely, but he also had no desire to give Thranduil anything he might want.
"I will kill you! Upon my oath I will kill you all if you harm but a single hair upon her head!"
Thranduil: "Your oath means nothing. I've heard enough. Give me your answer. Will you have peace…or war?"
A raven lands in front of Thorin, who turns slowly to face the hill as he gives his answer. Everyone else soon turns to the hills as a dwarf riding an armored pig crests the hill, soon followed by a large number of armored dwarves.
"I will have war."
The armored-pig riding dwarf calls out to Thorin with a thick accent, and glances at the pretty little captive being held by the Elf king in concerned curiosity.
"Ay! Thorin! Ironfoot has come!"
Dain takes his place on top of a small outcropping to address the elf army his men now face. His thick accent makes him sound rather happy, though his face looks anything but.
"Good morning. How are we all? I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would ya consider…just sodding off?! All of you! Right Now!"
"Stand down Dwarf, you cannot hope to win this fight."
"I will not stand down before any elf…not least you, ya faithless woodland sprite. You wish nothing but ill upon my people. If you choos to stand between me and my kin…I'll split your pretty head open! See if you're still smirking then."
Thranduil spoke to his men as Dain went back to his army, and Dain called back a number of insults that had Belle's musical laughter ringing out across the battlefield.
"Let them advance…see how far they get."
"You think I give a dead dog for your threats you pointy-eared princess?! Ya hear that lads? We're on! Let's give these bastards a good hammering! Right. Let's get this done. Send in the goats!"
Belle looked up in surprise at Dain's words as a legion of armored dwarves riding equally armored mountain goats came charging down the hill. Gandalf started yelling at Thranduil and trying to get to Belle but the elves would not let him near.
"Thranduil! This is madness! Let the girl go before you get her killed!"
Thranduil's elves release a volley of arrows and Dain's men release one of their own…only these arrows are spinning and have blades attached to their ends that turn the elven arrows into mulch in mid-flight and pierce the armor of the elves they hit as they land. Dain is rather amused and taunts the elves yet again. Belle is horrified at the death surrounding her, able to feel the elves lives leaving them.
"How do ya like that…the old twirly whirlies. Ha Ha,Ya buggers."
When another volley of arrows are destroyed by the 'twirly whirlies' the elves change positioning to put pikes and shields in front and archers behind as the mounted dwarves descend upon them. The mountain goats vault right over the shields and into the heart of Thranduil's army. Belle manages to wriggle her way off of Thranduil's Elk and runs away from him as fast as her little feet will carry her. She is soon scooped up onto the back of the Battle pig, seated sideways in front of Dain who gives her a big grin as Thorin yells down to him from the gates.
"Dain! Protect her for me until I can join you cousin!"
"There now Lassie…not to worry. I've got ya covered."
A deep rumbling sound comes from the hills and all fighting stops as their eyes turn in that direction. Giant worms burst from the ground, mouths full of teeth gaping open. Belle barely hears Gandalf naming them over the sarcastic somplaint that comes from Dain.
"Were Worms."
"Oh, come on!"
As Azog calls out his armies and they pour out of the holes left by the worms Dain turns his army to face them.
"The hordes of hell are upon us. Fight to the death!"
Thranduil's army stands still and remains unmoved as he does not give them the order to fight…which makes Gandalf quite angry. Thranduil finally gives the order and his elves run over the Dwarven barricade that had set itself up to attack the advancing army of Orcs. Azog sends in these hideously deformed looking things to attack the dwarven war machines and then turns half of his army to attack the city of Dale where he believes the women and children are hiding. Bard watches from the wall with Thorin and is grateful his people are not in Dale.
Belle and Dain are knocked off the pig and she soon sees Dain head-butting fully armored Orcs and knocking them out.
"Ironfoot? More like Iron Skull my friend."
"Aye Lassie…it's a dwarf thing."
The sound of a loud horn from Erebor turns Belle's attention to the gates as a great bell crashes through the stone wall and the fallen stone makes a bridge across which Thorin leads his company. Dain and his men rally around Thorin and the tide turns back in their favor, the men of Lake Town coming up behind them to join the fray. Thorin quickly makes his way to where Dain is keeping Belle well-protected. Belle starts laughing as she watches Bofur take control of one of the Trolls the Orcs were using to crush the dwarves and starts using it to crush Orcs instead. Thorin finally manages to reach them, embracing his cousin for a brief moment before pulling Belle into his arms and holding her tight.
"Are you alright Little One? Did he hurt you at all?"
"I'm alright…can you get these things off me now? Please?"
Thorin and Dain work to get the cuffs off of her and discuss Thorin's plan. When Thorin mounts one of the armored goats Belle is about ready to scream at him for being so reckless. Balin soon appears, driving one of the war machine carts with Dwalin, Fili, and Kili at his side. Dain looks at them like they're crazy and says as much.
"Look after her for me Dain…she's very special to me."
"You're all a bunch of mad bastards! This just might work. I'll protect her cousin!"
Belle watches the cart go careening through the Orc ranks, decapitating a bunch of the deformed things and killing swaths of Orcs as they go and chuckles softly. She sees three of the dwarves ride out of the ravine on the backs of the goats, but she doesn't see Balin's white hair and begins to worry for his safety. Belle dodges any hit that comes towards her and Dain is rather impressed by how nimble the tiny female is. When she starts lifting rocks from the ground and turning them into balls of iron, well Dain pays more attention to that and is highly amused as she starts throwing them at the Orcs and landing killing blows to their temples. Belle notices Bifur head-but one of the larger Orcs and then get stuck…his brother Bofur and another dwarf grabbing hold of him as the Orc goes over the side of a small cliff. Bombur jumps over and pulls the Orc down, taking the piece of axe with it. Belle moves closer and is just in time to hear the short conversation between the two brothers and their cousin.
"Bifur…you've lost your axe."
"No he hasn't. I've got it. Here you go cousin."
"You know where you can stick that!"
Belle laughs in surprised delight at hearing Bifur finally able to speak normally again and he throws her a happy little grin before rejoining the fight. She looks over in surprise as two familiar elves ride over and call for Gandalf, who clearly recognizes the blonde.
"Legolas? Why are you not with your father?"
"There is a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us."
"Gundabad…this was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces then Bolg sweeps in from the north."
Belle gives Gandalf a pointed look, and when that fails she loudly asks him a question, throwing every ounce of her irritation into her voice.
"The North? Where is the North, exactly?"
"Ravenhill…Thorin is up there…and Fili and Kili…they're all up there."
Belle notices the female elf's look of fear as those words leave her mouth, and she shares that fear. She remembers suddenly that this was the one that spoke to Kili often while the dwarves were in Thranduil's dungeons, and saved him when they were attacked while escaping. She hears a soft voice in her head and sighs softly.
"She is in love with the youngest dwarf prince…she will be a good ally for you child."
Gandalf tries to convince Thranduil to send his men to Ravenhill to warn and aid Thorin but he refuses so Belle volunteers.
"I'll go."
"Don't be ridiculous. You'll never make it."
"Why not?"
"Because they will see you coming and kill you."
"No they won't. They won't see me."
"It's out of the question. I won't allow it."
"I'm not asking you to allow it Gandalf, I'm telling you what I plan to do whether you approve of it or not. I will not stand by and do nothing while people I love are in danger. If Thranduil can live with their deaths on his conscience then so be it…but I can't."
Belle straightens and then runs off, turning a corner before pausing and slipping the ring on her finger to vanish from sight. She makes her way to Ravenhill to warn Thorin and the others. As she finds them he takes off the ring and gasps out Thorin's name, nearly falling into his arms with relief at seeing him alive and well.
"Belle? What are you doing up here?"
"You have to leave here…now. Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded; there will be no way out."
"We are so close, Thorin. That Orc scum is in there. I say we push on."
"No, Dwalin…that's what he wants. He wants to draw us in…this is a trap."
They look towards where Fili and Kili had gone, Thorin's eyes widening in silent horror as he realizes what he's sent them into. He immediately orders Dwalin to go and find them as he tries to pull Belle away from the potential danger.
"Find Fili and Kili, call them back."
"Thorin…are you sure about this?"
"Do it. We'll live to fight another day."
A loud thumping sound reaches their ears and they turn back and watch as Azog appears, dragging Fili with him. Fili yells at them to run before Azog moves to stab him in the back. Belle let's out a loud screech and calls the water up out of the lake, a hole opening up in the frozen top layer as a large column of water rises up and heads towards Azog. Azog lets go of Fili in shock and steps back, which enables the water to lift Fili up off of the rock and gently lower him to the ground below. Fili immediately grabs Kili's hand and starts running full-speed back to where their Uncle is waiting for them. Thorin is watching Belle, concerned for her safety and health as he watches her. She lets the water go and it freezes back over as if nothing had happened at all and Belle collapses, dead to the world. Thorin catches her and lowers her to the ground behind some boulders so the enemy will not see her. He and Dwalin then run out to meet Fili and Kili before the four of them advance on Azog and his army. Thorin fights Azog, one-on-one, and eventually wins but is run through in the process. Fili and Kili are both injured but not mortally so thanks to Legolas and Tauriel's timely intervention. Belle wakes up and moves down towards the frozen surface of the lake as she sees Thorin collapse. She races to his side and he coughs blood which frightens her. Her hands shake as they frame his face and she cries softly.
"Please…help me save him…I can't lose him…not now…not like this. This can't be the way it is meant to end…please?!"
"Calm yourself my child…we are with you…we will help you. You know the cost of healing such a grave injury…"
"I don't care…just save him…please?"
Belle's hands begin to glow with a bright light that could rival the sun itself, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili have to shield their eyes as they approach. As the glow fades to a softer, almost candle-like brightness, they can see the wounds on Thorin's body slowly closing up. Dwalin's mouth hangs open and he knows the two princes are sporting a similar look. As the last wound closes and Thorin begins to stir Belle collapses on top of him, her energy spent and unable to keep her awake any longer. Thorin immediately pulls her into his arms and grows concerned when she does not wake.
"Belle…come on Belle…please wake up Little One…"
A musical voice rings through the air, followed by a deeper one and the Dwarves soon realize that they are hearing Yavanna and Mahal. A deep respect and awe fills them as their creators ease their worries.
"Be at peace now…she has saved your life Thorin Oakenshield…it cost her a great deal of energy to do so."
"Rest easy my children. She will recover eventually…though it will likely take her a few days. We will not allow her to die…not until she has lived a full life with her chosen mate."
The dwarves look down at the little female in Thorin's arms, and he curls her tighter into his chest. They all feel a wave of protectiveness wash over them and silently vow to always keep her safe and happy, no matter what it takes. They make their way back down the hill, carefully so as not to injure Belle, and are soon joined by the rest of the company and Dain. A chorus of questions meets them so Thorin calls for silence and quickly tells them what happened up on the hill. They all go silent and look upon their female friend with wonder and thanks. Dain finds himself even more impressed by the tiny woman.
"She's quite something ain't she cousin? You're a lucky lad."
"I am very much aware of this Dain…and I intend to keep her safe and happy to the end of my days."
"Will ye be making her yer Queen then?"
"Aye…that is my intention…if she'll have me that is."
They find Gandalf and he checks Belle over before declaring that she will, in fact, recover just fine. They make their way back to the mountain, meeting Bard and Thranduil along the way as Legolas and Tauriel follow them. Tauriel is holding hands with Kili, a development Thorin chooses to overlook since she did save his nephew's lives. Legolas is looking like a puppy who lost his favorite bone, Bard is watching Belle with concern as Thorin explains that she is merely exhausted and will be fine in a few days. Thranduil watches as all of these different beings, from different races, all come together in their concern over one tiny little Hobbit. He catches a brief glimpse of the marks on her wrist and finally understand just how special she is, and just how foolish he had been in his behavior towards her. He knew he would have to try and make it up to her if she planned to remain with Thorin as having a Blessed One angry with you was never a good thing.
As Thorin carried Belle into the Mountain Ori ran ahead of them and piled a bunch of blankets and pillows onto one of the beds to make sure it was nice and soft for her. Thorin laid her onto this bed as gently as possible and remained by her side for three days until she finally woke up. All of the company refused to leave her for very long and were all relieved when she finally returned to them.
"Morning Lass…how are ye feeling?"
"I'm alright Oin…still a bit tired but I think I'll be ok now."
"You could have died saving me Belle…why? I am hardly worth such effort and risk…"
"You are to me Thorin. You will always be worth it me. I love you, you silly Dwarf."
"I love you as well, my Little One. Would you be willing to stay here in Erebor with me, and become my Queen?"
"Thorin…do you really mean that?"
"Yes Belle…I want you with me for as long as you'll have me."
"Yes…I'll stay with you forever Thorin."
Later the eagles offered to take her and anyone she chose back to the Shire to pick up her belongings, at least the ones she couldn't part with, and then bring her back to Erebor. She accepted their offer and gave Bag End to her cousin Drogo Baggins and his wife Primula who was expecting their first child. She took her most important books, seeds from her garden plants, and a few family heirlooms she refused to part from including her parent's portraits. When she returned to Erebor there was a small party among her friends.
The next year found all of Thorin's people from the Blue Mountains returning to Erebor, including his sister Dis who took an instant liking to Belle after hearing how she saved her sons from death…repeatedly. Dis insisted on planning Thorin and Belle's wedding, and Belle was more than happy to let her have a field day. The wedding was extravagant and all of the greatest leaders of Middle Earth were there for it, including Elrond and his children. Nine months later the King and Queen of Erebor were welcoming their first child into the world, only to find that they'd been blessed with twins. Thorin passed out when Oin told him and didn't hear the end of it for weeks. The twins were one boy and one girl…both with more of their mother's looks but they eventually grew to have their father's height. Thorin and Belle had another two children, both girls, over the next few years. Fili and Kili were surprisingly good as uncles and doted on the kids as they grew up. Their son eventually took the throne so that Thorin and Belle could relax as they grew old together. Belle had left her old magic ring in the Shire for her nephew to have when he grew up…and that eventually led to the young Hobbit going on a grand adventure of his own across Middle Earth with a Fellowship…but that's another tale.
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this story. I certainly did. I may write another Hobbit tale in the future but right now my brain is stuck on Merlin lol. If you also like Merlin check out my newest story "Dragon Twins".