Blessed of the Valar
Summary: Belle Baggins is blessed at birth by Illuvatar and the Valar, each giving her a special gift. The company is expecting a soft, weak, whiny creature. What they get is something far more special than even Gandalf was aware.
A/N: Just a few little things to mention here. One, this is a Female Bilbo/Thorin story b/c I like it that way and b/c I can. Two, my dates may or may not be accurate and I don't particularly care since this is my story and I can change events as I so desire.
For those that aren't aware Eru Illuvatar is the creator of all living things in Middle Earth, including the Valar who shaped the world. While Aule/Mahal shaped the dwarves it was Eru Illuvatar that breathed life into them.
Belle is not going to be quite like Belinda from my other story, Bejeweled. Both have attitude but Belle is so much more, and definitely not going to take any crap. I hope you all enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Belladonna Baggins smiled down at the little bundle in her arms, a tiny face peering back at her with a little gurgle of happiness. Her little girl was beautiful with little tiny auburn curls and amber-colored eyes. Bungo Baggins, Belladonna's husband, was beaming with pride and love. When the infant reached out an arm to try and touch her mother's face Belladonna noticed strange markings on the tiny wrist and gasped softly.
"Bungo, darling, come and look at our little girl."
When Bungo reached his wife's side and noticed the markings he was torn between joy and fear, joy at his daughter being special and fear over what others might do to her because of it.
"Blessed…I cannot read all of these but the two I can read, Westron and Hobbitish, both say that word."
"The other two are Elvish and Khuzdul love."
It has to be hidden. No, do not argue with me on this one. I am proud and honored that she is blessed but there are others that would harm her for it, whether from jealousy or something darker."
Belladonna knew he was right, but she hated the thought of making their daughter hide part of who she is. She sewed a small cloth band to cover her wrist, widening it as she grew up. Belladonna travelled often to visit the Rangers or the north, the Elves of Rivendell, and even the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains. Once Belle was old enough she began to join her mother on her journeys while Bungo remained home in Bag End as he was not fond of the idea of leaving home. He never tried to stifle the wandering spirits of his wife and daughter, however, because he loved them too much.
Most of the older Hobbits looked at Belle with Disdain due to her wild behavior, until the Fell Winter came. During that winter the Brandywine River froze over and allowed large numbers of vicious and starving wolves to swarm into the Shire. Many Hobbits lost their lives to their sharp teeth, including Belle's parents. Belladonna and Bungo grabbed weapons that had been gifted to Belladonna by various friends of hers and locked Belle inside their home. The two began to fight off any wolf that got too close to where their little girl was hidden. Belle watched through the window as her parents held off the wolves until there were just too many of the creatures and they were overwhelmed. Belladonna turned to the window, her eyes widened in horror upon seeing her little girl's face, before one of the wolves managed to get ahold of her. The wolves, having destroyed her parents, began trying to claw their way through the door to get to her. They might have succeeded in killing her had the Rangers of the North not arrived when they did. One in particular came into Bag End and killed the wolves that were after Belle, and then took time to tend her wounds and care for her.
After that winter Belle was never the same, her spirit seemed broken and even those that had disapproved of her wild ways felt saddened upon seeing her now. She began to act like a proper Hobbit with no more adventures, no travelling, no fits of temper, no fighting, and no unusual behavior. Once Belle was finished growing and reached her majority, or adulthood, she commissioned a soft leather bracer for her arm, instead of the cloth one, from a travelling Dwarf merchant. The bracer was made of supple cream-colored leather that was etched with swirling flowers and vines. Over time she began to hate her stagnant life in the Shire, but fear and memory kept her rooted to Bag End. She still spoke often to the Dwarf merchants that travelled to the Shire's market to sell their wares, to the Elves that passed through to the Grey Havens and those that returned after playing escort, and to the Rangers that came to check on the safety of the Shire.
It was a warm sunny morning, with Belle taking a break from her gardening, when a shadow fell over her. The shadow belonged to a tall man in grey robes and pointed hat, obviously a wizard, who seemed familiar to her but she could not figure out how. Belle decided it was best to be as polite as possible as one should never try to anger a wizard after all.
"Good morning, Master Wizard."
"What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not, or perhaps that you feel good on this particular morning, or do you simply mean that it is a morning to be good on?"
Belle giggled softly at the old wizard's cryptic greeting, but she wasn't known as the Shire's best riddler for nothing and responded in kind.
"I did indeed mean to wish you a good morning as it is a good one whether you like it or not, and I do in fact feel quite good this morning. As to the last part of your query I would only feel the need to say that if you were intending on causing trouble of some sort…?"
She let the end of her response trail off with a pointed look that earned her an amused chuckle.
"I am happy to see your spirit is not entirely broken as many have told me my dear Belle."
She narrowed her eyes at him slightly and placed her hands on her hips.
"How exactly do you know me?"
"You know my name, though you do not remember that I belong to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means…me."
A light of recognition shone in her eyes as she finally placed his face in her memories.
"Ah, the wandering wizard, purveyor of fireworks and disturber of the peace. I do believe I attacked you with a wooden sword as a fauntling."
"More than once actually…knocked me down a few times as well."
Belle blushed slightly, despite the giggles that escaped her.
"Is there something I can help you with Gandalf?"
"I certainly hope so. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure."
She was backing away and shaking her head before she was even aware she had moved. Gandalf frowned in concern as he watched her begin to shake. The events of the Fell Winter had damaged her far more than he had thought.
"I can't…Gandalf I can't do it…not after…after what happened. I can barely make myself go to the market some days."
Gandalf sighed softly and changed tactics, trying to calm her down so he could try again later.
"Would you at least be willing to provide food and lodging for the night to a company of Dwarves?"
She visibly relaxed and even chuckled at the idea of having Dwarves in her home again.
"Of course I'm willing to help them with that. How many should I expect?"
"Hmm…thirteen in total. I recommend a great deal of meat…and ale."
Her merry laughter lightened his heart.
"I am quite familiar with Dwarven dining habits. They will be well cared for tonight."
When Gandalf suggested that he carve a mark on her door she all-but growled at him. He father had made that door by hand and she was not about to let him mess it up. She wrote out a quick pair of notes, one for the garden gate and one for the front door. The sign on the gate read, 'Welcome Company of Gandalf the Grey to Bag End, home of Belle Baggins.' And the sign on the door read, 'Please remove your boots, heavy or large weapons, and cloaks. You can leave them by the door when you enter. Thank you.'
Once the wizard left she headed down to the market to buy more meats and other supplies she would need, including some extra things they might need while travelling. Once back at home she set the food in the kitchen and put the rest of the supplies in a spare closet. Now she needed to sort out beds for thirteen Dwarves and a wizard. She decided the sofa was large enough for Gandalf to sleep on in relative comfort. She had a few spare rooms and a large number of mattresses in yet another spare closet, but the Dwarves would have to sleep two or three to a room in order for them all to fit. The last thing she felt compelled to do was hide all breakables and heirlooms in her bedroom closet. She remembered how Dwarves got when in large groups and had no desire to watch her parent's things be thrown around. With everything else sorted out it was time to start cooking the food, and after a while she had enough food on her dining room table to feed a small army. She set the table with carved wooden crockery and tableware rather than use her mother's pottery and risk something priceless being broken.