My name is Clara Oswald and I travel with the Doctor. Wait, no that's not right. I used to travel with the Doctor. I gave him up.

You see, after hundreds and hundreds of years, he's finally able to go home again. He's found Gallifrey! He believed that it had been destroyed in the last great Time Wars fought by his people, the Time Lords, and their worst enemy, the Daleks….turns out, Gallifrey has been saved and locked away in a pocket universe….but if the Master…or Missy, now, rather, can travel back and forth why can't the Doctor?

He's been running for so long, and he deserves happiness. I believe he does love travelling through time and space saving lives and defeating terrible monsters, but he has done his share. It's time for someone else to the takeover.

That's why I lied to him about Danny. If he knew that Danny was dead and that I was all alone, he wouldn't have gone back to Gallifrey, he would've whisked me off in his magical TARDIS and taken me anywhere and any when in the galaxy.

The Doctor is a wonderful man. We have our differences, he and I, but at the end of the day he's my best friend. He's totally mad and impossible…but I love him. I was born to save him. And save him I did. Not that he hasn't returned the favor a time or two.

We're always doing that.

I do miss him, though. Life's just not quite the same. How do you go back to an ordinary life after seeing the things I've seen? Akhaten, and a mummy on the Orient Express? Cybermen and Daleks, Ice Warriors and the Great Intelligence, Silurians and Sontarans? I met Robin Hood! How do I go back to being a regular teacher at the Coal Hill Academy after that?

And there's no one I can talk to about all this. No one to commiserate with. I know I'm not the only girl, or person, the Doctor has travelled with, but the few that I've been able to find without the help of UNIT (they rescinded my clearance) are AWOL.

Captain Jack Harkness, ex-leader of the former Torchwood 3 based out of Cardff was last seen in America. Martha Jones, a former medical student who, with some help from the Doctor, got a job as a UNIT medical officer, has since gone rogue and is impossible to pinpoint.

I did track Sarah Jane Smith down to a house in Ealing. 13 Bannerman Rd., but she had been racing to her car with a couple of young kids, and hadn't had time to speak to me.

And so, I am all alone. There is work, and I love that. I love being around the kids and teaching them, but it's just not enough. It feels like something is missing, and of course it is. I miss the adventure, and the danger, the running. It sounds mad, but I wasn't cut out for a normal, boring life.

I wish I could phone the Doctor. He'd come for me, I know he would. But even if I was that selfish, I wouldn't be able to. I don't know how to get in contact with him. He's always just shown up for me when he wanted my companionship.

All I can do is hope and pray that one day, our paths will cross again. I know the Doctor, far too well. He'll enjoy life on Gallifrey for a while, but then he'll get bored with staying in one place and he'll jump back into the TARDIS and the adventure will resume…but he won't come back for me. He'll find some other girl.

Christmas is coming up soon. Now, I don't believe in Santa Claus, not anymore. I stopped believing he was real when I was nine. But, in the spirit of Christmas, I'll make a wish that my clever boy will remember me. That he'll come back for me and show me the stars.

I've seen aliens and monsters that you wouldn't believe. So maybe, just maybe, a little Christmas magic isn't so far fetched….