Hello, my amazing readers! So sorry about the mini hiatus I took from updating personally my favorite story to write! I'm a perfectionist, so I want to make sure the updates pass, actually surpass my approval. While piecing this chapter together, I was listening to this amazing song on repeat. It's called "I found" by Amber Run. If you haven't heard it, Please go and listen to it! A reader on here has pointed out how this song does relate to Jax and Marni as their relationship began to progress. Okay, I'll stop rambling. Enjoy the new chapter!
"Alright Marn, I'll see you tonight."
She gave her chief an ear to ear smile, giving him a firm nod.
"Sounds good Danny."
He returned an equally bright smile, making a bee line to the front door.
As Danny took hold of the door knob, he turned around, addressing Chrissy and Jax.
"Chrissy, it was nice meeting you."
"Likewise," she responded while she laid Xander in the playpen a few feet away from the main couch.
"And Jax..."
He paused, hesitating to shift his eyes in the direction of his presence.
Once he was able to muster the courage in doing so, he continued his statement.
"Good seein' you, man."
"I could say the same for you, bu.."
Jax stopped himself from speaking all together due to the overwhelming judgement he felt by Marni's disapproving stare.
Not wanting to stay a second longer, he turned around and opened the front door, creating a hasty exit.
"Jax, that was not necessary," Marni shook her head as she closed the distance between herself and her husband.
"You might not think so, but I do."
"You really couldn't of swallowed your hatred for him for five minutes and act civilized?"
Before Jax could respond, his cellphone began to ring from his back pocket.
Marni remained standing directly in front of him while he answered the incoming phone call.
Jax was the first to hang up and slid his flip phone back into the same pocket he retrieved it from.
"It looks like you're not the only one who has to go into work tonight."
"Shit. Chrissy, would you be able to..", Marni started, turning on her heels to look at their babysitter.
"Say no more. I can watch the kids."
"You're a god sent, sweetheart," Marni stated with relief, heading over to her purse to get her hands on some extra cash for Chrissy.
As Marni scurried around her and Jax's bedroom to get ready for work, Charlotte got a hold of her mother's makeup bag that sat atop her nightstand.
She tossed the bag onto the bed before she climbed up onto the matress using the bench sitting at the end of it.
Cooper pushed open the door, effortlessly hopping on the bed next to the toddler.
Using the reflection provided to her by the dresser mirror, Marni was able to spot the antics going on right behind her.
Marni secured her perfect ponytail with the black elastic band that was almost always around her right wrist and directed her attention toward her daughter and dog.
Charlotte was painting her face with one of her mom's creme eyeshadows while cooper began chewing the end of her brand new foundation brush.
Marni quickly confiscated the brush and the eyeshadow from the two of them, placing it back into the bag.
"Char baby, you can't play in mommy's make up bag today," she stated as she began wiping her daughter's face down with a makeup remover wipe.
"But mommy.."
"No buts, okay?"
"Okay," she sighed.
"Yeah, honey?", she replied as she went into the connected bathroom to wash off the brush's handle that was plunged into Cooper's mouth only moments ago.
"Are you and daddy mad at each other?"
Marni shut the water off, making her way back into the room.
Man, she missed the days when her daughter wasn't so inquisitive.
"Why would you ask me that, baby?"
"He seems sad and so do you. Is it cuz there is no baby in your tummy?"
She sighed, taking a seat in front of her daughter.
"First off, no that is not the reason, Char. Sometimes, mommies and daddies do get mad at each other, but they love one another no less. Like how you and Abel get into fights sometimes. You still love him right?"
"Not when we fight, no," she quipped.
Marni began to laugh, leaning forward to give her daughter a kiss on the forehead.
" I'm sure you don't mean that, munchkin."
"I do."
A battered man pulled his pick up truck in front of the busy auto shop.
He turned the key in the ignition, eliminating all power to the truck.
He calmly got out of the vehicle, rounding to the other side, opening the back door.
On the plush seats sat a large organized box of molotav cocktail bombs.
He retrieved his lighter from the small pocket on the front of his washed out jeans.
With more than one try, he finally flicked the lighter on, holding the small flame to the cloth sticking out of one of the many glass bottles.
Quickly, he grabbed the bottle out of the box and threw it into the first window his eyes laid on and continued to ignite these homemade bombs until he went unnoticed and sped away from the horrific scene he had just caused.
It was a quiet night so far.
Paula and Marni were already in their tenth game of cards.
That was until the alarm went off.
"Fire at 1428 Sussex avenue," the robotic women's voice announced over the loud speaker.
"Jesus Christ, is that.."
"That's my husband's job," Marni cried as she jumped out of her chair, knocking it completely over.
She sprinted to the truck, being the first dressed and on the truck.
With shaky hands, Marni pulled out her cellphone in hopes to reach Jax.
It went straight to voicemail.
The tears fell down her worried face with even more agressiveness.
What if?
She wasn't gonna do that.
Not until she was on the scene and had all the facts.
Not until then.
As the fire truck came to a screeching hault, Marni could see the severity of the situation.
The autoshop was completely engulfed in flames and the smoke already started to go to black.
Marni looked through the crowd of people who escaped the building and none of them were her husband.
She immediately got out of the truck and ran into the building.
"Marni! Marni!, ' Danny yelled after before sending Rodney and Vern in after her.
"Jax! Jax!", she yelled out, not getting a response.
Her frantic eyes scaled the unstable building, seeing a motionless body by a collapsed lift with a truck only inches from crushing the body.
The tall flames was preventing her from making a straight shot.
She looked to her right, discovering a tall tool chest.
With all her might, she wheeled the tool chest over to where the flames were, giving it a fierce shove.
The adrenaline coarsing through her veins caused her to get it on its back on the first try.
The trail of flames was broken and she walked across it, sliding herself to the motionless body who was in fact her husband.
Her gloved hands touched his soot concealed face, not recieving a reaction.
Rodney and Vern took their place next to her, helping her get her husband away from this dangling vehicle.
Rodney lifted Jax onto his shoulder, being the first to make it out.
"He's the last one in here. We need to get the hell out of here," Vern yelled to Marni as the truck Jax was just under finally came crashing down to the floor.
Rodney laid Jax onto the awaiting gourney with the paramedics automatically supplying him with an oxygen mask.
Marni pulled off her helmet and mask, looking back at her chief.
He gave her a nod of approval to go and she got into the back of the ambulance with Paula and her injured husband.
Still in her fire fighter attire, she paced back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital.
After three and a half hours of relentless pacing, a female doctor made her way down the long strech of hallway.
"Mrs. Teller?"
Marni whipped her head around, turning around to face the doctor.
"Yes, that's me. Is he.."
"He's going to be okay, yes."
Marni slumped over in relief with a fresh set of tears brewing in her eyes.
"How bad is it?"
"He suffered a pretty harsh concussion and first degree burns on his torso and left arm. But, like I said, he will be okay. I can take you to see him now."
"Thank you."
Marni walked into the room, taking a seat next to him in the chair provided.
She took his hand in hers, carefully lifting it upwards to kiss his bandaged hand.
"You're gonna pull through, baby."
She laid her head next to his hand and closed her eyes.
"Of course I will. I still have two more kids to put in you."
Marni jerked her head up and looked at Jax who just set his oxygen mask next to him.
"Jax.. The doctor said you had a pretty harsh concussion. Th.. That you wouldn't be awake for hours."
"Goes to show how much she knows."
In excitement, Marni jumped up and basically threw herself onto him, giving him a passionate kiss.
Ignoring the pain, Jax wrapped his arms around her, reciprocating the liplock.
"Do you know who did it?"
"Yeah. It was the asshole you beat the shit out of the other day for laying hands on his son. He's in custody as we speak."
"The doctor said she wants to keep you overnight for observation," she continued.
"Alright. You can head home to the kids. I'll be okay."
"Chrissy knows what happened. She said she's got it covered at home. I'm staying right here with you," Marni insisted as she slid her body off Jax's , laying down next to him.
He smiled, wrapping his arms around her to spoon her petite body being aware not to pull out his ivs.
"It looks like I have a few sponge baths in my future. Would you care to join me?"
Marni smiled, turning her head to look at him.
The sound of Marni's ringing cellphone woke the couple out of a sound sleep.
"Marn, your phone," Jax muttered as he released his hold on his wife.
She pulled out her phone her pocket, bringing the phone to her ear without looking at the caller i.d.
"Hello," Marni answered with her eyes still closed.
"Marni, this is Burt. Your old next door neighbor."
"Hi Burt.. Uh, how did you get this number?"
"From your mother's cell. Uh, I have some news, sweetheart."
"What is it?"
"It's your mom. She tried to comit suicide and I found her about an hour ago."