Sleepless Night

By Unproductivity

"Ay~a! " the brunet whined. "Can we please turn up the heat?"

Aya turned to glare at the younger teammate of his. All four assassins were gathered in the 'family' room above the Koneko.

"Please? It's freezing in my room. I can't sleep."

"So stay down here and watch a movie with me." A tall lanky blond got up from the couch and walked past Ken, moving towards the kitchen. "We can have popcorn."

"How's that gonna keep me warm? It's cold down here too," Ken complained.

"We're not turning the heat up," Aya said. He folded his arms across his chest; saying 'no' even with his body.


"Ken-kun," Omi interrupted. "Did you happen to see the heating bill from last month?"

"I-well, I--it was cold last month too." Ken blushed, realizing that he was the cause of the high bill.

Aya pushed off from the wall he was leaning against. "If you're cold, put on more clothes." He gestured towards a sweatshirt that had been carelessly thrown against the back of the couch by some faceless person. He then turned and started to leave. "I'm going to bed."

"G'night Aya-kun!" Omi said, cheerfully.

"Good night Aya," Ken mumbled unhappily. He grabbed the sweatshirt and tugged it over the one he was already wearing.

"'Night Abby!" Yohji's voice carried out from the kitchen.

"Why does Yohji-kun call him Abby?" Omi mused as Ken sat on the couch.

"It's 'cause of his codename. Abyssinian. He thinks he's clever," Ken said. He drew up his knees and hugged his legs.

"Thanks Ken-Ken. But I already knew I was clever." Yohji's tall form towered over Ken before he sat down next to him. He held out the bowl of popcorn. "Want some? It's warm," he offered.

Ken took a few pieces and ate them. They were warm and buttery.

"Oh!" Yohji exclaimed and hopped back up. He trotted back into the kitchen. Ken grabbed another handful of popcorn and ate it slowly, willing the small kernels to warm him somehow.

"So what are you guys gonna watch?" Omi asked.

"I dunno," Ken said. He turned his head towards the kitchen and shouted, "Hey Yohji! What are we gonna watch?"

"I dunno," came the reply. "You want to pick?"

Ken thought about it for a bit. Hmm… there's a marathon of Dragon Half, followed by an Angel Sanctuary marathon on tonight… better let Yohji pick. "Nah, you probably wouldn't like what I'd pick."

"Lemme guess, a tragic story about a young soccer player - played by that wolverine guy - who loses his who loses his love to his best friend - the handsome blonde flower shop guy - and is generally cheated out of life, the universe and everything?"

"You guessed it, Yohji," Ken laughed. Yohji came back into the room and leaned against the back of the couch.

"How about a thriller? Might get your adrenaline going and warm you up," the blonde suggested.

"Sounds alright," Ken said.

"Well, if you guys are gonna watch a thriller, I'm gonna go to bed." Omi had shut down his computer and was now standing up. He stretched, said his good night's , and left the older boys alone in the room. Yohji pushed away from the couch and went back into the kitchen.

"Yohji, what are you doing? I thought we were gonna watch a movie." Ken said, confused.

"I'll be in there in a bit. Hang on a sec."

Ken wrapped his arms around his legs again and rested his head on his knees. He felt a shiver run through his body. A T-shirt, a jersey, two sweatshirts, jeans, thermal socks, and fuzzy kitten slippers, and I'm still freezing. Maybe there's a blanked somewhere that I can wrap myself in for the movie. Ken looked around the room for a blanket, but saw none. Well, I'm not gonna get up and go find one. I'll just stay here and keep the warmth that I have.

"Hey, Ken-ken, want a soda? Fresh from the fridge." Yohji's voice got louder as he came closer. Ken yelped as Yohji placed a very cold pop can against his bare neck.

"-the hell?" Ken turned around to glare at his friend.

"Just kidding." Yohji held out a thermos to Ken. "Here. I made this for ya. I thought it might help. Careful, it's hot."

Ken took it gratefully. "Thanks, Yohji." Just holding the thermos made him a little warmer. Or was it the kindness of Yohji's act that made him feel warmer? He wasn't sure.

Yohji still didn't sit town. Instead, he gave pointed to the TV and told Ken what channel to change it to. Then he left again.

Ken sipped his drink and channeled the TV. Credits from a movie that had just gotten over slowly scrolled across screen. This is the best tasting hot chocolate that I've ever had! He thought. I wonder what he does different. By the time Yohji got back, Ken had already drank a third of the thermos.

"Dude, you're gonna have to pee in the middle of the movie."

"So?" Ken said, noticing that Yohji was holding a very warm and fuzzy looking blanket.

"So I don't want to have to hold your hand to take you to the bathroom when you're too scared to go by yourself. " Yohji plopped down next to Ken.

"I won't be scared…" Ken trailed off as he noticed that Yohji had sat very close to him. So close that their sides were touching, in fact.

"We can share body heat this way," Yohji explained as he spread the blanked over the two of them. Evidently he had noticed Ken's confusion. "To tell you the truth, I'm a little cold too. Just because Aya's made of ice, he thinks that everyone else can stand below freezing temperatures. Hey, can I have a drink?"

"Sure. I mean, you did make it." Ken handed the thermos to Yohji who turned his head to the TV and sipped the drink slowly.

Why is he being so nice to me? He's never been this nice to me before. He's usually teasing and making fun of me. Oh well, better enjoy it while it lasts.

It wasn't until Yohji turned his head back to give back the hot chocolate that Ken realized that he had been staring at Yohji's face. He quickly looked away and took the thermos.

"Ooh, movie's starting." Either Yohji hadn't noticed Ken's stare, or he chose to ignore it, because he showed no sign that he had noticed. Ken was relieved. He slouched a little in the couch and sipped more of his chocolate as the movie started.

It was a horrendously thrilling thriller of a movie. Twenty minutes into it, Ken was petrified. Yohji may not admit it, but he was pretty scared as well. It was a typical teen horror movie. A bunch of kids in their early collage years were having a good time vandalizing an old abandoned house. Of course, they all learn their lesson when the ghost started killing them one by one. Of course, since it was an old house, the ghost had some strange ways of killing them. One was killed when he went into the outhouse to relieve himself. The ghost came up from behind him, pushed him into the pit and sealed up the hole. Needless to say, that one died a horrible and smelly death.

It was of course, then, that Ken's bladder decided that Ken had indeed drunk his hot chocolate too fast and that it was full.

"Ah… heh, Yohji?" Ken asked nervously.


"Um… I-I have--"
"You gotta pee, don't you?" Yohji asked, already sure of the response.

Ken nodded his head, a trace of fear in his eyes.

"So go. I can fill you in on what you missed when you come back."

"But-" Ken started.

"No. I said I wasn't gonna walk you to the bathroom, and I'm not gonna. You're a big boy." Yohji turned away from his friend and looked back to the screen flickering in front of them both.

"Okay…" Ken said, feeling hurt. He pushed off the blanket and felt the cold air invading the space surrounding his body. Yohji had turned off the lights so as to set the mood for the movie, and Ken found it a little difficult to maneuver in the kitchen. The glow from the TV gave Ken enough light to get into the kitchen, but from there he bumped into the stove, banged into the table and tripped over his own feet before he found the doorway leading to the hallway. A minute or so later, he found the bathroom and went in.

Once inside, he turned on the light and stared at the toilet. Okay Hidaka. It's a modern flush toilet. It's a lot different from a hole in the ground. You cannot fall into it and die. Nothing's gonna come from under or inside of it to kill you. You're just scared from watching the movie. Now just look behind yourself and all around, and you will see that you are alone. Nobody's gonna kill you. Just look around, then take care of business.

Ken quickly turned around to satisfy the little voice in his head, and practically smacked into Yohji. He yelped and stumbled backwards, onto the toilet. Fortunately, the lid was down, so he didn't fall into it.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He hissed, blushing like crazy.

"Well, there was a guy who was friends with the guy who just got whacked in the can, and he just got killed, waiting at the front door for his friend to get back, so I figured I'd be--"

"So you got scared!!" Ken exclaimed as he hopped off the toilet.

"No! I was - don't you have to pee?" Yohji asked.

"Wow, I almost missed you changing the subject there. And I'm not gonna pee with you standing there watching."

"Why not?" Yohji asked, grinning.

"Pervert," Ken said, turning Yohji around.

"Fine, I'll just stare at the wall." Yohji began to hum a tune that Ken didn't recognize, then stopped. "I wasn't scared you know," he said, not turning around. "That guy didn't even get killed - that I know of. Truth is, I felt kinda bad about the way I acted, so I decided to follow you-"

"Into the bathroom," Ken finished for Yohji as he walked to the sink to wash his hands.

"Well, yeah." Yohji turned to look at Ken. "Look, I'm sorry. I know sometimes you get spooked easily. I shouldn't have acted like a jerk. Forgive me?" Yohji held out his arms away from his body; an invitation to a hug.

Ken smiled at Yohji as he dried his hands. He stepped up to Yohji and gave the older boy a hug. Before they separated, Yohji ran his hands down Ken's sides. He found the bottom of Ken's outer sweatshirt and grabbed it. Ken pulled away from Yohji, a little surprised by his actions. As he pulled away, Yohji lifted up, and pulled the sweatshirt off of Ken.

"Thanks, dude!" He said, grinning as he pulled the newly acquired sweatshirt over his own head.

"Hey! I was using that!" Ken protested.

"Too bad. C'mon. We still have some movie to watch."

Ken looked out the doorway, into the vast darkness of the hallway. Yohji noticed the hesitation and cocked his head to the side.

"Still scared, Ken-ken?" he asked.

"Shut up. I never have liked dark rooms much." He shivered from the loss of his extra layer.

Yohji smiled and put an arm around Ken's shoulder. He pulled Ken close to himself and wispered, "You're safe with me, don't worry." He turned off the light to the bathroom and they left together. Ken was glad it was dark for one reason; Yohji couldn't see how red his cheeks and ears were.

~~Author's note~~

Well… how was it? I wanna write more, but should I? I mean, this is a good stopping point for a chapter, or maybe a whole fic. I dunno. Any suggestions as to what should happen? (any suggestions used will, of course, be credited)

This was actually written quite a while ago, (over a month and half) but I lost the notebook for a while and found it today. So up it goes! This fic is a (very, very late) birthday present for my bestest friend, Unaspirality. Thanks for everything buddy!! Go read her fics, people.

Anyone else noticing the lack of Yohji/Ken fics on They're over run by Aya/Ken. I've begun to really hate that red head. -_- Everybody loves Aya.

Anyway, flames welcome. (maybe then I'll get more than 10 reviews for the damn fic.) *sigh*

Another note, I got the title of this fic from my brother's play list on win amp. The song came on and I was struggling for a title. Instant title!! Song is sung by Megumi Hayashibara and Masami Okui. Go download. Pretty!!