Hello dearest readers!

This is announcement to let you know that I am rebooting this fic! I stumbled upon my old writing, and I suddenly felt the urge to rewrite this story. Meli's story was one of my favorites to write, and for some reason in the past several years, this story has always been floating in the back of my mind. I kept wondering about the "what ifs" and now I'm ready to take it on again.

Looking back on my writing skills from middle school, I am embarrassed. Honestly, I reread chapter one this morning, and I had to close my laptop from the cringe-worthy writing skills, but I guess that means I have improved.

So, I am going to keep this old version up, just so I can have a reference, and I am going to publish a different version.

I know I said in the last "update" that I was moving the story to Wattpad, but I don't really like writing on there anymore. And all of you are here! I'm going to keep the story under the same title, so be on the lookout for it within the next few hours!

Thank you to everyone who has read this story, to everyone who left a comment, and to everyone who has been waiting for an update! I love and appreciate each of you with all of my heart.

-Spirit of Imagination