I had an idea for this story so I think that it's off the postponement. I won't update this as much as 'No More Memories' (Avengers) but it will not be discarded. I apologize for those who read to the end of this story and were disappointed that it was postponed.
Chaos ensued during the battle of Helm's Deep. Legolas was relieved that Aragorn was back. His friend had fallen off a cliff while the people of Rohan were traveling to Helm's Deep, and Legolas had assumed that he was dead.
Arrows flew. Orcs growled, and Legolas was caught in the middle of it all. He missed Tauriel by his side, and the presence of Elrond's elves made it all the more difficult to fight without his friend. She had been his constant fighting companion, steady and strong.
Legolas boarded a discarded shield and skated down the steps of the battlements, scattering orcs in his wake. He whipped out his sword, gifted to him by Tauriel, and began to fight the remaining orcs on the ground. Orcs came at him on all sides, and yet most of them didn't even get within range of Legolas's deadly sword. He looked up and saw a small break in the ranks of the elven archers. One of them was a left-handed shooter. He gave a small nod to the small elf and continued to fight.
"Retreat into the hold! Retreat!" Theoden called over the clamor of battle. Legolas backed up as he kept fighting. He was suddenly aware of someone beside him, covering his back as he turned fully around to run back into the shelter of Helm's Deep. It was the elf again. Legolas was grateful.
In the hold, Aragorn argued with Theoden. Legolas payed no attention to their fight. He pondered the elven archer. Who was it? They seemed to be guarding him, almost. They were probably one of the elves Legolas's father had stationed in Rivendell. Elrond had some of his elves in the Mirkwood army.
"Ride out with me, one last time." Aragorn begged Theoden. Legolas looked up as horses were found below, untouched by the battle. He swung himself onto a horse and galloped out of the gates. He found himself thinking about Tauriel again. He imagined her captors as the orcs that pressed in on the horses's flanks. He carved his way through the ranks of orcs. Eomer arrived, just on time, with an army of Rohirrim by his side.
The battle was over. Many elves were dead, as well as young and old soldiers of Rohan. Legolas tried not to see the grieving faces of the soldiers and instead focused on rebuilding some of the gate at Helm's Deep. He helped pack for the return trip to Edoras, with Eowyn by his side. Eowyn, the ever curious, brave human who seemed to want to speak to him, an elf. She was like a more innocent version of Tauriel.
Theoden, Aragorn, Gimli, Eowyn, and Eomer were meeting in the main hall of Edoras. Legolas stood beside Eowyn, his hand resting near hers on the table. They were discussing a future strategy for when more orcs came. The next time, they were to rouse archers and shoot them down before they reached Edoras. They were not to retreat to Helm's Deep. The wall was shattered and it would ve too easy for orcs to breach the wall.
The doors of the hall swung open and a redheaded figure walked in, wearing elven armor, with a Rivendell bow slung across one shoulder. They all looked up as the figure drew closer. Legolas squinted to see through the sun streaming through the doors.
He did not recall standing up, nor did he remember dropping his bow and arrows on the table. All he remembered was hugging Tauriel, his hand in her glorious auburn hair and his face brushing hers. He remembered crying, and he remembered her crying, too.
"Tauriel." he repeated over and over again, her name rolling off his tongue easier than any other name had ever been. "Tauriel."
"It's alright, Legolas." she murmured.
"Tauriel?" Aragorn repeated. He was looking at the two elven figures, still entwined. Eowyn was looking, too, a stony look on her face and her hands clenched into fists underneath the table. Theoden had the face similar to a proud father.
Legolas kissed his friend, not caring who saw. Tauriel was alive. Tauriel was the elven archer who had killed all of those orcs. He had fought beside Tauriel without even knowing it, there in the battle of Helm's Deep. He had been right next to her and never even knew. Her lips were soft on his, and Legolas had never felt more safe in his life.
I realize that I rushed through the battle of Helm's Deep fairly quickly, but I thought that most elements in that battle more revolved around Aragorn rather than Legolas. I highlighted the parts that I thought were most important to the story's plot.
Surprised that they're together so quickly?
And also, this story ends where the movie ends. I think I'll continue this at Return of the King shortly. Thank you for your dedication and your support while you travel on this journey with Tauriel, Legolas, and Eowyn.