Hey guys! Here's the new sequel the Greyleaf's Choice! Sorry for the wait, for those of you who've read the previous installment. If you're a new reader who hasn't gone through this story's predecessor, than I highly suggest returning to the original first, as nothing will really make sense :P



Chapter 1: Greyleaf

As they left the place of their birth behind, Greyleaf felt a burden rise off of her shoulders. She felt free for the first time since, well, since those days with Pinestar—the one's before Nightpaw, Goldenpaw, and Sparrowpaw had been conceived, the days before everything went wrong.

Tears came to the silvery-grey she-cat's eyes as the memories of the past moons started bombarding her with their horrible recollection: the early kitting, the coma, the endless nightmares, Blackfur's death, the greencough outbreak, her family's necrosis, the depression, the lies, the secrets, the struggle, Fernfoot...

Greyleaf had thought Fernfoot was her friend,—best friend, even—but the brown warrior had been nothing but a fox-hearted snake. It saddened Greyleaf to know that one of her closest companions had been the cat to betray her, to blackmail her, to be the source of her incessant trepidation. All those moons she'd spent running, running from the shadow-cat that always lurked in the darkness, ready to strike at any given moment, were fodder. All that time she'd wasted worrying about who the cat of inscrutability was worthless. In the end, she'd never seen it coming.

"Greyleaf," came the gentle voice of Pinestar, "are you okay?"

She turned her emerald green eyes to him, ears drooping down with sadness. "I—it's been so—so hard," she whimpered, tears starting to escape their holds.

The dark brown tom immediately stopped walking and pressed up against her, wrapping his tail around her when she sat down. "Greyleaf, I'm so sorry, I wasn't there for you. But I am now. From now on, I'll be there for you, now and forever, always."

More sobs took over her as he said this. How could he love her so much? They hadn't even seen each other for moons. It moved Greyleaf so much, she felt her heart tug at the thought.

"Shh, shh, don't cry," he mewed, "Just take my paw and hold it tight. It'll be alright, I'll be here, don't cry."

She sniffed, burying her head in his white chest and grabbing his paw. She felt so safe—safer than she'd felt in so, so long. Greyleaf knew then that she had to stay strong, had to hold on. For him, for her kits, for Goldenfur. There was no other option. She had to take charge of her life.

But for now, she just wanted to be with Pinestar, to breathe in his scent, to hear his voice.

Chapter 1: Pinestar

They sat there for quite some time, the others keeping their distance and giving them their space. Pinestar didn't want to move on, but they had to. This place wasn't safe.

Of all cats, Pinestar knew that the most.

A golden pelted cat walked towards them, posture that of a nonchalant cat, but blue eyes revealing the struggle within.

"Hey, guys," he said, causing Greyleaf to turn her head and look at the speaker, "We've got to go, it's almost sunhigh."

"Oh," the grey she-cat mewed, "Yes, of course." She stood up and called for Nightpaw, Sparrowpaw, and Goldenpaw. The three apprentices came towards them, Sparrowpaw at a skip and the other two at a light trot.

Pinestar inwardly cringed at the obvious clique between his children. His son was obviously closer to Goldenpaw than to his other sister, and it made him worry that Sparrowpaw could be being excluded. Just as the black-striped tom was about to go and chat with her, Goldenfur padded to the little spotted she-cat's side and began to make light conversation.

The large tom smiled at this, glad that Sparrowpaw had someone to keep her company.

Greyleaf, who had been caught up when she got her paw stuck in an unseen hole, sped up behind him to try and catch up to the fast-moving group. She arrived at his side again, panting with exertion, the action of running having taken a toll on her gaunt body.

Pinestar purred encouragingly and licked her forehead, gaining a hummed purr in response.

Unexpectedly, a gruff, concise voice asked, "May I talk to Pinestar, mother?"

Greyleaf turned around and nodded to Nightpaw, who had been the one to speak, before stepping off to the right, next to Goldenpaw.

The grey-brown apprentice pulled up beside the leader and glanced a him through the sides of his amber eyes.

"So," he huffed, his voice husky, "You're my father, congratulations."

Pinestar raised a brow, surprised at his son's sarcasm. "Is that a bad thing," he answered, keeping his voice level.

Nightpaw shrugged. "Don't know yet," he replied just as smoothly.

The white-muzzled tom chuckled at that, shaking his head. "It seems you've inherited inscrutability," Pinestar stated, gaining a half-smile in response.

The younger cat flicked his tail, the smile disappearing, and turned his head to look Pinestar straight in the eyes, gold orbs scanning the leader's face. After a few moments of silence between them, Nightpaw nodded.

"Are you deciding whether or not to accept me as a parental figure?" the dark brown cat asked.

Nightpaw rolled his eyes, as if the answer was obvious. "No. That comes later. I'm just checking to see if you really are my father. There's been a lot of controversy on that particular matter."

Pinestar's interest was piqued. "What kind of controversy?"

"Well, if Blackfur hadn'tve died, and mother hadn'tve woken up, my clan would have split into two sides and waged war on each other. The others, and Sunstar, could lie to themselves all they want, it was going to happen."

The black-striped cat whistled. "Wow, I didn't know."

Nightpaw stiffened, lip curling and fur bristling. "Of course you didn't," he spat, tail lashing as he snapped his head away.

Pinestar was about to ask what he had said that had offended him when Goldenpaw's mew broke into his thoughts. "Woah," she breathed, planting herself down on the top of the hill they were currently traversing.

"What is it," he asked, trotting over to them.

"Look," Greyleaf pointed, an awed smile on her face.

Pinestar sat down where he was, Nightpaw coming to set himself between them as if to separate the two, and looked to the sky. A magnificent mountain glittered ahead, its snowy peak high above them. A cloudless sky stretched far off into the horizon, its luxurious blue color bright and dazzling.

"That's, just, beautiful" Goldenfur whispered, coming to sit beside Pinestar with Sparrowpaw at his left.

"It really is," mewed Goldenpaw, lake blue eyes transfixed upon the magnificent scene.

Even Nightpaw meowed assent, lighter colored muzzle and chest pointed up and breathing slowly.

As they sat there, looking upon those elegant mountains, it felt as if everything was perfect. Everything was going to be just fine. They were where they were meant to be, and it was good.

Then Pinestar remembered.

Cold dread seized his heart.

SOOOOOOO, what'cha think? Was that a pretty good way to start this off?

Question Of The Day: Where do you think they will go, and why and what do you think Pinestar is dreading?