Disclaimer: I own nothing. All recognizable characters belong to their respective creators.

A/N: So I don't know why I'm posting another new story when I've already got two others. But this is the one I've been working on so I figured I should share it.

This story was posted a few years back too but it's gotten a reworking. The basis for the plot is the same but I've tweaked it a little bit. If you remember this from years ago make sure you still read the first chapter, I've added/changed a few things.

Chapter One: Mission Assigned

Harry dodged a curse that was sent flying over his shoulder and dove to the ground into a roll. Ron shot two more curses at him and charged forward, trying to disarm his friend. Harry jumped to his feet and called on his magic to give him an extra boost as he leapt over six feet into the air. He performed a flip and landed behind Ron, stunning him on the back. Ron collapsed to the ground but Harry didn't get a chance to enjoy his victory as Hermione appeared from above him and dropped almost onto his head from the ceiling.

Harry barely managed to dodge and felt Hermione's fingers scratch his arm. In accordance with the rules of the game they were playing, Harry had to assume that he had just had his arm cut deeply with a knife. He switched wand hands and allowed his "hurt" arm to dangle uselessly by his side. Hermione wasted no time and ran forward, cursing and punching alternatively. Harry weaved around her spells and fists with a small smile on his face. His friend had come a long way since they entered Auror training together. She had learned how to fight and become a formidable opponent. Ron too, had honed his skills and started figuring out how to fight with his brain along with his fists.

Harry sent Hermione a smirk and jerked to the side, grabbing her wrist. He gently kneed her in the stomach, enough to stop her but not hurt, and twirled his wand around to rest on her temple. Hermione pouted at him and Harry smiled full out.

"I win."

"No one likes a braggart, Harry." Hermione straightened and revived Ron.

"Don't be like that. You did great! Ron had me on the run for a few minutes and you managed to take out my arm."

"You were holding back," Ron complained.

Harry went to argue more but the door to the training room opened and Kingsley entered with the three's Auror trainer, Van-Wagner. The three stood at attention and saluted by placing their wand at the temple and jerked down, much like a muggle salute, but they added a twist at the end. The wizard twirled their wand in their hand and sent out small white sparks before resting their wand against their forearm in the standard defensive position.

"Stand down, gentlemen," Van-Wagner ordered. At Hermione's pointed glare the teacher sighed. "And lady."

The three relaxed as Kingsley stepped forward and held out a hand to each of them to shake. "It's good to see you three again."

"You too, Kingsley. Congratulations on becoming the permanent Minister of Magic."

"It was an honor but things are a mess."

"Gee, can't imagine why." Ron's voice was laced with sarcasm and his friends discreetly smiled.

"Now Mr. Weasley, you know it's rude to speak ill of the dead."

"Was there something you needed, Minister?" Harry asked. "I doubt you came here just to chat."

"You're right, Harry. Would you three be kind enough to get cleaned up and join me in my office in say, an hour?"

The trio shrugged. "Sure, we'll be there."

Harry apparated into his flat and tossed his Auror robes onto his couch. He wanted to take a quick shower before his meeting with the Minister. He and the others had been training all day and he could tell he stunk slightly. Ron and Hermione had returned to their own home to clean up as well.

As Harry stripped off his shirt and tossed it carelessly on the floor, he paused. Something felt wrong and he looked around, trying to act natural. Movement caught his eye from the kitchen and Harry reacted without thought. He drew his wand and sent a stunning spell at the counter. A high pitched scream met his ears and a girl fell down on the floor. She looked up at Harry in a mix of awe and terror. Harry scowled deeply.

"Who are you?"

"I-I'm sorry, Savior!" the girl stuttered. "I j-just wanted to m-meet you!"

Harry sighed, not even trying to hide his annoyance. "How did you get in here?"

"Oh, I um, the wards around the place aren't strong and I'm really good with wards. I'm going to school to become a ward maker!"

"Fascinating," Harry deadpanned. "How did you find out where I lived?" The girl looked away and Harry shook his head. "Well?"

"Well the fan club—"

Harry made a sound of disgust and turned away, grabbing his shirt and shoving it back on. The Harry Potter fan club was the single most annoying thing in the entire world. They had formed after Voldemort's defeat two years ago and steadily grew. At first Harry had ignored them, thinking they were harmless, but as the club grew they became more of a problem. They started stopping him on the street for pictures and appearing at his apartment, begging for autographs or just wanting to look at him. Harry had been forced to move constantly wear glamour charms to try and hide in crowds better. He put up low level wards around wherever he was living at the time. He would put up stronger ones but with how often he moved stronger wards were troublesome. Up until today, the low-level stuff had been fine.

"So what do you want?" Harry asked in a resigned sort of way. "An autograph? An interview? What?"

"Oh I just wanted too..." the girl floundered, staring at him with star struck eyes. "I just wanted to meet you."

"Well you've met me," Harry snapped. "And now I get to move again. Thanks." He grabbed a piece of parchment and quill and signed his name with a quick flourish. "Here, now please leave."

She took the paper with wide eyes and held it as if a treasured object. The girl stared at him a moment longer before Harry got annoyed and walked over to his from door, holding it open and very firmly pointing outside. The girl got the hint and scurried out.

"Thank you—"

Harry shut the door in her face and waved his wand harshly, locking the door with the most powerful spell he knew. He was so sick of his fan club. They were all harmless but drove him mad. After the war the Wizarding World had stopped referring to him by his name and called him "The Savior" instead. Only Harry's closet friends used his real name anymore. The hero-worship had reached an all time high and Harry desperately wanted a break.

After making sure there weren't anymore people in his flat, Harry quickly showered and returned to the Ministry. Ron and Hermione were already waiting for him outside of the Minister's office. Both were dressed semi-formally and talking amicably. Harry joined them in the waiting chairs outside the office.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked. "You look upset."

"Another fan club member was hiding in my flat."

"Again?" Hermione exclaimed. "That's the fourth time in three months!" Harry shrugged.

"You didn't have wards up?" Ron asked.

"I did but this girl was going to school to be a ward maker and got through them."

"Harry, this is getting to be too much. You need to put a stop to them."

"I've tried!" Harry exclaimed in exasperation. "They're a completely legal group so I can't get them disbanded."

"What about settling down?" Hermione suggested. "Buy a house and set up strong, permanent wards so they can't break in anymore."

Harry shrugged, glancing away. "I'm not ready to settle down. I'd like to live a normal life as a bachelor for a few years before picking somewhere permanent."

The door to the Minister's office suddenly opened and three very irate purebloods came storming from the Minister's office, their faces furious. Harry watched them go with a raised eyebrow.

"The Halex family," Hermione said. "They never openly supported Voldemort but were suspected of funding him during the first and second wars."

Ron sneered after the family. "Wanna-be Death Eaters who were too afraid to pick up a wand and fight."

"Personally, I think that's a good thing. The less Death Eaters we had to fight the better." Harry sighed and knocked on the door to the Minister's office. They were called to enter and found a haggard Kingsley behind his desk with Van-Wagner standing behind him, looking over his shoulder at a file.

"Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger, Mr. Weasley," Kingsley gestured to some chairs, "Please have a seat. And secure the door, Mr. Weasley."

Ron did as asked as everyone sat down. Kingsley put his folder away and pulled out another one, handing it to Harry.

"I have a special mission for the three of you. Now before you open that folder, I must make sure you understand the situation fully. This mission is voluntary and because of its undercover nature, there's no telling how long it might take. It could be anywhere from a couple weeks to over six months. During that time, you will be expected to live as someone else entirely. If you chose to accept, you will be provided with false identities."

"What's this mission?" Harry asked.

"It's an infiltration mission. You would be infiltrating a muggle organization and gathering information."

"What organization?"

"I can't tell you that unless you accept."

Harry rolled his eyes. He hated things like that; where you had to agree to something first before finding anything out. Missions like that usually screwed you over.

"Why us?" Hermione asked. "Why not chose someone with more undercover experience?"

Kingsley smiled. "You are more than qualified for this, Ms. Granger."

"That may be true, Minister, but so are a lot of other Aurors. Aurors who have actually graduated from training."

"You're age and special skill set make the three of you prime candidates for this mission. I do have a few other people in mind if you three say no, but I'd rather you say yes. You are my first choice."

Hermione sat back with a slight huff and looked to Ron and Harry next to. Ron was leaned back in his chair with a slightly pensive face but he didn't appear to be overly concerned with the new mission. Harry was staring hard at the unopened folder in his hand.

"You said a muggle organization?" Harry asked. Kingsley nodded. "So we would live in the muggle world for six months?"

"Yes, that would be required."

Ron made a face, not sure he liked the idea. Harry however was tempted to hear more. His fan club didn't exist in the muggle world. He could go home at night at not have to check for crazy fans hiding out in his room wanting an autograph. A six month break from the hero worship made this mission extremely appealing.

Ron spoke up first. "Well I'm in if you two are. I could use a six month break from my family."

"Ron, that's a horrible reason to accept such an important mission!"

"It is?" Harry said. "Because I was thinking I could use a six month break from all the hero-worshiping."

"Harry! Both of you should be taking this seriously."

"I am. I seriously want a vacation from my mum and her obsession with me working in the Ministry." Ron stared at the girl. "Come on, Hermione, you can't tell my you're not interested? A spy mission sounds brilliant. And wouldn't you like to get away from my mum for a few months and all her not so subtle hints about marriage and babies."

Hermione tried to keep a stoic face but Harry could see the interest in her eyes. He couldn't resit teasing her.

"Mrs. Weasley wants more grand kids already? You're slacking Hermione, time to get working on that."

Hermione scowled deeply at her friends, who smiled wickedly. She rolled her eyes. "Alright fine. I admit that an undercover mission would be a great challenge and give us some wonderful experience."

"And you don't want mum hounding you about marriage."

Hermione leveled a glare on her boyfriend. "I suppose if these two are going to accept, I should as well. You know how thick-skilled they can be. We will have time to get our affairs in order before leaving, correct? We can't just pack up and leave today."

"You will have plenty of time to get yourself situated and say goodbye to your families," Kingsley assured. "Mr. Potter, you may now open that folder."

Harry did and passed it to Hermione, who was sitting in the middle of the three. While they looked over the documents, Kingsley explained what was written.

"As you know, the muggles have also ended their own war about five years ago. In the wake of that war an organization was built called the Preventers. They are, in essence, a peacekeeping organization designed to maintain the peace won after the wars and prevent it from happening again."

"I've heard of the Preventers from my parents," Hermione said. "They approve of them greatly."

"It is a good organization and, as wizards, we have no problem with them."

"Then why do you want us to infiltrate them?"

"They are extremely good at what they do. We have received intelligence that they are starting to find signs, discrepancies and other such things, in certain affairs. Affairs such as giant attacks that were covered up with the story of tornadoes or the sightings of witches and wizards dueling in the sky being nothing more than large birds flying across the Northern Lights."

"They're compiling evidence that magic is real."

"Yes. As of now, they have enough information to form a theory or suspicion. I do not believe they have yet come to magic as the conclusion but with all the evidence they currently have, it is very possible that they will."

"So what do you want us to do?"

"Infiltrate them. I want you to get inside and do what you must to get to the top. We have no connections in the organization, as it's so new, so you'll have to start at the bottom. Once you have gathered the information and determined who is in charge of it, I will send in a team of Unspeakables who have been specially trained to maintain the secrecy of world. They will destroy any evidence the muggles have and charm the memories of all involved."

"Yeah, sure, that'll be easy to do," Ron muttered. "No wonder you said it'll take us six months or more."

"This is a pretty big mission," Harry said. "Why are you choosing us for it?"

"The Preventers are an extremely exclusive organization. Anyone can apply and every application is accepted, however once you are accepted you are put through some rather extreme testing and courses. Out of the thousands who apply, barely two hundred newcomers are initiated a year."

"Two hundred?" Hermione exclaimed. "But how can they run such a huge organization while accepting so few people?"

"It is because those that do make it in are the best of the best; the elites of the muggle world. Currently, over eighty-five percent of the new recruits are aged between nineteen and twenty-five. Out of my recruits, you three are the best available in that age range. And also with your experience in the war, I believe that will give you an edge over the other recruits joining."

"The Preventers are a completely muggle organization," Hermione said. "Harry and I will be fine but Ron…" She glanced at the redhead who shrugged.

"I don't know anything about muggles."

"I should also point out that I've never used a computer before," Harry added.

Kingsley nodded. "The next recruiting period is not for three months. The three of you will receive intensive courses to prepare you for not only the skills you'll need for this mission but also how to live life as a muggle in the muggle world."

Harry and Hermione glanced at each other and then turned to Ron. He was scowling slightly. "Those classes are meant for me, aren't they?"

Kingsley smiled. "Mostly. But all three of you must be extremely competent with computers and learn the workings of the muggle military and also have an understanding of the wars that just ended. These courses have been designed specifically for those purposes.

"Now, there is one more catch that I must inform you of. All three of you will be entering into different branches of the organization."

"You're splitting us up?"

"We're stronger as a team."

"We're strongest as a team."

Kingsley held his hand up for silence. "I realize that. But the Preventers are notorious for being very suspicious people. It would be easy to come up with a story as to why the three of you were joining together at the same time and how you all knew each other, however, if one of you were to fall under suspicion all of you would as well and that would be the end of the mission. By splitting you up, we have a greater chance of one of you succeeding."

"When we're together we get one chance as a group but if we're apart, we have three chances as individuals," Harry said and the Minister nodded.

"We will provide you with means to keep in contact with each other but you must act as though you have never met before."

"What sections are you putting us in?"

"Mr. Potter, you will be in the combat area. Those who join there are more like to become soldiers and leaders. They do a lot of field work. Given your skills and history, I thought this was the best place for you."

Harry nodded.

"Mr. Weasley, you will be in the intelligence department. Your skills lie in strategy."

"You're giving me a desk job?!"

"Harry is a more competent combatant and does not posses your level of skill when developing strategy."

Ron scowled in annoyance. "Fine. Desk job it is. Wait a minute!" Ron sat up straighter again. "Why don't we just use our contacts within the muggle world to stop this? You know, contact their Minister and tell him what's going on and have him tell them to stop."

"For one, Mr. Weasley, their current Minister is a woman. For two, the Preventers are a new group that was created by the heroes of their war and they have the ear of almost every leading nation the muggles have to offer. They also work closely with the colonies and there are no wizards in the colonies. We simply have no control of agents that can even get near the Preventers. Hence this elaborate scheme."

Ron sat back with a thoughtful face, nodding slightly to himself. He honestly had no idea about muggle workings or politics and he'd only heard of the colonies in passing. He was going to have a lot to study if he wanted to blend in with this world.

"And what is my assignment, Minister?" Hermione asked as Ron lapsed into thought.

"Ms. Granger, we're going to be taking a slight risk with you."

Ron and Harry sat up straighter at his words while Hermione raised an eyebrow in question. "A risk?" she repeated.

"You have been training in the medical field, correct?"

"Yes sir, since the war ended. I figured if the three of us were going to become Aurors, at least one of us had better have some training in the medical field, especially with these two's track record."

"Hey, you get hurt too!" Ron defended.

"Not nearly as much as the two of you."

"Harry's the worst."

"That's not my fault!"

Kingsley smiled at the three. "I will miss your bickering while you're on this mission." The trio rolled their eyes at him. "Ms. Granger, because of this training we are going to put you in the medical branch of the Preventers. There is a doctor there, Sally Po, who is in charge of all the medical aspects of the organization that is currently looking for an assistant." He smiled. "It shouldn't be too hard for you to wow them with your skills."

Hermione nodded. "But won't this woman have found an assistant before I even get there?"

"That is why we would like you to start now."

"Now?" Ron and Harry double toned.

"Ms. Granger already has knowledge of the computer systems and the muggle world. She will not need the same preparations as the two of you."

"I know very little about their wars," Hermione admitted.

"I have complete confidence you will be able to study and memorize everything you need to know within the week."

Hermione nodded. "Very well. I can handle it."

"No," Harry interrupted firmly. "I don't like this. I don't want her going alone."

"Mr. Potter—"

"She's my responsibility. So is Ron."

"Harry, I'd be on my own even if we went at the same time—"

"But I would be able to find and keep track of you. I would be close enough to you to help if you needed it. If you go now, I can't do any of that."

"We will have a system in place that will allow for communication and emergency contact," Kingsley assured.

"I don't want her going alone."

"Harry, I'll be fine. I know how to defend myself."

"I just—"

Hermione took his hand and squeezed. "I will be fine, Harry. I'll keep in constant contact and…" she paused and glanced and Kingsley before leaning forward to whisper in Harry's ear. "We still have the you-know-whats from the war so even if their method of communication fails, we'll still have ours."

Harry still didn't look convinced but Hermione smiled reassuringly. "What's this protective act? Who was it that saved your butt at Godrics Hollow? And who was with you when we rode that dragon out of Gringots? And—"

"I get the point," Harry smiled in exasperation. "All right, 'Mione, I'll stop complaining. But you're to keep in constant contact. And I reserve the right to say screw the mission and come running in after you if I do not hear from you at least once every three days."

"Me too," Ron butted in. "I am reserving that right as well."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Honestly, the way you two talk, you'd think I was incapable of caring for myself."

"Ms. Granger, I would like you to be ready to leave in a week. Is that plausible?"

"Yes Minister. It will not be a problem."


"What are our codenames?" Ron asked.

"I prefer to keep that information a secret. If you three are asked of each other, I don't want there to be any indications that you know one another."

"You want us to go in completely blind?"

"Yes. Though the three of you will be working on the same mission, you will be, basically, working alone. I don't want you to risk knowing each other, even if it is just by name."

Harry shrugged and took the folder from Hermione, standing up. "Very well, Minister. We accepted this mission so we'll carry it out. When you're ready to brief us on our individual missions, please let us know."

Ron and Hermione stood and Kingsley followed. "I will be contacting you two within the week, Ms. Granger, sooner than that. Until then you are all excused from your classes to prepare for this mission. That is all."

They saluted the Minister and left his office. Ron plucked the folder from Harry's hands and looked at it. "So we're actually going in blind?"

"For now," Harry confirmed. "If we need to disobey orders and share information with each other though, I won't complain." He turned to Hermione. "You sure you're going to be all right going in alone?"

"Of course." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Honestly, you two, sometimes you can be insufferable."

They each grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Insufferable know-it-alls?"

"Don't you dare go there."

The boys laughed as the three apparated home to begin preparing for their long mission.

A/N: So there's chapter one, hope you liked it. Let me know what you think.