summary: after the second wizarding war, Hermione returns to Hogwarts to finish her seventh year of education. she finds herself falling for someone she never thought she would.

It was morning on an early September day, the weather was hot and the air was thick. Hermione fumbled with her trunk, triple checking that she had packed everything necessary. "Hermione, darling! You'll miss the train if you don't hurry along!" Her mother yelled from below. After the triumph of the wizard world, Hermione sought out her parents, returning their memory and moving back home. "Yes, mum." Hermione responded. The summer had been slightly tense, her parents unable to understand how much their safety would've been compromised if she hadn't sent them off. Her father appeared in the doorway, an ecstatic grin plastered to his face. "I'm so proud that you're finishing your education. I'm proud of everything you've done. Even the parts I don't fully understand." he told her. Hermione smiled wearily, nodding her head. "Let me get that." Mr. Granger said, hefting up the trunk and lugging it downstairs. Hermione took one last look into her bedroom, fully appreciating it. The last time she left it, she never expected to return. She was so thankful.

Hermione arrived at Kings Cross station at a quarter to eleven, quickly spotting her two best friends, a simple task thanks to Ronald Weasleys bright red hair. She and her parents joined the group as Mr. Weasley took care of Hermiones trunk. She and Ron had shared a kiss at the end of the war, declaring their long denied feelings for each other. When they defeated the Dark Lord, both teenagers agreed that they weren't positive they really felt that way. Could it have been that they just didn't want to die alone? However, they remained as close of friends as they'd ever been, both of them deciding to laugh it off. "How were your summers?" she asked enthusiastically, as she threw her arms around Harry and Ron. "Never better." Harry answered, "I spent the entire summer at The Burrow. No Dursleys whatsoever." he said happily. Harry's only living relatives had never been hospitable. Ron nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was great. Having my best mate living with me like a brother. Although I could've done without so much snogging." Ron said, shooting a jealous glance at Harry and Ginny who were, ironically, kissing at the time. Ginny laughed and patted Ron's shoulder. "You'll feel differently when the time comes, Ronald. Don't be bitter." she teased. Hermione laughed along with them. "Hermione, look." Harry said, pointing through the crowd. Hermione stood on her tiptoes to get a better look. There stood Draco Malfoy, accompanied by his mother, Narcissa. Something was different about the duo, something that stood out. Draco no longer displayed dark circles under his eyes, and they seemed to sparkle without the undertone of hate. His blonde hair had grown, swooping just above his eyebrows. "He looks different." was all Hermione managed to comment, as Draco looked up at her and made direct eye contact. She looked away quickly, pretending to play with a loose bead on her bag.

"Hey, come on. It's ten fifty eight." Harry informed her, pointing to the clock. Hermione nodded, turning to her parents and saying their ritual goodbyes. "We'll miss you, dear." Her mother said, teary eyed. Her father nodded and kissed her forehead. "Have fun and be safe. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day, and floss after meals." He told her, Hermione smiled at this over used advice from her parents. She boarded the train with the boys, waving to her parents from the window of the train car.