A/N: Let me start by thanking all the followers of this fan fiction. To be frank, I never expected that I would get a lot of followers by its first and second day. Now I have 3 favorites and 10 followers?! I must say, I'm very perplexed no one had put this fic into their favorites or wrote a review, that's fine. Perhaps it's just I need to focus a little bit on the present day with a hint of Arthur's POV and the past. I appreciate all your attention to this work. Kudos to you all~!
Summary: (Present day) America tried to socialize with England in this current time after their meeting. There was just one thing he wants to know: How did England escape and go home to Europe? What did the beast do? Will England finally open himself to his former little brother?
Warnings: Kuudere and Dandere!England, Overprotective!Russia and Ukraine, shitty plot
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. If I did, it could be a mixture of Russia x England, America x England, and World x England. As long as wee Arty gets to be the little one~
Present Day:
Countries are currently gathered in Washington, D.C. 2015 has arrived yet things have not changed such as wars and political or financial problems. The United States of America, or rather, Alfred F. Jones, was trying to do his best to host them in a civil way. He didn't want that to happen again. This year, he was going to start anew. He would still be the hero but he would do it in a mature way. So far, his plan on doing everything with proper conduct was working: countries were finally taking him seriously, Germany eventually considered his ideas of bringing clarity and peace when it comes to serious circumstances, and even the micronations respected him more than they ever did.
However, there was one thing, or one person, that he didn't have any luck with. The personification of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or so to stay, Arthur Kirkland. The larger nation had no idea why he can't hold a conversation with his former brother. Arthur couldn't be mad at him, they fought TWO WORLD WARS TOGETHER! So why not even hold a conversation? Even just as friends?
During the Civil War, Francis came to his country with Arthur. Francis acted the same; all romantic and ridiculous. However, Arthur...was not like the one he knew as a child. When Alfred and Matthew were both children, both Arthur and Francis were at each other's throats. They seem to hate each other by the looks of their fights that involved insults and strangles. Any insult that Francis slaps in Arthur's face, the emerald eyed nation was always quick to retort back.
But during those times and now, even when Francis tried to flirt with him, Arthur was just...silent. Most of the time, he stared at the carpeted floor of Alfred's office, he gazed at the window for a long amount of time, and there were times that Arthur just stared at Alfred with soulless eyes. Alfred always loved Arthur's green eyes. It reminded him of nature, of life, of the world, and it reminded most of his 'brother.' How he smiled, with a light pink tinge on both of his already rosy cheeks, morphing Arthur into a beautiful creature that he had desired for so long to call 'Mother.'
His eyes in the past were filled with adoration, sympathy, passion, and knowledge. They flared like emerald wildfires whenever he sees France or any country or anyone trying to hurt one of his colonies. Now...there a dull shade of green, lacking emotion and conviction. Alfred can't even read what's on Arthur's mind. Usually, even when Arthur tries to hide his emotions, it would reflected in his eyes. Now there was no single evidence of those emotions. Was it possible that Arthur lost his emotions? What did the creature do to him? Did they do something so horrific that he no longer had the capability of feeling anything?
Alfred was snapped from train of thoughts when Kiku started his own presentation of his country's issues and of the world's. He greeted everyone warmly, most of them doing the same. As Kiku started, Alfred chose to watch the blonde, who was across their table. His eyes were focused on the presentation, not even noticing that he was being watched. Occasionally, he would take notes to ensure that he had information to think about when he had no other things to do. But to Alfred, there was one thing that kept bugging his mind
The personification of Russia, or rather, Ivan Braginsky, sat beside Arthur. The tall nation was Alfred's sworn enemy. They never really got along during their meetings, and especially during the Cold War. It reminded him one time that he was arguing with Ivan during their Allies' meeting. Yao and Francis couldn't calm them down no matter how hard they tried to quiet them down. What made them stop the argument was when the pencil was struck to the wall from Arthur's direction.
He feigned no emotions and he didn't open his mouth to scold them. He just gave them a hard stare and after a few minutes, Ivan sighed. He moved away from Alfred and dragged a chair towards the former British Empire. Alfred's danger mental alarm was raging. He had warned the blonde that Ivan might hit him but what his enemy displayed shocked him to his very core.
Ivan sat down beside Arthur and placed his head on top of the green eyed nation's lap. The sitting nation didn't do anything to shove the snowy country's head away. He just stared at his three allies before he shook his head to look at the country. None said a word towards each other. There was no hint of animosity nor fear.
Alfred could do nothing but stare in perplexion and hatred. Why didn't Arthur shove Ivan away? He's allies with his 'brother' so to speak, right? If he is, then why does the island nation respond? He turned to look at Francis and Yao. Their distance was of normal calculations, considering that they have different ideas for their countries. He knew that the French nation had no reason to hate the Oriental nation. They're only thinking of what's best for their government and economy. Even he can't hate Yao; despite being technically nemesis right this very moment, they were allies.
Finally, Arthur looked up and spoke for the first time. His eyes glued to all of his allies, who stood there frozen in their spots. "It seems that both of you can't be beseeched to stop this war. Therefore, I will take no part of it. Somehow, my superiors will but I will not." With that, he shifted to move. Sensing the action, Ivan reluctantly lifted his head and presumed to stare at Alfred's 'charge.' The blonde's blood boiled, his eyes twitching, and perhaps his gravity defying hair strand was also trembling in resentment.
Arthur grabbed his briefcase and left without any words to say. Animosity returned as Alfred snarled, "What were you doing, you bastard?" Ivan blinked unknowingly, "Whatever do you mean, da?" A vein started to throb in the American's forehead as he saw the gesture. "You know what I mean…"
Francis interrupted with a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Arthur...he-he...spoke…" Yao's eyes widened. Everyone knew what Francis meant as he let out that sentence. The blonde superpower shook his head. Without him noticing, Russia smiled knowingly. To further aggravate the blonde, he had said something that could never allow Alfred to sate his anger against the platinum haired nation. "Do you know that he always talks to me? Da, when he's in our house one time, he acted like a mother when I got the flu. He looked so...delectable~"
...Snap. Within a blink of an eye, Alfred struggled against Francis' hold as he tried to break free and break Ivan's nose. Yao was beside Ivan for precaution if he also snapped. The Chinese man trailed the larger nation's gaze that lead to the pencil stuck on the wall. Francis's attempt on holding Alfred was futile since he was smaller and sooner, he broke free. The blonde got what he wanted to do. He punched Ivan so hard in the face that bones in his cheeks resonated a sound of crack!
Still, the scarved nation remained standing, despite the pain in his cheek and jaw. If only Alfred knew what really happened. "You commie fucking piece of shit! If you did something to hurt him, I'll fucking tear you piece by every fucking piece!" Ivan sighed, "You accuse me of that, da? Why? Didn't you hurt him first? Tell me, comrade Alfred, didn't you just basically abandon him after you've heard that he was taken away by a beast? What did you do, da? Nothing! By the time he came back, he went to pack his stuff and lived with me for 3 years!"
That was the first time he felt time froze. Arthur lived with *fucking piece of shit* Ivan for...3 YEARS?! He couldn't find words to say; his mouth would open and nothing would flow out. He kept a keen eye on Ivan as he walked near the wall to remove the buried pencil. All of them watched him as he sighed and turned to all of them with an intimidating aura. "You better return this. I know that Angliya would need it very much," Ivan muttered. For 3 seconds it had lasted, scaring the French nation, the taller man handed the pencil to the American and 'dragged' Yao out of the room. Alfred remained unafraid. He knew that deep within his heart that Ivan did something to Arthur. This fueled his anger and determination into beating the taller man.
Back to the present day of meeting, Kiku has presented about his kidnappings of his citizens and also the mockery of his country's pride of ninjas. Alfred didn't really listen but he saw how much his friend's eyes mirrored that of Arthur's when he saw still a pirate, who had owned the seven seas for himself. By the time he has ended his work, a few counties, with serious looks on their faces, had suggested that the Prime Minister be abdicated for he was said to do anything to keep a face. The bespectacled nation knew that he had to do something about ISIS or the world might end if he can't do something.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, squeezing for reassurance. He shifted his gaze from the Asian to look at his brother, Matthew. He held a melancholic gaze as nations erupted to start an argument of what they thought about the terrorist group. Even Germany could not stop himself from snapping his nerves by giving a speech of taking ISIS down. Yet...Arthur was silent; his eyes observed the chaos with no hint of emotions.
Ivan has his head sat atop of Arthur's head. His eyes were half lidded, mirroring the contentment that he was currently feeling. Katyusha was on the other side of the Brit's shoulder, bags in her eyes prominent. Shockingly, Natalya was 6 chairs far from Ivan. Every nation knew she was obsessed with him so why are they far apart?
Tired cerulean eyes scanned the whole meeting room yet again. Unexpectedly, none of the chairs of papers were scattered on the floor. They usually don't get anything done...except for Arthur. Why was he so different now? He did try to talk to him a couple of times but Alfred was the one who was talking. The world's superpower wanted to know how the smaller nation got away from the beast right after the Revolutionary War. Mysteries were still unsolved and it was plaguing him. He wanted to know the truth.
He closed his eyes and drew a breath. He decided to, once again, try to talk to Artie, which can either end as futile or someone would disturb them. He needed to have a clear mind because there was a war he was fighting. It would do the army no good if he were to be distracted. During at this time, people need a hero. And who else can it be but him, right?
He continued to linger his eyes upon the British nation, not paying attention to the meeting once again. In his perspective, Arthur was - no, is - beautiful. His face shaded with a pearly white skin tone, cheeks slightly pink, eyes, though dull, unreadable by anyone, hair as bright as the yellow snapdragon, hands soft like texture from the eyes from afar, nails neatly trimmed, gaze incomprehensible yet calculating, and body as lithe as it was before. If only those eyes were to shine again with life and recognition…
He sighed quietly. Alfred thought of himself as dumb. Why worry about him when he looks to be alright? However, some nagging feelings at the back of his head were telling him that looks can be deceiving. This current Arthur is good at hiding and there's a possibility that his mind was right on track. He clenched his gloved hands as Arthur shifted to furthermore accommodate Katyusha's head into his shoulder. Yes, he definitely needs to talk with him after the meeting.
Matthew and Francis exchanged looks as Alfred worked on processing his thoughts. Francis is currently feeling lonely ever since Arthur started to isolate himself. He missed the times that they were arguing over little things such as, 'Who had a better culture than the other' or ' who was more perverted.'They no longer argued. Hell, Arthur won't even talk to him when it's not related to country affairs! So much sadness accumulated his mind. He knew that, by just looking at Matthew, the other was also suffering. One question just floated in the heads of the three: What happened to Arthur?
Arthur was led by the American nation to a secluded room by the time their meeting ended. The air was so tense that even the larger nation felt that he couldn't breathe. Once again, the island nation expressed nothing. His eyes bore into Alfred's as he was trapped by both hands clutching him by his seemingly frail shoulders. The predicament, that was prevailing now, was very, very awkward. None of them uttered one syllable of a word yet there were performing such close contact.
Alfred drew himself from the unemotional nation and placed his hands inside his bomber jacket. He was sweating profusely as well. 'Damn', he thought, 'Why am I so fucking nervous? ME? THE U.S. OF THE FUCKING A! This is just a talk, a nice friendly chat! Trying to mend the broken bonds! Nobody can't do it but me, right? The hero, right? The hero's supposed to make things better!'
"Are you just going to look at me as if I had grown another head?"
Alfred blinked as he resumed staring at smaller blonde. His arms and legs were crossed, the suitcase by his side, and an another unreadable expression on his face. Alfred looked away. He had to just finish what he was planning to do.
"So um...Iggy-"
"You heard me…"
"Oh, ah, right! Hahaha! Artie! So, uh, so many things happened and I , uh, want to talk for just a second about our...um...Special Relationship…"
"Ah! Nononononono! I mean, we've been involved with things and I, uh…, want to talk to you...as a...you know, like, friends?"
"...How should I start then? Umm...uh...I, uh...kind of want to know something…"
"You know...I wanna know about, umm…, that…"
"Ya know, after my, uh…, independence...that beast stuff…"
"I, kind of, just want to know...um, what happened…"
"...That is something for me to know and for you to find it out, America…"
"Aww come on, Iggy! Tell me...please?"
"Pretty please?"
"I was serious about what I said. Are we quite done here? I'm afraid that, as a gentleman, I refuse to let a maiden wait for me…"
"Oh! Ahahahaha! Ukraine, right! So uh...can I go with ya and talk with her too? You know, being friendly and all…"
"...I'm afraid that I cannot…"
"D,aww! Wwwwhhhhhyyyy?!"
"Fine. But uh...I kind of ummmm...if I can't talk to you, can I visit ya at your house?"
"...you may"
"Awesome! So, uh…, I'll see ya?"
"...Very well, I will wait…"
"Dude! Thanks, Iggy!"
Alfred watched as Arthur turned to grab his suitcase and open the door, revealing a groggy Katyusha rubbing her eyes. He felt jealous as he saw his former brother 'fuzz' about the Nothern nation. Like, what the hell, man?
Katyusha seemed refreshed as he saw the Brit's form in front of her and proceeded on grabbing his arm, dragging him to an elevator. Alfred was left in the hallways, feeling down. He sighed and dragged his hand to furrow his hair. Yep, he was definitely not going to get any sleep and concentration tonight…
Arthur's POV
I have to admit that Alfred was acting very strange. I suppose I could put the blame of having to be the current world superpower as one of his stress factors. He needs to take care of himself! Was he hideous! His necktie wasn't properly tied, his clothes were wrinkled, his hair was unkempt, his shoes are also untidy, and his eyes had bags under the sockets!
I know what he wanted to know but I cannot tell him. He will have to know the truth himself. Along with Canada, France, and the other countries. I can't risk another catastrophe going our way. Yes, this is the most reasonable thing to do…
What would Alfred if he found out that beast is…Must I tell him…?
No, I mustn't. I must withhold my duty. For now, Katyusha and Ivan need to be treated as quickly as possible...I've never thought I'd see this yet again in the future…
I hope you'll know your questions will be answered if you would try to know….
Once again, I'd like to thank our readers for putting this story in their favorite and following spots. I know that I did say Kuudere and Dandere!England but as Мать-Земля, it's also natural for him to feel that way. He's trying to keep something and I plan to reveal this maybe in the fourth or fifth chapter. I hope you people enjoyed it~