Toshiro: that I hate

Me: TOSHIRO-KUN! *squeals and jumps on him for a hug*

Toshiro: UUUGGGGG! get off! You're just like Matsumoto! The story better not include going to school this time!

Me: of course not! its gonna be wa~aa~ay~ better! its gonna include lots of torture and sadness for you, Toshiro-kun!

Toshiro: is that supposed to make me feel better?... why am i always the one getting tortured… -_-


Its been one year since Aizen-taicho, no the traitorous Aizen, had betrayed Soul Society.

One year since he's manipulated me, betrayed me.

One year since I fell into a coma.

Six months since I woke up.

Five months since I had last seen Shiro-chan.

Five months since he had been sent to the living world for a mission.

Four months since Rangiku-san came back, crying for someone to save her taicho.

Four months since that bastard Aizen captured Hitsugaya-kun.

Three months since Ichigo-san and his group had gone to Hueco Mundo to try to save him.

Without success.

Two months since Hitsugaya-kun was pronounced dead.

One month since Rangiku-san became the new juban tai taicho.

One week since she last got drunk, drowning her sorrow in sake.

One day since we had last clung onto each other, tears streaming down our faces.

I have not heard Hitsugaya-kun's voice since that day. The day he had departed, promising me he would defeat Aizen, telling me to stay in Soul Society and heal up. Promising that by the time I finished healing, he would be home, safe.

He had lied.

He never came back.

And he had taken a piece of my heart with him.

Left the world with a part of my soul.

Left me alone.

To try and drown myself in my sorrow.

What was I to do now? Everyone seemed to move on. Rangiku-san has sake to distract her. I have nothing.



Everyone has their responsibilities. I do too. I try, everyday, every minute, every second, to continue on with my life. But Shiro-chan had left with my heart and soul. There was no way I could continue on as if nothing had happened.

No way.

Third Person POV

The day the small white haired taicho had gone missing, everyone was frantic. He may have been a cold, but he had a warm side, too. He cared for his division with his soul and heart. He cared so much for his fukataicho, even if he pretended not to. And most of all, he cared for Hinamori- fukataicho. When she had been in her coma, he had visited every day, sitting by her bedside, holding on to her hand.

When she had finally woken, he had been so happy, and before departing for the living world, he had said goodbye to her, making her promise to be completely healed by the time he came back.

But he never did come back.

Aizen was waiting for them, and he attacked, only a few days later.

Hollow and Arrancar had invaded Karakura Town, and the the small shinigami group as well as Substitute Shinigami and his friends had fought back. Hollow after hollow they destroyed, arrancar after arrancar were killed.

Afterwards, when the battle finally had seemed over, the real attack came. With all their injuries, not to mention all the reitsu they had already used up, there was no way they could win.

Hitsugaya's group had no chance to call for reinforcements. Just as the fourth Espada's sword nearly pierced through Matsumoto's heart, Hitsugaya had jumped forward and pushed her aside, leaving him vulnerable and unable to dodge himself. As if watching in slow motion, she watched as it pierced his shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Ulquiorro roughly pulled in out, leaving behind a stream of blood. Without mercy, he brought the katana down once again, cutting him from the shoulder to the waist. The group watched as his blood colored the green grass crimson, and Matsumoto screamed. She leapt forward to reach him, and for a moment, as the blue eyes met the turquoise, the white haired boy closed his eyes, and darkness took over him. The Arrancar had obediently retreated with Aizen into the Garganta, and that was the last Matsumoto had seen of her Taicho.

They had rushed to Soul Society for help, but due to circumstances, the soutaicho had forbidden anyone to go and try to save the juban tai taicho.

Of course, when has the soutaicho's orders ever stopped Ichigo?

He had somehow gotten into Hueco Mundo, most likely with the help of Urahara Kisuke, and returned one month later, wounds covering every inch of his body, and with a guilty expression, had told Matsumoto what she had been dreading.

Her Taicho was dead.

Time seemed to stop. Worst of all, was breaking it down to Hinamori. The sounds of her endless sobs haunted every corner of Soul Society for weeks, for she had never been the same again.

She was soon let out of the Fourth Division to resume her duties again, and she did, with a heavy heart. She had directed her squad, trained with them, acted nearly the same.

But every night, one could hear the sounds of muffled sobs through the cracks of her door. When she sat alone in the office, her face was always pained, eyes having lost the usual shine.

Life like this had gone on for nearly a year. Matsumoto had given the position of Taicho, for the tenth division had refused anyone else.

Life could quite nearly be the same. With the exception of the yells of the white haired tensai.

Everyone somehow missed the way he yelled at his fukataicho about not doing paperwork, the way he always seemed so calm, him correcting people or not calling him by his title. All this seemed to have been lost forever.

In Karakura Town…

"Ichigo!" the small violet eyed shinigami called, "Theres a ton of Arrancar!"

The orange haired teen had sat straight up on his bed and said, "Well what are you waiting for? Lets go!"

Ichigo grabbed his substitute license and changed to his shinigami form as Rukia popped the Chappy soul candy in her mouth. The two leapt out the window, leaving Kon wailing, "NEE-SAN NNNOOO! DDDOOONNNTTT LLLEEEAAAVVVEEE MMMMMMMMMEEEEEEE!" earning him a kick in the face as

Rukia jumped out the window.

Kon flew back, landing on the floor with a soft OOMMF. He pouted.

As he slowly climbed back on to his feet, grumbling, he began thinking of new plans. And what were they for?

Well, since Ichigo wasn't here, might as well go peep on some hot girls, right? And be back as soon as possible! There! Perfect….. and after that, he could-


Kon was once again tossed flat on his face, this time by his precious "Nee-san." Or rather, Chappy.

"Lwet's gwo have some fwun! Pyon! Lwet's gwo have some fwun! Pyon! Lwet's gwo have some fwun! Pyon! Lwet's gwo have some fwun! Pyon!" Chappy sang, skipping out of Ichigo's room.


The fight was quick, for the arrancar were all "weaklings" and were killed easily. Tuning, Ichigo pointed his sword at the last one standing.

"Hmph you guys are too weak. Die!" he cried and shunpoed to the arrancar.

This one had been stronger, for Ichigo actually had to "work up some sweat" when a garganta ripped open. The arrancar took one glance at him, smirked and prepared to leap back in.

"OY?! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? WE'RE NOT DONE YET!" Ichigo yelled, but the arrancar simply turned with a bored expression, punched him in the stomach, and rushed in. It closed, leaving Ichigo glaring at the sky from his position on the ground. Rukia walked over and asked," You ok?"

"Yeah, he just caught me off guard." With that, he jumped back on his feet when he realized that his substitute badge was no longer hanging off in belt.

"SHIT! That damn arrancar must've taken it!" he yelled, kicking the nearest rock, "I gotta get it back!"

Rukia sighed, but she knew that he did need it. Turning on her heel, she said, "c'mon. Lets go ask Urahara to get us to Hueco Mundo."

And that was when it all began. They arrived in Hueco Mundo, but what they found was the last thing they were expecting.

to be continued…

Me: I hope that was okay for a starter!

Toshiro: ….

Me: oh yeah….. i dont think he can reply…

there will be more action next time! i promise


i kinda feel bad for doing this…. but there will be torture…



Redited: April 27, 2015