Tony awoke early. He felt disoriented at first and it took a few seconds to register that first, he was in an unfamiliar bed; second, there was a warm arm around his waist and third, there was a warm, naked body plastered across his back. Memories of the night before flashed in his mind and he couldn't hold back the smile. He snuggled in and felt Gibbs shift against him but didn't wake up.

He lay there quietly, enjoying the contentment that had settled on him the night before. Remembering what had started the 'Night of Revelations' he coined in his mind, he smiled. Today was Valentine's Day. But he had so much more than a mere date. His dreams had finally come true and the reality was so much better than any dream or fantasy he had ever had. Nothing about last night wasn't amazing. But the most amazing thing…Gibbs had opened up to him…really opened up. Talked about his feelings. Talked about Shannon and Kelly…okay, maybe not a lot, but…still, that was more than he had ever said before it became too painful. Everything said the night before just made him love Gibbs even more and sometimes the depth of the emotions he felt overwhelmed him.

As he replayed the evening in his mind, he inevitably progressed to the sex. That first kiss…Tony knew for the rest of his life he would never forget that moment. He swore his heart dropped down to his stomach and the emotions they shared in that single kiss had expressed more than all the words prior had and that was a lot. There had been no doubts, no fears. The world had shrunk to just the two of them. Everything had been so perfect afterward. A flash of Gibbs kissing him right after he had rolled Gibbs under him…that had been the best kiss of his entire life…as though Gibbs was trying to communicate something to him with that kiss. Never at anytime in his life had he felt so loved.

In the past, the phrase 'making love' had always seemed so cheesy and euphemistic but all of last night, from the time that Gibbs admitted his knee hurt and that he needed help until the very moment he had dropped off to sleep, it felt like making love. And it wasn't cheesy or euphemistic. No one had ever touched him like that, not even Jeanne. Just thinking about it made him hard all over again. The men in his past - he shivered involuntarily - he didn't want to remember those encounters. The only memories he wanted were the ones he shared with Gibbs.

"You awake?" Gibbs' voice rumbled against his shoulder.


"You okay?"

"Never better," Tony smiled and meant it, hoping Gibbs would hear that in his voice.

The arm around hugged him closer and Gibbs placed a kiss on his shoulder where he could reach. "What were you thinking?"

"You. Us. Last night."

Gibbs lifted his arm until only his hand remained on Tony's body and he stroked up and down his side lightly with his fingertips.

Tony reveled in the touch. "That feels amazing," he stretched like a cat and Gibbs slightly increased the pressure of his fingertips and caressed longer strokes from near his underarm down to his hip. Gibbs continued the long strokes inching farther into his body, memorizing the ridge of his muscles and skin, stopping at his belly, deliberately not continuing lower. After covering the entire expanse of his chest and belly, Gibbs rested his hand on Tony's hipbone, memorizing the feel of the bone and muscles around it as he lightly squeezed.

Gibbs whispered in his ear. "Need to hit the head." He got up and wrapped the blanket around Tony to keep him warm while he was gone.

Tony felt tears fill his eyes just from lying in Gibbs' arms having him caress him the way he did. No one had ever done that for him before. The women he'd been with before, none of them had touched him for the sake of touching him. It had always been about sex. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it because he had but no one had ever explored him like that. When Gibbs touched him, it was so much more than sex. It was affection, tenderness, an ache to be touched being satisfied, as though Gibbs knew he needed that. It struck him that maybe Gibbs ached to touch as much as he ached to be touched. That made him want to touch.

The sound of the bathroom door opening interrupted his thoughts and he threw the blankets back to go in there himself. After relieving himself, he found the water was already warm, wanting to be clean before he went back to bed.

When he left the bathroom, Gibbs was lying there and he pulled the blankets back to invite him back. As soon as he got in the bed, he turned toward Gibbs and leaned in to kiss him. Immediately, Gibbs' hands sought his body somewhere, didn't matter where, just needed to be on him.

"Lie back," Tony whispered.

Gibbs lay back without question and Tony positioned a couple of pillows behind his back to make him comfortable. Once he was in position, Tony sat up and straddled his lap. He was half-hard but he ignored that. He watched Gibbs' eyes scan his body and the desire was unmistakable. Gibbs was hard already and Tony admired his physique. For an older man, Gibbs really was in great shape. Leaner than Tony was, the muscles under the skin were strong, supple and flexible. Some of his skin, especially in his belly, had softened a little with age but Tony had expected that. Even his skin was softening in places. He wasn't young anymore either. He leaned forward and splayed his hands on both his shoulders, letting the warmth of his hands soak into Gibbs' skin.

"Close your eyes."

"Can't. Don't want to take my eyes off you."

Tony smiled and Gibbs smiled back. Had anyone else said that, it might've come off as cheesy but not Gibbs. The man never said anything he didn't mean and anytime he moved at all, his gaze was drawn to the motion. Smile still in place, Tony lightly massaged Gibbs' shoulders, memorizing the feel of the muscles, deliberately pushing away the memory of how he had received the gunshot scar in his shoulder. As he felt Gibbs relax under his hands, he applied more pressure, deepening the physical connection, gradually threading his way to his neck where the muscles were tighter. He gradually worked those muscles loose and Gibbs groaned in the pleasure of it. "Keep that up and I'll never leave the bed again."

Tony chuckled at that. "Can you see Abby barging her way in here wondering why?"

Gibbs laughed at that. Tony loved how it vibrated through him when he did. "I don't even wanna think about it. That'd be an eyeful."

"Good thing I locked the door when I came in last night."

"You did?"

Tony nodded. "Yesterday, I spent a lot of time thinking and part of me wanted to tell you how I felt so bad. I was afraid to but when I got here last night, I was in such a good mood after talking to Tim and…I don't know, some instinct told me to lock the door. So I did. Maybe it was a premonition."

"Maybe," Gibbs sounded more like he agreed than didn't.

Tony smiled. "Thought you would say I've been spending too much time with Abby."

Gibbs smiled again. "Nah, I've done things like that on a hunch. Same thing. Sometimes the subconscious mind knows things our conscious minds don't."

Tony stopped the massage, his face registering shock. "Maybe you've been spending too much time with Abby."

Gibbs laughed again. "Nah, I trust my instincts. Trust yours too. Glad you locked the door. Not expecting anyone but don't want an audience either."

Tony resumed the massage, lighter this time and gradually it became more a caress as he moved down Gibbs' chest, splaying his hands across his pecs and sliding down, careful not to catch of his chest hair.

"Mmm, feels good," Gibbs murmured, closing his eyes, enjoying the touch.

"Yes, it does," Tony agreed, alternating between splaying his hands and caressing with fingertips, tracing patterns in his chest hair and tracing old scars. After a while, Tony lifted himself off Gibbs' lap and ran his hands up and down his legs, using fingernails the way Gibbs had the previous nights and enjoying the reactions he was eliciting. Tony had found ticklish spots and hot spots and Gibbs was rock hard. Tony ignored it as best he could but he could see by Gibbs' face that the pleasure was slightly tormenting him even as he loved it.

Finally, Tony settled beside him and kissed him. Gibbs took control of the kiss, demanding entry, possessive and passionate. It was impossible to resist and Tony opened up to him, letting him have the control and reveling in being so desired. He gave as good as he got and before long, both men were panting and soon, Tony wrapped his hand around Gibbs' cock. His hips jutted upward involuntarily at the sensation.

"Feels good."

Tony smiled and remembered how Gibbs had stroked them both last night and used what he hoped was a similar pressure and rhythm. Remembering through a haze of pleasure, he was a little unsure if he was doing it right but if Gibbs' response was anything to go by, he was doing just fine. He relaxed and took his time, letting it build slowly, hoping to drive him as crazy as he was driven last night. He loved how he felt in his hand. It was better than he could've imagined. Tony slipped his arm under Gibbs' head and pulled him closer.

"Jethro, open your eyes. Look at me." Tony's voice was husky but low as to not disturb the mood.

Immediately, his eyes opened and he met Tony's gaze. Tony's breath caught in his throat as he gazed into those crystal blue eyes. Laced with desire, those eyes had never looked more beautiful and he had always loved his eyes.

"That's it, want to see what you're feeling while I touch you."

Gibbs smiled wickedly and his hand slid up Tony's inner thigh. Tony stopped stroking him to still his hand.

"No, this is for you now. Just lay back and enjoy." He kissed him to emphasize that.

Gibbs stopped the upward stroke and just rested his hand on Tony's thigh and Tony resumed his stroking. Tony kissed his cheek and nuzzled his jaw. "I want you to come for me," he whispered. He sped up his strokes and locked his gaze on Gibbs' eyes. The man's eyes were fairly smoldering as his body flushed.

It didn't take long before Gibbs threw his head back and his eyes shut of their own volition. "Tony, I'm gonna…" He gasped for breath, not able to finish.

"That's it," Tony encouraged. "Come for me." He felt Gibbs' entire body shudder and he let go, as he did. Tony held him until he calmed, unable to speak as he memorized that moment, loving how Gibbs had responded to his touch, the sheen of sweat and the way Gibbs leaned into him as he came down from the moment. Tony's hand was covered with his release but he didn't care. He loved that he'd brought that out of him. He leaned in and kissed him lightly. "Gonna go get a washcloth. Be right back."

Tony washed his hands and soaked a washcloth in hot water, knowing it would cool a lot by the time he made it back to bed. Gibbs lay there, still spent, his eyes closed. Tony gently cleaned him up and when the warm cloth touched his skin, he jumped a little.

He tossed the used cloth in the bathroom when he was done and lay back down with him. Gibbs leaned in and kissed him deeply and before he could blink, Gibbs had rolled him over on his back. "Part of me wants to keep you hard and wanting all day and part of me wants to make you come right now."

"I'll do whatever you want. You can have me anytime you want."

Gibbs stroked his face gently. "That's a lot of power to give someone."

Tony leaned up and kissed him. "I trust you."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "You ever let anyone else have power over you?"

Tony shook his head. "Never trusted anyone that much."

Gibbs ran the tips of his fingers over Tony's chest. "Do you have any idea how much that turns me on?"

Tony smiled. "I always pegged you for a dominant."

Gibbs laughed. "Never pegged you as submissive though."

Tony chuckled. "I'm not but with you…I can see us taking turns. You need to let go sometimes."

Gibbs grinned. "Maybe. Loved making you let go last night." Gibbs' lips and tongue nuzzled his jaw and neck but made no move to take things further.

Tony trembled a little at the implications of the conversation. The give and take they were already sharing; Gibbs making him let go last night, doing this for him in the morning. He could see a lot more of that in the future with even more as they discovered each others' kinks. Right now though, this felt so amazing, so intense and passionate and without even talking about kinks…and he had a few.

When Gibbs kissed him again, his body fairly hummed with it. Like the night before, the kiss conveyed passion, possession and love. His soul sang with it. It's what he always wanted. He gave back his emotions in the kiss and he felt Gibbs' arms tighten around him.

When they broke apart again, both breathed upward, to cool their heated skin. "Wow!" Tony grinned.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow in question.

"I didn't know it could be like this."

"Like what?"

"So…intense but…I don't want to say easy because it took so long to get here but now that we are, it was like 0 to 60 in five seconds."

"This going too fast for you, Tony?" Gibbs' voice was concerned.

"No… no, that's not what I meant," Tony said softly, his voice anxious to reassure. "What I mean is…once we were able to admit it, everything that's happened since just seemed so natural, easy, feels so right. Does that make sense?"

Gibbs nodded. "I didn't expect to get here so quickly but…feels right. Feels good."

Tony smiled a little sadly, a tinge of regret. "We've wasted so much time."

"Hey," Gibbs said softly. "Don't. We're here now, we both had to be ready for it and maybe we are now."

Tony nodded. "More than ready." For everything, he thought.

Tony's stomach growled and they both started laughing as the tension was broken.

"Food!" Tony announced with a smile.

"Coffee," Gibbs smiled. "Let's go to the diner. I'm starving." He got up, found his jeans and pulled them on.

Tony hesitated. "Are you okay with us…being out?"

Gibbs stopped and looked at him. "It's not like we're going to be making out in public."

"I know…it's just, I don't want to fly rainbow flags or anything like that, but I don't want to have to hide either."

Gibbs buttoned his pants and walked up to Tony and placed his hand on his neck and squeezed lightly. "We're not hiding anything. I don't do PDA, never did, not even with the exes, not even with Shannon. Has nothing to do with both of us being men."

"That's not entirely true, you know." Tony grinned.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow.

"Head slaps could be considered PDA."

Gibbs laughed. "Never thought of that. You're right."

"So you've been showing me PDA for years already. If those slaps hadn't hurt so much sometimes, I'd almost think they were romantic."

The head slap was not unexpected. "Smart ass!"

The head slap at the back of Gibbs' head made him yelp in surprise and Tony laughed. "No head slaps at home unless you're prepared to get as good as you give."

Gibbs caressed the spot he had just slapped on Tony's head. "I'll get as good as I give alright," he murmured before pulling Tony in for a last kiss before leaving. As they parted, he playfully slapped Tony's ass. "Come on, I need coffee." Gibbs grabbed the sweatshirt and pulled it on.

They were out the door and to the restaurant in record time with Gibbs driving. Tony rubbed his eyes as he realized he was still tired. The sleep he had was restful but if he hadn't awoken so early, he would've slept a few more hours.

At the diner, their server kept their coffee cups full and the men ate in relative silence as the steaks the night before seemed a long time ago. During the meal, Tony noticed Gibbs glanced up at him a few times, wondered why but the diner was busy and he didn't feel comfortable asking in public. After they left and got in the car, Tony voiced the question.

Gibbs reached over and pulled down the visor and flipped open the mirror. "Look at your neck."

Tony lifted his chin to survey his neck and gasped. There were several small love bites around his neck. "Oh my God, you let me go out in public like this!" Tony started laughing and looked over at Gibbs. "How did I not notice this when I was in the bathroom?"

Gibbs wore a smirk on his face. "No idea."

"Well that explains why the waitress didn't flirt with me this time. She always flirts with me."

Gibbs chuckled. "The look on her face was priceless and you were oblivious."

"You have a couple I can see," Tony pointed out.

Gibbs smiled. "Don't care. We're not at work. On Monday though, you will need to wear a turtleneck."

"They should be faded by then," Tony said.

"I meant for the new ones you will have by then."

Tony grinned and shivered in anticipation. "Like that idea…so, we have a whole weekend to ourselves. How do you want to spend it?" Tony watched as the smirk became a grin. "Besides that." Tony laughed.

"On a day off, I usually go for a run if not too cold, run errands, do chores, work on the boat. You?"

"Run errands, watch movies, eat, sometimes hang out with Abby or Tim." Gibbs smiled but didn't answer and Tony felt the need to say something more. "So your personal life when you're alone is as boring as mine."

"What'd you think I did?"

"I always thought you had some super secret life, like a super grumpy federal agent by day and most interesting man in the world by night." Tony grinned.

Gibbs looked at him, a little puzzled, obviously not getting the reference.

"Geez Gibbs, don't you watch any TV? You never saw those commercials for the most interesting man in the world?"

Gibbs shook his head.

"I so have my work cut out for me." Tony grinned. If he was honest with himself, he was excited about the prospect of showing Gibbs all the things that made him laugh and hoped it would make him laugh too. Gibbs needed to laugh more, needed to enjoy life and not just work on a boat all the time. Not that he didn't want Gibbs to work on the boat; he knew he needed that too, but there was so much more to life.

"How about we head to my apartment so I can get a few things to take to your house for the weekend?" Tony suggested.

Gibbs smiled and nodded and headed that way.

Tony remembered that Gibbs said he hated Valentine's Day. He looked over at Gibbs who was watching the road, grateful he wasn't in such a hurry that he was driving like a crazed lunatic. Tony hadn't even needed to grab the 'oh shit' bar. He smiled a little at him. For once, Tony didn't have to plan some elaborate romantic evening. He didn't have to pretend he was totally smitten with his date of the evening. How many years had he planned in advanced just so he wouldn't be alone on Valentine's Day? He stared out the window, remembering years past for a moment. Now, he had the man he wanted who neither expected or wanted some elaborate gesture. It was freeing and chances were, he was going to get laid anyway. A smile touched the corner of his mouth. He could see it now. They'd have whatever sounded good for dinner, no muss, no fuss, then maybe work on the boat for a while or maybe watch a movie, go to bed early and…

"Your mind always in the gutter, Tony?"

Tony looked over with a start. "What?"

"That smirk on your face."

Tony laughed, his smile lighting up his face. "Wasn't exactly in the gutter; just thinking about how we might spend the evening."

"Food, boat…if you want, bed."

Tony laughed, reached over and squeezed Gibbs' thigh. "Was thinking the same thing."

Gibbs smile lit up his face and that warmed Tony's heart. He loved that smile. "You really enjoy working on the boat?"

Tony nodded. "Yeah. Working with my hands, creating something of good quality that is meant to last…shaping the wood…its creative and soothing, pride in creating something beautiful and useful."

"Huh, you really do get it."

"Thought I didn't?"

"Wasn't sure. Just…didn't seem like your kind of hobby."

"I'm open to trying new things. I wouldn't have thought about boat building if not for you but once you let me try, I could see what you saw in it."

This conversation reminded Tony that they had a lot of things to learn about each other yet. For so long, both men had kept their personal lives private - only getting glimpses into each other as the other allowed and now, they were both seeing new sides of each other. Tony took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He'd thought Gibbs knew him pretty well but his comment about it not seeming like his kind of hobby was a stark reminder that they didn't know everything, even after a decade of knowing each other. It was exciting and humbling all at the same time.

When they arrived at Tony's apartment, Gibbs came upstairs with him. Tony fed his fish and then turned to Gibbs, stepping into his space. Gibbs looked up into his face. Tony wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him in for a hug. Gibbs returned it but when Tony let him go, he was looking at him a little puzzled.

"What was that for?"

"In the car…I was thinking we had a lot to learn about each other, maybe cast off some assumptions we've made about the other, getting to know each other on a new level, not just in bed."

"Scared?" Gibbs asked, cutting to the quick.

Tony shook his head. "No, not scared. I…it's just that except when you left for Mexico alone, we've been on this parallel path, intersecting at work and sometimes outside of work but still on our own and now…it's like we're on the same road. It's…exciting and unknown but…familiar too. It's like an adventure with a good buddy, only better."

"I like the sound of that." Gibbs smiled.

"Me too."

"Working on the boat isn't exactly a romantic way to spend Valentine's Day." Gibbs watched him to gauge his reaction.

"If I'm spending it with you, it'll be the best Valentine's Day ever. And I don't even have to buy flowers."

Gibbs smiled, pulling him close again. "Happy Valentine's Day, Tony."

"You too, Jethro."

As they left the apartment, Gibbs took Tony's hand as they walked to the car. Tony looked down at their joined hands and smiled. "What happened to no PDA?"

"We're on an adventure, right? Trying something new."

Tony grinned. "Can I drive the Charger then?"

"Don't push your luck, DiNozzo."

Tony's laughter echoed off the building as they walked to the parking lot, eager to continue their adventure…together, this time.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the conclusion of this story. Though this story is completed as is, I have tentative plans for a multi-chapter sequel that will explore Gibbs and Tony's relationship as well as the relationships with the rest of the team as they go forward. It won't be posted right away as I tend to complete stories before I post them. This story was my first attempt at writing explicit M/M sex and given some of the comments, it turned out better than I had hoped. Thank you for all your support and encouraging feedback.