(A/N :So I go offline for two years, abandon my Harry Potter fanfiction and then come back with something like this. Yep, no questions asked. Anyway, enjoy! There will be a part two some time, promise! :) )

Disclaimer: None of this is real and I do not own Dan or Phil (oh boy, if I owned either or both of them ;) ...Don't mind me)

Dan couldn't believe that he was here, making a video with Phil, the person who he had come to admire and look up to. He had been beyond thrilled when Phil had messaged him on Skype asking him if he'd like to meet up in real life. Yeah they had become really good friends over the internet, but it was still hard to believe that a YouTuber as great as Phil would want to actually meet and make a video with somebody like, 'danisnotonfire'. He knew that they had become extremely close on the internet, but sometimes he forgot that Phil was actually real, actually out there in the real world.

It was almost like Dan's mind was divided into two. Part of him knew that Phil cared about him as a friend, yet the other part was constantly afraid that he was going to lose him, and that Phil would just realise that Dan wasn't as great as he seemed online. The thing that worried Dan the most was his own feelings towards Phil. He didn't just like him as a friend, it was more than that, but quite how much Dan couldn't really tell. Most of the time he suppressed any 'more than friendly' feelings he had for the older boy, for a few reasons. One was that he didn't want his feelings to grow too strong, in case it repulsed Phil or Phil didn't return any affections leaving him feeling rejected. Another was that he wasn't really sure what he was feeling anyway, since he'd never actually gotten a crush on another guy before, and maybe what he was feeling was just extreme idolization towards him.

The video had been a lot of fun to make, answering loads of questions in fun ways, cute noises from Phil, some completely innocent touching here and there. It had been a while since Dan had been able to feel so comfortable in the presence of somebody else, and really just enjoy himself. Whatever the hell his confusing feelings were, one thing was for sure, he wasn't going to be getting ditching Phil as a friend any time soon.

In the middle of filming the video, Dan was completely caught off guard, as Phil lunged towards him and tackled him to the floor in the friendliest way possible. It knocked all of the breath out of his lungs, but he was not complaining at all. Not even giving Dan the time to recover his breath, Phil started to tickle him in his most tickle-sensitive places. Before long, they were both tickling each other, and giggling like little girls.

After a few moments of hysteria, they stopped, giving each other time to catch their breaths. Dan looked up at Phil. His legs were resting on either side of Dan's, his hands just above his shoulders. He gazed into Dan's eyes, and for a moment the outgoing, confident Phil disappeared and Dan saw a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. It only then struck him that this position they were in was rather strange for two heterosexual male friends. Well, Dan had previously thought that he was straight, he didn't actually know about Phil, but he just assumed… He gazed into his eyes for another while. The world felt like it was frozen and he couldn't bring himself to move or say anything. One word kept rolling through his mind. Beautiful. His mouth hung open as his breathing began to tremble slightly, and he couldn't take his own eyes of those beautiful blue orbs that made all his worries dissolve. God, these definitely had to be more than just friendly feelings.

Part of him wanted Phil to do something, at least say something, but then another part just wanted to get lost in his eyes forever. Surely Phil would notice Dan's breathing hitch, and the way his heart sped up more and more the longer Phil stared at him, and then he'd figure it out, he'd realise how Dan felt and he'd not want to be friends anymore and everything would be awful, and Dan would go back to being alone and depressed, and… Oh god his lips. His lips were so perfect, nicer than any girls he'd ever seen, and wait… were they getting closer? Phil's eyes were focused on Dan's own lips, and for a second Dan thought he was only imagining it, but then he really could feel the distance closing between them, as their faces got closer and closer, and Phil's eyes flicked from Dan's lips to his eyes a few times, an unknown, wanting emotion displayed on his face. Their lips were only a centimetre apart, both of them breathing shakily, their bodies trembling with fear and need. Both boys knew exactly what they wanted now, but both were also too scared to close the distance between each other. Breaking the tension a little, Phil brought his hand up and just barely stroked Dan's cheek, looking at him with pure adoration, a small smile making its way onto his face, despite the nerves shooting throughout his body. That was enough for Dan. Pushing all other thoughts aside, he brought his hand up to Phil's face, mirroring what Phil was doing to him, before moving his head forward and finally closing the gap between them.

Heat rushed through their bodies as they melted into the kiss. Their lips moved together like magic, as if they were meant for each other. Phil felt completely different to any girl Dan had ever kissed. He had a very small amount of stubble, which was unfamiliar yet not unpleasant. His lips weren't masked in cheap, distasteful lip gloss, and his face didn't smell or feel like the pungent chemicals that were in most makeups. It was just Phil, just Phil's skin and nothing else. And it was perfect.

They became lost in each other, hands lacing around each other's hair, holding each other close, Dan fearing that if he let go of Phil then this dreamlike moment would vanish, and really end up being just in his imagination. Throughout the kiss, his mind was a blur, all his senses being invaded by Phil's heat. He could only think one other thing apart from the fact that he was kissing Phil; He's kissing me back. Phil really was kissing him back, and the want that he displayed almost came as a shock to the younger boy. Phil wrapped his arms lovingly around his waist, and pulled him into a tight embrace. Their lips were still interlocked, moving in perfect harmony as they ran their hands across each other's backs, caressing and cuddling close as they continued their display of need and passion.

Dan was drowning in the feeling, as they locked and unlocked lips again and again, only stopping when their basic need for oxygen got in the way of their need for each other. In the frenzy, Dan had ended up on top of Phil. Although it killed him to do so, he just had to pull his lips away from Phil, as a trickle of nervousness began to flow back into his head.

Balancing his hands carefully on the ground on either side of Phil's shoulders, he detached himself from the kiss and looked anxiously at the raven haired man below. The word 'man' didn't even seem right, because Phil looked so vulnerable, more like a boy. His eyes were half lidded, a rosy blush plastered across his face, his lips trembling and deep red from the kissing. He looked…scared almost? It occurred to Dan that he had never seen him worried or scared before, usually it was he who was brave while Dan would empty all his worries onto him. But now, they were both scared, scared of what they had done. Without a word, Dan removed himself from on top of Phil, and walked across the room to switch the camera off, as it had already filmed much more than necessary. Phil didn't move .

Dan sat down beside Phil, who was still on the floor, although he had moved into a fetal position, leaning against the side of the bed, shaking. Dan swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of his throat, trying to think of something to say. But no words seemed right for what had just happened. The air was thick with an awkward tension, so dense that a knife would have sliced right through it. Moments went by and still, silence. Phil had his eyes closed, and he was breathing heavily, making a deep resonating sound as he did so. He almost looked like he could have been asleep, but Dan knew better. Dan also knew that Phil probably wasn't going to talk any time soon, butDan needed to talk to Phil right now. He needed to know why Phil had kissed him with such fire, in a way that made Dan feel more alive than he had in god knows how long. His head tried to tell him, it must mean that he likes you, he likes you Dan, and while that seemed to be the most logical explanation, he just couldn't accept it. He could never accept the possibility that Phil, with his striking blue eyes, dark raven hair, and pale yet perfect complexion would ever be able to have feelings for him. Why would Phil want him of all people, with his boring brown hair, common brown eyes, low self-worth, and just how could he ever want him?

"…Phil?" he started, barely a whisper, "Um I… Ahh, I dunno…." He sighed, almost in frustration, not knowing what to say or how to finish his sentence. He was so hopeless in situations like this, damn it, he wished he wasn't such an awkward idiot. He just couldn't do it, he desperately wanted to talk, but he just wasn't strong or brave enough to know what he needed to say now. As per usual, he was weak and useless… If Dan was the one shaking, Phil would know exactly what to do to make him feel better, he'd tell him it was ok, and he'd just talk to him the way he did in Skype calls all the time. But Dan just couldn't do it. He was so useless.

He looked over at Phil, who now had his head in his knees. Wait, was he sobbing? He was trembling, and Dan could hear him starting to sniffle. And it broke his heart.

"Phil? What's wrong? Ok that's a stupid question.. But why are you crying?" Dan asked, while mentally face palming himself for asking such a dumb question.

Phil just continued to lightly sob. And Dan felt something stir inside of him. There had been so many times where he had been down, and Phil had been there for him every time. Phil had seen Dan cry a few times before while talking on Skype, and Phil had always been able to keep Dan's spirit's up with his upbeat attitude and helpful advice. But never once had he ever seen Phil crying, and the sight of it crushed him, but it also did something else- It gave him strength. Now, for the first time, Dan felt like he needed to be there for Phil, and he was filled with a small amount of confidence that he hadn't had before. A little nervously, he scooched over closer to Phil, and put a hand on his shoulder. They boy's crying became louder, which cut Dan deep. "Hey, don't cry," he started, "Ok… I know that what happened there was a little… unexpected, and I'm sure you're confused just as much as I am. But you don't need to cry. Why are you crying, Phil?" The words came so easily now.

Phil had stopped sobbing, but there were still tears running down his face, his cheeks beginning to redden with the saltiness. Dan wrapped his arms around him, causing Phil to choke out another small sob. "Please don't cry, Phil. Just tell me what's making you cry, it's all going to be ok. We'll talk about this, it'll be fine." And in that moment, Dan realised. He could do this.

After a long pause, Phil finally answered, although his voice was slightly muffled by his crying, "I- I'm so sorry…"

Sorry? Why was he sorry? Yes there was the confusing, and very enjoyable kiss, but that had been both of them, not just Phil. And after all, Dan had been the one to close the gap between them anyway.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry Phil? You didn't really do anything…wrong." Which was true. They had kissed each other, it wasn't just Phil. Unless Phil thought that two guys kissing was wrong, which certainly wasn't true. He didn't think like that, gay or not.

"I shouldn't have.. I just shouldn't have done that! Ah damn… I mean, I've…" he swallowed down the lump in his throat and took a deep breath before continuing, "I've wanted to do that, Dan." Those words made Dan shiver.. "But I shouldn't have done it, not yet. We've known each other a while, but we only just met, and I'm older than you so I shouldn't have been so quick about it. I mean, you've only just got here and it was just so…irresponsible of me, since I'm a few years older. And I should have made sure that you wanted it first, and I feel so bad now, I'm supposed to be your best friend and I went and did that…"

"Phil," Dan got closer to Phil, and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He felt Phil's whole body relax at his touch, and both boys sighed. "You are my best friend. And nothing will change that, not even a kiss. You've always been so kind to me, always there no matter what. And don't feel bad about it, please don't. Because… I've wanted that too. For a while now. Deep down anyway, I always tried to push any kind of feelings I had for you away, because I was too scared."

"Really?" Phil asked timidly.

"Well, yes." Dan confessed.

"You… You have feelings for me too?" Phil shyly asked, his face turning an adorable pink colour, the same shade as when Dan was on top of him. It was so strange, their roles had swapped from usual, Phil being the worried and scared on, with Dan comforting him. And one thing made Dan's heart do a summersault… Phil hadn't just asked if Dan had feelings for him. He had asked if Dan had had feelings for him too.

Phil had feelings for Dan.

To Dan, it felt like the best moment in his life. Words couldn't describe the feeling of relief and joy that washed over him when the realisation of what Phil had said kicked in.

"Yes, you numpty." He said, giggling slightly. He could feel his face heating up, and his cheeks beginning to redden. He bit his lip a little nervously, and then Phil smiled at him in a reassuring way.
Phil wrapped his arms tightly around Dan, as Dan snuggled into his chest. "Well that's good," began Phil, "I don't feel like a creep now."

Dan laughed slightly, "You're not a creep. You're…perfect…" he felt small again, telling Phil that he was perfect. But with Phil's reassuring warmth and loving embrace, he didn't even care.

"Hey, I've got an idea." Said Phil after a little while.

"Yeah?" asked Dan, looking into Phil's eyes, still smiling like an idiot at what had happened.

"Well, my legs are getting sore sitting on the ground. Why don't we go onto my bed instead and-No!"-he quickly added in as Dan raised his brow slightly, "No Dan, I wasn't thinking of anything like that!" he laughed, but timidly, "I was only going to suggest that we lie there and cuddle for a bit…Only if you want?" He looked down a little and blushed, cursing Dan for having such a dirty mind.

"Yeah, sounds good." Said Dan finally, after a few moments.

"Well, you need to get off of the top of me if I'm going to get up." It was Phil's turn to make Dan blush.

"Em, y-yeah, sorry." Said Dan quickly, standing up. He stretched as he did, since they'd been on the floor for a while.

Phil giggled at the embarrassed Dan, before pulling him into a standing-up-hug, and reassuring him that it was ok. After Dan nodded and smiled again, Phil took his hand, leading him over to the bed.
He took a couple of pillows, and stacked them up against the wall just above where his pillows would usually sit. Dan was puzzled for a few moments, but then he realised what he was doing.

Dan just watched for a while as Phil made himself comfortable on the propped up pillows. He couldn't help but stare at him, taking in the curves of his body and just every single perfect thing about him. Phil opened up his arms invitingly, "Coming over, Dan?"
It snapped Dan out of his thoughts, causing the other boy to giggle, "You are absolutely adorable, you know that, right?"
"I guess I can't be that bad if somebody like you as you could like me…"
"Oh, shush you, and just get over here." Said Phil, shaking his head.
So Dan did. And it was the best cuddle session of his life.

After cuddling for a while, Dan pulled away and the two boys looked at each other. They were cuddly, and still a little bit nervously giggly. A weird mix of feelings. Phil smirked a little, and said, "Hey Dan, your whiskers are smudged."

"So are yours." Dan said, smirking back at him. That reminded him… "Phil… Should we… finish making the video now?"

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Replied Phil, still smiling.

"But what if they notice…Well, how smudged our whiskers are compared to before?" asked Dan a little worriedly.

"Oh don't be so paranoid. They'll never notice." Said Phil dismissively, yet still kindly. Dan wasn't sure, but he trusted Phil.

And so, the two boys got off the bed, switched the camera back on, and continued filming like nothing had ever happened. Of course, they were too lost in their newfound love for each other that they completely forgot about the rearranged pillows on Phil's bed, which were just in shot of the video….

"This is the most fun I've ever had-OH!" exclaimed Dan, as Phil lunged on top of him, tackling him to the ground in the friendliest way, and tickling him to death for the second time that night.

However, this time, things wouldn't end up quite as innocent as they had the first time around…