Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time or any recognizable characters
Emma finished off her bear claw, shoving the remainder into her already full mouth, wiping her sticky fingers onto the leg of her work pants she watched her partner clamber into the passenger side of the ambulance. She continued to watch the woman as she huffed and puffed while trying to put her seat belt on. Emma chuckled while she turned the key in the ignition, and flicked the sirens and lights on.
'Rough date last night?' she asked
Regina finally turned to look at her. Her hair was tied back into a neat bun and her uniform was neatly pressed. Yet she couldn't possibly look more flustered. Regina rolled her eyes in an overly exaggerated manner. 'It was the worst!'
Emma chuckled again at the pouty look on Regina's face as she pulled out of the station, indicating right and turning into the even flow of traffic, maneuvering as fast and safely as she could through the crowded street.
Regina frowned at her friend and colleague 'I am glad you find this all so amusing, Miss Swan.'
'Miss Swan? Really Regina?' Emma laughed even more.
Regina folded her arms across her chest and looked out of her window as they flew down the busy street.
'Regina. Tell Dr Swan all about your problems. This is a safe environment.' Emma smiled widely as she navigated through a set of red lights.
'Emma… a) you are not a doctor and b)… well there is no b), but I am sure there are more enthralling things we can talk about.'
'I am sure there is. But I really want to hear about what has got you all ruffled this fine morning.' Emma took a sip from her coffee and, looking over to Regina, offered her the half empty cup.
Regina grimaced and shook her head 'You always put too much sugar in.'
Emma shrugged and drank the rest of her coffee before placing the empty paper cup into the drinks holder next to her. She turned to Regina and raised her eyebrows.
'Oh. Okay.' Regina huffed. 'It was a disaster from the get go. He was half an hour late to start with, then when he finally showed up to the restaurant he looked as though he hadn't showered in a week. He was constantly texting and playing on his phone throughout the evening, and then when he finally decided to have a conversation with me he told me that he didn't realize I had a kid so there was no possibility for another date. Like he was too good for me, and like I would even want another date with him!'
'Whoa, he sounds like quite the charmer. Was this another set up from a friend or an online thing?' she slammed on the brakes and swerved as a car pulled out in front of her. She rounded the offending vehicle and threw the driver a death glare.
'I don't do the online thing, Emma, you know that. This was a work colleague of a friend of a friend or something. I think I just need to give up on dating and come to the realization that I am destined to be forever alone'
'That sounds like a solid plan, my friend. I will get you a cat. Alternatively, you could always switch teams' Emma waggled her eyebrows playfully and Regina laughed out loud at this. Emma never failed to make her day brighter.
'I am not sure how comfortable your girlfriend would be with that.'
'Ha-ha, not me you fool. Just women in general. Besides Elsa knows how irresistible I am so she would totally understand.'
'I am sure she would, but I am not really one for breaking up relationships, dear.'
'Wow, you think highly of yourself.'
'Yes I do. I see no reason not to.' Regina used her right hand to brace herself with the dashboard as Emma took a hairy corner a little too fast. 'Speaking of your beautiful girlfriend, when is she going back home to Finland or Sweden or wherever she comes from' Regina waved her hand in the air between them dismissively.
'She leaves for her sister's wedding in NORWAY on Wednesday' Emma sulked 'But she is only going for a week, thank god. I couldn't last any longer without her… who would cook me dinner?'
Regina laughed, knowing that Emma was more than probably serious as she knew the woman was a very poor cook, she also knew that Emma loved Elsa dearly and would genuinely miss her girlfriend.
'Well, come over Friday night and you can have dinner with Henry and I'
'Awesome!' Emma exclaimed as she pulled the truck to a stop at their destination. Turning off the lights and sirens and putting the handbrake on, she jumped out of the ambulance. 'I'll bring the wine.'
Emma stood outside of her friends' apartment as she rang the doorbell. She was out of uniform and wearing dark wash denim jeans and a simple black t-shirt, she was also bearing a bottle of red and a bunch of flowers.
Regina opened the door and welcomed Emma in. She looked questioningly at the bouquet of flowers.
'I don't want you telling your work mates tomorrow that you had a dud date.'
Regina rolled her eyes and smiled. Taking both the flowers and the wine she turned to lead the way into the kitchen 'You could have worn something other than black. You wear black every day at work; don't you own anything of colour?'
'I'm not wearing all black.' Emma defended as she leaned against the breakfast bar, watching as Regina looked for a vase in one of her cupboards. 'My jeans are totally dark blue.' She moved around the counter and opened the drawer to find a corkscrew.
'So where is the kid?' she asked as she popped the cork from the bottle and Regina simultaneously placed to wine glasses in front of her.
'He is being a traitor and spending the weekend camping with his friend's family instead of spending time with me' Regina stated as she swirled the wine in her hand and then took a sip.
'Oh god. Who is going to entertain me then?' Emma whined
Regina hit Emma playfully on the arm as she walked over to the oven to check on dinner.
'So what's for tea then?
'Lamb racks' Regina responded as she tested the meat, pressing it gently with her finger. She closed the oven door and turned to look at Emma when she heard sniggering.
'I love a good rack' Emma grinned.
Regina shook her head 'You are such a child'
They ate their dinner in the dining room with a table cloth and napkins like civilized adults. Emma would have been happy eating in front of the television but Regina always had to do everything in a proper manner. They adjourned to the lounge room once they had cleared the table and stacked the dishwasher.
Sitting on the couch in front of the tv Emma and Regina drank their newly refilled glasses of wine while they watched a cheesy rom-com. It was nearly nine o'clock when Emma declared that it was time to head home.
'I must say, Regina, your rack is definitely one of the best racks I've ever had in my mouth. I look forward to having it again in the future.'
'Well you can only hope, dear.' Regina responded as she opened the door for Emma.
'Thank you for the fine wine and the fine company, I'm now going to call my beautiful girlfriend and moan to her about how much I miss her gorgeous face'
Regina watched Emma turn and walk down the hallway towards the elevator and then closed the door. Resigning to the fact that she may as well hit the sheets too. She couldn't believe that it was a Friday night and she was going to bed at nine pm. She was definitely going to be forever alone.
Regina reached out to her bedside table, fumbling in the dark for her beeping phone. She squinted her eyes at the device while her eyes tried to adjust to the brightness of the screen. It was a text from Emma.
R u home?
She tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes as she typed her response.
It's 2 o'clock in the morning. Of course I am home.
Not twenty seconds later she heard a knock at the front door. She climbed out of bed and grabbed her robe putting it on while she walked to the door. She tied the robe around her waist as she unlatched the security chain and turned the dead locks. What she saw when she opened the door broke her heart. There was Emma, in her flannel pajamas, ugg boots, and tear streaked face.
Emma crumpled into Regina's open arms and sobbed.
'She isn't coming home. Elsa is staying in Norway.'