A/N: Alright, here it is. The final chapter of my first fan fiction.

Thank you so much to all those who have read this story and a special thanks to franjane91, dulcinea54, devlady, Nalana88 and anyone else that has either favorited this story or me, for following this one through. I hope I didn't disappoint at the end here.

I hope everyone enjoyed it or at least found it entertaining enough. I have already set in motion another SPN fan fiction...possibly two. If you liked While You Were Away, then you might also enjoy my one shot A Way Back to Then. It's based off of the season 9 finale told by Sam's point of view (I promise I'm not going to always write about drunk and/or falling down Sam). I have been feeling a little under the weather unfortunately so I don't have quite as much done of the other story as I had hoped. It will be titled You Should Have Been There, for anyone who is interested, and it's an au that takes place during season 5.

Thank you again for your time, I hope you enjoy 3

Ch 9: Little Drop of Poison

The next time Sam opened his eyes, he regretted it immediately. His head was pounding and he was laying on a floor looking up at the cracking and molding ceiling. The grime covered walls surrounding him were the same ones he had so disparately hoped to never see again. The worst part of it all, he was alone once more. He couldn't even comfort himself like he had with his mom and his girlfriend Jessica when they had died. He had always told himself that at least they were in heaven where angels were watching over them and their souls could be at peace. They were no longer in any pain.

Mary Winchester had died when Sam had only been 6 months old, so he didn't remember much about her. His mother's death, although sad, didn't affect him the same as it had Dean and John. He more so was saddened by not having had the chance to make memories with her like Dean had or even being able to have anything like a scent or sight to connect her with. He had seen only one picture of her once. Sam caught a glimpse of it when he had approached John to ask if he would read him a bedtime story. John hadn't seen his youngest son creep up on him. His whole body jumped and he quickly put the picture down, yelling about how he shouldn't sneak up on people like that. His yelling had startled the small boy and he ran back to his hotel bed, covering his face with the book. Dean had been able to calm him down by reading Sam a couple of stories instead. Sam never forgot the picture, the image of a beautiful blond young woman smiling with John's arms wrapped tight around her was forever seared into his brain. While he listened to the soothing sound of his brother reading to him, he closed his eyes and visualized the blond woman from the picture with beautiful feathered wings looking down and watching over her family. This was the last thing Sam thought about before he drifted off to sleep that night.

Dean's death didn't have that same comfort or image. He couldn't just close his eyes and picture his big brother sitting next to Mary and Jessica looking after the sole surviving Winchester like he always did, with a pair of his own fancy wings. There was no shrugging it off and saying to himself "he's in a better place." because he knew he wasn't. Miserable though Sam may be, the younger Winchester knew that it was nothing compared to what his big brother must be going through.
He wanted to cry or yell, but he was lacking the energy for either. Much against his body's will, Sam managed to roll onto his side and push himself up slowly with shaky arms into sitting potion. He sat for awhile, trying to gather strength for the next step. Standing. At snail's pace, he got to his hands and knees and began to raise himself up. His legs wobbled dangerously, threatening to drop him back down to the floor, but he fought back. Sam just wanted to make it into the kitchen. All he wanted was a drink, maybe some Asprin for his head and aching body. As he went to take his first step, the room started to spin. A pair of hands grabbed tight onto Sam, catching him before he could hit the ground. He was once again more or less dragged off, this time it was over to the kitchen, with surprising strength and placed in a chair.
"Sam? Hey, stay with me," Ruby slapped him lightly. He cringed and wrinkled his face in disapproval.
"Here. Drink up," she demanded holding out a glass of water. His eyes began to roll in back of his head. "No, hey! Sam!" she moved the glass and put it to his cracked and bleeding lips. Gently she titled his head back and began to pour it down his throat. The glass was a quarter of the way empty when Sam responded. He choked and gargled, causing his body to spasm. Ruby let go of him and backed away as he coughed and spat up room temperature water. Once his coughing and body were back under control, he glared up at Ruby with a look that resembled a five year old being told to take medicine. She lowered the cup to his lips once again, but this time Sam moved his head away and made a feeble attempt to push the cup that she was holding down towards the table.
"Just finish it," she instructed. There was a pause before he finally took up the glass, slowly raised it to his mouth, finished it up, and handed the empty cup back to her.
"Bourbon," he demanded. His voice was hoarse but clear.
"Sam, you need-"
"Bourbon," he repeated. Ruby turned and went into the kitchen, returning with a fresh full cup. She placed it on the table in front of him. He looked at the water in disgust.
"Come on," she sighed. "Look, I know you miss Dean, but-"
"Don't," Sam warned in a voice barely more than a whisper. His eyes had darted from the water up to meet Ruby 's.
"You need to take care of yourself . He wouldn't want-"
With strength he didn't even know he had, Sam swept his right arm across the table sending the glass of water to go crashing to the floor and shatter into pieces.
"I. Said. Don't." He hissed through his teeth.
"Ok," Ruby replied looking down at the young Winchester sadly. "I'm just glad you're alive. What were you thinking going after a Djinn by yourself? You're lucky I was able to track you, and kill the guy. Although, I had thought that once I killed him, you would wake up. But you didn't." Sam didn't respond. "I'm so proud of you for fighting through it." She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Cookie for me," Sam retorted.
Ruby pulled up a chair so that she sat across from him and took up his large shaky hands in her small steady ones.
"You're so close, you've made so much progress. Please don't give up now."
He stared straight a head, his face blank.
"You need to take care of yourself. That means staying hydrated and keeping up your strength."
Sam rolled his eyes. Ruby huffed at his gesture and pulled out her knife once again, causing his glance to move to the action curiously. She pressed the cold metal to her forearm and slid it across her skin. Immediately, red liquid began to rise up from the cut and snake it's way down. Her dark eyes locked onto the young Winchester as she moved the bleeding arm towards him. Sam leapt from his chair and started to back away. His body warned him that the fast movement was a poor decision as he staggered slightly. He tried to hold out his hands in front of him as the room started to swirl.
"What the Hell?" Sam's panicked voice cracked.
"Sam, it's ok," Ruby coaxed.
"No! Just stay the fuck away from me!" His legs gave out again and he collapsed to the floor. The demon got down to her knees to match him.
"Shhhh...it's ok," she repeated calmly. Sam watched with wide eyes as the blood on Ruby 's arm grew closer to him. He had spent the last of his strength when he popped out of the chair earlier, and although he was running on adrenaline and fear now, it still wasn't any good. He had backed himself to a wall and was now stuck between it and the demon. Ruby moved closer, until she was practically on top of him. Sam tried to squirm free, but she held his head stead with the arm that wasn't cut while forcing his mouth to her bleeding arm. Sam cringed and closed his eyes as her blood touched his lips. It wasn't metallic nor salty. A familiar bitter sweetness sent his taste buds in a frenzy. He could feel it moving through his body as it slid down his throat and seemed to grow and spread throughout his system. His aching muscles and head were forgotten. He felt a strength that he had never felt before. One he couldn't even describe really, but it felt amazing, powerful.
Ruby pulled her arm away from him watching, inquisitive.
"How do you feel?" She asked stroking his hair with the hand that had been holding his head.
"Wh-what did you-"
"You feel better right?"
Sam's eyes wondered over to Ruby 's arm. The demon had already began to heal up the cut on her meat suit, yet his heart began to race as the final drop dripped off of her. Sam's chest rose and fell quickly as he stared as if hypnotized by the mere sight.
"I tried to give you some when you were out back at the Djinn's lair. I thought it might help give you strength to break free and wake up."
That's where he had tasted the bitter sweetness before. The shower in his dream, the taste had been real?
Sam found his feet and pushed himself from the wall back to standing position. This time however, he wasn't shaky or wobbly.
"Give me sobriety, time and patience, and let me give you strength and guidance. You can take on Lilith, and avenge your brother. You CAN do this. I believe in you Sam," Ruby rose from the ground looking up at the young Winchester with a smile that was as promising as her words. Sam was standing with not only new strength, but with new confidence as well. Dean may not be alive, and he may not have found a way to get him back and save him from the Hell he knew he was in, but he could kill the bitch responsible for all of the brothers' pain and for taking Dean from him.
"Alright, I'll do it," Sam nodded "for Dean."