Hey guys. I decided I wanted to get this chapter up because recently (from the time I started writing this) I lost three inspirations; Lemmy Kilmister (Bassist and vocalist for punk metal band Motorhead), Glenn Frey (guitarist for classic rock band the Eagles), and David Bowie. Their music has reached out to me in ways that have pushed my love of music, and is part of the reason I'm writing this story. I'm sure their music has reached out to you in some ways as well. The world of music will truly miss those inspirations. This chapter is dedicated to the three of them for their HUGE contributions to music.

Thank you.

PS- I'm also thinking of changing the name of the fanfic to that of a song, most likely a punk one, or at least one with punk elements. It's been noted that Soul listens to punk music in the anime/manga, so I'll probably change it to 'Lonely Boy' by The Sex Pistols.

Disclaimer: I don't own 'I'm So Bad' by Motorhead, 'Rebel Rebel' by David Bowie, 'Lyin' Eyes' by the Eagles, or Soul Eater.

Maka smiled and opened up her locker. The school week had gone by fairly fast, and it was Friday again. 'I wonder how hard the test will be in Professor Stein's class today. I studied all night, so I'm fine either way!' As Maka hummed happily to herself and grabbing her books out of her locker. As she took out the last book and stuck it on top of her pile, a boy slammed her locker shut. Maka turned angrily to the boy, "What are you-"

"Can it." The boy snapped. He had an angry frown that looked like an upside down V, and long black hair that looked greasier than McDonald's French fries.

"What do you want?" Maka asked quickly, not wanting to draw attention to the two of them.

"You're smart right?" The boy asked, smugly.

"I-I mean I guess." Maka knew she was the smartest person in their class, but she didn't want to sound like a show-off. That was Black Star's job.

"Good. Gimme your notes from Professor Stein's class."

Maka stepped back. "Sorry but no," She said, trying to sound as polite as possible. "If Professor Stein catches you with my notes, he'll fail us both!"

"Then I won't get caught." The boy smirked.

Maka squinted her eyes. What was this guy's deal? "W-what's your name again?"

"The name's Gopher." He said. "Now c'mon. Give me your notes."

Maka sighed. "Listen, Gopher. My academic career is more important to me than anything else. Could you just get the notes from someone else? Soul Evans would be more than happy to give you his notes."

Gopher scoffed. "You mean the loner? He's the weirdest kid in school. He probably writes prayers to Satan in his notebook. Unless Professor Stein approves of the devil, it'd be useless to me."

"W-well, just get them from the second smartest kid in the class." Maka said nervously, taking another step back.

Gopher slammed his hand on her locker, startling her. "Give me… your notebook."

"I-I can't." Maka replied, nervously. "I-I left it at home."

"…I can see it in your hand." Gopher pointed. "Just give it here." He reached for the notebook, but Maka quickly swiped it back before he could lay a finger on it.

"Gopher… p-please just go to class. I don't want to have to get Professor Stein." Maka threatened.

"Ha! You think that stitch-face scares me? You'd better try harder than that." Gopher smirked, stepping closer to Maka. "Now how about those notes?" The boy slammed Maka against a row of lockers, trying to grab the notebook.

"No! You can't have it!" Maka yelled at him. She quickly slapped the boy in the face and sent him stumbling a few steps back. The model student gathered herself after the assault. She looked at Gopher who was kneeling over with his hand cupped over the cheek that Maka had slapped.

Gopher smiled sickly at her. "You're gonna wish you'd never done that." The boy quickly drew his fist back, and swung it at Maka. She braced for the pain to swoop in on her. But nothing happened. She looked up and saw her pale-skinned friend holding Gopher's fist.

"Get lost, asshole." Soul spat, shoving Gopher to the ground.

Gopher scurried to his feet in an awkward hustle. He brushed himself off and stared at Soul angrily. "You're dead." The boy ran towards Soul; however, he was hesitant to hit the social outcast.

Soul lazily put his earbuds in and started blasting Motorhead's classic 'I'm So Bad' in his ears.

Black-hearted to the bone,
Older than The Rolling Stones,
Been to heaven, been to hell,
Bought the farm, and I won't sell,
Give and take, rise and fall,
Rise up and take it all,
Secret love, I won't tell,
Knock you up and ring your bell,
Kiss the whip, eat the gun,
Tell me it ain't fair,
Midnight victim, hit and run,
I'm so bad, baby I don't care…

Gopher rushed to Soul and threw a punch, but Soul quickly dodged this. He grabbed Gopher's arm and threw him against a locker.

"SOUL!" One of the teacher's voices boomed. It was a man named Sid, a teacher who was well-respected among the students. "Cut it out! It's common sense not to beat up a classmate at school." He grabbed Soul by his arm and began dragging him in the direction of the principal's office. Soul looked toward Maka and shot her a devious smile.

'How could he be smiling at me like that at a time like this?' Maka thought to herself, watching him get dragged down the hallway. 'That idiot. Does he know how much trouble he's going to get into now?' She looked around and noticed everyone staring at her. "Uh… heh heh heh…." She awkwardly chuckled, scratching the back of her head. 'How humiliating….'

Maka sat with Liz and Patty at their usual lunch table. She awkwardly bit into her sandwich, remembering the events that occurred that morning. 'Soul sure is an idiot. Picking a fist fight in front of the assistant principal sure takes guts. But then again… the only reason he picked the fight was because he didn't want Gopher to hurt me. He's only known me for about two weeks now, so why would he all of a sudden act like we're best friends? Maybe he's just happy he's got a friend besides Black Star and Kid.' She smiled to herself.

"What's the smile for, Maka?" Liz asked.

Maka snapped back into reality and blushed wildly. "Oh, it's nothing."

"Bull." Liz snapped, taking Maka aback. "It's about what Soul did this morning isn't it?"


"You can't hide your lying eyes." Liz smirked. "After all this time I thought he was a loner. But if you like him… hey, are you listening, Maka?" She turned around to see what Maka was looking at. The shark-toothed boy walked into the cafeteria with his hands in his pockets and his head down as usual. His feet dragged across the floor, slowly making his way to where Black Star and Kid were sitting. He walked by Maka's table and looked up at her.

"You're welcome." He smirked.

"Soul… you didn't have to get yourself in to trouble just because I wasn't going to give some popular jock my notes." Maka scolded.

"Eh." Soul shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever. Did you do well on the test?"

"I think so." Maka said. "There were a couple trick questions but I think I got them all."

Soul nodded. "Well, I'd better get going. I'm the only thing stopping Kid and Black Star from getting into a fight."

"Wait, Soul." Maka blurted, stopping him from getting up and grabbing his sleeve.

"Hm? What is it Maka?" He asked, tugging his arm back.

"After school today, do you want to go to the sweet shop a few blocks over. It's on me, as a thanks for sticking up for me today."

Soul smiled. "Sorry, but I can't. I've got a gig tonight."

"Gig?" Liz asked, suddenly intrigued at the mention of music. "I love live music! What instrument do you play?"

"I play piano and some guitar." Soul replied. "But that doesn't matter." He suddenly began to frown. "Well, I should get back to Kid and Black Star. Seeya guys."

"Where are you playing?" Maka asked.

"Shinigami's Pub." Soul replied nonchalantly with his back turned. "Doors open at eight o'clock." As Maka watched Soul walk across the cafeteria and plop down next to his two friends, Maka beamed. She'd finally get to hear a full song by Soul.

The blonde girl walked into the pub with Liz and Patti by her side. It wasn't too crowded, but there was still a fair amount of people in the establishment. The smell of cigarette smoke penetrated her nose, but she ignored this and walked around to find a seat. To her surprise, she saw Tsubaki and Crona sitting in a booth near the stage.

"Tsubaki! Crona!" Maka waved.

"Hi Maka!" Tsubaki greeted politely as Crona shyly smiled. "Hello Liz. Patti. It's good to see you two." Tsubaki didn't know much about the two sisters other than the fact that they were popular in the school, but she still maintained her sweet and accepting personality.

"Where are Black Star and Kid?" Liz asked. "Shouldn't they be here to see Soul perform?"

Tsubaki smiled. "Oh trust me, they're here." She scooched over and made room for the three girls. "C'mon, sit down. The show's about to start." The girls sat down and chatted away, patiently waiting for Soul to come out and play piano. After what seemed like ten minutes, the owner of the pub walked up and greeted the audience.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He greeted happily. "Tonight we have a live performance from a punk band straight out of Death City called 'Paper Moon". Please give it up, for Soul 'Eater', Black Star, and Kid!"

Maka's mouth opened wide. She had no idea the three of them were in a band. She watched Kid walk up to one of the microphones with a bass guitar strapped around his body. He tapped the microphone to make sure it worked, then spoke to the audience.

"For our first song," Kid said calmly, "We're gonna change things up from our blood-pumping, mosh pit, punker music." Maka was on the edge of her seat, wanting to know quickly what song they were going to play. "We're gonna start off with this classic song. Hit it Soul."

The albino teen started to play a bright, pop-punk riff, which was Black Star's OK to start drumming. Kid played his bassline, and then started singing.

You've got your mother in a whirl
She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl
Hey babe, your hair's alright
Hey babe, let's go out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing and we look divine
You love bands when they're playing hard
You want more and you want it fast
They put you down, they say I'm wrong
You tacky thing, you put them on
Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress
Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel Rebel, how could they know?

Soul noticed Maka sitting in the crowd with Tsubaki, Liz, and Patti. The albino shot a glance at the bookworm and smiled to see that she had showed up.

Hot tramp, I love you so!
You've torn your dress, your face is a mess
You can't get enough, but enough ain't the test
You've got your transmission and your live wire
You got your cue line and a handful of ludes
You wanna be there when they count up the dudes
And I love your dress
You're a juvenile success
Because your face is a mess
So how could they know?
I said, how could they know?
So what you wanna know Calamity's child,
Where'd you wanna go?
What can I do for you? Looks like you've been there too
'Cause you've torn your dress
And your face is a mess
Ooo, your face is a mess
Ooo, ooo, so how could they know?
Eh, eh, how could they know?

The song ended soothingly, and the customers in the pub began to clap for the band, Maka especially. She turned to Tsubaki. "They were awesome! I didn't know Soul could play guitar too."

"Yep, he's a natural." Crona smiled at her.

The rest of the night went by pretty fast. Soul, Kid, and Black Star started playing some hard punk songs which began to hurt Maka's ears, but decided not to say anything because she didn't want to get anybody's spirits down after such a fun night.

The three boys walked off of the stage and greeted their friends.

"You guys, that was great!" Maka cheered. "I had no idea you guys were even in a band."

"Aren't we though?" Black Star replied in his usual cocky voice. "With our skills, we shall surpass the gods!"

Soul rolled his eyes and sat down next to Maka. "Black Star, shut up. We're not that good."

"Oh, please. You guys were great!" Maka chirped.

"Ha! The only reason you think that is because you have a low music IQ." Soul replied.

Maka glared at her friend. "Maka Chop!" She took out a book she had been reading earlier and slammed it on top of his head, sending the punk fell forward on to the table.

"How did your dad even let you come here?" Soul moaned, picking his head up.

"He's out with some random woman named Blair, that womanizing bastard. He's been doing it even before he and my mom got a divorce." Maka replied angrily.

"Blair?" Soul asked, looping back to what she said earlier. "That's my neighbor. She told me she was coming here tonight…"

Maka's heart sank in horror. Her dad was here. If he found she was here he would-

"Maka?" His voice rang behind her. He stomped over to the table, getting angrier with every step he took. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to support Soul." Maka replied. "He stopped someone from beating me to a pulp today and I came here to thank him!" Spirit turned his eyes over to the school's most unpopular kid, Soul 'Eater'.

"You…" He growled, narrowing his eyes at Soul. "I want you to stay away from my daughter, octopus-head. You lay a hand on her and I swear to Christ I will make sure you never see her again."

Soul rolled his eyes. "You think I'd try to make a move on a shorty like her?"

"She's taller than you…" Spirit scoffed.

"Actually, I just slouch but whatever."

"That's it! Maka, we're leaving." Spirit grabbed Maka's hand and led her out to the car. "We'll talk about this when we get home." Maka looked back at Soul, noticing a sad look in his eyes, like a dog's when it sees its owner leave.

"Sorry." Maka mouthed to the loner.

Soul gave her a sad smile. "It's okay." He mouthed back. He watched as Maka walked out the door, leaving the pub.

"Damn." Black Star cursed, catching Soul's attention. "I was hoping she could take me home."

"She can't even drive, dumbass." Soul sweat dropped.

A/N- Sorry for the chapter being so short, I just wanted to get something up. Anyways, seeya next time!

Please review!