Lex felt a shiver go up her spine once she entered the barricaded area, trailing close to the FBI agent. She honestly regretted this, hoping they weren't prepared for the ambush attack she and the others had prepared to get Scar's ship back and out of the hands of the FBI, not knowing what they were doing with it.
She froze in her tracks upon seeing the ship, it wasn't as large as the mother ship she had seen before back in the wasteland of Antarctica, as a matter of fact it was quite small, but was big enough to hold many rooms, and a lot of people. She couldn't think of any words to describe it, it was captivating. She honestly couldn't wait to see the inside now. It looked so smooth, not a scratch or smudge on the surface.
Lex was brought back by a hand resting on her shoulder. She looked to the male.
"No dwindling, ma'am. Please, this way." he muttered, releasing her shoulder before he began to walk away. Lex took a quick last glimpse at the spaceship before following him once more, looking to the ground now. She had noticed the looks she was getting from a few of the others before they went back to doing whatever, studying the strange craft, trying to get it open so they could enter inside. She just hoped Scar and the others were going about their part as quick as they could, she'd prefer to not stick around longer than needed.
"So.. Scar, if you don't mind me asking; what did you tell your Elders you were going to be doing on Earth?" Caleb spoke softly, looking towards the larger being that was getting ready to cut a hole into the side of the structure.
Scar trilled, looking to the male out of the corner of his eye, he shrugged his shoulders, taking out a small blade that had been coated with acid. He began to slowly trace a circle, making sure no-one was around. "... I told them I was going out hunting, and to collect something I left back on Earth as well. They gave me a strange look at first, but understood. I believe the Ancient knew what I was coming back for, but said nothing." he muttered, trying to stay focused on his work.
"So.. how long have you had a thing for Lex?" Caleb smirked.
"..." he stopped and looked at the other, head cocking to the side, causing his tendril-like hair to flop around gently, resting on his chest, "... A.. thing?" he questioned seeming very confused about the slang Caleb had used.
"...You know, I guess 'attraction' would have been a better word to use for that." he shrugged. "Anyway, how long?"
"... When we first met.." Scar began, going back to cutting the hole, "I didn't trust her. She was just an Ooman that stole one of our Plasma Casters. When she decided to give it up to me willingly instead of putting up a fight for it, I had a sliver of respect. Then, when a Serpent decided to attack us out of nowhere, I dropped my Combi-Stick and the Serpent rolled off of me. It went for her, and she quickly defended herself." he stopped, taking note that most of the acid on the blade was gone. He pulled out a small vile and poured some more onto it, going back to watching the wall sizzle around the blade due to the liquid, "I had the tiniest respect for her then. But, it was when she stood up to me and decided that she wished to come with me that I gained a mutual respect towards her, seeing her as a fit warrior-"
"... So, you respect her a lot now, because of what she's done." Anthony mumbled. Scar nodded, a soft grunt escaping him.
"She's a strong woman, very brave. She should have been born a Yautja the way she is. She barely flinched when I first showed her my face, and she saved me quite a few times, I couldn't really repay her then. But, now, I hope that all this will make up for that. I don't know when my... 'thing' started for her, perhaps it was when she protected me from the Queen's tail, or even before then..." he let out a soft growl, grabbing onto the wall to pull it out of place, but quickly switched his Bio-Mask's view. Nobody seemed to be on the other side, so it looked clear enough. "... Lex is a good woman. What was the chance I got to meet her there and not some other woman who would have just screamed at me and run away.." he shook his head, setting foot into the hall way. He checked once more, then gestured for the two to follow him. "Stay low." he growled.
"We figured." Caleb nodded, he and his brother following him.
Lex was brought a cup of coffee once she was settled down in the make-shift office. She looked around, waiting to talk with the 'leader' of this little operation. The room was blank, there wasn't much inside of it, not that there should have been. This was just a place to be used until they could actually transport the spacecraft to wherever they keep such things. She was glad they had managed to get to it in time before it was taken, she didn't want to have Scar stay on Earth longer than he had planned. She wasn't sure how long his race could survive here, or if they needed a certain kind of environment.
She believed his kind liked more warm spots, seeing as most reptile species liked it in places where they could keep themselves heated. But, she could be wrong. Scar didn't seem to be too dreadfully effected by the cold climate back in Antarctica, but he did wear a lot of covering.
Though, it seemed like he was always radiating heat. Being able to keep himself nice and warm even in the coldest of temperatures. He'd be the best to keep around when climbing up mountains, if she ever got too cold, she could just have him hold her till she warmed up. Her own personal walking, talking, strong blanket. She giggled at the thought, it was kind of amusing in a weird way. Lex wasn't sure if he'd be thrilled at that though.
She turned around, hearing someone open the door to the office. She sat back, taking a quick sip of coffee, listening to his heels make contact with the floor, giving off soft clicking noises as he walked.
"So. They tell me that you may have some information about this creature." he spoke up, sitting down at the desk, "I'm very curious to hear what you have to say, miss. Please, tell me all that you know, and don't hesitate with details."