Greeting friends. Welcome to my second fanfiction. This time is a Pokemon Shipping. To make this seem more realistic, here are the custom ages of each character so far that will be introduced in each chapter that a new one appears in. Also, this is a Rayshipping story (AshxCynthia). One more thing, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!












Ash had finally arrived back home to Pallet Town from a far off region and after taking on the League Conference Championship. "Look Pikachu," Ash yelled as he saw his hometown up ahead. "We made it back home!" "PIKA PIKA!" Pikachu cheered. Ash and Pikachu decided to race towards his home, but as he reached a hill that lead to his home, they saw all of his friends from every adventure he went on. They were so happy to see him that they ran towards him and hugged as he reached his home.

"Guys its so good to see you guys again." Ash said to everyone. "Its been a long time Ash." May said. "Look what i managed to win." She pulled out a trophy out of her bag with a picture of her winning the Hoenn Region National Championship Finals. "This shows that I have finally become the greatest Pokemon Contest Star in Hoenn." May explained. "Same with me but in Sinnoh." Dawn said while she was puling out her best ribbion and trophy of her winning the 40th Annual Sinnoh Coordinator Conference Championship." Ash was very impressed with both of them of how far they came with their dream of performing on stage.

"HEY ASH!" Max yelled to get his attention. "Check this out." He pulled out the balance badge out of his jacket that he was wearing. "YOU BATTLED AND DEFEATED YOUR FATHER?!" Ash yelled out. "Yep, I trained with my Pokemon, along with May to help me get prepared for that day." "Damn." Ash said. "That's awesome Max." "Not only has he been training with his Pokemon to reach new heights," Serena began. "My Pokemon has been reaching a new height of performing for several music videos. So much so that I even made an appearance in a few grammy award ceremonies. And one of them," she said as she was pulling out a grammy award of best actress and Pokemon,"earned me this." My Arceus Serena, I knew that you would make it to that height.

"How have you been Misty?" Ash asked the water gym leader. "I have been fantastic." She said. "I have been working at the gym so long and i have been considered to be one of the toughest that I was even asked to work at multiple Kanto Conference Championships as a judge." Ash knew that Misty would be continuing her training and her duty as a gym leader, but he never knew that she would be this tough. Ash then turned to notice that Brock was wearing a doctors robe. "I suppose you have become one of the greatest Pokemon doctors in Kanto?" Ash asked. "That's right Ash." He answered. "Not only have I have been one of the best at what I do, I finally gotten a girl as well." Ash had a flashback of all of Brock's embarrassing moments with past females. "How did you meet her?" Ash asked. "I met her at the hospital at Celadon City." Brock began. He went on and telling him that her name was Melony, who originally came from Unova, and how they were in the same department.

And finally, Ash went over to Iris and Cilian. "So hows the training with Drayden Iris?" Ash asked. "Its complete actually." Iris said. "My training was finished a year and a half ago. My final exam was to challenge and defeat Drayden, and I won with my Dragonite, Excadrill, and Haxorus. Yes Axew finally evolved during those training days." Ash was amazed that Iris is already so close of being the best dragon master in Unova. "Things for me have been as tasty as an oran berry pie filled with my special ingredients." Cilian said. "While I have been working as being a Class-A Connoisseur, I have still been training with my Pansage, who by the way has finally become a Simisage, Crustle, and Stunfisk."

"So Gary," Ash began while looking at his very first rival, "Hows business here?" "Not much changed Ashy-boy." He said. "Though we have been making progress with that G.S. Ball that Kurt brought back. Apparently from what we do know that the G.S. Ball is suppose to be used for a Celebi, but we could never find one anywhere around the Kanto. But when we do, we'll be ready for it." "Wel its about damn time that the G.S. Ball finally gotten some attention." Ash said in a very impatience like sound. "Its been like what, 10 years in research of it? Or was it forgotten about AGAIN?!"

After the reunion of old friends, Ash and the others went inside his home, where his mother was actually having dinner ready just in time. "Hello Ash." She said. "Hey mom, hope things have been fine for you and Mimey (or however his name is pronounced.)" Ash said to her as he was taking off his jacket. "Things have been great." She said. "Professor Oak was here not to long ago. He went back to the lab again to finish up a report on Rotom. He will be joining us for dinner tonight, as well as the rest of your friends." "Actually Ms. Ketchum." May said. "I cannot stay. Me and Max have to return to Hoenn for we have plans with the family tomorrow and we need to be there before the next morning." "That's too bad." Ash said with a depressed look. "Well, I hope that we meet up once again." "Same here Ash." Max said. "Take care of yourself man." "See ya mates!" Ash yelled out as both May and Max walked off towards route 1.

As Professor Oak arrived for dinner with Ash and the rest of the group, Ash began talking to everyone about his journey at the Orre Region. "Thats fantastic Ash." Oak said. "Speaking of regions, Cynthia called me earlier. She has a proposition for you, but she was hopping to speak to you about this in person." "What kind of proposition?" Ash wondered. "When does she want me to contact her?" "She is actually here at the lab studying with an old friend of mine about the legends and forms of the Unown. Oak explained. "When you are ready to meet up with her. Let me know, and we'll head up there. I also want to see your pokedex as well. I have invented a device for it so you can carry as many Pokemon as you want."

After they had finished up eating and cleaning, everyone followed Oak to his lab. After walking for a while, they reached a field behind the lab where most of Ash's Pokemon were at. Ash jumped over the fence and yelled out to his Pokemon. Not 10 seconds when he entered, his horde of taruos ramed into him, knocking him to the ground with swirls in his eyes. "Yep, those are my taruos's." Ash said with a dizzy voice. The rest of his Pokemon came to him and showed their greetings to him by knocking him backwards again. "It's so good to see you guys once again." He said. "Ok give me a chance to breathe here guys." Just when he could get some oxygen in, muk came up from behind him and crushed him. "Ok muk calm down." Ash said. "Hey hey. Red rocket, RED ROCKET!" He yelled out as he managed to free himself from muk. "I see that your Pokemon are very happy to see you so well." Dawn said as she was laughing at her closest friend getting tackled by his Pokemon.

After a good 10 minutes of seeing his Pokemon, Ash and his friends went to Oaks office and saw that he and Cynthia were waiting for him. "Hi Ash." Cynthia said. "Long time no see. Now that your here, we can get down to business." Ash sat down at a nearby chair waiting to here what Cynthia had to tell him. "I'm sure that Oak has told you that I have a little proposition for you, correct?" Cynthia asked. "Yes, the professor told me that." Ash said. "Good because I think I might have an idea that will help you become the greatest Pokemon Master on the planet." Cynthia said. "I would like you to come back to Sinnoh with me and become my apprentice." As Ash heard the word 'apprentice,' he could feel the adrenaline racing through him. "HOLY SHIT ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Ash screamed out. "I would be honored to be your apprentice, but wont that effect your schedule of being the champion?" "Don't worry about me Ash." She said. "I know how to plan things out. And besides, there's nothing that I need to worry about until the next championship conference in the next 8 months."

Once Ash accepted the terms, she insisted that Ash trains with 6 Pokemon that she has back at her vacation home in Unova. Ones that are like her official team, but a few different kind of Pokemon (Those Pokemon will be introduced in the next chapter). After the pokedex was properly upgraded to Ash can carry as many Pokemon as he pleases, he and the rest of the gang headed out back towards Ash's house. "Well bud, we best be off." Brock said. "We have to get back to our hometown to get things prepared for more appointments." The rest of the gang bid their farewells and best of lucks to Ash with his new training with Cynthia. Once everyone was gone, Ash and Pikachu went inside to get some rest. They will be taking directly to Cynthia's vacation home to train tomorrow early morning. Ash could barley sleep just thinking that he will be training under the best champion in his own opinion. Many great things await him in the Sinnoh region, but little dose he know that a new plot will be rising once again and conquer the universe of Pokemon once again.