Author's Note: Okay so I was going to write a NaLi Fairy Tail story but I was messaged by my newest friend and fan "davidjokerortega." He requested another LuNa story so here it is! Hope I didn't disappoint bro! Thanks for reading!

Final Chapter Edit- 5/3/2017


This is the place I hate the most. I need freedom damnit and the world in front of me. But instead, I'm stuck in Grand Line Academy. Senior English Class and although the teacher seemed allergic to actual school work, school was still school and being forced to focus on boring topics tore at my soul. Especially since school has never been my strongest skill.

I'd probably cut the class but since I usually just fool around with my friends, it was worth the attendance. How I lucked out and got put into the same class as my seven closest friends is a question I didn't bother worrying about.

Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Robin, and Franky were spread around the large classroom that seated just over thirty students. Our teacher, Dadan split us up gradually as the year and our patience testing antics continued. No shame in "disrupting" an already dead class.

I looked up from my badass, laser shooting monkey doodle in my notebook to see the teacher writing today's objective on the board. I caught Usopp picking his ruler-long nose and flicked it across the room at Zoro who was sleeping with his notebook over his eyes as he snored. He didn't wake up which made me chuckle quietly to myself.

Robin was taking notes as she always does in the beginning of class just like Chopper who sat a seat behind her. His size made it hard for Luffy to see the senior who was eclipsed by Robin's long, raven dark hair. Zoro and our blonde friend Sanji hated that everyone was split up but those two although it isn't like now, we would never see each other.

Sanji's family owns a restaurant that makes the best food I've ever had. We all go there a lot and we even have our own table although it may be to isolate us from the rest of the "quieter" customers. I think our longest hang out record for one sitting was four hours. Franky, my friend who works as a mechanic in his dad's garage, myself, and Brook who was the tallest of all of us at 6'7 had a rib eating contest. I won and as per the rules, Brook had to play a victory song on his violin much too both sore losers displeasure. He's a good musician so I enjoyed my victory tune.

In addition to that colorful bunch is the orange haired girl who sits across from me. Nami, I think her name is. I always found it irregular that her hair was "naturally" that color or so I heard once from Robin who had history with her, but her hair does help her stand out in a crowds. Then again, Zoro has green spiky hair that I find normal because it's been that color since we met as kids.

I wouldn't know anything about her for sure except for her name. I know she usually either looked conflicted or deep in thought. She hardly smiled and on those rarer than an eclipse occasion, it's a slight lip curl while I catch her reading her books on ocean currents and other topics beyond my comprehension.

Besides the fact that she's really pretty, I have no real reason to pay attention to her. I've never talked to her and she's never spoken to me. But I'm interested in her. Something deeper than her looks, I'm not sure exactly, but it's there when I catch her small smiles as she reads, or the fire when she beat up two touchy admirers last valentines day. Strange as it may be, I can't describe it entirely. I don't even have an answer for myself, I just know there's a lot buried within the unknown that accompanied Nami.

But that can only help me tolerate this class. Because after all, it's still English and for a guy like me who doesn't click well with school and isn't very book smart, it's like a living hell. Monday through Friday.

I gazed up from my desk again to see my teacher passing down an assignment. Unmuting her, I realized she wanted us to write an essay about some whale named Dick.

I chuckled at my perverted and childish thoughts. "Maybe I should have listened to the full assignment."

As the class began the task and the teacher stepped out of the classroom to hang out in the teacher's lounge as usual, I perked up and looked around to notice my friends expectantly watching me. As usual, they anticipated me to instigating something fun. It was like I was their Captain of mischief and I wasn't about to disappoint.

Thinking of something to do, and not having any ideas, I opened my bag using my desk to stand it up and couldn't help notice dozens of paper balls from the day before.

"Good times" I thought to myself with a smile. My mind raced with images of my friends and me fighting it out with the projectiles.

Robin hitting Usopp, Usopp hitting Chopper who dramatically fell from his seat. And then there was Sanji and Zoro who were always more serious than necessary when they went at it. And finally, Franky using some make shift slingshot while Brook ogled over how effective it was. Too bad the period ended the war mid battle. And what an epic war it was. "Too many casualties. So many paper balls." I jokingly thought as I shook my head back and forth in mock seriousness.

Getting up with a smile and my bag in hand, I walked pass all of my friends. "Paper balls for you, and some for you; paper for you, and you, and you, you, you, and you" I said as I dropped about five paper balls on each friends desk.

"And one for you" I emphasized to the pretty enigma as she looked up with fire in her eyes.

"Hey! Don't put you garbage on my desk" yelled the girl as she threw the paper ball back at me.

Catching it with a smirk, I couldn't help but be amused at her response. "It's not trash new girl. We're playing a game and I thought you'd want to play."

"I'm not new. I've been in this class since second semester. And why would I want to play, idiot" scolded the still angered teen as she snapped her pencil in between her fingers. I noticed this but tried my best to steel my nerves.

"Yeah well this is the first time we've talked. So you're new to me" I smiled playfully throwing the paper ball back at her.

"Well that's not how things work. Let me write my essay in peace please, I recommend you do it too if you want to graduate" spoke the girl I thought to be known as Nami. She hadn't given back the paper ball so I thought maybe she was just acting tough.

"Okay everyone!" I instructed, turning around to see my friends who seemed to have been watching the interaction I just had with teasing eyes and kissy faces. I've asked them about her in the past but they knew almost as little as I did in the matter. Good grades, good looks but a heap of frowns and orange hair.

I continued to explain what I was doing as Usopp played with one of the paper balls in his hand and Zoro and Sanji prematurely went to war with them. The rest attentively watched me with excitement and anticipation.

"So instead of throwing these at each other like barbarians" I began looking at a now sheepish Sanji and Zoro, "so I think we should have a trick shot contest. The goal is to get the paper ball into the garbage at the other end of the room with as much flair and flashyness as possible. We'll grade each other and Robin will keep score. Winner is the king of paper balls!"

"Sounds fun" Robin clapped excitedly before taking out the scoring pad that was once her notebook. The group always kept score during their antics to raise the bar for each other but no one really dwelled on the numbers. Except for Zoro and Sanji but only to compare to each other.

"Super!" yelled Franky as he began drawing a blueprint for his trick shot. Always with the mechanics with this one.

"I'll play a little. But unlike you deadbeats, I'm going to actually do this essay" joked Chopper as he too got up to play the game.

After everyone took a turn, a fight between Zoro and Sanji over a "bullshit score", and a few insults from the green headed man and his swirly eye browed rival, I looked over to Nami to see that she hadn't taken a single shot.

"What a waste of a perfectly good paper ball" I thought with misplaced seriousness. Maybe she didn't want to play because it was too childish? "No way" he thought shaking his head with new found conviction.

Walking over, I bent down close to her face and asked her with a quizzical expression. "So you're not gonna take your shot?"

Looking up and noticing how close I was to her, she blushed which caused me to grin. It was most likely out of shock from our sudden proximity but it made my stomach flip to see. It didn't last long though because she gathered herself and shifted to her trademark neutral expression.

"No I'm just going to throw it out. Since I'm focusing on my work the way you and your friends should be doing" stated the orangette as she pointed over to my crew of misfits as they spun and did crazy tricks for points.

"Hey Chopper's writing the essay!" I defended as I turned to see what she was pointing at.

Brook was telling some crappy joke about Choppers bad throw and since he was a shy guy, he took it to heart. Franky laughed at the joke but from the look of his face, Robin must have come to the small boy's aid. She always did have a soft spot for Chopper and she made it a point to get serious when he was upset. It was usually funny though but I don't know why she does it.

"So what" I said as I turned back to Nami. "Writing an essay? That's no fun."

"Sometimes you do what you have to do" she scolded me while she closed her book and stuffed it in her bag. I didn't have any time to respond as the bell rang and she ran out of the room with a sad look in her eyes. The same sad look she always has.

"I wonder why she's always like that." I thought before my teacher came back into the room screaming.

"What did I say about the paper balls?! You'd all better clean this crap up before you leave or you're all getting detention!"

"Damnit!" I scowled as I walked over to my friends to help them clean. "At least she lets us get away with not doing the work" I thought before getting nudged by Zoro's elbow.

"So you and that Nami chick huh?" asked Zoro with his usual grin.

"You guys and all those missed trick shots huh? Seriously there're so many of em on the floor. Did you guys make any or are you just that bad?" I retorted which earned me a grunt from the green haired teen.

"Shut up. It was that shitty blonde over there" yelled Zoro as he threw a paper ball at Sanji.

"Shut it moss head my score was definitely higher than yours!" Sanji yelled back as they started trading insults.

I caught Brook laughing with Robin and Franky so when I went over, they showed me the scoreboard. "Hahaha, you both scored zero points. You guys suck. Even Chopper scored some points and he was writing his essay the whole time. Buahahaha!" I laughed which caused the rest of the group to laugh while the pair just scowled and complained about a "rigged score" as they went back to cleaning.

After School (Luffy)

Walking down the stairs of the school, I skipped a few with a giant leap in order to speed up the trip. We were all meeting at Sanji's restaurant, 'The Baratie' for some dinner and I wasn't gonna be late and miss out on eating time.

Rounding the railing, I noticed a certain orangette walking down the stairs slowly with the same conflicted and dreadful look she usually wore on her face.

"That expression again." I thought thinking it must be something if she's really always like that. I ran to catch up to her and when I finally did, I tapped her shoulder with my pointer finger.

"So, new girl. What's weighing on your mind?" I asked truly curious but not expecting any real answers.

She turned around to meet my gaze and I could see a mixture of rage and sadness in her eyes. She pushed it down to her core though because it was quickly replaced with curiosity.

"I'm not 'new girl'. My name is Nami. And are you following me, Luffy?" she asked while crossing her arms across her well-endowed chest.

"Nope. Just a happy coincidence. So why is it? Don't try avoiding my question"

"I wasn't. I don't know why you care but if you must know, I don't get what you're talking about. I'm a very happy person."

"About as happy as a crying baby" I teased since I didn't believe her. "You know when you frown, you look like this" I said enthusiastically as I scrunched up my face with my hands to make it look like a sagging old man.

"I don't look like that you dick!" denied the teen with a slightly hurt tone in her voice. I thought I heard little playfulness too but she would probably deny it.

"No but if you keep frowning, it's only a matter of time. You'll have to iron away your wrinkly face before you're thirty!" I shouted with a smirk as I tried my best to make her feel better.

Nami bested my smirk with a grin of her own however. She let out a small chuckle as she turned around to avoid my gaze.

"Why is she hiding her smile?" I thought with pursed lips and a pout. "I wanna see" he whined in his head some more before he had an idea.

"You know Nami, I always thought you were pretty but when you smile, it's a whole other kind of beautiful." I figured that compliment wasn't going to go over well since I've seen her knock guys around mercilessly for asking her out. With that in mind, I quickly ran down the stairs and out the door to my friends.

"Let's go eat!" shouted Usopp as he and Chopper fantasized about all the goodness they were about to feast on. Drool coating the path we walked on. Everyone else just chatted animatedly as we walked together towards a happy meal, together.


"What did you just say" I spun around; my cheeks warm and probably coated in a tint of pink blush. A wave of heat flushed along my forehead and wrapped around my face.

But Luffy was gone. The space he vacated was still warm with his lingering presence and I didn't know why that bothered me.

"If only you knew what was going on Luffy. If only I could say why I really act like this. Maybe you could understand… or even fix things" I thought before I shook those ridiculous thoughts from my head.

"Don't be stupid. I don't want him to get hurt by trying to help. And getting involved with me is nothing but trouble" I admitted to myself as my phone rang my least favorite ringtone. It was like a requiem for a fate I didn't want but one I was stuck with all the same. The ringtone that told me that a certain someone was calling and he was not happy. He was never happy.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad" I answered before he could say anything. "I'm on my way now" I said over the phone.

"What's the hold up!? Huh!?" angrily asked the voice from the other end. It was deep and crusty like he yelled a lot.

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad. I was stuck in class taking a test. I'm coming as fast as I can" I defended with an undertone of desperation in my voice.

"Fine. But you better be here soon. Or you know what'll happen" said the voice on the other end as it hung up without a goodbye.

Sadly, this truly was a fate I didn't want. One I couldn't escape from and one that was too dangerous to let anyone help alter. If it was even possible to change fate? Regardless, it was a lonely fate but it was mine and I was late for my date.

Author's Note: So that's chapter 1. Hope it was okay in the least. I don't know how I feel about it so if you liked it, drop a review and if not, drop a flame haha. Btw this is NOT a one-shot! Thanks for reading and I hope you stick around until the end, it's gonna be a ride!