"I won't let her do it," Dean insisted, his jaw set stubbornly.

Bobby rolled his eyes. "Dean, you can't make that decision for her."

"That's what I told him!" Reggie retorted loudly. "And he threatened to lock me in the safe room!"

Dean glared back at her, opening his mouth for another argument, but Bobby held up a hand and yelled loudly, "Shut up!" They both looked at him, lips tight and eyes wide, and he continued. "Shut up, both of you. This isn't solving a damn thing, and you're givin' me a headache." He plopped down into his chair and drained the last of the whiskey from his almost empty glass. "Now… Dean, you finally agreed to let Sam do what he feels like he has to do. I think you owe Reggie the same."

"That's different!"

Reggie's mouth dropped. "How is it different? Because you've slept with me? Because you came to my rescue in the past? This time it's different, Dean!"

"Yeah, it is!" he shouted back. "This time you're gonna get yourself killed!"

Reggie threw up her hands and stormed out of the room, and they soon heard the door leading outside slam shut with all the force she could muster, followed by a distant shout of pure frustration. Sam stood there silently for a second, then followed after her, while Dean reached for a glass and the bottle of Jack on the desk.

"Son." Bobby spoke quietly, and Dean turned to look him, his face plainly showing the struggle going on inside. "Look, Dean – I know you've got feelings for that girl. And I know you pulled her ass from the fire before. But she's not so new around here anymore, she knows the score and she's worked up her courage to try something that could keep Sam from leaping into that cage with Satan. Don't you think we should help her with a plan instead of just shutting her down?"

Dean looked down, gnawing on the inside of his lip, then downing his whiskey and reaching for more as Bobby watched, sympathy in his eyes. "You don't get it, Bobby." He was completely still for a moment, then spoke so softly the older man almost couldn't hear. "I… I love her."

"No shit!" Bobby exclaimed sarcastically. Dean looked up, staring back in stunned silence for a moment before a sheepish little smile curved his mouth at the sight of the grin on Bobby's face.

"Shut up, old man," he muttered, and filled his glass.

Reggie was perched on the trunk of the Impala, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hand. Sam approached quietly, not even sure what to say to her. "Hey, Reggie. You okay?" he asked, leaning on the car next to her, listening to her frustrated sigh.

"I'm fine."

"You know, you don't have to do this. It's my responsibility, not yours. I should be the one to fix things, I'm the one who broke them in the first place."

She looked up at him, disbelief in her eyes. "Why do you say that? Why do you believe that?"

"It's true, Reggie. I broke the final seal, I let Lucifer out in the first place."

She was shaking her head, and she pushed a hand over her face, tucking her dark hair behind her ear. "You broke the final seal. How many seals were there, Sam?"

He looked down, his lips pursed. "Sixty-six."

"Right. Sixty-six. And who broke the others?"

"That's not the point…"

"Yes! That's exactly the point!" She stared at him incredulously. "This is not all on you. It's on all of us, everyone in this godforsaken world probably had some kind of contribution to all of this. By doing something we shouldn't have. Or by not doing something we should have done. You are not the only person responsible for this, Sam!"

"Dean tried to stop me, and I didn't listen. If I had just listened…"

"Well, how dare you be human, Sam."

Sam huffed out a little chuckle. "Tell me how you really feel, Reggie." He looked at her, and she smiled a little in spite of herself.

"Sam, I know you're going to understand this, better than your brother, because he's just too stubborn to listen. I was sent to the future to see my place in this. I was 'destined' to be Lucifer's mate. I can go in there with you, tell him you've been keeping me 'safe' against my will, that I'm tired of being afraid and hiding, and that I want to be with him. I am tired of running, tired of hiding. That won't be a lie. After that, I just need an opportunity to shove that angel blade into him, and it will all be over. Don't you think it's worth a shot? Or are you really that eager for the Highway to Hell tour?"

Sam looked down at the ground, his hair falling forward to cover his face, but Reggie could see his jaw working. "I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me, Reggie. Especially someone my brother cares about."

She slid down off the car and stood next to him, putting her hand on his arm as she replied. "Well, Sam – like I told your brother, it's not up to you." She let her hand slide down to his, giving it a squeeze before turning away and heading back to the house.

The trip to Detroit was endless. There wasn't much to say that hadn't been said, there weren't any plans to be hashed out, there was just the knowledge that Lucifer was waiting for them at the end of the road. They had the rings, Reggie would have the angel blade in her jacket, but there was no guarantee that he wouldn't see right through them.

Dean would barely look at her. His face was set, taut with tension, and she knew he'd never willingly let her go through with her intentions, but she wasn't going to give him the chance to stop her. Somehow, even though she was terrified, she knew her purpose in the whole crazy mess. She had to try to stop Lucifer. The angels had given them a snowball's chance to stop the apocalypse, probably figuring that she'd be too frightened to give it a shot. They didn't even consider the possibility of Sam being able to fight back, but she knew he'd give everything he had if she failed. She determinedly fought the clutch of panic twisting inside her at the thought that Lucifer might very well know their plan and that she might be going to her death.

They scouted the area where the signs were strongest, and it wasn't hard to pinpoint the building Lucifer was using as his base. The demonic presence was thick, and it felt as though a heavy hand was weighing down their souls, a darkness that was hard to describe. Dean parked in an alley not far from their destination, and climbed out, opening the trunk where several gallons of demon blood were stored, ready for Sam to fortify himself for Lucifer's possession. If Reggie had the unbelievable luck to kill Satan first, then he'd have to detox again, but if she failed, he would still have to be able to contain the archangel's power.

She leaned against the back fender of the Impala, glancing up every once in a while to watch Sam's good-byes to Bobby and Cas. It was her turn next, she knew, and she didn't know if she could handle the emotions welling up within her, making it hard to breathe. And then Sam was standing in front of her, his eyes full of guilt and sorrow, and he took hold of her arms and looked at her until she had to meet his gaze.

"You don't have to do this, you know," he said softly. "You and Dean can have a life, Reggie. Don't throw it away. Please."

A tear escaped, rolling down her cheek in spite of her battle to contain them. "Maybe you can have a life, Sam. Maybe we all can. Let me try."

His composure gave way for a moment, his features distorted, and he pulled her into a hug she wasn't sure she'd survive. When he let her go, he just clenched his teeth, his lips in a tight line, and nodded once, squeezing her arms before he turned to walk around to the back of the car.

"You mind not watching this?" she heard him say softly, and then Dean walked around the car and into her view. He looked at her silently for a second, the pain in his face showing through his stoic facade, and then pulled her into his arms, crushing her to him as she held onto him desperately. "You don't have to do this," he whispered fiercely. "Sam's got this. Just stay here, please."

Her shoulders heaved once as a stifled sob forced its way out, and she clutched handfuls of his jacket as she momentarily let her guard down. Then she resolutely forced herself to calm, hugging Dean tight before pulling back enough to look up into his eyes. "I have to try, Dean."

He closed his eyes tight for a moment, and then he took her face in his hands and kissed her, his lips pressing against hers for a wonderful and terrible eternity. There were tears in his eyes when he pulled back, bending to kiss her forehead, and he whispered softly against her skin, "I love you," then dropped his arms and walked away down the alley.

Bobby was there to prop her up, hold her until she had her legs again, patting her back, and asking, "You okay, kid?" when she finally stepped back. She nodded, afraid to look into his face, and he nodded in understanding as he moved away. Cas came a little nearer, sympathy in his blue eyes as he spoke kindly.

"What you're doing… you're a stronger person than I believed." He let the angel blade slide out of his sleeve, holding the hilt towards her. "Just keep it inside your jacket until you think the time is right."

She nodded, her voice almost inaudible as she whispered, "Thank you, Castiel."

It was some time later when Sam finally closed the trunk and walked around to the side of the car, wiping his mouth, his eyes cold and determined. "Okay, let's go," he growled, and Dean straightened from where he had been leaning on the brick wall a little farther down the alley. He glanced at Reggie, who took a deep breath and followed, watching as Sam raised his arms in challenge and shouted towards the building, "All right! We're here, you sons of bitches! Come and get it!"

A handful of demons came out of the door, eyes black, faces threatening. "Hey, guys, is your father home?" Dean smarted off, and then the three of them were roughly grabbed and pulled inside while Bobby watched, fists clenched at his sides.

Lucifer turned from the window, his finger trailing down the frost on the window pane. "Help me understand something, guys. I mean, stomping through my front door is…. a tad suicidal, don't you think?" Reggie trembled at the sight of him, his face covered in sores, flesh split open from the deterioration of his vessel, some poor schmuck named Nick. His eyes moved to her, and a small, cold smile curved his lips. "Regina. My love. Have you finally decided to come to me? Or are you delusional enough to think these two can actually fight me and win?"

She felt Dean's hand slip over and grip her forearm, and she knew it was time, before her courage deserted her completely. As Dean moved to pull her back, trying to shield her, she jerked her arm away and moved forward, ignoring Dean gruffly speaking her name. "I'm coming to you."

Lucifer took a step forward, his smile becoming what she was sure he thought was warm and inviting, but it sent a chill through her. "Are you afraid of me?"

She was quaking from head to toe, no use lying. "Yes. But I'm tired of hiding, tired of running away. They've been keeping me locked up in Bobby Singer's iron room so you couldn't find me. I just – I want it to be over. I don't want to be afraid anymore." She felt tears slide down her cheeks, and he stepped closer to her, putting an icy hand to her face.

"There, there, little one. I will take care of you. In so many ways. You've seen the future. You know I speak the truth."

Hesitantly, she nodded, and with every fiber of her being resisted recoiling as he kissed her lips. Behind them, Sam held his brother in check, the muscles in his arm straining as he gripped Dean's arm.

Lucifer let out a low chuckle, his hand caressing Reggie's face. "It hurts, doesn't it, Dean? To know that you couldn't protect her from me? To know that she chose to come to me instead of staying with you and fighting by your side?"

"Fuck you," Dean growled, his face contorting in rage, and Sam tightened his hold on his brother's arm.

"Now, now. Is that any way to talk in front of my queen?" Sam and Dean watched in horror as Reggie's eyes closed, her lips parted, a look of pure longing on her face as the archangel continued touching her softly. "There, my love. So much more calm now. See, this is where you belong. This is where you're meant to be." She began to lean into him, and he turned a taunting smile towards the brothers. "You see, she knows her place, her destiny. As you will, Sam. You will say yes."

"Reggie." Dean's voice was broken as he half-whispered her name, pleading. She swayed a little, taking a deep breath, looking into Lucifer's eyes for a moment. Then her hand moved quickly, reaching into her jacket and pulling the blade from it's hiding place, thrusting it forward.

The fallen angel's laughter filled the room as Reggie stared in horror at the empty space in front of her. She whirled to find Lucifer standing behind her, and a cruel smile twisted his features as he wrenched her wrist violently, making her cry out as the bones snapped and the angel blade fell to the ground. His other hand raised to her throat and began to squeeze, and she began to choke as he slowly tightened his grip.

"No!" Sam screamed at him, shoving Dean violently back as he stepped forward. "Stop, Lucifer. Let her live. I'll say yes, but only if you let her live." Reggie's face was almost purple, her tongue protruding as she hung, helpless, in the archangel's grasp. "If you kill her, you'll never get this vessel. I mean it." Sam's jaw was clenched, his eyes ablaze with fury, and he stretched out a hand, closing his eyes. Every demon around the room dropped, one after the other, with a flash of orange light, hitting the ground lifeless, and finally Lucifer loosened his grip on Reggie.

"Chock full of Ovaltine, are we?" he asked, an amused smile on his face. Then he lifted his hands in the air, his eyebrows raised, and let Reggie slump to the ground. The fallen angel smirked as Sam rushed to Reggie's side, kneeling down beside her as she choked and fought for breath.

"Reggie! Reggie, try to relax. Easy," Sam said softly, and she seemed to calm a little, her fight for air less desperate. Sam spoke quietly to her, reaching to help her sit up. She gripped his forearm with her good hand, her nails digging into him, and as his eyes met hers, she glanced to her right, still coughing, watching Sam's eyes widen just a little at the sight of the angel blade laying next to her on the floor.

"So, are we doing this or what? Time's a wasting, Sammy," Lucifer said sarcastically, and Sam glared up at him.

"Not until I make sure she's gonna be okay," he growled defiantly, reaching towards her as he spoke. And then his body was a blur as, in one smooth motion, he raised up to his full height and shoved the angel blade hilt-deep upward into Lucifer's chest. Even as a glow began emitting from every opening in the archangel's face, he let out a savage snarl, shoving his hand up to the wrist into Sam's abdomen, and an harsh gasp left Sam's lips as his eyes widened in shock and his mouth dropped open.

"No! Sam!" Dean ran to his brother as the light in Lucifer's eyes sputtered and died, and he fell to the ground, his hand covered in Sam's blood. Sam stared into Dean's eyes, unable to speak, his hands moving to clutch at his midsection while Dean helped lower him to the ground. "Cas! Cas, get your ass in here!" he shouted, ripping his own jacket off to hold to the bleeding wound. "Cas!"

Reggie managed to struggle to her feet, moving towards the door, but Cas appeared in front of her. He frowned, reaching for her, but she shook her head. "No," she managed in a choked whisper, "Sam." And then Dean was there, holding her in his arms as her legs gave out and she let herself collapse against him.

The rest of that night was a blur. She vaguely remembered flashes of light, Sam's pained groans as Cas worked on healing him, a sharp jolt of pain that made her scream hoarsely as he did the same for her arm and then her throat, and Dean carrying her to the car, tucking a jacket around her in the back seat. She had managed to walk into the house, Dean's arm around her waist for support, when they had finally reached Bobby's place. She had been barely aware of him helping her up the stairs, tucking her in beneath soft sheets and warm blankets, and then leaving her alone to sleep.

Reggie woke up gradually, a little confused as to why she couldn't move the way she had wanted, slowly realizing that there was a heavy arm across her middle and Dean's face on the pillow next to her, still breathing slow and steady in sleep. She smiled, lifting his arm so she could turn to her side facing him, reaching to touch his face and trace along the line of his jaw. He stirred, his green eyes opening slowly, and he answered her smile with a slow, languid version of his own. "Hey," he said, his voice deep and rough from sleep, and she leaned in to kiss him.

"Morning. Did you get any sleep?" she asked softly, and snuggled in as he reached to pull her close.

"A little. Wanted to make sure Sam was okay, and then…"

"Then what?"

"Then I just couldn't stop looking at you." Reggie pulled back a little, looking into Dean's eyes as he put his hand to her face, his fingers moving gently over her skin. "I really thought I was gonna lose you, Reg. And then maybe Sam, too. I just…" He stopped for a moment, closing his eyes, then leaned closer and kissed her, sweet and slow. "I love you, baby girl. What you did last night…"

"Was what I needed to do. And we actually did it, Dean. We killed the devil." She shook her head in disbelief. "So now what?"

"Same old, I guess. I'm sure Crowley will be more than happy to take over the reins down south. He's always been power-hungry. Honestly, I don't know that things will change much. But at least there's no apocalypse to deal with. Now we just have to get Sam clean again, which isn't pretty, by the way, and we can get back to normal. Whatever that is."

"Well, all I know is that I love you, Dean, and we're all still alive, and that feels pretty damn good to me."

Dean smiled, a sparkle in his eyes, his hand slipping slowly down to cup her breast as he kissed her again, his tongue teasing at her lips. "That's not the only thing that feels pretty damn good," he moaned as she softly massaged her fingertips over the bulge in his boxers. She giggled a little before breathing a gentle sigh, returning his kiss and pressing herself closer to him. Now they had all the time in the world with each other, and she was going to make the most of every damn minute.