A/N- Hey guys! Welcome to my new story: Hell's Outcasts! Enjoy! \m/

I do not own pokemon or any songs/bands I mention.

Four boys were walking to school together. One had crazy raven hair with a hat covering it. The hat was red and white with a green, triangular slash on the front. He wore jeans and a blue vest with an AC/DC shirt underneath. The second one had crazy brown hair, and wore a cocky expression on his face. The third had brown spiky hair, narrow eyes, and was the most mature out of all of them. The last one had long purple hair, and wore a Slipknot t-shirt underneath his purple jacket. It was a Thursday, and a brisk autumn morning. They had started school four weeks ago, and it was still like a living Hell. But, that's what music was for. The four boys' were in a rock band, Hell's Outcasts. They all had a passion for rock and roll, and so they started the band. The raven-haired boy, Ash, played guitar. The boy with the cocky expression, Gary, was the lead singer. The most mature boy, Brock, played bass. And Paul, the kid with the Slipknot t-shirt and purple hair, played drums.

"Shit," Gary said, "Another damn day at prison."

"Tell me about it…" Ash grumbled.

"I hope we don't have to put up with Drew's shit today. That guy is an asshole." Brock stated.

Paul wasn't paying attention. He had ear-buds in, and was listening to Nirvana.

The group of four were definitely the most unpopular, hated, and infamous group in the school. Most of the time, people referred to them as outcasts. The four teens weren't ashamed of this name. They were proud it because they didn't conform to such an ignorant society. They didn't like the jocks, the preps, and the popular group.

The group did get along with some other groups, though. They got along with the burn outs, the druggies, the nerds, individualists, the emos, and basket-cases. They probably got along with all of these groups because they were all of those put together. But, each kid had a dominating personality from certain groups. Ash was a basket-case, Gary was a burnout, Brock was a nerd, and Paul was an individualist. But put together, they were the Outcasts. Everyone called them this, most of them treating it as a title they should be proud of. The emos, nerds, and burnouts and basket-cases saw them as a portrait of awesomeness. However, the popular group didn't see it this way, they saw them as freaks. And since the popular group controlled the social food chain, the outcasts were at the bottom. They got the jocks, the preps, and even the teachers to make fun of them.

"I just hope- GAH!" Ash screamed. He turned around to see a red headed girl laughing.

"Misty! I told you not to do that!" Ash scolded his friend.

"Sorry, it was the perfect opportunity!" She giggled. Ash rolled his eyes.

"Hey," Gary shouted, "Hurry up! We'll be late!"

"Why do you care if we're late?" Brock asked.

"I don't know. I just want Ashy-boy and Misty to hurry up."

"Hold your damn horses!" Misty yelled, as she and Ash caught up with Brock, Paul, and Gary.

They all were walking toward the school until….


A girl with a red bandana wrapped around her brown hair was walking beside a girl with blue hair, and a beanie put on top of her head. Their names were May and Dawn.

"Look over there, May!" Dawn said, pointing to Ash, Gary, Brock, Paul and Misty.

"It's a bunch of freaks, big whoop." May said.

"Yeah, but Paul's a little cute…" Dawn said dreamily.

"Dawn!" May exclaimed. "We hate them!"

"I know, I know! I can't help it. I do hate them, I just don't know why."

"Let's go find Drew and Kenny, people that are actually cool, and not lame!"

"Yeah, ok." Dawn smiled.

Back To Ash and Friends…

"So, Gary, are we having band practice at your place tonight?" Ash asked.

"Fuck yeah, Ashy-boy!" Gary replied.

All of a sudden a boy with green hair rushed out with buckets of water, and threw them over at the outcasts. They were all drenched, head to toe.

"Asshole!" Gary shouted.

"Smell ya later!" exclaimed the green-haired boy.

"Fuck, I hate his guts…" Ash muttered angrily.

"Do you think Drew will ever mature?" Brock asked.

"Probably not." Ash said.

The outcasts walked into school, receiving humiliating looks from everyone. Ash and Brock ignored it, Paul just turned up his music, and Gary flipped them off. Misty rolled her eyes.

Ash walked to his locker and took out his books and a pencil. He shuffled down the hallway gloomily, and walked into first period. Right when he walked in, he felt his hat fly off of his head. He turned and saw Drew holding it. Drew held Ash's hat in the air so that he couldn't reach it. By now, Ash was pissed. He punched Drew in the face, and Drew fell to the ground with a bloody nose. Ash grabbed his hat from Drew's hand and placed it backwards on his head. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, the teacher, Professor Elm, walked in.

"Ash Ketchum! How dare you beat up another student? You've earned yourself a detention. I want you in my room after school!"

Ash wanted to say something, but he didn't. He knew the teacher would take Drew's side. All the teachers loved Drew, but hated Ash. He just walked over to his seat slowly, cursing Drew under his breath. He sat down in between May and Gary, and opened his math book with a loud sigh. May heard the sigh, and gave Ash an annoyed look. Ash didn't notice, nor would he have cared if he had. He was too busy staring off into space.

'Let another day of hell begin.' He thought.

A/N- End of Chapter 1! Sorry for discontinuing the last story, this one will be much better! Please review! \m/

PS- I've been thinking about doing a Soul Eater fanfic. Tell me if you're interested!