Clockwork Galaxy
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Smash Brothers or Kid Icarus. That goes to Nintendo. I only own Daedalus, Diamond, Pearl, everyone from the Golden Land, the witch hunters, royal bodyguards, archangels, Angel Assembly, Guardians under Ceres, Celestial Pirates and everyone from the Band of Six (specifically Alm in this story).
Summary: Raven finally decides that the Band of Six must be permanently eliminated in order to ensure less time loops AKA getting Prism to focus on The Great Evil instead of the group he has a personal grudge against. The first job is to get rid of Acedia's daughter Alm who has caused problems for the Golden Land due to meeting the same requirements to enter the sacred place. Tired of the constant resets, Rosalina volunteers to deal with the child personally, but her mental state after seeing her friends die constantly by the Great Evil causes Rosalina to fall victim to Alm's spell where everything Rosalina has tried to keep in quickly spirals out of control and it's a question of whether or friends are willing to help her despite these nasty revelations. During all the chaos though, Pit thinks he finally found a way to separate Pittoo's soul from his own so he can become his own person…
Pairing: Peach/Mario/Rosalina, Pit/Pittoo, Ganondorf/Palutena, Robin/Shulk, Henry/Female Robin and implied Fox/Sonic and Meta Knight/Kirby
Rated: T (for teen) but E on Archive of Our Own (for a sex scene)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Drama and Angst
Warning: Creepy children, Xenoblade Chronicles spoilers, swearing, violence, sexual situations, shonen-ai (of the Pitcest variation) and unintentional OOC
This is probably one of the saddest stories in the Super Smash Galaxy series (but its pretty much tied with Melody Galaxy and Red Moon Galaxy). This story will finally dive into Rosalina's mindset throughout everything that has occurred previously and the mental toll it takes on her. Not a happy story obviously. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Fatigued Girl
There was a place that was in the center of the universe where life was created. That was the Golden Land, a realm that belonged to the strongest beings in the universe known as the witches and sorcerers. These beings created the divine beings and watched the universe expand creating different species as time went on. Soon, it would form the universe that everyone lives in today…including you.
In the Golden Land, there were many locations…but many were abandoned facilities with only one being used by the creator of the universe. His name was Prism, the Sorcerer of Misfortune. His powers was the wheel of karma that allowed him to control the good luck and bad luck in someone's life depending on how he felt about that particular person. Some people are born with bad luck meaning it would be impossible to give them good fortune immediately. The reverse also applies, but if someone already had good luck, there was no point in trying to change it. Prism's goal was to watch over the universe and make sure it didn't fall apart by those who crave for power.
Prism wasn't a benevolent ruler. He was a bored individual. In fact, he was actually an unhinged child with blond hair and green eyes. His outfit of choice was a European like uniform with the only unique feature was how he had four buttons that buttoned up his shirt. The top button was a heart followed by a diamond, then a clover and finally a spade. These buttons were used to call in his Furniture, servants who were doomed to serve their master until the end of time (or when their master kicked the bucket).
To top it all off, Prism was a lazy individual. Because he had so much power under his belt, he either abused it for entertainment or did nothing while some portions of the universe burned. This only became problematic when it concerned the universe being destroyed by the Great Evil.
The only way to stop the Great Evil from completely ruining everything was to jump back in time because Prism was never prepared to fight the greatest monster of the entire universe. Prism did not have the power to go back in time and change things. He gave this power to the Witch of Despair known as Raven. Raven was a young girl with medium length raven hair and purple eyes. These were the type of eyes you didn't want to see in the darkness. She had the obvious raven motif going on with her black baby doll dress and twenty-four feathers circled around her chest area. It was twelve per breast in the shape of a clock that always made people look at her and wonder if she had a bad taste of fashion.
Enough with her fashion though, Raven is the girl who drives the plot of the universe, not Prism anymore. Prism had lost his power to his right hand woman when he was murdered in the first timeline when this started. To save her friend and stop the Great Evil from destroying the universe, she jumped back to an earlier time to stop him, but from there it had been nothing but hell for her. There was always something that went wrong that prevented everything to be set up correctly like the original timeline. The pieces were all in place the first time around but were never utilized. It was like having the queen in the perfect position to take the king and putting him in checkmate with the other pieces in the right spot, but it was like the Great Evil flip the chessboard over and caused everything to go downhill. Raven will never forget the look of triumph the man gave her when he killed the blond originally and he did it in every timeline after that. At the beginning, she cried for Prism, but the more she saw him die, the more she hardened her heart and just focused on the issue at hand.
She couldn't remember which timeline it was where she gained a mysterious partner named X. X was a young lad who wanted to save his mother and to do that, the Great Evil must be killed. They both had the same goals so Raven didn't mind trusting X who knew the risks of getting caught with jumping back in time.
So many timelines have come and go that she couldn't remember much besides what she wrote in a book called Higanbana in the Red Moon where she would add chapters based on what occurred in that timeline and if it was a timeline where so much had gone down, she would give the ideas to the Witch of the Dead known as Samarium who would write everything out for her and then place it in her library unaware that he was writing something that occurred in a previous timeline. Now it got to the point where even if Prism is warned, he was always going to be stuck with his personal grudge against a certain group of witch hunters. This was when Raven finally decided it was finally decided to take matters into her own hand by using her time magic to change the clock of Prism's enemies by force so they would never be a bother to Prism ever again.
To do this, she needed allies outside of the Golden Land who were immune to her time magic. She was glad that she found at least two. One was the Queen of the Cosmos Rosalina who was stuck with remembering everything due to how she was one with the universe. The other was Pit's father Daedalus and the only reason he remembered everything was due to staying on Mecha Galaxy. Mecha Galaxy was owned by the sorcerer known as Diamond who despite his old age was able to figure out there were issues going on with the universe and every time Raven used her magic, his galaxy would move to chase after her allowing him to maintain the memory of the previous time loop along with anyone who was inside Mecha Galaxy at the time. This is why it was impossible to track Mecha Galaxy down unless it attached itself to another planet that stopped its orbit.
It wasn't hard to get them onboard beforehand. They were always aware that Raven was messing with the timeline for some reason or another and both have either benefited or hindered from her actions. Rosalina probably suffered more of the two though. As the Queen of the Cosmos, she was always a lonely woman, so when she made friends, she treasured them. To see them die every timeline and having to remake those friendships every time was cruel. Two timelines in particular had her suffer great losses. One was when the Villager known as K broke the Star Rod due to his carelessness and nearly caused everyone to die from his or her nightmares. Rosalina had lost so many Luma who gave their life to Kirby in order for Kirby to seal Nightmare away again. The other time was when Shulk got into a fight with Robin over love resulting in him stealing the Comet Observatory away to seek advice from the Goddess of Probability Xavia over his disturbing visions. Not only was the Comet Observatory destroyed and required all the Smashers to work together and gather all the Power Stars, but almost all of her Luma were killed from that explosion. The culprit was Diamond in that timeline and it frustrated Rosalina to no end that Raven ordered her not to pursue the old sorcerer.
"He is still of use in my plans." She told her in that timeline. "You will have your revenge later."
But later couldn't wait because Rosalina's heart grew cold knowing she was letting a cold blooded killer and serial kidnapper/rapist get away with his crimes. Diamond was always a weird old man who had a nasty habit of kidnapping pretty girls from other worlds and complaining about how they wouldn't marry him. He was a senile, but it wasn't that big of a deal. To Rosalina, he was too far gone when he committed the sin of killing her Lumas and assisting in sexually assaulting and breaking Shulk two timelines ago. Yet it wasn't a big deal to Raven or the Golden Land and it infuriated her. Shulk was just one step away from killing the male tactician and the only thing Raven could say was, "Well he didn't kill him."
In comparison, Daedalus probably benefitted from the time loops if only because the person he was looking for, the previous Goddess of Calamity Pandora was never in the same location twice. Raven would explain that even if she reversed time, certain people in the universe would do something different while having no acknowledgement of what they have done in previous time loops. Daedalus would notice this with his son Pit who couldn't choose who he wanted to hook up with or how Pit's battle with Link always had different results. Pit would always win against him, but how close the battle was differed each time. Pit might get a perfect or it would be a close match, but Pit would never have that breakdown like the time Daedalus was at the mansion. Palutena was probably another person who might have suffered extreme déjà vu and her methods of always wooing Ganondorf changed each time. This made Daedalus conclude that Pandora was the same and that made her go to different portions of the universe to hone her skills each time.
Raven called them both into the garden of the Golden Land. It was a risky place to be for Raven due to Prism being able to walk in on their little tea party at any given time (but she was certain Prism was distracted playing strip poker with the other guys again). It was fine for Rosalina and Daedalus. For Rosalina, all she would need to do was tell Master Hand she was doing her normal chores around the universe. At first it was a problem due to Rosalina missing her matches, but overtime, it became clear her duty was more important than her matches so Master made it to where only certain days she would fight so it wouldn't conflict with her schedule. For Daedalus, he just needed to find a way to sneak out of Mecha Galaxy. Diamond had eyes in the back of his head and spies everywhere in the galaxy when it came to the fallen archangel. Diamond was smarter than he appeared, and if he noticed that Daedalus intended to keep his word with stabbing him in the back, he needed to be one step ahead. However despite Diamond being rather brilliant, Daedalus was equally crafty and simply told him how he's going to search for Pandora again. To the old sorcerer, searching for the blue haired Amazon was a loss cause and always turned his back on Daedalus during these times.
But there they all were in the Golden Land garden surrounded by golden butterflies. The mysterious X who still hid his face behind the hood poured the trio some green tea refusing to speak to them. He felt like it was pointless to talk if it had nothing to do with his mother or killing the Great Evil and to him, this mission was a filler arc in the grand scheme of things. Rosalina and Daedalus sat on the opposite end of Raven who sipped her tea without appearing nervous in comparison to Daedalus who obviously did not want to be in the mysterious magical realm. Rosalina kept her straight composure the entire time as usual, but her eyes were always shifting toward Raven more so than Daedalus. Even with the revelation of Daedalus' crimes, Rosalina had no issues with him. She admitted to herself she was probably a horrible friend to Pit given she had often spoken to his father even after the incident in that particular timeline and beyond. Daedalus was more complicated than Pit let on, so when she was finished with her own duties, she would often invite Daedalus to sit with her so they could talk but it would end with Daedalus complaining about his life and become a sobbing wreck at certain points. Rosalina comforted him like a mother would, and continued to be surprised at how much Pit took after him in looks and personality.
"I called you two here because I'm finally ready to give you details on my plan." Raven began setting her cup down on the tray. "Its not to kill Samael, but the Band of Six who are meddling with Prism's time."
"Oh, we can't have that." Daedalus responded sarcastically. "How many timelines will it take this time?"
"Daedalus, please." Rosalina spoke softly to the chocolate haired brunette.
Raven wanted to make things quick before something shifted in the universe without warning. Using her magic, she called upon not the golden butterflies to create a book in front of her but called out the black birds instead with the same result. It was odd how Raven seemed to be the only witch in the Golden Land who did not use the golden butterflies to make things appear or disappear. Raven was just one of the fortunate ones who could use birds instead of bugs.
The book was a list of criminals that the witch hunters put bounties on. Daedalus wasn't really surprised how he was in the book and just chuckled how he's going to have to kick the bucket someday. Raven opened it to the Band of Six members. The book was incredibly detailed (due it coming from Raven herself rather than outside sources) so it had their name, race, bounty and information on their battle style and powers. The Witch of Despair hid the backstory of all the members though but for Daedalus he already knew what Flauros' past was like being his former friend and all.
"Since we're targeting these witch hunters, we need to take it slow. They are one of the few people who do something different every timeline. While they will always kill specific Apostles at certain times, what they do after a certain point vanishes and I can no longer track them down. The only way to get them is by hunting them down individually. If you two can kill one of them, I can use my magic to change their history."
"…Why would you do that?" Rosalina questioned taking the book from Raven and looking at the six members.
"Truth be told, Prism will find out that I'm moving time back without him knowing. If I erase someone of importance in his past, he will notice and I will be caught. Therefore, what I intend to do is change their backstory so that they will die at an earlier time thus preventing them from being a nuisance in the current era. By the time all of them are eliminated, there will no longer be a Band of Six and Prism can easily spend a day going after Acedia. He's the only one Prism truly hates and is only powerful because of his influence. Take it away by getting rid of his members and he's left to his own strength. That is why…we go after Acedia's daughter Alm first."
Rosalina's eyes widened for a bit for Raven to go straight for the child out of all the members. Daedalus thought that Flauros would be the first target due to his extreme actions. He didn't realize he let out a sigh of relief that it was someone else.
"Alm," Raven continued ignoring Rosalina's question. "The only daughter of Acedia. Implied to be a half witch due to Acedia assaulting the Full Metal Witch…or rather the Steel Witch Valkyrie, Sine. Sine was also one of the twelve Apostles of the Golden Land, so the connection is not a coincidence. Alm's powers include projecting her voice to manipulate and control the people around her. As a hypnotist, she's the kind of girl that obeys her father and harms her puppets in the worse way imaginable. For Alm, this includes taking control of someone and driving him or her to suicide or having the person kill the person they love. She does it all for her father."
"That sounds like my type of child." Daedalus said in a mocking manner causing a glare from both girls and X behind the hood. "Anyways…"
"Acedia is a man without a soul. He will not care if his daughter dies, but for someone like me, eliminating her will make things easier in the long run. Anyone who can harm the Golden Land is the most dangerous especially if you're a witch who can easily access the realm with relative ease. Prism would be the type of guy who would recruit her after looking at her resume."
The requirements of the Golden Land weren't that much for Prism in reality. You just had to be a child or a teenager with a troubled past and special power to be able to get recruited. Everyone else was trash and Prism often killed him or her.
"Rosalina, will you do the honor of eliminating this girl for me?" Raven asked with a rather grim smile. "You've been aching for revenge after what has happened in the last few timelines. You now have someone to take it out on."
"A child…absurd…" Rosalina murmured. "Why would I…"
"You think like that and she will ruin you." Raven interrupted. "You should know that from the Smashers you have fought and dealing with people from the Golden Land like me."
"…But she's fighting for her father's approval because she doesn't have a mother."
"Her mother was killed by her father. She's delusional. We will be doing her a favor getting rid of her. I'll be kind and probably kill her while in the womb once she's killed. When you get rid of her, I'll be able to work my magic. You'll be able to do that, won't you?"
"No. I will not kill children."
"Even if they have killed many others?"
"I will not succumb to the Golden Land ways."
Raven sighed as she looked toward Daedalus. "You know, sometimes I wish you would find a way for Pit to remember everything so I can request for his assistance instead. He kills without hesitation."
Daedalus growled at the suggestion. "No…every timeline he does something different…he'll find out eventually about what happened in the past and hate me more. I'll be looking forward to that, but I will not have a repeat of befriending my child. He's already an adult even if he's still acting like a needy teenager." Daedalus sighed thinking about how dependent Pit still was with Palutena. He just needed a little push to break away from her completely.
"Fine, it was just a recommendation, but since you two won't volunteer, I might have to do this myself."
With Raven, it would be a guaranteed execution. Rosalina has spoken to the Witch of Despair multiple times and knew she was a cold predator. She refused to become the prey to the witch hunters and with her amazing sniping skills, most of them would die before they knew what happened.
The Goddess of Space finally decided to agree to the terms of service that Raven had imposed on her. Raven continued to scowl as Rosalina decided to dismiss herself so she would get to her mission right away.
"She's at Clockwork Galaxy now." Raven told her. "I'm watching what you're doing."
Rosalina didn't need the watchful eye of the bird to be staring at her backside. The pale skinned Goddess waved good-bye to Daedalus as she left the garden. Raven just shook her head in annoyance.
"If she thinks giving her mercy is going to work, she's in for a rude awakening."
"I wonder if I should go after her." Daedalus mumbled. He wouldn't admit that perhaps he was a little worried for the motherly Goddess.
"No, you should focus on Diamond." X declared causing the fallen archangel to look at the mysterious boy. "He is starting to wonder where his inventing partner went."
"We are not partners." Daedalus spat as he too got up and turned to leave without as much as a thank you for the tea.
Raven just sighed before demanding X to pour him another cup of tea.
"Raven, is this okay?"
"Probably not. The Smashers are going to get involved again, but who am I to complain. Your mother won't be involved in these events either."
"You'll talk to your mother again. Just not now."
"I would have gotten my happy ending if you didn't reset the timeline when the Hades Party first defeated the Great Evil. Its Prism over the universe after all."
"It's my magic. I get to decide what to do with the universe and I demand Prism to survive and for the Great Evil to die."
X grumbled something under his breath. He too would disappear next if only because Raven felt the presence of Prism entering the garden wanting to complain about how the poker game went. She would laugh seeing how his pants were torn off him probably because Samarium wanted to borrow them.
Rosalina really didn't want to do this mission. Even if the Golden Land were people you didn't want to associate with, they were still children. She could not lay a finger on them because of it. This extended to every other species as well even if they were not mentally the age of a child. As a young girl who left her home and lost her mother in the process, Rosalina was always sympathetic toward children who lacked parents. Alm hit home for Rosalina even if she had a bounty on her head.
Polari noticed Rosalina's distress and questioned her health. Rosalina forced herself to smile for the Luma who were worried for her after going to the Golden Land.
Clockwork Galaxy was not far from the Golden Land due to its notorious status for being the only place in the galaxy to record the time of the magical realm. Time flowed differently in the Golden Land so it was nice to stop by the planet and look at the clock. It was also to be noted how Clockwork Galaxy was next to one of the many gates of the Holy Realm that would lead into the Golden Land making its ability to tell time even more important.
Unfortunately, the tower fell down during one battle and the chances of the clock chiming would never happen again…or so Rosalina thought.
Piloting toward Clockwork Galaxy revealed that the tower was in perfect condition. It was almost like there was never a battle to the death there in the first place. Immediately Rosalina felt something was amiss.
"Mama, will you be okay?" One of the Lumas asked. "We'll go with you!"
"No…I can handle it." Rosalina said to the small yellow Luma before looking toward Polari. "Polari, I'm counting on you to watch over everyone."
"Leave it to me!"
Rosalina teleported into the clockwork tower and began to tiptoe when the Queen of the Cosmos heard voices from the highest point. There were multiple ways for Rosalina to do this mission. She could be brutal like Palutena who would not hesitate to murder a child in the same way she murdered her half-brother. She could run away from everything and not get her hands dirty at all. Or she could go for the mercy kill using her magic to put the child into eternal sleep and then give her to Raven where she can give her a peaceful death. The last one was the most likely going to happen especially when she heard a scream coming from a small child.
The scream appeared to come from the young boy who was knocked to the ground. Rosalina could see that this young boy was a young girl. She had short platinum blonde that was covered by a Viking helmet. Despite the helmet, her outfit was identical to a witch's robe being as black as her father's heart. At the waist, she had a mini-skirt with checkered pattern and then had shiny dark purple boots. The most noticeable feature on her outfit was a crystal ball that she wore as a brooch. From observing from her location, Rosalina could imagine the crystal ball held the soul of the person she was controlling and then used the lifeless body for whatever she wanted.
"Wahh! Daddy, stop!"
"…That's what you get for asking about your mother."
"B-But…you said if I killed those people…I would…"
"You didn't do it fast enough."
"Get back to assassinating and maybe I'll tell you. Your mother would be disappointed if I told you. You're not strong enough."
Rosalina hated that voice with a burning passion. Immediately she could tell the person was the infamous Acedia. He was a man with medium blond hair and sinister red eyes as red as blood. He wore small glasses to hide the red glare from his eyes and had a fancy black tuxedo that made it look like he was a man who just finished getting married.
"What's wrong Alm? Are you getting tired of hearing your victims begging for mercy? Your powers will never allow you to make friends. Remember that when you kill them."
Acedia was not your ordinary witch hunter. There was a reason he had the biggest bounty of anyone in the universe (there were probably others but his name was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine). He looked toward the darkness where Rosalina was hiding behind and snickered.
"We have company."
Rosalina frowned realizing that going for a quick mercy kill without the little girl noticing was out of the question. She was quick to prepare her magic before going out into the open and slamming the two witch hunters with a gravity spell to hold them in place. Acedia had vanished into thin air but his daughter was caught in the attack and was being squished into the ground.
Rosalina was not pleased how Acedia was laughing somewhere in the clock tower. She would have gone after him, but it would have been too risky. Raven made it clear that she only needed to go after his daughter since this blond man did not care for her wellbeing as his next words confirmed.
"Well, aren't you in a sticky situation, Alm? You won't be making anyone happy if you're going to die right here. I leave you to fend for yourself."
"W-What? But I can't…"
Acedia just snickered as he seemed to have faded from Rosalina's presence. The Goddess of Space knew better and needed to keep her guard up so she wouldn't get ambushed. Now was the time to end Alm's life. From the sounds of her father's abuse, this girl had lead a miserable life killing because her father ordered her too. If she wasn't being observed, she might have asked the girl to come live with her and forget her life as a witch hunter.
"No hard feelings." Rosalina said as she twirled her wand around preparing an eternal sleep spell. "I will end your suffering."
"N-No…" The girl cried out as she tried to move but was being held down by gravity. There was no way she could defeat a Goddess! She was only a little girl! "I…I have to live! I got to know…the truth about my mother! If I don't listen to daddy…I will never know…I can't…"
"He will never tell you."
"I won't know until I do everything he tells me to do!"
"Why would you care so much?"
"I need to know who I am! If I don't know my mother…then I'm a horrible daughter."
The logic was horrible and cliché, but this was only a little girl who desired to figure out who his mother was. Rosalina stopped her spell thinking of her own mother and how much she loved her. There were so many things she wanted to do with her own mother that she failed to do when she was still alive. She would never say that out loud to anyone and could only express it in her storybooks. She would give kudos to anyone who figured out her desire.
This small distraction was all Alm needed to have the edge over her. Raven's warning about how children like Alm that required a close eye was something Rosalina really didn't pay heed to. It was apparent that the platinum blond hesitated to move, but her declaration to Rosalina lowered the gravity enough to lift her head off the ground. She only needed to look into someone's eyes to get them under her control…and Rosalina admitted she was too careless staring at the girl when she made those declarations about wanting to see her mother. She didn't need to move her hands for the gesture of control. Alm just decided to throw all of her energy into the Queen of the Cosmos. Acedia smiled seeing the soul of the Goddess being forcibly removed from her body and into the crystal ball while most of Alma's soul went inside Rosalina. He came back just to make sure that his daughter was still in one piece.
"That went smoother than expected." He hummed seeing his daughter slowly get off the ground clutching onto the crystal ball. The soul of a Goddess was incredible and she was just now feeling the pain. "This was also unexpected. Well done, Alm. I underestimated your powers."
"I…" Alm closed her eyes getting so many memories from the person she was controlling to the point she was getting a headache and wanted to eject her soul from the Cosmic Traveler.
"You have all of her power at your disposal." He continued with an evil smile on his face. "Why don't you have some fun with the body and ruin Smash Brothers for me, will you?"
"Virtue…" His expression darkened before he chuckled. "That boy has a friend at Smash Brothers Mansion that he cares for deeply. What fun would it be than to make his life miserable before killing him and then leaving his body for Virtue to see? Wouldn't you like to see that?"
"Get on that ship she's on and turn all of her stars into your subjects. They can't resist and will never notice."
It's not like Alm had a choice. Her own body was too weak to do anything and the chances of her getting caught while in the Comet Observatory were high, but she didn't want to disappoint her father who was grinning ear to ear for once so…
Back at Smash Brothers Mansion, there has been other drama occurring mainly revolving around Pit as usual. Recently the white angel has been leaving the mansion to take on other missions assigned to him by the Angel Assembly. These missions were not under Palutena's watchful eye, so she was kept in the dark of what he was doing behind her back. It wasn't anything that would lead to a betrayal of course, but the green haired Goddess wasn't pleased with how the other angels were ordering her precious captain around.
These missions have caused Pit to become rather distant and quiet compared to his normally cheerful self. When he came back, he usually went straight to bed completely exhausted and would leave in the morning immediately repeating the process. Normally Pit came back before his matches, but now it got to the point where he just missed out entirely and would have a long list of make-up matches. As long as they weren't his tournament matches, Pit was in the clear but it didn't look good for the captain of the royal bodyguards to be missing out. It was made worse when Pit wouldn't give any details on what the mission he was going on was or what the Angel Assembly wanted. It drove Palutena up the wall because it honestly wasn't her business. It was always between the royal bodyguards and the Angel Assembly and she had no part in their constant squabbles. If Pit was trying to bridge the gap at this point and had to work incredibly long hours to do so, she could not interfere. She could only tell Pit to watch his health so he doesn't collapse when she's not around.
Pit's friends were worried for the light angel as well and often pestered him whenever he was around the mansion. Megaman constantly failed at getting information due to how Pit was quick to dismiss him. With Red, Pit ended up fighting with him on multiple occasions resulting in Red leaving in a sour mood. Pit would argue with Sonic too who honestly was worried that Pit was going to faint with how tired he appeared. Sonic could have laid some pressure if he didn't have his own issues at the moment and that concerned a certain pilot from Star Fox having relationship problems. Finally, Ike was probably the last friend that was trying to convince Pit to take care of himself. Pit would nod his head, but then would admit that this mission is too important for him to rest. When all was said and done, he could sleep as much as he wanted, eat as much as he wanted and rest in the hot springs to relax his muscles.
Pit avoided Dark Pit like the plague due to these missions. At first Dark Pit didn't care what Pit was doing as long as he took care of himself. As time went on, Pit wasn't doing so and it caused him irritation to no end feeling the pain his light twin was going through. Because Pit failed to eat, sleep and go into the hot spring, Dark Pit felt like he had to make up for it. He swore that he lost so much time because of his random naps or how he might have gained weight because Pit refused to eat. Lucina would make sure that he wouldn't take deadly naps or faint during Smash matches, but other than the major inconvenience, Dark Pit failed to admit that he probably was feeling lonely in the big bed he shared with the white angel. At night, he could feel Pit slip in from the weapon and sneak into the bed hoping that he didn't wake up his younger twin. There was no, "Good morning" or "Good evening" or "Good night" from Pit when he did this. He just left without saying a word. Dark Pit felt like Pit was acting how he would especially when he was asked to join Smash Brothers. Back then he was aloof and kept people at arm length. Now it was in reverse and it worried him greatly.
He finally managed to corner him one night waiting for Pit to return. The angel went through the window again with a mysterious golden bag. For once Pit was smiling at his accomplishment as he intended to finish up in a couple of days. He wasn't expecting Dark Pit to be up that night and ask him what he was doing.
"Go back to bed, Pittoo. I'll be fine."
"Pit…you have been doing this for the past couple of weeks. Are you finally going to spill the beans or am I going to have to beat the answer out of you? Palutena and everyone else are worried about you and because you fail to take care of yourself, I have to pick up the slack in everything! I hate being unproductive!"
Pit looked at the back and sighed in defeat before sitting on the bed urging his twin to come closer.
"Fine, I'll tell you. I'm going to be done soon anyway. I just need to head back to that little brat tomorrow and I'm certain it will be done."
"What are you talking about?"
Pit held out the golden bag in front of him. Dark Pit could tell just from looking at it there was something magical about it.
"I went to the Golden Land." The light angel confessed. "I went straight to Prism and asked him something important."
Dark Pit had a vague memory of who Prism was. From the way the divine beings and angels spoke of Prism, he was apparently the creator of the universe that took the form of a spoiled blond boy to throw everyone off. This kid was a sorcerer who lived inside a magical realm called the Golden Land said to be the center of the universe. It was nearly impossible for the normal person to enter due to how certain requirements are needed to gain access. Angels were actually given easy access in comparison to every other race due to Prism's apparent favoritism to the archangel Michael.
"I admit I lost track of time in the Golden Land." Pit continued as he opened the bag and reached for something to show the dark angel. "I needed to ask Prism about how the souls in the universe work."
Dark Pit tilted his head in confusion especially when the angel let out a groan when he realized he didn't have the item yet. Instead a golden butterfly flew out of the bag fluttering around the room before landing on the dark angel's head. Pittoo couldn't help but be memorized at the color of the butterfly.
"…I'm going to separate our souls…Pittoo. That way, you will never have to worry about dying if I were to do something reckless."
This caught Dark Pit's attention. He needed to hear that again.
"You heard me right Pittoo. I'm going to make sure you are your own person. You will never have to feel obligated to be by my side just to survive." Pit smiled thinking that Pittoo could probably fly on his own once he's no longer attached to Pit's soul.
The crimson eyed angel's eyes widened in disbelief. His jaw drops slightly before shifting his gaze away. He tried to say something, but nothing but stutters came out and he shut his mouth.
"Prism is making me play a wild goose chase." Pit started to complain. "He said I had to collect all of these items from the universe and bring it back to him as proof. It doesn't help that I needed to speak to Cherub just to make sure I'm doing it right."
"Wait…weren't the angels…"
"No way! I had to make up some excuse so Lady Palutena doesn't start badgering at my plan. The Angel Assembly was the best scapegoat for me to use…although I do admit that I have been asking Valerie for some assistance, but when he's busy I just go to the Witch Hunter Realm and get Virtue and Jingle to help me out."
Dark Pit couldn't believe his ears. Pit was suffering these past couple of weeks for his sake? He was going through this small hell because in the long run, he wouldn't have to feel like this anymore? That sounded too good to be true.
"Pit…that can't be right. We're the same person…I'm your clone. There is no way…"
"There is!" Pit shouted catching him off guard. "I asked…no…I begged Prism to tell me what to do and he told me how the process is going to work. For now, I need to collect these items and with my own skill need to carve an item that I can give to you. From there, I'll take you to the Golden Land and Prism will work his magic."
This really was too much for the black angel to handle. His fists were shaking unable to stop due to the rage building up inside of him.
"And you were not going to tell anyone…about this stupid plan…"
"It's not stupid Pittoo…and I couldn't. If Lady Palutena found out…she would stop it. She would tell me I was playing God at this point and that I would need to stop before I lost myself." Pit's expression darkened slightly as he sighed. "I know what I'm doing…is what my stupid old man would do to see his beloved again…but you're important to me Pittoo. You're my rival, my friend, my little twin brother…and the one I love more than anything. I'll do anything to make you happy."
"…Is that what you really think?"
"Are you just saying that…or are you just doing this because I'm a burden to you…if our souls are cut…I won't just…die…and vanish…"
The golden butterfly immediately started to flutter off of Pit's head to go settle itself on the window still. Pit shook his head as he put his arm around the dark angel who found it interesting to stare at his and Pit's feet rather than look into the blue orbed angel.
"That won't happen. I won't let it happen."
"…There aren't any guarantees, Pit…just stop before you hurt yourself. I'm not worth it. I'm your clone."
"Why do you keep repeating that? Lady Palutena, Lucina and I have told you multiple times you are more than just a clone of me. You are your own person, Pittoo. That means that you must maintain your own identity."
The dark angel wasn't too sure of that. Pit let out another sigh as he slowly grabbed a hold of his twin's chin to have him face his way. Dark Pit was not expecting a kiss after being denied any contact with Pit for as long as he's been on this hopeless mission.
"So don't get discouraged, k?"
Dark Pit looked away still breathless from the kiss. Pit frowned seeing his twin not convinced that he could be separated from him. This was what Dark Pit wanted more than anything besides wanting to fly. Pit felt like he could speed up the ability to fly faster if he did this mission at the cost of his health. He was almost done, so the dark angel needed to hold on.
The two heard a crash from the outside that caused the mansion to rumble. Looking out the window, they could see that Rosalina finally came back from whatever her mission was, but something was off. Normally, she landed her ship without making any noise but this time she might have actually hit the mansion. She must have been tired.
"Well, I guess Rosalina is crashing the party." Pit tried to joke causing the black angel to grumble. He went over to the window and opened it to see how much damage was done and was rather surprised that even with the Comet Observatory, Rosalina still managed to keep the mansion in one piece.
The same could not be said for Rosalina when she came out with Polari. Normally, she would just put the ship with the rest of the big ones that other Smashers used like the Halberd or smaller ones like the Arwings.
The first thing that the angel twins could see from their window was that the normal turquoise dress she wore was her shiny black outfit. This wouldn't be something noteworthy except that there were some huge differences to the dress. Instead of black and yellow, it was black with purple stars and her crown was painted a dark shade of amethyst that was darker than the color scheme of the Golden Land. Rosalina was good at keeping her monotone expression at all given times, but she obviously appeared tired and agitated coming out of the Comet Observatory. Even Polari and the Lumas looked a little different but the angels wouldn't be able to pinpoint what was wrong with them.
They saw Peach coming out of the mansion. Pit wondered why it wasn't Palutena to check up on Rosalina, but given how those two were best friends, the Goddess of Light probably didn't need to check up on her immediately. Peach just happened to be on the bottom floor to see what occurred and immediately went to check up on the Queen of the Cosmos.
"Rosalina, what happened?" Peach asked with worry in her eyes. "You seem out of it."
"…I'm fine."
"You're paler than normal. You typically would not have crashed the Comet Observatory. Are the Lumas okay? They don't appear well."
Rosalina attempted to go past the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom only to be stopped with more questions that she would rather not answer.
"You should check in with Dr. Mario if you're not feeling too well."
"…I'm fine." She repeated her voice threatening to crack.
"No, you're not fine. I'll help you to the infirmary. I'll get Mario to help you to the infirmary."
Rosalina never raised her voice no matter what the situation was, so seeing her project her voice and to Peach of all people caused her and anyone who was near the area (or watching from the window) to jump.
"…I am just tired. I would like to be alone without you bombarding me with questions."
Peach wanted to keep talking to the Goddess of Space, but Rosalina just walked past her and didn't turn back. The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom placed her hands toward her heart feeling that it would be ripped out of her body. Rosalina never acted like this, but perhaps something happened that made her snappy. Tonight was just one of those nights where she could get anything out of her. She would try again tomorrow when Rosalina didn't act so isolated. The angel twins who bore witness to the scene feared the worse that would come the next couple of days.
For the next couple of days, the Smashers noted many changes in Rosalina's personality. The normally emotionless Cosmic Traveler dropped the idea that she was incapable of not feeling emotions immediately with how she trotted around Smash Brothers Mansion.
Rosalina took the time to complete all the matches she didn't attend for the past couple of days and during those matches, aggressive tendencies started to come out from her and the Lumas. Normally Rosalina tended to sit back and train the Smashers in battle. Now, she applied the rush down tactics that caught a lot of Smashers off guard especially when they would have wounds after the battle. If Rosalina injured someone, she was usually the one to heal you, but since she was causing the injuries, she ignored Smashers who were complaining and just went to see Dr. Mario.
Outside of Smash, she snapped at anyone who asked her what happened. It was obviously something bad happened and she didn't want to talk about it. Peach wouldn't take no for an answer and it always ended badly for her. Dr. Mario was concerned for Peach coming into the infirmary one time the scratches on her arm.
Because Rosalina was being snappy, not even Master Hand could do anything about it. He nagged her to put the Comet Observatory back with the rest of the ships, but seeing as how the Queen of the Cosmos was exerting her power over him like Palutena did on a daily basis, he would let it slide knowing Rosalina will fix it when she was done throwing a temper tantrum.
It got to the point that everyone just avoided her or tried to switch the upcoming matches so they wouldn't fight her. You would have people like Wario who joked she was PMSing but it wasn't a laughing matter especially since Wario had to go to infirmary for making that statement in hearing range.
Besides Peach, the only people who persisted in trying to figure out what was wrong with Rosalina's change of personality were Palutena and Mario. The former only got concerned when Rosalina started prancing around the room like it was hers (despite Palutena doing it so often that Rosalina just accepted it). The latter after seeing what was going on with Peach and witnessing many people were being sent to the infirmary (and seeing the Lumas having no problem attacking the Pokémon when they didn't think that anyone was looking) continued to communicate with her. Rosalina was calmer around those two then say Peach who she was the most antagonistic to, but she still wouldn't tell them what was going on.
Palutena was the first to try to have a serious talk with her, but once she got rejected, she ended up going to Ganondorf's room to complain about how Rosalina wasn't being as nice as she usually was. What ended up happening though was Rosalina teleporting herself inside Ganondorf's room and sitting between them in the bed.
Ganondorf let out a string of curse words when he did it and left the room thinking that Palutena was pranking him with her. While Palutena was annoyed that nothing would go on with the King of Evil, she enjoyed how the Queen of the Cosmos had some pranks in her despite this personality change. To say Mario was not disappoint with Palutena for giving up after the two Goddesses trolled Ganondorf was an understatement.
The Italian plumber was the one that had to confront Rosalina a day after that prank that spread around the mansion. Because of Palutena, everyone thought everything was back to normal thanks to Palutena's genuine friendship from the Queen of the Cosmos and that was far from the case given how the Lumas still appeared to be unstable.
He wanted to confront her on the roof. It was her favorite spot to hang out at night whenever the Goddess of Light kicked her out when Ganondorf came into their room. She would often gaze at the stars at night always thinking about the past. The Italian plumber would remind her that she was in the present now with a new family to rely on and that she would never be alone again. She always gave him a kind but tragic smile whenever he said this. Mario probably didn't know true despair hence why he could throw those lines out to her.
"Rosalina," he spoke as she waited in the same location as she usually stood on the roof, "is there something troubling you?"
"Mario…I have stated many times there is nothing wrong. I have…just been tired."
"Peach had suggested that you go see my cousin and you declined. Is there a reason for this?"
"I may be tired, but I am not injured."
You sent others to him though. Mario snarked to himself as he stood by her side gazing at the stars above. He immediately noticed that something was off about the Queen of the Cosmos. Her new outfit to show the change of her attitude was one thing (and he would never admit how attractive she looked in it), but he felt this aura that didn't belong to Rosalina circle around her. Call him crazy but Rosalina always held herself high with her elegance and grace, but now it seemed there was nothing but venom shooting out at her. Her eyes weren't as gentle as they use to be either and for a second, he thought he saw her second eye that was always hidden behind her bangs.
"Mario, I am fine. You do not need to worry about me."
"I will trust you when you no longer hurt Peach."
"You sent her to the infirmary after she questioned you again. Why would you need to do that? You two are friends."
Maybe he shouldn't have used that word at the moment given her mood. Rosalina immediately turned toward Mario with a grim expression plastered on her face.
"I am only friends with her to be next to you, Mario." Rosalina stated catching the plumber off guard with how blunt she was being. "Peach is the most precious person to you…something that I could never achieve with you. She may be helpless, but you appreciate that more than someone who needs no assistance."
"R-Rosalina, what are you saying?"
"…I'm saying...that I am jealous of Peach who has a great man by her side yet won't seal the deal with you."
Mario stepped back a little. Rosalina wasn't this blunt and this type of bluntness made him uncomfortable and was made worse by Rosalina walking toward him with her usual slow walk but suddenly picking up the pace to get in his face (or at least try to given Mario was half her height).
"Umm…Rosalina…aren't you a little…too close?"
The Queen of the Cosmos flinched with how shaky his voice sounded. Something inside of her was resisting the urge to just come out and be completely honest about what was going on with her. The side telling her to be truthful won out.
"…Mario…" She began with her stoic expression falling as she grabbed both of his shoulders. "You are very important to me."
"Uh…you are for me too…but…this is kind of…"
"I want you to always be my side and to forget Peach."
"I love you."
His mind shut down at this point when she attempted to lean in for a kiss. She hesitated and just kissed him on his knows. If his cheeks weren't as red as his hat then, it was now as he pushed her away. As the Goddess of Space, it wouldn't do much unlike in the actual Smash matches but the look on Rosalina's face revealed everything Mario needed to know what was going on with her.
"R-Rosalina…sorry but you know I have Peach…"
"…Of course you do…" She muttered darkly as she turned around with a wand in hand. "…That's why the only way to have you after everything you had done for me…is to eliminate her out of the equation."
Rosalina immediately teleported away from the roof leaving the Italian plumber to ask himself what just happened. Mario felt something bad was going to happen and rushed toward Peach's room where the pale skinned Goddess was heading.
Unaware of the chaos that was going on inside the mansion, a group of Smashers gathered together in front courtyard of the mansion by Shulk's request. The Heir to the Monado wanted to introduce someone to the group of friends and he felt like this was a good time to do so. Originally, he just wanted to talk to the Robin twins who he was the closest to in the mansion, but given how Meta Knight was suspicious of Shulk's actions, the Hom allowed Meta Knight to attend with Kirby and DDD jumping in just in case this friend was someone that was dangerous.
Shulk didn't think that though. The person he would introduce was one of the most helpful allies on his journey despite his ambiguous actions. The more he used the Monado, the more Shulk felt like it wasn't fair that this person wasn't getting acknowledged in Smash at all. After he introduced his friend to these Smashers, he would take him to Master Hand and request if he could stay in the mansion due to what he was.
"Where is your friend?" DDD asked impatiently. "I don't like waiting."
Shulk wanted to point out how he didn't invite the King of Dreamland to introduce his friend, but there wasn't much he could do. Robin was eager to meet who this friend is. If he were anything like Dunban and Riki, he would be an interesting character (and yes she assumed it was a man). Rob was only slightly nervous because there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he would have competition.
"Alright everyone, I would like to introduce you to Alvis." Shulk said with a small smile as he held up the Monado. This confused everyone deeply but Shulk told the Smashers to give Alvis a moment. The blade began to glow its bright colors before someone was manifesting in front of the Monado boy. It was a young man with silver hair and eyes. His purple attire stood out making him look high class. If Robin weren't married to Henry, she would outright say Alvis was gorgeous (but it must be the hair).
Rob immediately felt something from Shulk's friend causing him to glare when he introduced himself to the group. The Smashers were still in awe at what just happened.
"So…there was a being inside the sword." Meta Knight states simply. "This explains much during combat."
"Yes and no." Alvis began to the veteran Star Warrior. "I am both the Monado and my own being. I am a seer if you will. My ability to see the future at will and allow others to see what I saw is what you see when Shulk fights against you. When not in direct sight I can either be the actual spirit of Monado, Shulk's will power, or I can simply be watching from afar."
Shulk understood what Alvis was saying despite how vague he was being. It seemed like only Robin and Meta Knight picked up exactly what Alvis was trying to convey. With everyone else…
"You lost me." Rob stated with a frown. "What wish are you talking about? Shulk, does it have to do with your demi-God status you spoke about that one time?"
"Kind off…" Shulk murmured not really wanting to attach that title to him. He was no Rosalina or Palutena when it came to divine powers, but perhaps seeing the future could be seen as such.
"It's closer to the side of no to be precise. Between the two of us I am the greater being. Shulk is merely borrowing my power, much like his predecessors had done." The silver haired Hom continued as he attempted an explanation. "All of which Shulk does affects the passage of fate, his will power alone is what makes having his Monado possible. To be truly correct, any sword Shulk takes into his hand can become a Monado if he so wills it."
Rob was even more loss than he was before. Kirby and DDD just gave up and just nodded their head like they knew what he was talking about so they didn't look like an idiot like Rob was demonstrating to be trying to piece the information together.
Alvis wouldn't be able to explain anymore to the male tactician when a scream was heard in the mansion that echoed throughout the area. It alerted all the Smashers recognizing it as Peach's distress call.
"Is Bowser starting his scheme again?" DDD had to joke as he got his mallet ready in chase something was going to go down.
It wasn't Bowser though. The group was rather surprised how it was Rosalina that was rushing out of the mansion levitating Peach in a ball made worse that she was actually injured. Meta Knight was horrified at how her dress was torn up, obviously red marks were on her pretty face and tears were flowing down her eyes. Rosalina stopped when she saw the Smashers to the side of her. The stare she gave them froze many in place. Even if she kept a monotone expression, her eyes were warm except when competing in Smash. Now, they looked ready to shoot lasers.
She observed the Smashers as Peach was banging on the bubble begging for someone to help her. Rosalina paid close attention to Kirby and Shulk though.
"…Those two will be a nuisance." She suddenly said as the Lumas suddenly appeared beside her with demonic expressions. Kirby flinched feeling like he was having a repeat of the Scarfy incident in Dream Land. "I leave it to you."
Without warning, the Lumas suddenly charged at the Smashers unprovoked with rage. Robin was quick to react and ordered everyone to scatter. This proved to be a strategy. When they were together, they could at least prevent each other from being hit in the back, but now that the Smashers were split in half, it would be difficult to protect one another. These Lumas were vicious compared to what they have done in Smash where they had great knockback. Kirby was the first to decide to run away despite Meta Knight shouting at Kirby to not run like a coward. Because the Robin twins weren't expecting a sudden attack, they forgot their tomes and just carried their weak bronze sword. Shulk didn't want to turn the Monado on the Lumas but Alvis not having the same sympathetic streak as Shulk manifested his Claymore.
The battle went poorly due to the vast number of Luma made worse how many of them created a wall acting as a lock to prevent any Smashers from following Rosalina if they were to take the front door. It would have been better for them to just jump from the window, but Rosalina thought of that too and some of the Lumas turned into spikes should anyone be foolish to jump to get to her.
DDD wasn't a fast swinger with his mallet so he ended up being overwhelmed by the crazed stars being tackled amongst each other for serious damage. Meta Knight sliced at the Lumas effectively making them disappear and attempted to help the King of Dreamland but found himself overwhelmed. He had to teleport away to help Kirby who was also being treated like a ball. The pink puffball would not hurt the cute little stars he befriended. They weren't acting normal at all!
"Poyo, stop it!" Kirby cried out as he was tackled by the Luma and smacked into the ground.
"Kirby!" Meta Knight called out as he took a defensive stance in front of the young Star Warrior. The Lumas however formed together to make a fly swatter and brought it down on both of them flattening them both in the process. DDD was then picked up by the Lumas and then thrown into the window of the second floor shattering it in the process. Another scream was heard of whoever's room it was that DDD was thrown into.
The damage wasn't done though. Rob realized that he needed to protect his sister at all cost. She didn't tell that many Smashers yet, but she was pregnant with Morgan therefore she should be taking it easy in Smash. Once she conveyed the news to Master Hand, she would be out of the tournament for a while (which is a good thing she got her tournament match done for round one). With how defenseless she was with her bronze sword, Rob had to let Shulk watch his own back and stand next to his older twin sister. Shulk wasn't alone though as he had Alvis watching him.
There was a difference with how the two groups from another world fought. By pairing up, the Robin twins fared better against the Luma who were forming into weapons to attack them while with the Homs duo fought more separated from each other but despite that they didn't have any cheap hits thrown in.
"Shulk, we must knock out the source."
"If that is her name, then yes. A bad aura is coming out of her… and it's only getting stronger."
Shulk wouldn't be able to understand what Alvis was talking about. Alvis however saw the image of a small creepy child that was pulling the strings of the Queen of the Cosmos like a puppet. The soul of Rosalina was nowhere to be found.
The small child saw the look in Alvis' eyes and panicked. She pointed her wand toward Alvis and ordered the Luma's to form a large sword that appeared capable of impaling anything. The speed of the blade was amazing and the two were able to dodge it. Shulk's eyes blinked as he suddenly got a vision of the sword making a u-turn and impaling Alvis in the back of his head as if he didn't get the vision of the sword aiming for him at all. After all, the sword was playing around with the other Smashers before going after its target.
"Alvis look out!"
The sword rushed past the tactician twins effectively separating the two and preventing an effective pair up. Robin was knocked to the ground from the speed and found herself not being able to get back up. Rob didn't think when he jumped over her so he would take the blow for his sister. He was lucky the sword was not aiming for him and a sinister chuckle could be heard as it aimed itself at Alvis who only turned around to see the blade aim for him. Shulk recklessly pushed the silver haired Hom out of the way and let out a scream when he was impaled in the chest. Rob looked up from protecting his sister only to see the blond struggling to break free from the blade that was lifting him into the air. Because of the impact, Shulk ended up dropping his Monado.
"S-Shulk!" Alvis called out as he attempted to help the Heir to the Monado as he made his Claymore disappear so he could pick up the Monado itself. The Lumas were simply ordered to restrain Alvis now instead of going for the kill. The silver haired Hom struck at the many Luma blocking his path, but being by himself made it impossible to rush to the seer.
It wasn't just Shulk being carried over to Rosalina. The Lumas also picked up a flattened Kirby and threw it into the same bubble that Peach was in. The pink puffball was too dazed to realize that he had been captured. Rob could only watch in horror as Rosalina turned her back and slowly made her way toward the Comet Observatory taking Shulk, Peach and Kirby with her.
Rosalina's expression darkened as the Goddess of Light teleported in front of her with her scepter in hand.
"Rosalina, this is as far as you will go."
"No, Rosalina, you stop this now. This isn't you."
Rosalina attempted to throw a Luma at Palutena's face while she was still talking. Not appreciating the disrespect her friend was giving her, the green haired Goddess smacked the Luma out of the way with her hand instead of her scepter causing it to disappear.
"Palutena, do not interfere. I have plans for these three."
"What plans Rosalina? You nearly killed Peach back there! Shulk is going to die if you keep him right that! What are you doing?!"
Rosalina only looked up toward the fourth floor where she could see Pit and Dark Pit looking down at the battle. They didn't leave their room due to how the spikes were on the floor and Rosalina made sure to have the door locked from the outside of their room. Their only way was the window, but again it was too risky. Palutena's eyes widened in horror seeing what Rosalina's intentions were.
"Palutena, I wouldn't want to get your angels bloody. I'm heading back to my ship to Clockwork Galaxy. Do not try to stop me."
"I don't even know what you're doing Rosalina, but if you won't repent…then I-"
"You'll do the same thing to me like you did Medusa. You weren't good at not having your way."
She was hitting her buttons. Palutena attempted to remain calm but when Rosalina ordered her Luma to turn into a boxing glove with spikes on it deliberately aimed at the angel twins, the Goddess of Light reacted immediately when the glove attempted to punch its way toward the fourth floor.
"PIT! DARK PIT!" She cried out as she took the punch that sent her flying into the window.
"LADY PALUTENA!" Pit could be heard screaming. "ARE YOU OKAY?!"
This was the opportunity to escape. Shulk was still conscious and tried to reach out to Rosalina. Before he started to black out, he could see the aura that Alvis was talking about. A small girl who was relieved that the big problem was gone and now she could leave the mansion without fail.
"GET BACK HERE!" Rob screamed as he stood up seeing the Lumas retreating by Rosalina's orders. "SHULK!"
The Comet Observatory started to move on its own now. With the three Smashers as hostages, Rosalina floated over to her ship with the Lumas leaving everyone in a convoluted mess. It was now that the Luma lock was gone and Mario was finally able to run out only to see that Rosalina was already making her getaway.
"PEACH! ROSALINA!" He shouted as he rashly tried to chase after them. With his jump and speed, it was impossible. The Comet Observatory gained enough elevation before it turned northwest and zoomed off to Clockwork Galaxy.
Me: TBC with 13386 words.
Li: This is not going to end well.
Me: Nope. When you got a little girl controlling an unstable Goddess, shit will hit the fan. Notes!
1. Everything Raven explains is everything I have pretty much worked on last year when I was doing the Disgaea 30 Day Challenge and Higanbana in the Red Moon.
As Raven explained, she has gone through so many timelines that now she's kind of desperate to make things easier for Prism since what she has been doing (AKA waiting around to figure out the ultimate pattern to allow a clean victory) is not working, so now she decides the Band of Six has to go.
A recap of the previous timelines is the first timeline is all the Disgaea 30 Day Challenges where they were all caught off guard and Prism died protecting Raven and gave her that pocket watch to time travel. From there, Higanbana has Raven showing Prism what had occurred in previous timelines by giving him a book she updates of each timeline. After the Artina story, I implied she kind of gave up since Prism hasn't changed too much except he knows to avoid everything he has done in those timelines from basically allowing a war between angels and demons to break up and throwing a temper tantrum when Valvatorez pisses him off in the God ending of Disgaea 4 (those were his worse mistakes). I even brought in the last chapter of Higanbana that her partner X outright states that Desco's timeline was actually the first timeline they had beaten the Great Evil at the cost of Prism sacrificing himself. This is when its clear that Raven just doesn't care if the Great Evil is killed. Her priority is Prism making it out of it alive and she would damn the universe. Her plan is dedicated to making Prism's life easier rather than stopping the Great Evil so it will obviously take at least five timelines to get rid of all the members of the Band of Six. Raven is shown to not care for how Rosalina is suffering due to how the previous stories in the timeline (some are not written yet) have Rosalina make amends with certain Smashers or she has done something memorable but is thrown away for the sake of saving the selfish creator of the universe. Daedalus in comparison is not affected that much because he has yet to find Pandora…but of course it does hurt him that his sons are killed every time the Great Evil returns (but at least it says a lot when Pit is one of the last survivors against Samael). You will start to see the suffering of everyone that Raven does not care about.
2. As the Band of Six suggests, there are six members.
I. Acedia is the leader and a child serial killer. Everything he does is out of boredom especially the experimenting on his subjects he captures. He has a nasty habit of decapitating his victims and leaving their body around for others to find. He also racked up the highest Apostle death body count directly and indirectly. I'm going to show how in the next chapter how Pit is scared of running into him because this man is incredibly dangerous and no matter how strong you are, running away is the best option because no one will laugh at you for doing so.
II. Alm is Acedia's daughter. Her mother is an Apostle of the Golden Land who was captured, experimented on, raped and then killed because Acedia was bored with her. Alm in a sense is a half witch, half demon with special powers only to her implying how she would qualify to join the Golden Land. Her crimes include listening to her father by hypnotizing her victims into committing violent crimes or suicides. She becomes more sadistic the more influence he has on her.
III. Belial so far has yet to appear in a story I have written (I intend for him to be making cameos in at least Dessert Galaxy, Dream Galaxy and Harem Galaxy as an observer of events). He is technically Acedia's right hand man. His name implies worthlessness. I have yet to do anything with him, but his crimes seem to be dragging people who are foolish enough to enter the black abyss (when he's wallowing in it, as he cannot survive outside the black abyss for long) killing them and stealing their eyes to wear while eating their flesh.
IV. Flauros was introduced in Piano Man and while he's the lowest of the group, he's the more proactive member especially after the death of Ellipse (who he fell for despite being a witch hunter). He was a former friend of Daedalus and a rival to Pandora. He's also one of the demon rankings of hell with his fire powers and is overall dangerous in battle. His main crime is how he tends to burn everything to the ground killing everyone without mercy.
V/VI. Passion and Compassion are twin succubus/incubus siblings who do the normal things sex demons do including draining the life force of their victims usually raping them in the process. They have participated in mass murder and overall are rather heartless individuals in the sense that if they're not killing their victims; they participate in the slave ring.
3. I'm implying that Alm's mother, Sine is not from the universe that the Golden Land is in. From Alm's name to the fact that Sine is classified as a Valkyrie makes it apparent that she's most likely from Norse Mythology (or in my world, would be in a different universe with all the Norse Gods). Valkyries are hard for me to classify because in Disgaea they are classified as demons but in Queen's Blade and in most series in general they are classified as angels so I made it clear there are multiple types of valkyries. So if you want a good idea of what Alm or Sine wear, think of the Chariot Master from Uprising who is implied not to even be a Greek God but someone from the Norse realm. What I mean is how his helmet looks like a Viking, his speech pattern is different and he's too serious for his own good (most Norse characters are serious in comparison to the drama queens that the Greek Gods are) and Viridi has to shoot Pit out into space far away from where the other Gods are in order to catch him implying that they are not even in the same section of the galaxy anymore.
4. Rosalina's outfit is taken from the Shadow Queen given the black and purple coloring and the Lumas shifting eyes is an influence of the Kirby enemy Scarfy when you try to inhale them. They look that scary but no one says anything, so they act all surprise when the Lumas decide to attack. The Lumas are capable of changing into anything if they wish for it.
5. I admit that I asked for AriZonia1 to help me out with Alvis' dialogue about what his role is with the Monado. I never really had to explain it given Alvis has only spoken to Shulk in all the stories he showed up. It does help to establish what is going on in these timelines with how Shulk has to introduce Alvis sometimes and Robin being pregnant with Morgan.
That's it. Reviews are appreciated. Ja ne!