Hey everyone, Dj here, and all I can say is thank you, thank you all so very much for reading my story! I don't know what I could do with out you guys, my time lords, you all are amazing, and now, there are a TON of people I have to thank.

I would like to thank the following for oc's

Angel999FTW: for Mark
PersonalitySoup: for Emma
ExODUSKING: for Exodus
pranskster: for Cindy
Frozen-Drops-Of-Fear: for Jackie
(Guest) bla na na: for Destiny
(Guest) kikna: for Skyla
SiRoLoL: for Erin
(Guest) RandomReader: for Xavier
(Guest) frostflower1243: for Frost
Dirk The Dire Wolf: for Dirk
(Guest) Elizathepuma685: for Eliza
Micahell501: for Exo
iNsAn3 Cr3aTuR3: for Fang
ItalianGod22: for Ash and Dust
Deadlycat44: for Katie, Xeno, Forest, Lightning, Tank, and Velocity

Now I would like to thank Gamer and Deadlycat44 for there awesome fan art! It always brightened my day.

Now, for awesome people who always made me smile and kept helping me Gamer, Deadlycat44, ItalianGod22, ExoDUSKING, JMads723, and Ariel Wild
These people are extremely awesome! Go check them out!

I would also like to thank Gamer, ItalianGod22 and Alpha Wolf for all helping me become a better writer. They all took there time, even though at different parts of the stories, reading over them and helping me edit.

Now a HUGE thanks to my sister, Gamer, who has been there for me, in the good, the bad, and the ugly. Honestly, I don't think I would still be alive or sane today without her! I also wouldn't have gotten enough courage to write this series! So I give her a huge thanks! She has helped me come up with the plot, the characters, and the whole story its self! She deservers as much thanks as I do.

More thanks goes out to you guys, my time lords! You guys have been so tolerant with my unusual updating patterns. You also have stuck with me in my darkest times, I don't think I would have gotten this far without you guys. You guys, my time lords are SO supportive, its amazing. All I need to do to brighten my mood is just read your comments or talk with you guys! You guys are always there, for me, and my sister. I hope you guys can keep up this positive attitude!

I would like to thank all my family, and friends. They have helped me, they gave me inspiration for characters personalities, appearances, and so much more. Thank you all!

Now final thanks to iNsAn3 Cr3aTuR3 and RegularPsycho13 for inspiration on the Foxy x Oc stories!

Thank you all for reading this series, one year ago. I started this, not thinking anyone would ever read it! Thank you all, over and out my time lords~ Dj

P.s. Always remember "the end is only the beginning"