I wasn't planning on a new story at all because I have so many up right now, but then I got inspiration for this. But I hope you will like it nonetheless and that you will leave a review with what you thought about the story and if you would like to see more. Because I am really wondering what you think.

Chronology: Takes place in the series as it is now, except that Matt and Gabby are still together.

Casey looked at Gabby as she walked past him in the fire station. This morning they had had a fight and he wanted to make it up, as it had been stupid what he said. But he had only done it because he loved her.

''Can you believe this, budget cuts again. They might even close a firehouse again.'' Severide said, walking up to Casey.

''Really?'' Casey said surprised, almost dropping his coffee and Severide nodded.


''I am sure 51 will be save this time.'' Severide said then and Casey nodded. Then Severide walked away and Casey stirred through his coffee again, thinking about the fight he and Gabby had had this morning. Yesterday evening they had had a date night out and they had had a great night together but now they had been fighting again.

Then he got up to see where she was and saw that she was cleaning the truck. Which surprised him, because he hadn't told his candidate to do it. She looked up at him with a sigh.

''Herrmann said you had said that I should clean it. Figured that was your way for getting back at me.''

''I didn't tell him anything, I haven't even spoken to him, so I think he is getting back at you for eating his lunch last shift.'' Matt said then, trying not to smirk and she carefully smiled at him.

''That could be true…but that sandwich Cindy had made for him looked a lot like mine.'' She said, carrying the bucket with soap and cleaning supplies back to the closet.

''Hey, can you come to my office for a minute?'' He asked then, laying his hand on her shoulder and she nodded, walking beside him.

He really just wanted to fix their fight because he did not like it if they had to go on a call without making up. Somehow it made him feel like if anything happened to either of them, they hadn't even made it up.

''I don't like being mad at you…you being mad at me…while we are on shift.'' Matt said then and she nodded.

''I just don't like what you said.''

''I am not taking it back, but try to look at it from my perspecti-''

Before they could finish talking about their fight the alarm for a call went off and they rushed to the truck. He hated that they had not made it up yet, but they would after this call.

Arriving at the scene they started to evacuate the people and Matt ran to the third floor, the apartments there. Two of them where empty when he ran to the last one, forcing open the door.

''Casey, we are out.''

''I am the at the last apartment.'' He said then, hoping they had everybody after this apartment.

Matt looked through the apartment.

''Fire department, call out!''

Suddenly he heard a soft voice yelling and eh ran to the little girl when he saw her. She grabbed him tight, worried that she might not be saved.

''I got you.'' He said, wanting to walk back to the hallway as he wanted to get out but the hallway was on fire and he ran back into the room, closing the door.

''Where are your parents?'' He asked then,

''They went out to the shop.'' She cried and he walked to the window, thinking about breaking it so they could get out.

''Get a ladder ready.'' He said then over the radio.

''Where are you? All the windows are blackened because the smoke?'' Otis asked, running towards the ladder.

''Second window-'' Matt counted. ''Second window from the left,''

He knew that if he would break the glass, more oxygen would reach the flames and the fire would get bigger. It was better to wait until the ladder was there so they could move out after breaking the window.

''Inform me on the radio when you have the ladder ready.'' Casey said then, looking at the flames around him as he held the little girl. They had to be quick. The smoke was so thick that he could not see anything and he put the girl down for a second to break the window as she was still holding him, pressing her face in his jacket.

''Otis, Cruz! Move that ladder!'' He yelled then.

''It's under the window.'' Otis said then and Casey looked at the girl, getting down on his knees.

''Turn around and cover your eyes.'' He said and she did so and he hit his crowbar against the window. The glass shattered and flew around and Otis looked outside, the window beside the one where the ladder was under and he started to curse in himself.

''Crap.'' As they had put it under the wrong window then he saw Matt climbing out, backwards.

''Casey! Watch out!'' Herrmann screamed through the radio, But it was already to late, Matt climbed out backwards and where he had expected the ladder to be, there was nothing.

For a second he kept hanging there but then his hands slipped away. Otis tried to move the ladder but Matt was already falling down.

None of them could do anything and Casey fell on the ground, the thud being horrible to even listen to and Gabby was the first one to move.

''Matt!'' She screamed as she yelled his way.

Boden stood there, not being able to move either.

''Go help him!'' He said then, looking at Otis and Cruz then; ''You, help the little girl!''

''don't move him.'' Herrmann said and Brett and Mills came running towards them as well.

''He still has a pulse.'' Mills said then, pushing Gabby and Herrmann aside, because too many people could not help. As Otis and Cruz helped the little girl down, they put Matt on the backboard and a brace around his neck.

''I need to go with him.'' Gabby said to Boden as they moved him to the ambulance, rushing, scared there was internal injuries.

''Go!'' Boden said and Gabby ran after the gurney, jumping in the ambulance as they rushed away. Cruz and Otis stood there, holding the little girl whom was luckily fine.

''This is my fault.'' Otis said then, scared. Cruz laid his hand on Otis shoulder, knew this was not too blame on his friend, on the other firefighter but all they could hope now was that Matt would live.

NOTE: Eek! First Matt and Gabby had a fight and he wanted to make it up, but they didn't have the time for it before they had a call to a fire and Casey tried to save a little girl. Through a mess up of one of the other firefighters he fell down two floors….what will happen now?

Upcoming: What happens with Matt, what was the fight about and will he and Gabby be okay again…and what happens to Otis and the firehouse?

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter and I really hope that you like the idea of the story. The summary gives more away now but I hope that you like the storylines coming up as you saw in here. Thank you so much again and please tell me what you thought by leaving a review so I know if I should continue this or not!