By Zoe Anderson
Infamous criminal only known as "The Brick" was found dead in the backyard of a family whose names wished to not be disclosed. The cause of his death was determined to be heart failure, probably due to some unknown condition that was not diagnosed. Police Chief Oscar Tyson told us that "the fact that this criminal is out for the count provides closure for a series of unusual and unfortunate events that have plagued Billundsburg for who knows how long".
Will put the newspaper down as he sorted stray lego pieces while Finn played with his relocated Emmett and Good Cop/Bad Cop minifigures with the other characters.
"You can't be serious Emmett!" Wyldstyle exclaimed "a duplicate of yourself in this 'other dimension' that you entered!"
"I'm serious!" Emmett answered "There was a second me that happened to be an evil version of myself"
Emmett and Bad Cop were sitting in the lunchroom eating pizzas and and enjoying coffee with their rescuers.
"What about me?" President Business asked "Was there a version of me in this world?"
"Nonsense" Batman proclaimed "There can't be a second you if someone who looked like you fell off"
"Well actually" Bad Cop began, but he was elbow jabbed by Emmett.
"It be confusin however" Metalbeard spoke "Why there be two Emmetts that have existed in these realms?"
"It's not that confusing" Benny began, and all of the rescuers stared at him, puzzled. "Many fellow minifigures look similar. My face and outfits may be no different than that of another spaceship obsessed spaceman. I knew several people who looked like me"
"So you are saying that there are multiple Emmetts?" Unikitty asked.
"Not exactly" Benny responded "There may be figures who look like Emmett, and there may be figures that have his personality. Considering the facts, I believe in the possibility"
"Not to mention that Emmett started as a blank slate when I first met him" Lucy stated
"HEY!" Emmett shouted.
"Well if this other Emmett was a blank slate" Bad Cop began "the other dimension shaped him to be a cynical brick, a practical poster child for the old order"
President Business nervously chuckled "Well at least we have each other here again"
"That's true" Emmett stated "we're home, happy, and rid of my duplicate"
The group got up from their table, taking their trays to the depository, and traveled back to their respective work areas to continue remodeling the Octan Building and restore Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Bad Cop returned to his office to check on his one artifact from their journey, contained in a file drawer.
The spare head.
He sighed as he stared at it, but a knock came at the door.
"Bad Cop, can I talk to you for a moment?"
The End