It was a week after the famous Taco Tuesday incident, and at the Octan Tower, Emmet was managing the repair and remodel of the Think Tank.
Emmet Brickowoski had recently changed the heart of the supreme ruler of the land, a minifigure named President Business, to stop using the Kragle, a material that would freeze all Lego citizens and structures.
This was because of the true masters of the Lego world, The Man Upstairs and his son Finn were able to see eye to eye when it came to Lego use.
Back in the Lego World, President Business, decided to remodel the think tank that he had used to make all Lego instructions into a new council room for the Master Builders after the one in Cloud Cuckoo Land had been destroyed.
The Master Builders are a group of Lego minifigures who have the ability to create anything from whatever pieces they can find. There are many Maser Builders, such as Dumbledore, Gandalf, Michelangelo, Michelangelo, Abraham Lincoln, William Shakespeare, Superman, Green Lantern, Bat Man, Bad Cop/ Good Cop, President Business, Benny the 80's spaceman, Emmet's girlfriend Lucy, and until recently, Emmet.
The robots of the Octan building were uninstalling the Think Tank and were adding microphones, video screens, and chairs (all of the chairs were kept away from Bad Cop who had a tendency to throw chairs when he was angry).
Bad Cop, Emmet, and Lucy were standing were standing near the window that Emmet fell through to stop an explosion from destroying the Octan Tower and the other Master Builders. Lucy and Bad Cop were asking about Emmet's experiences on the other side.
"So what was it like out there?" Bad cop asked.
"The first thing I saw..." Emmer began "Was this large circular spaceship"
"Did someone say spaceship?" asked Benny, a 1980's spaceman who just happened to be walking by.
"Yes," Emmet replied "and I saw this large black object called a... what was it... oh! It was called a Vhis"
"What happened next?" Lucy inquired.
"There was this loud noise and a strange lightshow and I returned"
To be honest, Emmet was lying. He had the ability to say anything so he could be noticed, but before Taco Tuesday, no one paid any attention to him.
"Anyways, I need to repair this window" Emmet stated "Bad Cop, will you help me?"
Bad Cop actually had two personalities due to having two faces on his Lego head. One side was the Bad Cop, a bitter and grumpy guy; the other was Good Cop, a cheerful and joyous soul.
The Cop switched to his happy face which was a scribbled smiley face due to an event that Good/Bad Cop would not like to divulge.
"Sure thing Emmet!" Good Cop replied and grabbed a ladder from the massive pie of ladders.
"You know what Emmet, I have an idea!"
Good Cop started grabbing hinge pieces, a couple of two by four blacks and some flat, non-smooth plates. He then attached it to the floor so that Good Cop could help with other things.
Emmet climbed down the ladder with a two by four piece and attached it to the building "I need a two by six black!" Emmet exclaimed.
Good Cop grabbed the right piece and started climbing down the ladder to give Emmet the brick.
As Good Cop climbed down, the apparatus that he built was starting to pry off the hinge.
Lucy was walking by the apparatus and saw that it was breaking. She rushed over to the ladder holder and tried to pull the ladder from the hinge that connected to the building and pulled as hard as she could.
But the hinge broke.
Screams from Emmet's and one of the Cop's voices were heard as the ladder fell.
Lucy was about to jump but President Business body slammed her before she could jump.
"Don't do it Lucy!" President Business pleaded.
"But I need to save Emmet!" Lucy cried out.
"We need a plan first"
"But what can we do?" Lucy wondered.
Benny, who was overhearing, chimed in. "Maybe we can build a super large SPACESHIP!"
Lucy and President Business turned to each other in astonishment.
"That... that actually sounds like an awesome idea Benny!" President Business exclaimed. "We'd better bring Unikitty and Batman with us"
So President Business, Lucy, and Benny ran to find Batman and Unikitty.
Meanwhile, Emmet and Good Cop were falling through the void and were screaming all the way.
"I THINK THAT MY BAD SELF IS GOING TO HURL!" Good Cop screamed. He then swapped to his less-than-nice alter ego and vomited.
Suddenly, a bright, blinding light overcame the two Lego minifigures and found themselves on a soft, fabric material.
"I've never felt this before" Bad Cop spoke.
"It's apparently called carpet" Emmet explained.
"So what we do?" Bad Cop asked, turning his head "Do we just...what the heck!?"
"What is it Bad Cop?" Emmet asked.
"Your skin... it's beige!"