tmnt and ninjago

a/n: I again have had another crazy idea to start another story when I have about a gazillion others and college work to be doing. This one is based on ninjago season 2 (Before Rebooted) and my other fic donatello's discovery. I own neither tmnt or ninjago. But I do own the plot and any o/c's you may come across.

Chapter 1

splinter was sitting in his bedroom meditating when the ex-turtles returned home from walking their new friend home. He knew it was them through the noise the five of them had been making. He sighed and started walking toward them. "My children, I hope that everything went as planned."
"Yeah it did sensei. I have a date on Saturday night." Donatello exclaimed happily.
"Just don't start getting ready now it's only Tuesday." Samantha said as she went into the fridge for a bottle of water.

As she was struggling against the fridge and the cast on her arm, there was a glow in the basement dojo. A portal opened and seven figures walked out. Their names were; Wu, Nya, Kai, Zane, Cole, Jay and Lloyd. They got up and shook their heads. Feeling dizzy they got to their feet. "Where are we?" Cole asked Zane did a quick location check. "We appear to be in a different dimension. In a city called New York."
"And I thought the snakes were bad." Kai said looking around. "Looks like whoever lives here practices martial arts." He commented on the sheer amount of weapons hanging on the wall. "These weapons are pretty sweet." Jay also put in wanting to be a part of the conversation.

Suddenly, the door opened. "Come on fearless. A good sparring session wont hurt ya, much." Came a voice. (It was Raphael.) Another voice spoke,
"I'll be the referee." It was a girls voice. They heard footsteps coming quickly down the stairs. Panicking the ninja hid. "Alright. Leonardo, Raphael, I want a nice clean fight. Weapons are aloud but you have to use each others," she told them "Ready stance." She said to them. The two boys bowed and readied their weapons. "Go." She said.

Jay and Zane had a perfect view of this fight and they both amazed at what the two young boys could do. Leo dropped kicked Raph and pretended to stab him with his own Sai. "Their good." Zane commented. Jay got a bit over-excited.
"They are not just good they are AWESOME." He shouted the last word. The sparring stopped. The teenagers turned toward the yell weapons reared. Jay and Zane painicked.
"Who's there?" Asked Leo into with Raph's Sai held tightly in his hand. "Come out now." Cole stepped out first not knowing if he was going to be attacked or not.
"We come in peace." He said with his arms in the air.
"Your not who we heard shouting." Samie picked up on. Jay and Zane stepped out from their hiding places
"I'm sorry, it was me." Jay apologised to Cole and Zane. Feeling defeated the others all stepped out. First Nya procting Lloyd, then Wu followed closely by Kai. The three teens got into a ready position. Zane returned the peace. "Wait, we mean you no harm. We don't even know how we got here in the first place"

Splinter, Michelangelo and Donatello came down the stairs hearing the commotion. "What is going on down here.?" He asked as he tried to pull Donnie from the advanced technology of Zane. "My students and I were training, when we suddenly pulled into a vortex. We have no idea how we got here." It was the first time that Wu had spoken since arriving. "I see would you like to tell me more about this over some tea?" Splinter asked Wu nodded unable to pass up the opportunity for a hot cup of tea. The two of them left for Splinter's bedroom.

Mikey quickly made his move. "So do you guys wanna hang out. We could play video games. You two girls could paint your nails or give each other make overs."
"I don't mind hanging out. But you friend there looks like he wants to take Zane apart." Nya said.
"Come on we will show you around and then we need to get back to our homework." Leo told his siblings. Raph and Mikey both sighed heavily at this.
"I bet I can beat you at GTA." Came the excited yells of Mikey from the back of the group.

Half an hour later, any thoughts of homework had been abandoned as they had all decided to have night of video games. They were all having a blast and the fun was lasting all night. It was Samie, Nya, Lloyd, Mikey and Donnie against Leo, Raph, Cole, Jay, Kai and Zane. It was neck and neck. But nobody was willing to lose the lead. They were all to busy focusing on the television set that they didn't notice their sensei's come into the room. The boys all screamed when it turned

"Children we have some important news to tell you." Splinters' five children focused on him.
"Yes, Splinter is right boys Nya, listen up." The others payed attention to splinter as well.
"You will all be staying here until we can find away to get you back home." Being young they all screamed when they heard the news, several high fives were passed around. "Nya can share with me." Samie offered as the two had bonded pretty quickly. Wu and splinter agreed to share. LLoyd said he would share with Jay and Mikey, Raph was sharing with Kai, Zane was sharing with Donnie, and Leo was sharing with Cole.

The next morning everybody got up as the teens had to go to school. "Senei have you seen my bagpack?" Came the hurried and rather paincked voice of Mickey.
"Michelangelo, you left it in the kitchen last night." He called back. Mikey came into the kitchen and seen his bag straight away, he picked it up and left the house to catch up with everybody else. "Is that normal in this place?" Kai asked sipping some coffee and eating some cereal.

Zane came into the room. "Good morning everyone." He said and started pouring his own box of cereal. "I had a strange dream last night. It involved Donatello fixing me. I hope that it doesn't come to pass any time soon. I want to be in one piece."
"Yiu have some pretty weird dreams buddy." Kai said now reading the New York Times. Jay started to get restless. "Why don't we go and train downstairs." He said
"Let Zane finish his breakfast Jay." Wu said entering the kitchen. "We will train while the others are at school." Jay left to go and warm up.

Later on after the ex-turtles had gotten home the elemental ninja and the teenage mutant ninja were sparring against each other. Leo was against Kai. Cole was against Raph. Jay was against Mikey and Donnie was against Zane. It was very interesting for them to watch splinter and Wu spar.

The day was pretty relaxed only problem was they had no idea how to get everybody back home. Wu had asked Zane to check hi database to see if there was anyway for them to open an other portal. He said that there was one way. "Sensei. There is only one way to get back to our dimension. We have to fight some guy called the Shredder. According to my database, he is the one who brought us here." The others stopped what they were doing and looked at him. "What, what did I say?"
"The shredder is the reason why we were mutated from baby turtles, he is the reason why Donnie created a way for us to turn human. He has plagued our lives for years" Leonardo explained. The looks they got in return were grave.

"There is only one thing left to my children." Splinter spoke
"What's that Sensei?" asked Leo
"We have to fight the shredder."

a/n: first chapter finished.