For those of you who do not yet know me. I am TinkanaiT32 AKA the Truthsayer of Fanfiction. I tell the dramatic truth, the whole dramatic truth, and nothing but the dramatic truth. My reviews are lengthy, legendary, and love-filled (Okay maybe not so much the middle but that's how I view it). And for those who do know me...

Ello' Chick-a-dees! Long time no see..uh…write…er…you know what I mean! I missed you guys (and girls) like crazy. What began as enlightenment quickly grew into torture. Quit FF?! How in the world could I possibly do that? Answer: Obviously I couldn't. I tried really hard, but my OTPs and favorite authors just dragged me back in.

Now, I finally got my butt back into gear to revive my old stories (as well as improve them of course). Well, Chick-a-dees…enjoy~

Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC, APH, DBZ, or even SNK. No people, I am just a lowly fangirl creating stories to entertain everyone


There was nothing but silence in the host club that afternoon, but it was filled with costumers as usual. These costumers were looking at the scene unfurling before them with growing interest. In addition to the usual Ouran hosts parading around the room, now a new group of foreigners stood amongst them.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that? You want to be...what?" Tamaki exclaimed looking at the new arrivals in confusion and disbelief. The other stared back undaunted, blue eyes twinkling in mirth, not easily intimidated.

"We want to be temporary hosts here," he repeated. "If you wouldn't mind," he added at the end just to get the other riled up. It worked perfectly.

"I mind!" The blonde teen immediately responded.

"Tamaki," Kyoya said from Tamaki's side. "No need to be hasty in making decisions." A smirk was fighting to stay off his face at his classmate's expression.

"What decision is there to be made?! We here are Ouran each have specific types, techniques if you will, that ensure the satisfaction of our guests. And currently we aren't-"

"Oh yes," the other equally blonde man interrupted, much to the teen's annoyance. "I researched this and I think the people I have brought with me fill those roles perfectly." He gestured to the group behind him that he had dragged into this endeavor.

"We already have-"

"Tamaki," Kyoya said in 'that tone' of voice and it quieted the dramatic teen. While Tamaki retired to his emo corner with a dark cloud over him, the dark haired teen then turned towards the newcomers. "The 'Strong and Silent' type," the black-haired teen fired off, curious to see which ones his little group would fill which slots.

The leader of the group snapped his fingers and another blonde stepped forward, this one with hair slicked back and icy blue eyes. A stern expression adorned his face and he gave a nod of the head. "Ludwig," he was the only thing he offered, giving out his human name while simultaneously cursing France for dragging him away from his work and into this ridiculousness. There was a low murmur from the females in the room that only increased when a light pink dusted across Germany's cheeks at the attention shown to him. Kyoya took note of it all with a sly smirk.

"The 'Boy Lolita' type," he continued.

There was another snap of France's fingers and a small brown-haired man literally bounced out from the group. His eyes were closed, but there was a huge smile on his face. "PAAAAASSSSSTTAAAAAAAA!" Italy said with his hands outstretched in the air. It caused a chorus of giggles to erupt in the room. At Germany's not-so-discreetly cleared throat, the Italian smiled sheepishly. "I mean, hiya! My name's Feliciano," he told everyone, and the females just about cooed at the innocence that radiated from the man.

"The 'Mischievous' type," a different voice entered. Actually it was two voices speaking in unison, seeming almost like surround sound. Twins Hikaru and Kaoru were back to back, creating quite the symmetrical picture while they watched the scene with eyes filled with mischief.

France snapped once more and a pair of blonde twins stepped forward nearly identical except for their eye color. The one with blue orbs wrapped his arms around the one with violet orbs protectively. "The name's Alfred, and this here is Matthew," America took control of the conversation much to the chagrin of his neighboring country.

"You can call me Mattie," the more quiet of the two tried to put in, but his older twin grabbed his chin and made it so that they were facing each other. Lips barely an inch apart.

"Nuh-un, only I can call you that," he said lowly causing Canada to blush and the females to squeal in excitement. Kyoya could practically see the extra revenue that would be coming in with the addition of this new group. However, there were more in store.

"The 'Cool' type," he smirked with just a bit of arrogance.

The sound of another snap filled the room and another blonde stepped forward, this one a bit short with startling green eyes. Switzerland was twirling a pen in his fingers wishing it was a gun he could train on France for pulling him into this 'adventure'. "Vash," he offered giving Kyoya a once over. The two stared down each other judging the other's 'cool' persona. Kyoya had to admit, he was impressed. With a nod the dark haired teen continued.

"The 'Prince Charming' type."

"Why, that would be me of course. Francis," France responded giving a bow with flourish. That statement got Tamaki out of his funk and he removed himself from his emo corner. Within seconds was right in the middle of the group challenging the other's words.

"Prove it!"

The flashy blonde rose to the challenge and sauntered over to a nearby princess. "Why, mon amour," he purred, taking her hand. "If I had to name all the things about you that drove me crazy with passion, well, I'm afraid we would be here all night." The red headed female attached to the hand swooned and the surrounding females screamed in second-hand pleasure. Tamaki's mouth was agape in shock and Kyoya took that as his cue to continue.

"The 'Natural' type."

A snap and (holy moly another) blonde stepped out. This one had green eyes like Switzerland, but they were shadowed by bushy eyebrows. "Ello, my name is Arthur. Arthur Kirkland to be specific, and I might I say that I'm very impressed with this lovely establishment you have here." England gave a charming smile and the females perked up at his intriguing accent. Kyoya noticed this and nodded. He was very pleased with everything the foreigners had brought to the table.

"Okay, you can be temporary hosts here," the dark-haired teen concluded. He pulled out his ever present black notebook to write down plans for the future featuring the new cast.

"Kyoya, you can't be serious!" Tamaki raged, not liking the newcomers one bit. This was their club.

"I don't see how it can hurt. In fact, I predict the revenues of the club going up at least 20%," the dark haired teen replied checking over the numbers in the notebook. "Maybe even 30."

Tamaki didn't have a chance for further protest because at that moment a loud mechanical noise filled the room. A circular section on the floor suddenly rose revealing a light brown haired female in a pale yellow dress and magenta ribbon atop her head. "Now hold just on a second!" Renge shouted from her raised podium. "You're forgetting a key player, the Lady Manager!"

"Never fear my lady, I have not forgotten such an important detail. He snapped his fingers for a final time and out stepped a female with long brown hair. She curtsied as she introduced herself. "Elizabeta, at your service."

"What do you know of moe?" Renge immediately asked, eyes trained on the newcomer.

"Moe?" Hungary tilted her head to the side in confusion.

The lady manager tsked at the other's ignorance. "There is much to teach you." She turned to the rest of the group. "Okay, now you can be tempaorary hosts here."

"B-but..." Tamaki sputtered.

"No, buts," Kyoya said sternly, sounding very much like the mother Tamaki always called him. "Now be a good king and inform our guests about the workings of our club."

Tamaki huffed but did as he was told. Annoyance fading from his features as straightened his posture and clasped his hands behind his back much like an instructor would. Then he started his speech.

"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school: Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful."

"...that was a mouthful," America commented, earning a snort from the other countries. Like he was one to talk.

Tamaki rolled his eyes, but held his tongue. Instead he turned to Hiraku and Koaru. "You two. Uniforms for our new...hosts please."

"Ay-aye, boss," they said in unison giving the upperclassman a salute before stalking toward the unsuspecting group who stiffened at the word.

"Uniforms?" Italy questioned. This wouldn't be like being in the army, right?

"Oh yes," Tamaki said clapping his hands together. "Starting today, you are a host."

*I had to pause the video 8 times to get Tamaki's speech right from episode 1.

I hope my effort was worth it and I hope that the story is just as good, if not better, than you remember. The next chapter is Tall, Dark and Caring.

Reviews are food for my muse