It was an Accident - RotG/Httyd fanfic
Chapter 1 - An accident waiting to happen.
Jack wandered about the icy mountain plateau. Aimlessly covering the already frozen rocks and plants in frost and ice. He whistled absentmindedly to himself, wondering how much longer Hiccup would take. They'd challenged each other to a race- or rather he'd pestered Hiccup into one, but he could tell the Viking was looking forwards to it.
They were warming up. It was somewhat of a joke between the two of them- Hiccup warmed up with Toothless, while Jack "cooled" up. Well, he never actually did any warm up stuff. Races were just for fun, he never bothered with training or warm ups or anything. That involved work, which, as far as he was concerned, should be dubbed the "w" word. Hiccup should be ready any minute now. Perhaps he should head over to him. Even if he wasn't ready, he could still have a little chit chat with the twenty-ish year old.
He got ready to jump into the wind.
"Ah, there you are... I was beginning to get worried." A voice said, smoothly. Jack stiffened. There was nothing genuine about what he said, this was trouble.
"What do you want, Pitch?" He said, turning to glare daggers at the shadow cloaked Boogeyman, startlingly black next to all the snow.
He made sure to keep his staff firmly pointed towards the Nightmare King, a warning not to make any sudden moves. Pitch wandered past, as though not bothered by him. Making his way towards some frozen moss, and picking some of the snow off it.
"Why must you always assume I want something? Can I not be simply just checking up on a friend?" He told him, his words as treacherous as a snakes- and actually that's an insult to snakes.
Jack's eyes narrowed. He always wanted something- Pitch Black didn't just visit Jack Frost for no reason.
"How are you, Jack?" He asked, seemingly harmless.
"You're not wanted here." Jack growled, threateningly. Pitch examined the clump of snow in his hand, in a careless fashion.
"Same as ever I see." He noticed. Pitch caught sight of a distant Deadly Nadder, and, still not looking at him, asked. "What about your little friend? How is he?... The Viking." Jack gripped the staff even tighter.
"You dare go anywhere near him..." He let the threat hang in the air. He wasn't going to let this scumbag anywhere near him. He'd be dead before he let anything happen to his friend.
"Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt him. I was just wondering how he's doing... having sure a dangerous friend." Pitch said, a dark smile spreading across his face.
He felt Jack's fear growing. The winter spirit unable to see the malevelant grin from behind. What did he mean dangerous?! Was he suggesting that he would... No! He wouldn't ever hurt Hiccup! He was lying.
"What?..." He muttered, without willing to. Pitch turned, to half face him.
"Well, let's face it, Jack. You're hardly the most easy going of people, and sooner or later, you're going to do something terrible. I mean, you and I both know by now, you make a mess of everything... How long before you make a mess of him?"
As Pitch had been speaking, the wind was slowly picking up around him, and snow was beginning to fall.
"No!" Jack called out. "I wouldn't ever-"
"Oh, not intentionally, no... But is anything you do ever intentional." Pitch interupted, words twisting deep into Jack's heart, seeking to reawaken the Guardian's worst fears. The wind was whipping the snow into blurs by now.
"Frostbite... hypothermia... drowning in frozen lakes.." Pitch counted. Jack's blood turned to ice at that last one. "No wonder somebody's on the naughty list." The snowstorm was howling viscously by now.
"How many have died because of you, Jack? How many people has your ice killed?... The fact of the matter is, that you can't stop it- you can't stop any of it- and, sooner or later; somebody's going to get hurt."
Pitch had vanished into the blasting whirl of snow, his voice echoing all around Jack, as he turned, terrified. Searching for the speaker. He knew Pitch was trying to spook him, but it was true. Every word of it. He could couldn't see anything in front him, through the mad, chaotic storm. Pitch's voice continued sewing seeds of fear into his mind. He whipped round again and again. Trying to come up with an excuse- anything, to justify his actions. But there was nothing. All of it was right. People had died because of him.
He pressed his hands up to his head
"Stop it!" He screamed, the storm only responding more viscously to his terror, and anger. He wanted him out of his head! Pitch laughed at his misery, and carried on. This was a nightmare, from which there was no escape.
Hiccup was flying Toothless round by the collection of islands on the far side Berk. Jack should be round here somewhere, he thought. He'd be ready to race by now... or was the winter spirit getting cold feet? He shook his head. No chance, he grinned. Jack was as stubborn as a Viking when it came to competing. He was probably waiting to spring a prank on them, or cause a miniature avalanche on them, or briefly freeze Toothless' tail- even a simple jump scare. Nothing was beneath that trickster.
Then, as Toothless rounded a mountain, he saw something which made him begin to worry. What looked like a thick cloud clung to the mountainside, but he could tell that was no cloud. A thick snowstorm was swirling about on its slopes. That's not good, he thought, watching the wind getting faster, and faster. A snowstorm up the side of a mountain had to be Jack's work. He recognised this one as the kind he made when he was really mad, or deathly afraid. Hiccup wasn't liking the sound of either option. He shared a look with Toothless, who looked just as concerned, and came to a silent descicion. Hiccup angled them up towards the large plateau.
Turbulent winds forced them to land at it's edge, so strong they only just made it to the platform. Hiccup struggled his way forwards into it.
"Jack!" He cried, his voice lost in the wind. He forced himself onwards. Toothless was struggling to stay grounded. The incredibly strong winds threatening to snap open his wings and carry him off, but still they pushed forwards. Hiccup leading the way to the eye of the storm. The most dangerous part of it, he recalled from Gobber's lessons. He tried not to think about that, as they headed straight into it.
Jack screamed, as the torment continued. He couldn't even hear it himself over the brutal winds, but the storm was screaming for him. He wanted to get him away! Leave him alone!
"You always save him from the dragons, but who's going to save him from you... You're just dangerous, Jack. You're a killer."
The voice suddenly solidified behind him.
"Your just an accident waiting to happen."
Blindly, Jack swung out. Forcing all his turmoiling emotions out in a single, raging ice blast. But, as he spun, it wasn't Pitch he saw behind him.
He had just about enough time to see the figure of a skinny, young Viking vanish beneath the ice, as his dragon leapt, desperately, forwards to save him. Then he was gone.
The wind dropped, and snow disappeared, as quickly as his anger. Pitch with it.
"...No ..." He ran towards it. "Hiccup!" He yelled at it, beating and slamming against it with his fists. Ramming into it again, and again, and again... Until, he broke something in his hand, but he didn't care. Now it matched his cold, hard, broken heart.
He carried on beating at it, weakly... pointlessly.
"Hiccup... I'm so sorry, Hiccup. I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry... Hiccup, it was an accident, I... I'm so sorry... So sorry..." He muttered to the ice, desperately. Nothing. Silence. The ice impassively quiet, and still. No sign of life from within.
"Hiccup..." He whispered, as he finally stopped beating against the cold rock and sank down at its side. Tearless sobs wracking his shoulders, as the world remained indifferent to his sorrow. Offering no solace to the winter child.
He would have stayed there for longer, much longer- forever, maybe- but the thing in his hand took him away from his grief. It was the one constant, dependable thing in his life, that had always brought a smile to his face... but it was the reason for all his misery. His staff. He threw the long stick away from him as though it was diseased. Suddenly hating everything about it. It was a weapon of murder... An instrument of destruction, not of play. He wouldn't ever dare touch that thing again. He wasn't going to let anyone else become another Hiccup...
... What did he do now?... He was a murderer... What do you do with someone like that?... Like him... You lock them up. Where they couldn't hurt anyone again. He had to go away. Somewhere he couldn't hurt anyone, somewhere where he wasn't a danger to others, and no one would ever stumble across him.
He slowly dragged his hand through the snow. His face so spent and broken with emotion; there wasn't a hint of feeling left in it. He let some of the snow rest in his palm. This was something North had taught him. Having a hidden place of your own came with being a Guardian. It was place where they could work, or live in peace, and, while he no longer fit or deserved that title, it was the one place where he could truly, forever, be alone.
He blew on his palm, and the collection of flakes drifted out onto the mountain air, glowing a soft blue as they headed towards the mountain. Where they touched it, in a large arch, the rock started glowing with them. After only a few seconds, the rock in the centre of the archway vanished, and was replaced with a clear white and ice blue landscape, far bigger than the mountain should have been able to hold.
He stood on the threshold, but he didn't dare look back. If he did, he'd never leave. Jack hadn't ever really used this place before- not being one for working, or settling down- but now it was going to be his sanctuary. His refuge... and he was never going to come back.
A lone, crystal tear slid down his cheek, and froze as it fell to the ground.
"Goodbye Hiccup." He muttered, his voice long since cracked, as spent and emotionless as the rest of him.
He wasn't going to let the world be hurt by Jack Frost again. He strode forwards into the icy wasteland, the portal closing behind him. Leaving behind a staff, a single, frozen teardrop... and a chunk of ice that had once been his friend.
Authors note: Hey guys I thought since I've finished posting my last one today I'd also post the first of my next one today!^^ I hope you enjoy it! (I promise I don't just write angsty stuff I will post some cute, sweet stories in the near future) I decided to post this one as its my second smallest and I'm building up to my bigger ones and also because I promised two people I would (you guys know who you are ^^) Anyways I hope you enjoyed the beginning of this story I will update daily as I did last time PLEASE review I absolutely LOVE hearing what you guys think ! That's all for now though again I hope you enjoyed it ^^ BYE!