I am in fire with new stories right now! Its my first time writing in this fandom, be nice!

Disclaimer: Don't own. 'Nuff said.

It was an excruciatingly hot day in Elmore, and Miss Simian's class, Mrs Brown, now, were all paying for it. Gumball had his face pressed against the table as he took long breaths in a desperate attempt to cool himself down. Penny had shifted her hand into a fan and was cooling herself with it.

Gumball and Penny had been dating for a year now. Penny had started wearing clothes and wore a orange t-shirt and a white skirt with orange boots. As well as that, she had started growing her hair out, and now had chin-length light blue hair the colour of Gumball's fur that fell in slow crinkles. She also could control her powers better now, and could change parts of her body into serveral things. Gumball had started wearing shoes, and had only really changed when he grew taller, but he had started combing his fringe back. The two were a very happy couple. As well as that, Principal Brown and. Miss Simian had married, and had a child together, a newborn baby named Amelia, Darwin and Carrie had started dating, as well as Masami and Rachel. Tina had also found love in the form of Sussie.

As the class were all nearing fifteen years old, they had all given thought to what they want to do: Gumball wanted to become a chef, Penny an Olympic gymnast, Darwin wanted to become an aquatic farmer and help other fish adjust and Carrie wanted to become a guidance counceler for bereaved family.

The bell went signalling the end of the day and Mrs Brown was the first out of the door, her students following behind her slowly. Gumball surprised Penny by tackling her with a hug. She giggled and turned to him, kissing him on the lips. Gumball reacted by holding her close, pressing themselves together, melding their bodies close. Penny moaned slightly, biting his upper lip. Gumball purred. Penny tasted of strawberry lips gloss, and it tasted good. He prodded his tongue inside her mouth, and she retaliated, and they both fell against a wall, giving in to the passion.

Suddenly, Penny pushed herself away and, brushing strange of blue hair out of her face. "Gumball, there's something I have to tell you!"'she gasped, the movement sending them both crashing to the floor. Gumball looked at his girlfriend in confusion, unable to think about why she would stop suddenly. "My sister is moving in." Penny told him.

Gumball frowned. "You have a sister?" he gasped, standing up, and helping Penny up. "Why didn't you tell me?"

A flush crossed Penny's face and she sighed. "My sister is... Strange, Gumball. She's kind of scary, and I didn't want you to get freaked out. It's hard to explain."

A flash of understanding crossed Gumaball's face and he nodded. "No, it's okay," he reassured Penny, who looked like she was going to cry. He put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug, before planting a kiss on her soft hair. "Love you baby!"'he told her. "Mom's taking me shopping tonight."

Penny giggled, and Gumball smiled, happy to see her looking happier. He waved to her and set off for Darwin. Darwin was talking to Carrie at her locker. Carrie didn't speak, just nodded rhythmically, sending strange of white hair into her eyes.

"Yo, dude!" Gumball snapped his finger in front of Darwin's face, getting him to stop talking. The amprhromorphic fish jumped and blinked when he noticed his brother.

"Gumball! What are you doing here?" he asked cheerfully. Gumball rolled his eyes.

"Darwin, didn't you tell me you were going shopping this morning?" Carrie asked expressionlessly.

Shock crossed Darwin's face and Gumball sighed, realising Darwin had forgotten. "I did? I'm so sorry, Carrie! I guess we can't go skating then! I promise I'll do it at the weekend!" Darwun yelled, grabbing Carrie's books and making her face him.

Carrie nodded and waved to Gumball before floating away. Gumball and Darwin, who still looked upset, walked to the exit, where Nicole was waiting. Anais was sitting in the front, listening to Daisy the Donkey and singing along with it. Anais had moved to a private school after Gumball and Darwin's school had to drop the program she was with for budget cuts. She hadn't changed at all, except for the fact she wore her hair in pigtails. Nicole had streaks of grey in her hair and had it cut very short. She was also pregnant again, and was on maternity leave, as well as being even more stressed than usually.

Gumball moaned as he got in the back, Daisy the Donkey! That wasn't good music! In order to prevent his brain from bleeding, he looked out of the window and saw Penny looking nervous and talking to her family. Penny's family had all come out of their shells. Her mother was, in Gumball's opinion, very hot. She had a curvy figure and wore a light pink dress that clung to her figure and showed of her large breasts Penny had inherited from her. She also wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat over her forest green hair that was in a ponytail. She had warm features and a gentle smile. Penny's father had cropped light blue hair and wore a plaid shirt and dungarees. He was incredibly muscly and tall. Penny's sister, Angie, was small and cute, with her blue hair in pigtails. She wore a butter lilac dress with a sunflower on it and blue boots. With them was an unfamiliar girl who looked like an older Penny. She wore a short white top with red sleeves and a denim miniskirt and white pumps. She had elvish features and long purple hair that was braided and held out of her face with twelve hair clips, even though she had a white band with a ribbon uselessly on it. Gumball assumed she was Penny's sister. As he watched she looked up and saw him watching her. She smiled and stuck her tongue out revealing a piercing, and hugged Penny.

Gumball sat back in awe. Penny's sister was pretty, in a dangerous way, bit like Penny who was innocently adorable, in the way she twiddled her hair when she got nervous and her strawberry lipgloss she persisted on wearing, even though most people would have stopped using it.

Nicole had noticed him staring. "That's Phoebe Fitzgerald," she told him. "She just got sent back from military school. She's a bit to old for you Gumball, don't you think?"

A flush covered Gumballs face and he buried his head in his hands, mumbling slightly. The car pulled away and Phoebe Fitzgerald watch it go, a fascinated expression on her face.

What next! Yes, I support RachelxMasami, and TinaxSussie, don't ask why, I can't explain it myself. I just like these ships,weird huh? Other ships appearing will be TerrixBobert and TobiasxMolly, and we will be seeing more of Simian and Brown's kid. Is it just me who loves them as a couple? It's so cute! Miss Simian's an unattractive older woman and Brown loves her anyway, and it's frankly unappreciated how cute it. Just me? *Crickets chirp* ...Yeah...

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